Coral Bleaching

Major El Nino events likely to double in next century


Tom Arup The worst El Nino weather events, which are linked to devastating natural disasters and reduced Australian rainfall, will double with dangerous climate change, research has found.

The Great Barrier Reef: Just unwell or terminally ill?

The Great Barrier Reef

Michael Green Starfish, cyclones, chemicals. If things continue the way they are, the Great Barrier Reef won't be great for much longer.

Melting moments: Peru's disappearing glacier draws dwindling crowds

In its heyday, the Pastoruri glacier in central Peru, drew daily throngs of tourists packed into dozens of double-decker buses 5,0000 meters high into the Andes to ski, build snowmen and scale its...

Great Barrier Reef now rated 'poor'

The Great Barrier Reef

Ben Cubby, Nicky Phillips The health of the World Heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef has been downgraded to "poor" as the government quietly pushed some of the pollution targets that were supposed to be achieved this year...

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Destruction of reef financed by banks, says activist group


Peter Hannam Australia's big four banks are leading lenders to the massive expansion in coal and gas shipments through the Great Barrier Reef, contradicting their own pledges to curb carbon emissions and preserve...

Reef could be stripped of heritage status

Crown-of-thorns starfish.

The Great Barrier Reef could be stripped of its world heritage status within months if action isn't taken to better protect the natural icon from coal and gas developments, environment groups say.

Reef loss should alarm Australians: Burke

Environment Minister Tony Burke says Australians should be alarmed by a halving in the coral cover in the Great Barrier Reef since 1985.

Great reef catastrophe

A crown of thorns starfish.

Nicky Phillips Half the Great Barrier Reef's coral has disappeared in the past 27 years and less than a quarter could be left within a decade unless action is taken, a landmark study has found.

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Time running out to save coral reefs, scientists say


The chance to save the world's coral reefs from damage caused by climate change is dwindling as man-made greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, scientists said in a study released on Sunday.

Some like it cold as sea life moves south

David Wroe Ocean species that used to live off Sydney half a century ago now inhabit the Southern Ocean as climate change drives fish, plankton and microbes to colder waters, a scientific snapshot of marine...

Coral wonderland at tipping point

Great Barrier Reef

Ben Cubby A diving expedition to the Great Barrier Reef towards the end of this century is likely to be a weird and disappointing experience, for anyone who had seen footage of the reef thriving in our time.

Colourful coral could light the way to cancer cure


Deborah Smith Nature has provided Sydney scientists with a brilliant underwater palette of colours that will help cancer research.

Diamonds in the rough: Coast coral reefs get clean bill of health

Zebra Lionfish

Greg Swain Coral reefs are alive and well in areas immediately north of Brisbane, but the news is not so great for over-hunted fish.

Coral reef cryogenic plan gets under way

Ben Cubby, ENVIRONMENT EDITOR An ambitious plan to create a ''coral bank'' of frozen reef polyps so that they can survive extinction is being developed by Australian researchers.

Protecting biodiversity would limit damage


Nicky Phillips The impact of climate change on Australia's animals and plants could be significantly reduced if other threats to biodiversity are managed, a new report says.

Coral reef species may adjust to climate change

Nicky Phillips Many of the world's coral reefs, including the Great Barrier Reef, could survive the coming decades if greenhouse gas emissions are reduced, a study has found.

World-famous reef a silent victim of cyclone's might

James Woodford Tropical cyclone Yasi felled vast numbers of trees in some of Australia's most spectacular and precious rainforest.

Deluge puts coral reef at risk

Stephen Cauchi Sections of the Great Barrier Reef face coral bleaching and dieback as a result of flood plumes extending as far as 65 kilometres offshore.

Barrier Reef needs emissions cuts of 25% by 2020


Global carbon emissions must be cut by at least 25 per cent by 2020 to give the Great Barrier Reef a better than 50/50 chance of survival, an alliance of Australia's reef and climate scientists says.

Coral reef scientist slams Brumby over 'reckless vandalism'

Melissa Fyfe One of the world's leading coral reef scientists has slammed the Brumby Government's proposal to export Victoria's brown coal to India as "reckless vandalism".