- published: 19 Nov 2013
- views: 12289196

Kanye West - Bound 2 (Explicit)
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/iYeezus
Music video by Kanye West performing Bound 2. © 2013: D...
published: 19 Nov 2013
Kanye West - Bound 2 (Explicit)
Kanye West - Bound 2 (Explicit)
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/iYeezus Music video by Kanye West performing Bound 2. © 2013: Def Jam Recordings, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.- published: 19 Nov 2013
- views: 12289196

WestJet Christmas Miracle
Thanks to a team of merry WestJetters and the power of technology, we've learned that mira...
published: 09 Dec 2013
WestJet Christmas Miracle
WestJet Christmas Miracle
Thanks to a team of merry WestJetters and the power of technology, we've learned that miracles really do happen. See how we did it, and learn how you could win airfare for two by sharing this video on Twitter: http://fly.ws/MakingXmasMiracle- published: 09 Dec 2013
- views: 25712

Into the West - Part 1 (Wheel to the Stars)
Episode 1 - Wheel to the Stars Tales from the American West in the 19th century, told from...
published: 11 Aug 2012
author: NuttBurger
Into the West - Part 1 (Wheel to the Stars)
Into the West - Part 1 (Wheel to the Stars)
Episode 1 - Wheel to the Stars Tales from the American West in the 19th century, told from the perspective of two families, one of white settlers and one of ...- published: 11 Aug 2012
- views: 178361
- author: NuttBurger

Kanye West and Sway Talk Without Boundaries: Raw and Real on Sway in the Morning
Filmed and Edited by: http://ishootnyc.com
Earlier this year, Kanye West and Sway made he...
published: 27 Nov 2013
Kanye West and Sway Talk Without Boundaries: Raw and Real on Sway in the Morning
Kanye West and Sway Talk Without Boundaries: Raw and Real on Sway in the Morning
Filmed and Edited by: http://ishootnyc.com Earlier this year, Kanye West and Sway made headlines when Ye proclaimed that he gave the Sway his first TV. For the first time since the incident in March, the two hip hop heads talk in person. Their interview began with Sway expressing his appreciation for Kanye's Yeezus tour. "My demo is the Yeezus tour." Says Ye. "Pure creativity... The Yeezus tour is more of a film, or broadway or play idea, Watch the Throne is more of a Rap idea." Ye then began to discuss his production inspiration from greats like Diamond D & Showbiz. From discussions of DONDA, to fashion, to the status of his Red Octobers, West passionately says... "I am the #1 most impactful artist of our generation. I am Shakespeare in the flesh. Walt Disney. Nike. Google... Do you want to marginalize me until I am out my moment?" Sway's next question sparked excitement and passion from Kanye. "Why don't you empower yourself, and don't need them, & do it yourself?" Asked Sway. "You ain't got the answers Sway!" Shouts Ye. "You ain't spent 13 million dollars of your own money trying to empower yourself!" After the quick heated conversation, they both brought their talk back to music. Why was Pusha T & Big Sean not on the tour? Why did he mention that Nicki Minaj had the best verse on Monster? Watch below, plus enjoy the "first freestyle that had absoutely no rhymes." Subscribe to our page: http://bit.ly/SVsBQC TWITTER: http://twitter.com/RealSway http://twitter.com/TheHappyHourwHB http://twitter.com/DJWonder http://twitter.com/ItsTracyG FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SwayCalloway https://www.facebook.com/ WEBSITE: http://swaysuniverse.com INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/RealSway Sways Universe, Sway In The Morning, Rap, Hip-Hop, Freestyles, Interviews, Live, Concert, Performances, Actors, Athletes, Singers, Celebrities, Television, FIlm, Shade45, 5 Fingers of Death- published: 27 Nov 2013
- views: 31179

Kanye West - BLKKK SKKKN HEAD (Explicit)
Music video by Kanye West performing BLKKK SKKKN HEAD (Explicit). © 2013: Def Jam Recordin...
published: 23 Jul 2013
author: KanyeWestVEVO
Kanye West - BLKKK SKKKN HEAD (Explicit)
Kanye West - BLKKK SKKKN HEAD (Explicit)
Music video by Kanye West performing BLKKK SKKKN HEAD (Explicit). © 2013: Def Jam Recordings, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.- published: 23 Jul 2013
- views: 2204737
- author: KanyeWestVEVO

Kanye West - Stronger
Music video by Kanye West performing Stronger. (C) 2007 Roc-A-Fella Records, LLC....
published: 17 Jun 2009
author: KanyeWestVEVO
Kanye West - Stronger
Kanye West - Stronger
Music video by Kanye West performing Stronger. (C) 2007 Roc-A-Fella Records, LLC.- published: 17 Jun 2009
- views: 99393228
- author: KanyeWestVEVO

published: 17 Jan 2014
IT'S CRAZY HOW THE WEATHER CHANNEL IS REPORTING ALL 50 STATES ARE DOOMED BECAUSE OF THE WEST VIRGINIA WATER SPILL http://www.weather.com/news/west-virginia-chemical-spill-20140116 THEY TRIED TO BRAINWASH US BEFORE ANY OF THE CHEMICAL LEAKS WERE REPORTED SO THAT WE'D BE PREPARED TO LIVE WITHOUT WATER. HOW IS THIS ARTICLE BELOW EVEN POSSIBLE WITHOUT "THEM" DAMAGING THE WATER?? HOW COULD ELEVEN CITIES JUST "RUN OUT" OF WATER?? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/04/water-shortage_n_4378418.html FBI TRIES TO CREATE GHOST SUSPECTS BY PRETENDING TO LOOK FOR SUSPECTS THAT DON'T EXIST WHEN THEY KNOW ALL ALONG OBAMA SOLD THE WORLD'S WATER SUPPLY TO CHINA http://rinf.com/alt-news/breaking-news/alert-fbi-investigating-threats-to-midwest-water-supply-systems-hundreds-of-city-employees-on-high-alert/84514/ NOW READ THIS ONE (OBAMA ALLOWS THE GREAT LAKES TO BE SOLD TO CHINA) http://www.infiltratednation.com/2013/12/obama-allows-great-lakes-water-to-be.html NO WATER IN KENTUCKY http://www.wsaz.com/home/headlines/Thousands-Still-without-Water-in-Eastern-Kentucky-240013671.html http://www.wsaz.com/news/headlines/Thousands-without-Water-in-Greenup-and-Boyd-Counties-239851311.html NO WATER IN SOUTH CAROLINIA http://www.wltx.com/news/story.aspx?storyid=260884 NO WATER IN CINCINATTI AND OHIO http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/14/cincinnati-ohio-river-water_n_4595291.html BEFORE ANY OF THE WATER LEAKS HAPPENED THEY TRIED TO BRAINWASH US BY MAKING US BELIEVE THIS http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/04/water-shortage_n_4378418.html the world's water supply WILLLLLL be contaminated from the west Virginia chemical spill http://www.weather.com/news/west-virginia-chemical-spill-20140116 Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Texas Find Water Pollution http://www.wunderground.com/news/us-gas-drilling-water-contamination-20140106 guess what genius? The water CONTAMINATION began WEEKS AGO. But You just found about it days ago http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2014/01/14/3161291/water-contamination-weeks-ago/ http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2014/01/cover-up-millions-will-be-affected-wv-water-contamination-started-weeks-ago-now-its-in-the-ohio-headed-for-the-mississippi-pictures-and-video-2875300.html America is now a third world country.....because Clean water is now a LUXURY like Diamonds, mansions and Lamborghini's. Still think we "conspiracy theorists" ARE CRAZY NOW? What would you do if you were not informed about what is about to happen? Do you think we are gonna sit there and NOT report this stuff?? Did you think this was a joke when it was written in 2011??? http://www.nbcnews.com/id/43475479/ns/us_news-environment/t/radioactive-tritium-leaks-found-us-nuke-sites/#.Utg-Jvs5uSp PBS.ORG IT IS OFFICIAL WE ARE SCREWED CHINA OWNS ALL THE WALMARTS http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/walmart/secrets/wmchina.html THIS COMES FROM PBS.ORG. SO YES. IT IS OFFICIAL Over 10,000 Gallons of Produced Water leaked from a well in valhalla center, Alberta. http://westcoastnativenews.com/over-10000-gallons-of-produced-water-leaked-from-a-well-in-valhalla-center-alberta/?utm_source=rss&utm;_medium=rss&utm;_campaign=over-10000-gallons-of-produced-water-leaked-from-a-well-in-valhalla-center-alberta TEXAS WATER SITUATION http://www.star-telegram.com/2014/01/14/5484782/comptrollers-report-recommends.html http://www.ct.gov/dph/lib/dph/environmental_health/eoha/pdf/pww_sampling2.pdf CALIFORNIA ISSUES WATER DROUGHT http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/California-drought-Jerry-Brown-declares-5152625.php LET ME ASK YOU THIS QUESTION. DO YOU REEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY THINK THE CREDIT CARD THEFT THAT OCCURRED WITH TARGET WAS REALLY AN ACCIDENT?!?!?!?!? http://www.infowars.com/targets-close-relationship-to-government-needs-to-be-watched/ HOW MUCH YOU WANNA BET,....... TARGET STORES WILL USE THIS SCENE TO GO BIOMETRIC..... THE BIBLE SPEAKS OF THIS VERY MOMENT . THE BIBLE CALLS THIS "THE HOUR OF TEMPTATION" Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Revelation 3:8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. (How else do you think they are gonna make 9 billion people on earth SUBMIT TO THEIR NEW WORLD ORDER?? THIS IS WHY THE RAPTURE DOESSSSSSSS EXIST. WHOEVER GETS LEFT BEHIND WILL ENDURE THE DEATH OF THE 7 YEAR TRIBULATION AND THE GEORGIA GUIDESTONES) BUT DON'T WORRY........ 2 peter 2:9 The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:- published: 17 Jan 2014
- views: 301

Kanye West Allegedly Assaults 18-Year-Old Who Screamed to Kim Kardashian, "N****r Lover"
Kanye West just attacked an 18-year-old guy inside the waiting room of a chiropractor's of...
published: 14 Jan 2014
Kanye West Allegedly Assaults 18-Year-Old Who Screamed to Kim Kardashian, "N****r Lover"
Kanye West Allegedly Assaults 18-Year-Old Who Screamed to Kim Kardashian, "N****r Lover"
Kanye West just attacked an 18-year-old guy inside the waiting room of a chiropractor's office ... after the guy allegedly called Kanye the N-word ... TMZ has learned. Kanye West Attacks ANOTHER Paparazzi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJKn_-85_tM Read More On This Story on TMZ.com: http://www.tmz.com/2014/01/13/kanye-west-fight-n-word-n-lover-beverly-hills-chiropractor/ Subscribe to TMZ On Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/tmz?sub_confirmation=1 Follow @TMZ on Twitter: http://twitter.com/tmz Follow Dax On Twitter: https://twitter.com/daxholt @daxholt- published: 14 Jan 2014
- views: 301

Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Going to Have More Kids on Ellen?
Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Going to Have More Kids on Ellen?Are Kim Kardashian and ...
published: 17 Jan 2014
Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Going to Have More Kids on Ellen?
Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Going to Have More Kids on Ellen?
Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Going to Have More Kids on Ellen?Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Going to Have More Kids on The Ellen Show? Exclusive! Meryl Streep Discusses Her Trip to Africa Meryl Streep on Her Oscar Nomination Meryl Streep Makes Everything Sound More Interesting Kim Kardashian on the Recent Kanye Incident Are Kim and Kanye Going to Have More Kids? Kim Kardashian's Wardrobe Malfunction Kim Kardashian's Amazing Proposal Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Going to Have More Kids? on Ellen Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Going to Have More Kids? in Ellen Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Going to Have More Kids? on Ellen DeGeneres Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Going to Have More Kids? on the Ellen 2014 Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Going to Have More Kids? in the Ellen 2014 Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Going to Have More Kids? on the Ellen Show 2014 Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Going to Have More Kids? in the Ellen Show 2014 Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Going to Have More Kids? on the Ellen Show 2013 Season 11 Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Going to Have More Kids? on the Ellen 2013 Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Going to Have More Kids? on the Ellen Degeneres Show 2013 Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Going to Have More Kids? on the Ellen Degeneres Show 2013 Season 11 all of the lights kanye west amber rose and kanye west amber rose kanye west best kanye west songs biography of kim kardashian cristiano ronaldo kim kardashian flashing lights kanye west good friday kanye west heartless kanye west heartless kanye west lyrics how much is kanye west worth illuminati kanye west images of kim kardashian is kanye west gay jesus walks kanye west justin bieber kim kardashian kanye west 2010 kanye west age kanye west album kanye west album cover kanye west albums kanye west amber rose kanye west and amber rose kanye west awards kanye west azlyrics kanye west beautiful dark twisted fantasy kanye west bio kanye west biography kanye west birthday kanye west car accident kanye west cd kanye west clothes kanye west clothing kanye west clothing line website kanye west concert kanye west concerts kanye west dark twisted fantasy kanye west dead kanye west discography kanye west girlfriend kanye west good friday kanye west good fridays kanye west good music kanye west heartless lyrics kanye west house kanye west illuminati kanye west imdb kanye west interview kanye west jesus walks kanye west lamborghini kanye west late registration kanye west latest album kanye west leak kanye west live kanye west mixtape kanye west movie kanye west mp3 kanye west music kanye west music videos kanye west new album kanye west new album cover kanye west new album release date kanye west new album songs kanye west new cd kanye west new music kanye west new single kanye west new songs kanye west new video kanye west newest album kanye west newest songs kanye west news kanye west official website kanye west pictures kanye west power mp3 kanye west power video kanye west rihanna kanye west runaway album kanye west runaway film kanye west runaway movie kanye west runaway video kanye west s new album kanye west shoes kanye west singles kanye west song list kanye west songs kanye west stronger download kanye west stronger mp3 kanye west style kanye west the college dropout kanye west through the wire kanye west tour kanye west tweets kanye west video kanye west videos kanye west vma kanye west vma 2010 kanye west vma performance kanye west watch the throne kanye west website kanye west youtube katy perry kanye west kim kardashian 2009 kim kardashian 2010 kim kardashian age kim kardashian and justin bieber kim kardashian and ray j video kim kardashian beach kim kardashian bio kim kardashian biography kim kardashian birthday kim kardashian body kim kardashian kim kardashian song kim kardashian makeup kim kardashian wedding kim kardashian jam kim kardashian pregnant kim kardashian video kim kardashian interview kim kardashian hair kim kardashian hot kim kardashian divorce jam kim kardashian ray j beyonce paris hilton kim nicki minaj kim kardashian singing britney spears kim kardashian prince kanye west kim kardashian tape kourtney kardashian kim kardashian proposal khloe kardashian rihanna justin bieber kim kardasian miley cyrus kim kardashian dancing lil wayne vida guerra kardashian kim kardashian baby makeup tutorial kim kardashian curls megan fox selena gomez jennifer lopez chris brown kim kardashian playboy drake reggie bush kim kardashian commercial girls gone wild katy perry rebecca black friday make up tutorial kim kardashin kim kardashian body eminem mariah carey kardashians carmen electra kim kardashian crying kim kardashian workout lady gaga Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Going to Have More Kids on Ellen?- published: 17 Jan 2014
- views: 3393

Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls
Music video by Pet Shop Boys performing West End Girls (2003 Digital Remaster)....
published: 22 Apr 2009
author: parlophone
Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls
Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls
Music video by Pet Shop Boys performing West End Girls (2003 Digital Remaster).- published: 22 Apr 2009
- views: 9426515
- author: parlophone

Mercy (Explicit)
Buy Now! iTunes: http://bit.ly/Ouhz4F GOOD MUSIC CRUEL SUMMER: http://smarturl.it/goodcsit...
published: 06 Jun 2012
author: KanyeWestVEVO
Mercy (Explicit)
Mercy (Explicit)
Buy Now! iTunes: http://bit.ly/Ouhz4F GOOD MUSIC CRUEL SUMMER: http://smarturl.it/goodcsit Music video by Kanye West performing Mercy (Explicit). ©: 2012, Ge...- published: 06 Jun 2012
- views: 38683044
- author: KanyeWestVEVO

Kanye West - Runaway (Extended Video Version) ft. Pusha T
Music video by Kanye West performing Runaway. (C) 2010 Roc-A-Fella Records, LLC....
published: 22 Oct 2010
author: KanyeWestVEVO
Kanye West - Runaway (Extended Video Version) ft. Pusha T
Kanye West - Runaway (Extended Video Version) ft. Pusha T
Music video by Kanye West performing Runaway. (C) 2010 Roc-A-Fella Records, LLC.- published: 22 Oct 2010
- views: 7366492
- author: KanyeWestVEVO

Kanye West - "Bound 2" PARODY
▶ TWEET THIS TO WIN - http://ctt.ec/4I7t8
▶ GET THIS SONG ON iTUNES - http://bit.ly/BartB...
published: 14 Dec 2013
Kanye West - "Bound 2" PARODY
Kanye West - "Bound 2" PARODY
▶ TWEET THIS TO WIN - http://ctt.ec/4I7t8 ▶ GET THIS SONG ON iTUNES - http://bit.ly/BartBound ▶ GET MY CD ON iTUNES - http://bit.ly/BartAlbum ▶ FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/bartbaker Kanye West is a delusional ego maniac in this "Bound 2" Parody!!! ▶ GET MY FREE iPHONE APP - http://bit.ly/BartApp ▶ GET MY iPHONE CASE - http://bit.ly/BartiPhone ▶ FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER - http://www.twitter.com/bartbaker ▶ GET T-Shirts - http://bit.ly/102COla "Bound 2" Parody Starring Kanye West/Taylor Swift - Bart Baker Kim Kardashian: Uldouz Wallace - http://www.youtube.com/user/uldouz Barack Obama - AlphaCat - http://www.youtube.com/alphacat God - HiimRawn - http://www.youtube.com/hiimrawn Jesus - Steve Greene - http://www.youtube.com/stevegreenecomedy Abraham Lincoln - Matt Greenstein Nelson Mandela - Freddie McClain Marilyn Monroe - Brittany from MakeupRumors - http://www.youtube.com/user/MakeupRumors Backup Vocals - Shani Shousterman - http://www.youtube.com/user/ShaniRose7 "Bound 2" Parody Track created by - Duke Wijethilake "Bound 2" Parody Director - Bart Baker "Bound 2" Parody Editor - Bart Baker "Bound 2" Parody Vocals - Bart Baker "Bound 2" Parody DP - Jon Na "Bound 2" Parody Supervising Producer - Ricky Mammone "Bound 2" Parody Producer - Ben Loescher "Bound 2" Parody Production Coordinator - Aron Korney "Bound 2" Parody Grip - Kyle Herman "Bound 2" Parody Wardrobe - Amanda Hosler and Remy Bremmer "Bound 2" Parody Makeup - Brittany - from MakeupRumors - http://www.youtube.com/user/MakeupRumors- published: 14 Dec 2013
- views: 116040

Logan Jurgensmeier Crazy Shot (Hinton vs. Sioux City West, 1/16/2014)
Hinton Senior Logan Jurgensmeier tries to bounce the ball off of Noah McWell from SC West,...
published: 17 Jan 2014
Logan Jurgensmeier Crazy Shot (Hinton vs. Sioux City West, 1/16/2014)
Logan Jurgensmeier Crazy Shot (Hinton vs. Sioux City West, 1/16/2014)
Hinton Senior Logan Jurgensmeier tries to bounce the ball off of Noah McWell from SC West, but the ball bounces off the floor and goes in!- published: 17 Jan 2014
- views: 147571
Vimeo results:

Fire (Jimmy Edgar Remix)-Codebreaker Feat. Kathy Diamond
Artist: Codebreaker feat. Kathy Diamond
Directed, Shot and Edited by Erik West
Copyright 2...
published: 14 Feb 2009
author: Erik West
Fire (Jimmy Edgar Remix)-Codebreaker Feat. Kathy Diamond
Artist: Codebreaker feat. Kathy Diamond
Directed, Shot and Edited by Erik West
Copyright 2009 Disco Demolition Records
None of the snow in this piece is simulated. I went out and shot on the snowiest days of winter. The last scenes in the video were shot during a blizzard.
This was shot on a Canon Powershot SD630 Point & Shoot.
Additional footage was shot on a Sony EX1 by Jeff Thomas.
Posted using Final Cut, Photoshop, Motion and Color.

Vine Gang
published: 02 Oct 2011
author: Dom West
Vine Gang
Youtube results:

Kanye West, Seth Rogen & James Franco Bound 2.5 (Side by Side)
Kanye West, Seth Rogen & James Franco Bound 2.5 (Side by Side)
iTunes: http://smarturl.it...
published: 25 Nov 2013
Kanye West, Seth Rogen & James Franco Bound 2.5 (Side by Side)
Kanye West, Seth Rogen & James Franco Bound 2.5 (Side by Side)
Kanye West, Seth Rogen & James Franco Bound 2.5 (Side by Side) iTunes: http://smarturl.it/iYeezus Music video by Kanye West performing Bound 2. © 2013: Def Jam Recordings, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.- published: 25 Nov 2013
- views: 24

Kim Kardashian Reacts To Kanye West Assault
Kim Kardashian Reacts To Kanye West Assault, Selena Gomez worries about Justin Bieber and ...
published: 16 Jan 2014
Kim Kardashian Reacts To Kanye West Assault
Kim Kardashian Reacts To Kanye West Assault
Kim Kardashian Reacts To Kanye West Assault, Selena Gomez worries about Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift's new man candy. ► http://bit.ly/ENTVSubscribe ► ► Watch More of Our Shows! The Voice Season 5 ► http://bit.ly/1cdLaxO Glee Season 5 ► http://bit.ly/1aLgJM9 Spoiler Alert! Season 2 ► http://bit.ly/16mLbs3 X Factor Season 3 ► http://bit.ly/16fvlhT 2013 Emmy Awards ► http://bit.ly/1epx2SY Celebrity News ► http://bit.ly/14jmL52 Kim and Kanye ► http://bit.ly/156pyvH Comic Con 2013 ► http://bit.ly/153Bfsg :: FOLLOW US! :: Like Us On Facebook ► http://on.fb.me/PBFkH1 Follow us on Twitter ► http://twitter.com/entvnews Follow us on Google+ ► http://bit.ly/YKBcu9 Follow us on Tumblr ► http://entvnews.tumblr.com/ THANKS FOR WATCHING!!- published: 16 Jan 2014
- views: 2548

Kanye West Interview at Breakfast Club Power 105.1 (11/26/2013) (FULL 42 Min)
Kanye West, multiple Donkey of the Day recipient stops through to address the Breakfast Cl...
published: 26 Nov 2013
Kanye West Interview at Breakfast Club Power 105.1 (11/26/2013) (FULL 42 Min)
Kanye West Interview at Breakfast Club Power 105.1 (11/26/2013) (FULL 42 Min)
Kanye West, multiple Donkey of the Day recipient stops through to address the Breakfast Club and clear some things up. Kanye West Breakfast Club Kanye West Breakfast Club Kanye West Breakfast Club Kanye West Breakfast Club Kanye West Breakfast Club Kanye West Breakfast Club Kanye West Breakfast Club Kanye West Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Kanye West Breakfast Club Kanye West Breakfast Club Kanye West Breakfast Club Kanye West Breakfast Club Kanye West Breakfast Club Kanye West Breakfast Club Kanye West Breakfast Club Kanye West Kanye West breakfast club power 105.1 Kanye West breakfast club power 105.1 Kanye West breakfast club power 105.1 the breakfast club power 105.1 the breakfast club power 105.1 the breakfast club power 105.1 Kanye West Kanye West Kanye West- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 1079

Loyal (West Coast Version) (Audio)
Available Now
iTunes: smarturl.it/LoyalWC?IQid=ytdescription
Amazon: smarturl.it/LoyalWCAm...
published: 20 Dec 2013
Loyal (West Coast Version) (Audio)
Loyal (West Coast Version) (Audio)
Available Now iTunes: smarturl.it/LoyalWC?IQid=ytdescription Amazon: smarturl.it/LoyalWCAmazon?IQid=ytdescription Music video by Chris Brown feat. Lil Wayne & Too $hort performing Loyal (West Coast Version). (C) 2013 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment- published: 20 Dec 2013
- views: 46361