- published: 05 Jun 2013
- views: 364935
- author: VICE

Life in the Deportee Slums of Mexico
About 40 percent of Mexican immigrants deported from the US are sent back through Tijuana....
published: 05 Jun 2013
author: VICE
Life in the Deportee Slums of Mexico
Life in the Deportee Slums of Mexico
About 40 percent of Mexican immigrants deported from the US are sent back through Tijuana. Many of the deported border crossers have established a makeshift ...- published: 05 Jun 2013
- views: 364935
- author: VICE

The world's tallest slum: Caracas' notorious Tower of David
Welcome to the world's tallest slum: poverty-ridden Venezuela's Tower of David. Squatters ...
published: 01 Aug 2013
author: VocativVideo
The world's tallest slum: Caracas' notorious Tower of David
The world's tallest slum: Caracas' notorious Tower of David
Welcome to the world's tallest slum: poverty-ridden Venezuela's Tower of David. Squatters took over this very unfinished 45-story skyscraper in the early 199...- published: 01 Aug 2013
- views: 303729
- author: VocativVideo

Slums of India [BBC Documentary]
An amazing documentary on the reality of the slums of India.
BBC documentary.
published: 15 Sep 2013
Slums of India [BBC Documentary]
Slums of India [BBC Documentary]
An amazing documentary on the reality of the slums of India. BBC documentary. welcome to the slum of india, slum of india, slum of india bbc, slums of india documentary, slums of india bbc, slums of india episode 2, slums india, slums india documentary, india slums, india slums mumbai, india slums documentary, bbc india slums, bbc india documentary, bbc slums of india, bbc slums, bbc slum documentary, bbc documentary, bbc documentary slums, bbc documentary slum india, bbc documentary india, bbc, india, slum, slums, slumdog millionaire- published: 15 Sep 2013
- views: 6

Slums Attack "Evergreen"
Płyta Slums Attack "20/20 Evergreen" d...
published: 20 Oct 2013
Slums Attack "Evergreen"
Slums Attack "Evergreen"
PROSIMY O REALNĄ ILOŚĆ WYŚWIETLEŃ NASZYCH FILMÓW!!! Płyta Slums Attack "20/20 Evergreen" do nabycia na: http://www.rapszop.pl/hiphop/slumsattack/2020evergreen/35480 Płyta Slums Attack "20/20 Evergreen" + koszulka: http://www.rapszop.pl/hiphop/slumsattack/2020evergreenkoszulkabialalxl/35481 Slums Attack "20/20": http://youtu.be/pDTfOzq0YKQ Slums Attack na fb: https://www.facebook.com/PejaSlumsAttack Dj Decks na fb: https://www.facebook.com/djdecks76 Koncert w Mega Clubie: https://www.facebook.com/events/375075919262231/- published: 20 Oct 2013
- views: 299541

Kevin McCloud: Slumming It (2010) - Ep1 (Full)
Kevin McCloud's travelled to the world's biggest slum, Dharavi in Mumbai, and followed hot...
published: 03 Dec 2012
author: NIB AUH
Kevin McCloud: Slumming It (2010) - Ep1 (Full)
Kevin McCloud: Slumming It (2010) - Ep1 (Full)
Kevin McCloud's travelled to the world's biggest slum, Dharavi in Mumbai, and followed hot on the heels of Slumdog Millionaire, 2008's Oscar-winning film set...- published: 03 Dec 2012
- views: 42442
- author: NIB AUH

Slum Survivors
United Nations, New York, March 2011 - Worldwide, more than a billion people live in slums...
published: 29 Mar 2011
author: unitednations
Slum Survivors
Slum Survivors
United Nations, New York, March 2011 - Worldwide, more than a billion people live in slums. As many as one million of them in the Kenyan slum of Kibera. Slum...- published: 29 Mar 2011
- views: 21948
- author: unitednations

A Slum Life- Part 1- DOCUMENTARY about Bangladeshi Slums
A three part emotional and personal 36 minute documentary examining the political, medical...
published: 18 Sep 2011
author: Debashis88
A Slum Life- Part 1- DOCUMENTARY about Bangladeshi Slums
A Slum Life- Part 1- DOCUMENTARY about Bangladeshi Slums
A three part emotional and personal 36 minute documentary examining the political, medical, and social challenges slumdwellers in Dhaka, Bangladesh face ever...- published: 18 Sep 2011
- views: 3571
- author: Debashis88

Slums Attack "Ideologia bloków" feat. Pezet
Slums Attack na FB: https://www.facebook.com/PejaSlumsAttack Półtora roku po wydaniu platy...
published: 20 Sep 2012
author: Pejaslumsattack
Slums Attack "Ideologia bloków" feat. Pezet
Slums Attack "Ideologia bloków" feat. Pezet
Slums Attack na FB: https://www.facebook.com/PejaSlumsAttack Półtora roku po wydaniu platynowej „Reedukacji" Slums Attack powracają z nowym albumem. „CNO2" t...- published: 20 Sep 2012
- views: 733426
- author: Pejaslumsattack

Deutschlands neue Slums - Das Geschäft mit den Armutseinwanderern | EXCLUSIV IM ERSTEN | ARD
Dortmund im Frühsommer 2013. Zwei Gestalten laufen durch die Nacht, mit einem Bündel Habse...
published: 20 Aug 2013
Deutschlands neue Slums - Das Geschäft mit den Armutseinwanderern | EXCLUSIV IM ERSTEN | ARD
Deutschlands neue Slums - Das Geschäft mit den Armutseinwanderern | EXCLUSIV IM ERSTEN | ARD
Dortmund im Frühsommer 2013. Zwei Gestalten laufen durch die Nacht, mit einem Bündel Habseligkeiten. Zuletzt etwas gegessen haben sie gestern, sagen sie. Wo sie schlafen werden? Vielleicht in einem alten Transporter, im Park oder in einem Keller -- wie viele andere Bulgaren und Rumänen auch. Viele der Alteingesessenen fühlen sich in ihren Vierteln nicht mehr wohl. Sie fürchten den Anstieg von Kriminalität, Prostitution, Menschenhandel. Manche haben Angst vor den Zuwanderern und vor denen, die mit ihnen Geschäfte machen. Die Reportage begleitet die neuen Armutseinwanderer ein halbes Jahr lang und versuchen herauszufinden, wer an den Menschen "ganz unten" verdient. Matratzen statt Wohnungen Unter welchen Umständen kommen sie nach Deutschland? Wer sind die Leute, die ihnen statt Wohnungen Matratzen oder Kellerlöcher vermieten? Wer lässt sie unter unwürdigen Bedingungen arbeiten, oftmals nur für einen Hungerlohn, wie sie erzählen? Die Reporter erleben hautnah mit, was EU-Politik für die Menschen vor Ort bewirkt. Ein Film von Isabel Schayani und Esat Mogul - inland@wdr.de Mehr Videos: http://www.ardmediathek.de/- published: 20 Aug 2013
- views: 650

Slums Attack "20/20" prod. DJ. Decks
Zamów płytę na: http://www.rapszop.pl/hiphop/slumsattack/2020evergreen/35480
Bilety na wyd...
published: 13 Oct 2013
Slums Attack "20/20" prod. DJ. Decks
Slums Attack "20/20" prod. DJ. Decks
Zamów płytę na: http://www.rapszop.pl/hiphop/slumsattack/2020evergreen/35480 Bilety na wydarzenie:http://www.ticketpro.pl/jnp/muzyka/1081587-slums-attack-goscie-20-lat-zespolu.html Slums Attack na fb: https://www.facebook.com/PejaSlumsAttack Dj Decks na fb: https://www.facebook.com/djdecks76- published: 13 Oct 2013
- views: 116710

Slums Attack "Radio Wolna Europa" feat. European Crew
Dostępny jest już długo oczekiwany klip do utworu „Radio Wolna Europa" z najnowszej płyty ...
published: 02 Feb 2013
author: Pejaslumsattack
Slums Attack "Radio Wolna Europa" feat. European Crew
Slums Attack "Radio Wolna Europa" feat. European Crew
Dostępny jest już długo oczekiwany klip do utworu „Radio Wolna Europa" z najnowszej płyty Slums Attack, „CNO2". Przypomnijmy, w pierwszym singlu z ostatniej ...- published: 02 Feb 2013
- views: 354546
- author: Pejaslumsattack
Vimeo results:

published: 17 Jan 2013
author: SLUM

Slums Animation
An animated trailer for the documentary "House of Cards"....
published: 12 Aug 2012
author: Catfish Collective
Slums Animation
An animated trailer for the documentary "House of Cards".

Cities and Slums of Japan
blog: http://hushhushvideo.com/
This is imagery from our recent trip to Japan for our for...
published: 30 Jan 2013
author: hushhushvideo
Cities and Slums of Japan
blog: http://hushhushvideo.com/
This is imagery from our recent trip to Japan for our forthcoming documentary feature “Princes of the Yen”. Based on a book by Professor Richard Werner, “Princes of the Yen” explores the function of Central Banks in the shaping of economic landscapes.
It is largely set in 20th century Japan and includes an explanation of the origins of Japanese National Socialist and Military expansionist Ideology, and the economic system developed by the fascists, which the Author terms the “Total War Economy”. It was this economic order, the Author claims, which was at the heart of the “Japanese Economic Miracle”. Why did it implode at the end of the 20th Century? How was it different from our own economic system? What are the mechanisms, which lie at the core of any economic order? Can the Japanese experience provide us with an understanding of the crises in Southern Europe? Can it shed light on other historical and contemporary economic crises?
Princes of the Yen is an Information Documentary* that reveals the role of Central Banks in the construction of the dominant contemporary religious belief of perpetual economic growth and the resulting claim of the necessity of structural economic and societal change to private ownership and universal commodification.
A film for the modern day heretic.
Brought to you by http://queuepolitely.com/ in collaboration with http://hushhushvideo.com/
Director: Michael Oswald
Producer: Mike Horwath
*To avoid confusion, the filmmakers would like to stress, that this is not a film about the promotion of one particular type of economic system or the political ideologies that may be historically associated with them. Its aim is to provide an understanding of the underlying fictional nature of all economic systems and their resultant order of power and privilege.
Music by Buro (faber music)
Filmed on the 5D MarkIII
Sigma 12-24mm
Canon 24-105mm
Canon 100-300mm with kenko 2x extender

Mumbai Golf
An ESPN E:60 short TV doc on Golf in India. Produced by Yaron Deskalo, ESPN. Filmed & Edit...
published: 13 Apr 2011
author: Evolve Digital Cinema | IMG
Mumbai Golf
An ESPN E:60 short TV doc on Golf in India. Produced by Yaron Deskalo, ESPN. Filmed & Edited by Evolve Digital Cinema.
Caddies from an upscale golf club in Mumbai, India, created a version of the game using handmade equipment and a course that winds through the streets and slums.
***See more Evolve work on our Vimeo Channel: http://vimeo.com/channels/evolveimg ***
Youtube results:

Slums Attack feat. ONYX & TEWU "Colabo"
Artist: Slums Attack
Guests: ONYX (NYC), TEWU
Title: "Colabo"
Album: "CNO2"
Producer: DJ. ...
published: 25 Aug 2013
Slums Attack feat. ONYX & TEWU "Colabo"
Slums Attack feat. ONYX & TEWU "Colabo"
Artist: Slums Attack Guests: ONYX (NYC), TEWU Title: "Colabo" Album: "CNO2" Producer: DJ. Decks Lyrics: Fredro Starr, Peja, Sticky Fingaz, Dono Scratch & cuts: DJ. Decks Mix: Magiera & LA (White House Records) Master: Marcin Cichy Publisher: Fonografika 2012 Director: Blaszany Sad, Slums Attack Crew: Blaszany Sad Documentary shots: Slums Attack Slums Attack na fb: https://www.facebook.com/PejaSlumsAttack- published: 25 Aug 2013
- views: 111020

Slums Attack feat. Kroolik Underwood "Samotność po zmroku" official video
Przedstawiamy Wam pierwszy klip promujący płytę Slums Attack "CNO 2". Obrazek do kawałka "...
published: 30 Oct 2012
author: Pejaslumsattack
Slums Attack feat. Kroolik Underwood "Samotność po zmroku" official video
Slums Attack feat. Kroolik Underwood "Samotność po zmroku" official video
Przedstawiamy Wam pierwszy klip promujący płytę Slums Attack "CNO 2". Obrazek do kawałka "Samotność po zmroku" to jak zwykle świetna robota ekipy 9LITER FILM...- published: 30 Oct 2012
- views: 1797811
- author: Pejaslumsattack

The Story of the Slums of Nairobi
Two-Time Emmy nominated Photojournalist Tim McRobert takes you into one of the poorest slu...
published: 10 Jul 2012
author: Tim McRobert
The Story of the Slums of Nairobi
The Story of the Slums of Nairobi
Two-Time Emmy nominated Photojournalist Tim McRobert takes you into one of the poorest slums in africa.- published: 10 Jul 2012
- views: 1603
- author: Tim McRobert

Top 5 Largest Slums In the World | Countdown Five |
The most poorest areas of the World. Here are the world largest Slums, where people stay f...
published: 02 Oct 2012
author: CountdownFive
Top 5 Largest Slums In the World | Countdown Five |
Top 5 Largest Slums In the World | Countdown Five |
The most poorest areas of the World. Here are the world largest Slums, where people stay from ages in an unhygienic health & living conditions. Some of this ...- published: 02 Oct 2012
- views: 6020
- author: CountdownFive