African violets are so-called because they are native to Tanzania (ex-Tanganyka) in East A...
published: 13 Oct 2011
author: 1947Rogerio
African violets are so-called because they are native to Tanzania (ex-Tanganyka) in East Africa.The designation violet came not only from the most common color of the petals, but also from a light resemblance to the true extremely good-scented violets of the genus Viola (family Violaceae). They are angiosperms of the order Lamiales, family Gesneriaceae.The genus is called Saintpaulia, after the Baron Walter von Saint Paul-Illaire (1860--1910) who discovered the plant in 1892. There are a number of species. In the wilds, they are namely violet and purple (the source of their name); but light blue and white may also be seen. In addition, there are a lot of man-made cultivars — sometimes with subtle differences; for instance, one with white petals the central part of which is rose, other also with white petals but the rose color is on the edges instead. Other may present petals with smooth edges, whereas others, exhibit the same color, but the edges are frizzed. In summary, african violets are what I call, the "camelions" of the flower plant kingdom. In this vein, the name violet is actually more linked to their origins rather than more specifically to the color of the petals. In fact, there are african violets completely with white petals, what looks like an evident nonsense! In general, african violets are considered indoor plants (though their ancestors lived in the wilds), and sterile — truly, they do not produce seeds; as a consequence, their propagation may be <b>...</b>
Este Video es el trabajo final realizado para el Módulo "Integración de...
published: 01 Aug 2009
author: wirthanabek
Este Video es el trabajo final realizado para el Módulo "Integración de los Medios en el Campo del Conocimiento", de la Maestría Procesos Educativos Mediados por Tecnologías de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. por Priscila Biber, Mariel Rivero y Anabel Wirth. Se pretende describir Los usos aromáticos y medicinales de la familia Lamiaceae (Orden Lamiales) - TOMILLO
A Sankip Hummad - Inague
LP : Lamiales tube062 (2006). Written & Produced By Desmond Hollins. LP Available As A...
published: 17 Nov 2011
author: TheIDMMaster
A Sankip Hummad - Inague
LP : Lamiales tube062 (2006). Written & Produced By Desmond Hollins. LP Available As A Free Download Here : testtube.monocromatica.com
B Miller Trippin Balls/Ban Salvia
The Real Thruth It was nearly 1 year ago when one of my friends, who wishes to remain anon...
published: 15 Feb 2009
author: ericgellinator
B Miller Trippin Balls/Ban Salvia
The Real Thruth It was nearly 1 year ago when one of my friends, who wishes to remain anonymous (cough, cough, cough, rolling eyes to point, using clock terms to reveal her location (3 oclock), Brittany Miller, cough, cough, cough) consumed this so-called harmless DRUG called Salvia (scientific name: Salvia divinorum, kingdom: plantae, order: lamiales, family: lamiaceae, genus: salvia). I said so-called in my previous statement because as you will see in the video this drug is all but harmless. Video description: -The girl starts out waving her arms in the air like she doesnt care. She is screaming and has Charles Manson eyes. -After a long struggle she manages to pull herself up and then she was able to get on her feet (after another long struggle). -Once on her feet she loses balance and starts waving her arms in a goose-like motion. -She then proceeds to repeat the phrase I know this isnt real (what does that mean?). -At the end of the recording she begins to yell demonic things at the camera. You say harmless I say bullshit. Please tell your senator to vote for HB 228, banning salvia use. I would also like to thank www.azlyrics.com for providing the lyrics for many inspiring songs.
Greater Yellow-rattle (Rhinanthus Angustifolius) - 2012-05-30
Rhinanthus angustifolius or Greater Yellow-rattle is a Lamiales plant species of the genus...
published: 31 May 2012
author: W3stlander
Greater Yellow-rattle (Rhinanthus Angustifolius) - 2012-05-30
Rhinanthus angustifolius or Greater Yellow-rattle is a Lamiales plant species of the genus Rhinanthus. -------- De grote ratelaar (Rhinanthus angustifolius, synoniem: Rhinanthus serotinus) is een eenjarige halfparasiet uit de bremraapfamilie (Orobanchaceae). 52.04272 4.23822
Dúsvirágú ökörfarkkóró (Verbascum densiflorum)
Az ökörfarkkóró (Verbascum) a kétszikűek (Magnoliopsid...
published: 27 Jul 2010
author: Szabolcs35
Dúsvirágú ökörfarkkóró (Verbascum densiflorum)
Az ökörfarkkóró (Verbascum) a kétszikűek (Magnoliopsida) osztályába, az árvacsalán-virágúak (Lamiales) rendjébe és a görvélyfűfélék (Scrophulariaceae) családjába tartozó nemzetség. Feltűnő égbe nyúló ökörfark alakjáról kapta nevét. Kétéves vagy évelő növények, virágos hajtásuk nagyméretű. Egész nyáron virágzik. Megtalálható réteken, mezőkön.