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SEC Pump Up 2013-2014 [HD 1080p]
Ca mitraille sec ! (Comme la Lune)
SEC Dominance - NNL Whiteboard
2013.09.14 SEC: Final Round 3 - Gorican (Eurosport HD, Polish Commentary)
SEC Top 5 - Best of 2012
2013 SEC Championship Game Highlights
#2 Alabama vs #3 Georgia SEC Championship 2012 FULL GAME HD
SEC Network 'Take It All In' Commercial -- Not Just a Casual Fan
We Are The SEC - 2013 Hype
Saban reacts to finding out the Iron Bowl decides the SEC West (2013)
Auburn celebrates SEC Championship 12-7-13
Rick Neuheisel sings 'Born in the SEC'


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SEC Pump Up 2013-2014 [HD 1080p]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:55
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

SEC Pump Up 2013-2014 [HD 1080p]

These are the dumbest athlete injuries ever. #6 is ridiculous! SEC football is back. Time to get hyped up. Click the Link below to sub ...
  • published: 14 Apr 2013
  • views: 117282
  • author: Smokey Dawg Pump Up 2013-2014 [HD 1080p]
Ca mitraille sec ! (Comme la Lune)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:46
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Ca mitraille sec ! (Comme la Lune)

Séquence d'anthologie du film "Comme la Lune" de Joël Seria (1976) avec Jean Pierre Marielle. "Les Galettes de Pont-Aven" encore plus fort! mitraille sec ! (Comme la Lune)
SEC Dominance - NNL Whiteboard
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:40
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

SEC Dominance - NNL Whiteboard

Michael Smith puts the dominance of the SEC in perspective. Subscribe NOW to Numbers Never Lie: Watch NNL weekdays 2 P.M. ET, ESPN2 Get... Dominance - NNL Whiteboard
2013.09.14 SEC: Final Round 3 - Gorican (Eurosport HD, Polish Commentary)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:47:20
  • Updated: 16 Sep 2013

2013.09.14 SEC: Final Round 3 - Gorican (Eurosport HD, Polish Commentary)

Polish Commentary Speedway European Championships - Gorican 2013 Indywidualne Mistrzostwa Europy - Gorican 2013 Ripper: valyaspb (Valentina)
  • published: 16 Sep 2013
  • views: 1163 SEC: Final Round 3 - Gorican (Eurosport HD, Polish Commentary)
SEC Top 5 - Best of 2012
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:21
  • Updated: 08 Aug 2013

SEC Top 5 - Best of 2012

Hannah Chalker takes a look back at the fan favorite moments from the 2012 SEC football season. Top 5 - Best of 2012
2013 SEC Championship Game Highlights
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:44
  • Updated: 08 Dec 2013

2013 SEC Championship Game Highlights

Watch as No. 3 Auburn defeats No. 5 Missouri in the SEC Championship Game on December 7, 2013, at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta.
  • published: 08 Dec 2013
  • views: 4872 SEC Championship Game Highlights
#2 Alabama vs #3 Georgia SEC Championship 2012 FULL GAME HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:15:57
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

#2 Alabama vs #3 Georgia SEC Championship 2012 FULL GAME HD

ALL comments containing Profanity or Hateful remarks will be REMOVED. This is a telecast, broadcast, and production of CBS. We do not claim ownership of any ...
  • published: 02 Dec 2012
  • views: 254709
  • author: D Hart Alabama vs #3 Georgia SEC Championship 2012 FULL GAME HD
SEC Network 'Take It All In' Commercial -- Not Just a Casual Fan
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:31
  • Updated: 06 Dec 2013

SEC Network 'Take It All In' Commercial -- Not Just a Casual Fan

The Southeastern Conference and ESPN have joined forces to create a new national network. The SEC is the most storied conference in college athletics with the most dedicated and passionate fans in sports. Take It All In -- August 2014
  • published: 06 Dec 2013
  • views: 5221 Network 'Take It All In' Commercial -- Not Just a Casual Fan
We Are The SEC - 2013 Hype
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:10
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

We Are The SEC - 2013 Hype

It's good to be the king! Can't wait for the SEC Network! Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. Are The SEC - 2013 Hype
Saban reacts to finding out the Iron Bowl decides the SEC West (2013)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:50
  • Updated: 19 Nov 2013

Saban reacts to finding out the Iron Bowl decides the SEC West (2013)

  • published: 19 Nov 2013
  • views: 188602 reacts to finding out the Iron Bowl decides the SEC West (2013)
Auburn celebrates SEC Championship 12-7-13
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:13
  • Updated: 08 Dec 2013

Auburn celebrates SEC Championship 12-7-13

Auburn celebrates a 59-42 win over Missouri in the SEC Championship game on Saturday, Dec. 7, 2013 by
  • published: 08 Dec 2013
  • views: 110 celebrates SEC Championship 12-7-13
Rick Neuheisel sings 'Born in the SEC'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:36
  • Updated: 07 Nov 2013

Rick Neuheisel sings 'Born in the SEC'

  • published: 07 Nov 2013
  • views: 5853 Neuheisel sings 'Born in the SEC'
#Auburn Hoists the 2013 SEC Championship Trophy
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:23
  • Updated: 08 Dec 2013

#Auburn Hoists the 2013 SEC Championship Trophy

#Auburn hoists the 2013 SEC Championship trophy on December 7, 2013.
  • published: 08 Dec 2013
  • views: 4494 Hoists the 2013 SEC Championship Trophy
2013 SEC Football Championship Pre-Game Press Conference - Auburn's Gus Malzahn
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:37
  • Updated: 06 Dec 2013

2013 SEC Football Championship Pre-Game Press Conference - Auburn's Gus Malzahn

Coach Malzahn breaks down Missouri's trip to Atlanta to battle Auburn for the SEC title.
  • published: 06 Dec 2013
  • views: 55 SEC Football Championship Pre-Game Press Conference - Auburn's Gus Malzahn

SEC Pump Up 2013-2014 [HD 1080p]

These are the dumbest athlete injuries ever. #6 is ridiculous! SEC football is back. Time to get hyped up. Click the Link below to sub ...
  • published: 14 Apr 2013
  • views: 117282
  • author: Smokey Dawg

SEC Pump Up 2013-2014 [HD 1080p]
These are the dumb­est ath­lete in­juries ever. #6 is ridicu­lous! http://​bit.​ly/​19VQDIb SEC f...
pub­lished: 14 Apr 2013
au­thor: Smokey Dawg
Ca mi­traille sec ! (Comme la Lune)
Séquence d'an­tholo­gie du film "Comme la Lune" de Joël Seria (1976) avec Jean Pierre Mariel...
pub­lished: 28 Aug 2007
SEC Dom­i­nance - NNL White­board
Michael Smith puts the dom­i­nance of the SEC in per­spec­tive. Sub­scribe NOW to Num­bers Never...
pub­lished: 19 Jul 2013
2013.09.14 SEC: Final Round 3 - Gor­i­can (Eu­rosport HD, Pol­ish Com­men­tary)
Pol­ish Com­men­tary Speed­way Eu­ro­pean Cham­pi­onships - Gor­i­can 2013 In­dy­wid­u­alne Mis­tr­zost­wa...
pub­lished: 16 Sep 2013
SEC Top 5 - Best of 2012
Han­nah Chalk­er takes a look back at the fan fa­vorite mo­ments from the 2012 SEC foot­ball se...
pub­lished: 18 Dec 2012
2013 SEC Cham­pi­onship Game High­lights
Watch as No. 3 Auburn de­feats No. 5 Mis­souri in the SEC Cham­pi­onship Game on De­cem­ber 7, 2...
pub­lished: 08 Dec 2013
#2 Al­aba­ma vs #3 Geor­gia SEC Cham­pi­onship 2012 FULL GAME HD
ALL com­ments con­tain­ing Pro­fan­i­ty or Hate­ful re­marks will be RE­MOVED. This is a tele­cast, ...
pub­lished: 02 Dec 2012
au­thor: D Hart
SEC Net­work 'Take It All In' Com­mer­cial -- Not Just a Ca­su­al Fan
The South­east­ern Con­fer­ence and ESPN have joined forces to cre­ate a new na­tion­al net­work. ...
pub­lished: 06 Dec 2013
We Are The SEC - 2013 Hype
It's good to be the king! Can't wait for the SEC Net­work! Ra­dioac­tive by Imag­ine Drag­ons....
pub­lished: 30 Apr 2013
Saban re­acts to find­ing out the Iron Bowl de­cides the SEC West (2013)
pub­lished: 19 Nov 2013
Auburn cel­e­brates SEC Cham­pi­onship 12-7-13
Auburn cel­e­brates a 59-42 win over Mis­souri in the SEC Cham­pi­onship game on Sat­ur­day, Dec....
pub­lished: 08 Dec 2013
Rick Neuheisel sings 'Born in the SEC'
pub­lished: 07 Nov 2013
#Auburn Hoists the 2013 SEC Cham­pi­onship Tro­phy
#Auburn hoists the 2013 SEC Cham­pi­onship tro­phy on De­cem­ber 7, 2013....
pub­lished: 08 Dec 2013
2013 SEC Foot­ball Cham­pi­onship Pre-Game Press Con­fer­ence - Auburn's Gus Malzahn
Coach Malzahn breaks down Mis­souri's trip to At­lanta to bat­tle Auburn for the SEC title....
pub­lished: 06 Dec 2013
Youtube results:
Show me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser. Reed Napi­er Po Box 1407 Pineville KY 40...
pub­lished: 04 Dec 2013
Post-Game: Gary Pinkel In­ter­view after Miz­zou Wins SEC East
Gary Pinkel goes 1 on 1 with Ben Arnet after the Tigers beat Texas A&M; 28-21 to clinch the...
pub­lished: 01 Dec 2013
2010 SEC Cham­pi­onship - #1 Auburn vs #19 South Car­oli­na
I do not own the rights to this video and I am not prof­it­ing from this in any way *** COPY...
pub­lished: 01 Oct 2012
I Wish I Was In Dixie
AMH 330 - Amer­i­can His­to­ry Ori­gin of Chants ******com­ments dis­abled till semester is over....
pub­lished: 24 Jan 2012
photo: AP / KCNA via KNS
File - In this undated photo released by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) and distributed Thursday, March 14, 2013, by the Korea News Service, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un watches a live ammunition firing drill.
04 Jan 2014
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. "Humans live like lice in the folds of a garment...When fleas buzz in your ear, you do not hear them. how could God even hear men, let alone concede their wishes." -Wang Ch'ung, Taoist Philosopher. North Korea's Kim Jong Un is not the first ruler to purge political opponents. Neither will he be the last. On New Year's Day he explained why he had to rid North Korea of his uncle....(size: 5.7Kb)
photo: US DoS
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Foreign Minister Crown Prince Saud al-Faisal of Saudi Arabia, not pictured, address Saudi and American reporters in Riyadh about their just-concluded meeting with King Abdullah on January 5, 2014.
Edit Denver Post
06 Jan 2014
Sunni fighters take up position in Fallujah city, western Iraq, 05 January 2014. According to media reports, militants from the Islamist State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) have taken full control of Iraq's city of Fallujah and large areas of Ramadi, two key cities in the western province of Anbar, after government forces cleared out an anti-government Sunni protest camp. EPA/MOHAMMED JALIL ... withdrawal. U.S ... This is their fight ... Lt. Gen....(size: 4.8Kb)
photo: AP / Nam Y. Huh
Travelers walk in the economic parking lot at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2014.
Edit The Inquisitr
06 Jan 2014
As previously reported by The Inquisitr, the recently rescued scientists from the ship trapped in Antarctica’s thickening ice were derided as “global warming alarmists,” and even Donald Trump chimed in on the controversy. No, a polar vortex isn’t a last minute gift sent by Santa Claus for those wishing for snowy conditions ... (We in Florida know this very well… minus the cold part.) ... According to Dr ... ....(size: 4.2Kb)
photo: AP / Pablo Martinez Monsivais
President Barack Obama, center, reacts after using an employee's desktop computer to send a Twitter post during his visit to the Red Cross Disaster Operation Center in Washington Monday, Jan. 18, 2010.
Edit The Examiner
05 Jan 2014
United States' ongoing attempt to regulate the Internet is becoming more and more of a reality. This could well result in the end of the internet as we know of it today as announced by a credible news source. The US government presently monitor and regulates the Internet through Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) ... This was a big surprise ... ....(size: 1.7Kb)

Edit Reuters
07 Jan 2014
Securities and Exchange Commission's chief economist, who helped turn around the agency's struggling think-tank unit and pushed for more economic analysis in rulemaking, plans to leave the SEC this spring, according to an internal letter seen by Reuters. Craig Lewis, who took over the helm of what is now called the SEC's Division of Economic and Risk Analysis in May 2011, told his colleagues in a Dec....(size: 3.3Kb)
07 Jan 2014
PASADENA, Calif. -- Move over SEC, Florida State is back on top. Florida State finished No. 1 in the final Associated Press college football poll, ending the Southeastern Conference's record streak of seven national championships ... • ... So the SEC will have to settle for having four teams in the top seven. The SEC has seven ranked teams overall with No....(size: 1.7Kb)
Edit U~T San Diego
07 Jan 2014
Share Photo✉. Florida State's Jameis Winston celebrates with teammates after the NCAA BCS National Championship college football game against Auburn Monday, Jan. 6, 2014, in Pasadena, Calif. Florida State won 34-31. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson) ... (AP) — Move over SEC, Florida State is back on top ... 7. So the SEC will have to settle for having four teams in the top seven. The SEC has seven ranked teams overall with No ... No ... No ... ....(size: 2.5Kb)
Edit Atlanta Journal
07 Jan 2014
The BCS era of college football ended on the night a seven-season run of SEC ownership ......(size: 0.4Kb)
Edit The Wichita Eagle
07 Jan 2014
"We're playing good on both sides of the ball," said Tennessee guard Jordan McRae, the reigning SEC player of the week ... The Vols are 35-9 at home and 7-17 in true road games during Martin's three-year coaching tenure, though they won four of their final five SEC road games last season ... team that leads the SEC in field-goal percentage defense (.375)....(size: 3.2Kb)
Edit Toronto Sun
07 Jan 2014
That would be to put the powerful SEC in its place for at least one night. Among the many current issues with the outgoing Bowl Championship Series — which will be replaced with a four-team playoff next season — is that nobody seems capable of halting the SEC’s claim to the trophy ... The end of the BCS on Monday won’t necessarily signal the demise of SEC dominance, however....(size: 5.5Kb)
Edit The Wichita Eagle
07 Jan 2014
GAINESVILLE, Fla.Florida will open Southeastern Conference play right where it started the season — in the top 10. The Gators moved up two spots to No ... Now, Florida (11-2) is close to full strength heading into Wednesday's SEC opener against South Carolina (7-6) ... ... Florida is 12-5 in SEC openers under Donovan, including 8-0 at home ... And the SEC schedule surely will help prepare them for postseason play ... ... ....(size: 3.8Kb)
Edit Detroit Free Press
07 Jan 2014
PASADENA, CALIF. — Jameis Winston threw a 13-yard touchdown pass to Kelvin Benjamin with 13 seconds left and No. 1 Florida State beat No ... Mason ran for 195 yards ... ....(size: 0.9Kb)
Edit LA Daily News
07 Jan 2014
6, 2014. (Keith Birmingham Pasadena Star-News) ....(size: 0.2Kb)
Edit Orlando Sentinel
07 Jan 2014
PASADENA, Calif ... "People quickly forget that." ....(size: 0.4Kb)
Edit Newsday
07 Jan 2014
3 Alabama in a rematch of their regular-season finale in the SEC ... No matter what the playoff system looks like, it's a good bet that SEC teams will dominate. The first BCS championship in 1998 went to SEC champ Tennessee, which beat Florida State, and SEC teams won nine of the 15 titles before Monday night, including the previous seven ... Whether it's SEC, Big Ten, Pac-12, whatever it may be, it doesn't concern me who we are playing....(size: 5.3Kb)
Edit Real Clear Politics
07 Jan 2014
Florida State's 34-31 victory over Auburn brought curtains to the BCS era, which began in the 1998 season when an SEC team (Tennessee) defeated the Seminoles for the first crystal ball. FSU would lose two of the first three BCS title games, but gained more than a measure of redemption Monday night for the rest of college football universe by ending the SEC's seven-year championship dominance....(size: 5.0Kb)
Edit Springfield News-Sun
07 Jan 2014
SEC Commissioner Mike Slive and his predecessor, Roy Kramer, shared a handshake and a brief laugh on the sideline at the Rose Bowl about 90 minutes before kickoff ... Kramer laid the groundwork from 1990-2002, expanding the SEC to 12 teams and creating the conference championship game, The BCS was also his brainchild....(size: 1.6Kb)

SEC, Sec, or Seč may refer to:

Secant is a term in mathematics derived from the Latin secare ("to cut"). It may refer to:

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Richard Gerald "Rick" Neuheisel, Jr. (play /ˈnhzəl/; German: [ˈnɔʏhaɪzəl]; born February 7, 1961), is a TV football analyst, former American football coach, former player, and attorney. He was most recently the head coach at UCLA, his alma mater, from 2008 to 2011. Prior to UCLA, Neuheisel was the head coach at Colorado from 1995 to 1998 and Washington from 1999 to 2002. From 2005 to 2007, he was an assistant coach with the NFL's Baltimore Ravens, as quarterbacks coach for two seasons and offensive coordinator for one.

Before coaching, Neuheisel played quarterback at UCLA from 1980 to 1983, then spent two seasons with the San Antonio Gunslingers of the United States Football League before splitting the 1987 NFL season between the San Diego Chargers and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Neuheisel was born in Madison, Wisconsin, one of four children and the only son of Dick and Jane (Jackson) Neuheisel, with sisters Nancy, Katie, and Deborah. Dick is an attorney and Rick grew up in Tempe, Arizona, and graduated from McClintock High School in 1979. He lettered in three sports (football, basketball, baseball) and was named its outstanding athlete during his senior year.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Gus Malzahn (born October 28, 1965) is an American football coach and former player. He is the current head football coach at Arkansas State University, a position he assumed in December 2011. From 2009 to 2011, Malzahn served as the offensive coordinator at Auburn University. In 2010, a season in which the Auburn Tigers won the national championship, Malzahn received the Broyles Award, which recognizes the top assistant coach in college football.

Malzahn graduated from Fort Smith Christian High School in Fort Smith, Arkansas in 1984 and was a walk-on receiver at Arkansas under then-head coach Ken Hatfield in 1984 and 1985 before transferring to Henderson State University located in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, where he was a two-year letterman (1988, '89) and earned his bachelor's degree in physical education in 1990.

Malzahn got his start as the defensive coordinator at Hughes High School in 1991. He became head coach in 1992 and in 1994 Hughes reached the state championship game with an upset of Pine Bluff Dollarway. Hughes fell just short in the title game, losing to Lonoke on an interception in the final minute.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Gary Robin Pinkel (born April 27, 1952) is an American football coach and former player. He is currently the head football coach at the University of Missouri, a position he has held since the 2001 season. From 1991 to 2000, Pinkel coached at the University of Toledo, where his team won a Mid-American Conference championship in 1995. Before becoming a head coach, he was an assistant at the University of Washington, where he served as Don James's offensive coordinator.

Pinkel graduated from Kenmore High School in Akron, Ohio, and received his bachelor of science degree in education from Kent State University in 1973, where he played tight end under James. His roommate at Kent was Pittsburgh Steelers great Jack Lambert. He did post-graduate studies at Kent and Bowling Green State University, and in 1997 was inducted into the Kent Athletic Hall of Fame.

Since arriving at Missouri in November 2000, Pinkel has guided the Tigers to eight bowl games in 11 years, winning four. The first was in 2003, a 27–14 loss to Arkansas, and the second was a thrilling 38–31 come-from-behind win over the University of South Carolina on December 30, 2005. Missouri then lost to Oregon State, 39–38, in the Brut Sun Bowl. In 2007, a historic year for the Mizzou program, Pinkel led his team to a #1 AP ranking at the end of the regular season after finishing 11–1. They then fell to the Oklahoma Sooners in the Big 12 Championship game, and played in the Cotton Bowl Classic against the University of Arkansas. The Tigers throttled the Razorbacks, strolling to an easy 38–7 victory and a final season ranking of #4 in the AP Poll.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Jadeveon Clowney (born February 14, 1993) is an American football defensive end. He recently graduated from South Pointe High School in Rock Hill, South Carolina. Clowney was named South Carolina's 2010 Mr. Football, and considered the consensus No. 1 football recruit in the United States for his class.

For the 2010 season, Clowney had 162 tackles, 29.5 sacks, 29 tackles for loss, 11 forced fumbles, 6 fumbles recoveries, 43 quarterback pressures and five defensive touchdowns. South Pointe was 38-6 during his three varsity seasons. He is considered the best college football prospect in recent memory.

Clowney was named by ESPN, as well as Scouts and Rivals, as the top college football recruiting prospect in the nation leading into the 2011 NCAA Signing Day, (February 2, 2011). Clowney himself stated in an interview that he had narrowed down his prospects to the Alabama Crimson Tide, the Clemson Tigers, and the South Carolina Gamecocks; however, he did not commit on National Signing Day. On February 14, 2011, his 18th birthday, Clowney committed to the University of South Carolina.

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

(lyrics by Jim Crichton)
Aldo's standing at his table
And he's wondering if he's able
To pick the number right this time
He watches as the wheel stops spinning
Sees the number that is winning
As he reaches for his glass of wine
Once he starts it's hard to stop
He's keepin' up a pace like a tight wound clock
Be sure you don't step in his way
He'll keep those numbers rolling
This may be his last day
As all the bets are taken
Aldo lights a smoke, he's shakin'
>From carnation right to the ground
He knows tonight holds one last chance
'n give the wheel a final glance
Slippery fingers drop the money down
Once he starts it's hard to stop
He's keepin' up a pace like a tight wound clock
And as he leaves the table, "No luck today"
You can rest assured
He's comin' back to try again
Wind him up, he can't stop
He's wound up tight just like the clock
That's winding its second hand down
Wind him up, he can't stop
He keeps on going 'round the clock

The stage is set, all ships have arrived
We know that only one will survive
Will it be me, will it be me, will it be you?
Suspension plates are drawn in tight
Central towers alert to the fight
Will it be me, will it be me, will it be you?
If you bring some you know I'll have one better
What you want to know I'll own forever
For years you've watched my vision grow
It's now come time for you to know
Will it be me, will it be me, will it be you?
Are you quite sure you've grown so strong
Since last we met it's not been long
Will it be me, will it be me, will it be you?
If you bring some you know I'll have one better
What you want to know I'll own forever
Southwest sector, they're at your door
Silos release black interceptor
Will it be you?
Time perfection, defense selection
Intercept without detection
Will it be you?
My contact's made with your feeble raid
Your fleet lies silent, black starlit grave
Will it be me?
Computer dance, metallic romance
It really seems you had no chance

I've watched the way you store into the night
There's plenty out there and you need to see it all
There's something in you that doesn't like daylight
You'd better close your eyes and wait until you're called
What's it gonna be tonight?
What do ya wanna do?
So what's it gonna be tonight?
What cha gonna do?
What's it gonna be tonight?
What do ya wanna do?
So what's it gonna be tonight?
That's a most outstanding stamina you've got
And you push it 'till you get all that you came for
It doesn't seem to work until it's night for you
You're just sitting there all day until they call
What's it gonna be tonight?
What do ya wanna do?
So what's it gonna be tonight?
What cha gonna do?
What's it gonna be tonight?
What do ya wanna do?
So what's it gonna be tonight?
What cha gonna do?
Don't things look better in the night?
Don't things look better in the night?
Don't things look better in the night, to you?
Don't things look better in the night, to you?
Don't things look better in the night, to you?

He woke up in a sweat
With a fading dream
But one picture still stood clear
And he wasn't sure if he could see it any other way
They're like a tiny dot
On an endless page
Just waiting to be erased
And it was clear to him they were treating it like a game
You've got too much to lose
You've got too much to lose
He looked out on the field
They were hard at work
Like locusts in flight
And it almost looked as though they liked what they had to do
The sound of metal being shaped
To enable its flight
Not that far away
And as the numbers grew, their swarm blackened his view
[Repeat Chorus]

A vision of buildings sitting empty
There's not a person to be found
All cars sit silently waiting
All the leaves have fallen to the ground
Waves crash with no interruption
There's not a ship that you can see
No rock is thrown to change its motion
Rhythms moving, all naturally
A sleeping world, just waiting
A tired world
A sleeping world, just waiting
A tired world
A phone is ringing in the distance
A pulse with no end, no enemy
This cry has no one left it can bother
The person may have left suddenly
A lot of wasted words were spoken
Many vein attempts were made
No one realized that in the long run
It was ourselves we could have saved
A sleeping world, just waiting
A tired world
A sleeping world, just waiting

(lyrics by Jim Crichton)
I spend half of each day just eyeing the clock
And dream of all the things I'd like to do
'n nothing ever changes from day to day
I've just been guarding this desk for you
It's a mayday, it's a mayday,
There must be something else I could do
It's a mayday, it's a mayday,
Instead of guarding this desk for you
Time's up!
You've been wishing your life away
Time's up!
You've been wishing your life away
I'm getting very tired of waiting for the weekend
Then there's nothing when it comes around
I need a little more excitement, give me some advneture
I don't know how you've held me this long
It's a mayday, it's a mayday,
Time just marches on
It's a mayday, it's a mayday,
I don't know how you've held me this long
Time's up
You've been wishing your life away
(You've been wishing your life away)
Time's up
You've been wishing your life away
Chances are chances and I know I've had a few
But at the time it just seemed wrong
Now I'm sitting here wondering, waiting
Watching out his window
And I'm sure my day will come
It's a mayday, it's a mayday
Time just marches on
It's a mayday, it's a mayday

She looked down at my palm
I had to know what was in store for me
So many plans had gone wrong
She said her eys could see the future
She said that in my past
She'd seen a mountain in front of me
She said it wouldn't last
A change in luck would set me free
The writing is on the wall
Those words will change it all
The writing is on the wall
Good luck is just a thought
I pick up the morning express
I turn to the page that is calling me
Lately I've been a mess
I've got to see what the lion says
The sun is in the fifth house
You're sure to feel its strong effects
The clouds are clearing away
This losing streak will end today

You don't know who to be nice to
You gotta watch what you say and do
You keep your hands in your pockets
(Close the door! Did you lock it?)
Hey all you sharks out there
You better be careful where you step
Don't say you've come to the right place
'Cause I've been here before
And if it gets too hot, don't drop it
That's just the way of the world
And if you get pushed off, jump on it
And get to know the way of the world
Welcome to the way of the world
You see it everywhere these days
Some kind of modern ice age
And if they think that you've got it (hold on tight)
(Is that my money in your wallet?)
And I don't know what you think
It's not like it's a new thing
But everytime it starts happening
I know I've been here before
[Repeat Chorus]
This is just the way of the world
Do we follow in the footsteps
Should we follow in the footsteps
Do we follow in the footsteps
[Repeat Chorus]
Getting to know the way of the world
Whatever the way the wind blows I'm on it

So you won't tell me, where you've been up to now
I don't know, they've seen you come and go (oh)
You're well on your way but never leaving the chair
Playing scenes on T.V. screens
Watching widely to glimpse the full view
While the hours have their hands all over you
You say that you see me, well I see you too
I look behind, what do you find, all but an empty room
Scratching the surface and you can't get away
You've travelled far and so far you have nothing to say
Scratching the surface
You better come up for air
A new experience to get you there
Scratching the surface
You better come up for air
Strapped to the media, a machine to fear
You're onto something then it slips right away
It's in your hand, follow through right in front of you
You say that you hear me, well I hear you too
My secret is no secret, outside of the tube
So you won't tell me, what you've done up to now
You're watching me, I'm watching you decide (oh)
Scratching the surface, you can't get away
You tried so hard, and so far you have nothing to say

Hey, you look like you're lost
Maybe you don't realize where you are
Now I'll tell you to stop
Just turn around and forget you made
A start
But you hesitate
Get ready get set
The longer you wait
The bigger I get
I'm the scarecrow
You better stay just where you are
I'm the scarecrow
You know I'll never let you get too far
Hey, I see you're still here
Didn't you get something from our talk
Now your eyes make it clear
But nevertheless you know you won't get far
But you hesitate
Get ready get set
The longer you wait
The bigger I get
[Repeat Chorus]
I say, "Push off" but you move too slow
I tell you to step, but you just won't go
One of these days you'll wish you were dead
There's a scarecrow now lying under your bed

Ellery Sneed had one great need
To do everything just right
If things were not planned and all done by hand
He would ready himself for a fight
One afternoon while sitting alone
He came to a great realization
When it's his turn to die, will there be enough time
For plenty of planned preparations
With a few minutes thought his decision was clear
A fate most perfectly neat
Not a friend could remain to witness his death
So a terminal wine he would treat
The plan was to hold a very large feast
Serving the wine at the end
Joining the fun would be everyone
He'd been calling his friend
Invitations went out, all guests did arrive
The meal looked a great success
Deciding the time he brought out the wine
Up stood a familiar guest
"Here's a toast to our gracious host"
Said Ell's friend Billingford Bluffer
"Never in my life will I taste but a bite

Whatever happened to the friends we had
Just a dusty picture on the shelf
We had our troubles but the times we had
I get this feeling when I'm by myself
And when I get it, I get it bad
I keep wakin' up with something new
Am I losing you
Only time will tell
I keep wakin' up with something new
Am I losing you
Only time will tell
You took a piece of me with you
There was nothing I could do
You took a piece of me
Now where are you
Are you dusting pictures too
You were the one I never had to tell
My darkest secrets or how I felt
When I get lonely and I'm by myself
I try to imagine what you're doing now
[Repeat Chorus]
You took a piece of me with you
There was nothing I could do
You took a piece of me
Now where are you
Are you dusting pictures too
[Repeat Chorus]

You say I can't then I have to
Have all the things I don't need
I guess it's human nature
The animal in me
You can call it my obsession
You've got me under your spell
If there's something I am wanting
I'll just help myself
Thrill of the chase
When you get what you want
Will that be enough
Thrill of the chase
When you find you can't stop
Once is never enough
I like to touch the fire
Maybe some day I'll get burned
After all this chasing
Don't think I'll ever learn
So when you see me coming
You can run but you can't hide
"Cause when I know just what I'm after
I won't stop until I die
Thrill of the chase
When you get what you want
Will that be enough
Thrill of the chase
When you find you can't stop
Once is never enough
I don't know what I want to
Have all the things that I don't need
It must be human nature
Or it's the animal in me
Thrill of the chase
When you get what you want
Will that be enough
Thrill of the chase
When you find you can't stop
Once is never enough
Thrill of the chase
When you get what you want
Will that be enough
Thrill of the chase
When you find you can't stop

You are who we say you are
We know you know who we are
I know!
They don't think I understand
When I'm not feeling like myself
That's why I leave when I can
Taking the odd man out
Now and then I have the feeling
They're just outside looking in
When I'm surrounded by these strangers
I feel like the odd man out (here I am)
You are who we say you are
Why can't you leave me alone?
We know you know who we are
Why won't you tell me what you
Want from me?
I hear them having conversations
But they keep it to themselves
And half the time they can't remember
Who is the odd man out
I have so many mixed emotions
Is this life I live my own?
I hear them whispering my name
Am I the odd man out?
Who am I to be this time?
Am I on my own?
Tell me who you see or do you know?
Who am I to be this time?
Make me feel at home
Don't let me spend too much time alone
Too much time alone
[Repeat Chorus]
They don't think I understand
When I'm not feeling like myself
That's why I leave when I can

(lyrics by Jim Crichton)
I've tried hard to tell you
You better, you better, you better be careful
Right down the line
And I am no stranger
It wasn't long ago, so very long ago
I was one of your kind
You'd better stop the running 'round and listen
'Cause when the lights come up
I'll have my eye on you
Once you mistook me
For the menace, the menace
Oh, if you'd only known
And that last confrontation
Was just a warning, so that you'd know
What would happen
If you push me too far
You'd better stop the running 'round and listen
"Cause when the lights come up
I'll have my eye on you
I see a cloudless sky before me
I'm searching for the ones, I'm searching for the ones
Who'd like to leave this all far behind them
And when I find you all we'll fade away
Maybe I'll be back, maybe I'll be back
In some other way
You'd better stop the running 'round and listen
Stop the running 'round and listen
'Cause when the lights come up
I'll have my eye on you
I've got my eyes on you
Now we're standing on the sidelines
Just watching how you play
With the toys that seems to outgrow you
I suppose we'll have to miss
What you'll decide to do
In a blink of an eye

(lyrics by Jim Crichton)
Far down below
He could see the scars
Left from the night before
Shadows of strength
That once stood firmly
Now laying in waste everywhere
An echo of planned
Resistant pounding
Still hanging thick in the air
A sudden arrival
No sound of warning
No time, no time
To prepare
As the clouds
Continued to open
Each vision was hard to believe
A horizon
Minimal motion
As far as the eye could see
His yesterday held
So much promise
His today only misbelief
And now the task of reconstruction
Salvaging all they could see

You're confused and desperate
And there's no help in sight
They've got you going round in circles
They've got you running for your life
All your cries for help
Have fallen on their fears
They're lost inside the system
The things are not what they appear
(Don't give in) Close your eyes and make a wish
(Just don't give in) I don't know if you know this
You were never alone, never without me
Don't have to take it anymore
Never alone
It might be thunder and lightning
Just another storm
You were never alone, never without me
Don't have to take this anymore
Never alone, I'm coming out of the shadows
To chase the demons from your door
Your running out of answers
And your back's against the wall
You're asking for directions
And no one hears your call
You were never alone, never with me
Don't have to take it anymore
Never alone, I'm coming out of the shadows
To chase the demons from your door

When I feel like
They're closing in on me
I can't take any more,
I walk away
And find an open door
When it seems like
I've got my
Back against the wall
You look my way
I know I'm not alone
Call it misbehaviour
Call it what you like
But all this misbehaving
Is just what I need tonight
Oh, you're not alone
When you feel like
There's no reason
No rhyme at all,
Look my way
It's not the end of the world
Call it misbehaviour
Call it what you like
But all this misbehaving
Is just what you need tonight
Call it misbehaviour
Call it what you like
But is it misbehaving
If you get what you want tonight?
So if it feels like
You're losing it
Don't let go
Don't hold it back
You've got to let me know
And when it seems like
They're closing in on you
Unlock that door
Look around
Can't you see that there's got to be more
Let it all go
We'll go all the way tonight
Call it misbehaviour
Call it what you like
But all this misbehaving
Is just what we need tonight
Call it misbehaviour
They can call it what they like
But is it misbehaving
If we get what we want tonight?
Call it misbehaviour
Call it what you like
But all this misbehaving
Is what we need tonight
Call it misbehaviour
Call it what you like
But are we misbehaving

I know about your reputation
I know you've seen better days
I've seen you turn the non believers
Into slaves
I just need some confirmation
What they're saying is it true
Believe in me and I'll believe in you
Now I know that you can help me
Turn this boy into a man
I'll leave it in your hands
I still have faith
I'm not the only one
From the cradle to the grave
I know I'll never change till I'm sure this can't be done
I still have faith
You know I've just begun
From the cradle to the grave

Pressure's on, the time is tight
You feel like there's
no end in sight
And all you feel
is numb from all
the voices yelling
"this can't go on"
"This can't go on."
There's plenty of ways
to make a man
feel like everybody thinks
that he's not wanted
"How do you feel?"
There's plenty of ways
to make a man
feel like everything he's done's
bin for nothing
"How do you feel?"
There's plenty of ways
to make a man
feel like anything he does
will end in tears.
"How do you feel?"
The time has come
to take your place
Ahead of those who've
tried to waste
Your time because they
thought that you weren't
strong enough
But this can't go on
It's time to be strong
There's plenty of ways
to make them all feel like
anything they say will make
you stronger.
"How do you feel?"
There's plenty of ways
to make 'em all
feel like every single damn
will hold no longer
"How do you feel?"
There's plenty of ways
to make 'em all
realize that it's finally time
to change

You've got us hanging off your every word
Patiently waiting a sign
One minute we can expect the absurd
Next minute everything's fine
So unpredictable no reason nor rhyme
Worse than the hours in a day
We seem to remember a well balanced time
Or was it always this way
Hot to cold
Too hot to hold
Hot to cold
Too hot to hold
Too hot to...
Half a degree either way unconcerned
You shed no ray of relief
And plagued by a fear of your high winds of change
Day to night's difference is brief
Erratic shifts in your moods have us all
Under a high pressure sway
Showering us constantly playing your game
We have no choice but to play

You make me breathe you make me smile you make me cry but just for a while,
you give me the strength I need to go on and I can feel all your support
even oceans away, you are always by my side
and I am always here for you
yes I am always here for you
because I do love you
You are always by my side
and I am always here for you
because I do love you
because I'll always love you
you are always by my side and
I am always here for you
because I do love you
and I always love you
You are always by my side
and I am always here for you

Gonna buy me a steel umbrella
'Cause things ain't going too well
I go to bed thinking I'm in heaven
When I wake up I'm in hell
Take my dog for his morning walk
Shit am I glad he can't talk
Sooner or later it all comes back to me
You can bet on this
If it can happen
It'll happen to me (It'll happen to me)
Every time it happens
Why does it happen to me
Gonna buy me some more insurance
This asphalt surfin's getting to me
Accidents are an everyday occurrence
If there's a God, He's laughing at me
Might as well be the invisible man
See my footprints sinkin' in the quicksand
Sooner or later it all comes back to me
Bet on this
If it can happen (It'll happen to me)
Bet on this, if it can happen
Everytime it happens
Why does it happen to me
Bet on this
If it can happen (Buy me a steel umbrella)
It'll happen to me

I've been waiting here so long
For someone I can talk to
Coz I know where we went wrong
But it's really not the time or place
To talk about the problems
Now I've got you face to face
I'll tell you what I'm thinking of
Imagine how my heart feels
Now I know I'm still in love
Oh please don't cry
But I need to tell you one more time
I didn't mean to hurt you
I never meant to complicate your life
If I can hold you
'Cause I don't wanna be alone again tonight
Please don't look away
I've tried to say I'm sorry
For the things I never said
We can talk about who's to blame
But it really doesn't matter
I'm so tired of playing games
Oh please don't cry
But I need to tell you one more time
I didn't mean to hurt you
I never meant to complicate your life
If I can hold you
'Cause I don't wanna be alone again tonight
Oh please don't cry
But I need to tell you one more time
I didn't mean to hurt you
I never meant to complicate your life
If I can hold you

Look at him running there's so far to go,
He's very short of breath
And he'd said don't be late
Just don't be late
With his parcel tucked tight under his arm
He's sure he's passed half way
And he'd said don't be late
Just don't be late.
I wasn't sure if I'd hear you
I'm glad you're still allright
I've done all that you told me
I'm sure that they will wait
They don't know, they don't know
They don't know how far we've had to go
No ! Soon we'll see them
Then you'll know
That I have not delayed, he said
Hurry and don't be late
You'd better hurry you might be late
Just hurry and don't be late
You'd better hurry you may be late
It's not too far now
And I can only wish you luck friend
I can see they're waiting
A few more steps and you'll be there, he said
Just hurry and don't be late

Tommy's on a mission
He's out to bend the rules
He's made his own decision
He's had enough of school
He wants to be an outlaw
But doesn't have a clue
Someday he'll be famous
We'll read it in the news
God knows where Tommy's gone
'Cause in his world it's all gone wrong
Should we speak up, or play along
When we close our eyes, it goes on and on
Tommy's getting nervous
The walls are closing in
He's so far above us
The air is getting thin
He finally made the headlines
A name without a face
His private revolution
Was lost without a trace
Repeat Chorus


Where are you goin now?
Gonna track you down
Smile when I get a taste
Of your liquid grace again.
You seem to slip away
Away to some dark place
In your soul
Before and after time
There is not time to spare.
You were made for me
I'll make you believe
I'll never set you free
I'll see you in your dreams.
Now! I've got you in my sights
And I'll hypnotize
I don't care If i live or die
Just be there when I arrive.
You were made for me
I'll make you believe
I'll never set you free
I'll see you in your dreams.
You were made for me
As far as I can see
You're never far from me

Feel like
Feel like I'm falling
Falling in-- Falling out
Feel like
Feel like calling
Calling our for some kind of help
Only you
You and the night
Only you
Can help me tonight
Feel like
Feel like I'm drowning
Reaching up for someone's hand
To pull me out
And I feel as though it's time I told you
Just how much I need to feel your love

Sometimes I feel like slipping away
I need a life of my own
Don't make me stay
Should I go now or should I wait
You are my flesh and blood
One wish is not enough
Let me go
All I want is to chase the wind
All I want is to feel that feeling again
Let me chase the wind
Sometimes the air's so thick I can't breathe
The longer that I wait
The harder to leave
So many time I should have broken free
You are my flesh and blood
One wish is not enough
Some things are never really over
Let me go
All I want is to chase the wind
All I want is to feel that feeling again
Let me go
All I want is to dream again
All I want is to chase the wind
Let me chase the wind
If this dream lasts too long
There's a chance it may go wrong
And I may never get this chance again
Let me go
Let me go
[Repeat Chorus]

Im my wildest dreams
Oh, in my wildest dreams
Anything can happen
When I close my eyes
I can take you with me
Should I wait for you tonight
In my wildest dreams
Are you in my future
Or someone from my past
I wake up with this feeling
That I've been with you at last
In my wildest dreams
Where do you go
And what do you see
Who do you touch
And how does it feel
In you wildest dreams
[Repeat Chorus]
[Repeat Chorus]
[Repeat Chorus]
In my wildest dreams
In my wildest dreams
In my wildest dreams

The stage is set, all ships have arrived
We know that only one will survive
Will it be me, will it be me, will it be you?
Suspension plates are drawn in tight
Central towers alert to the fight
Will it be me, will it be me, will it be you?
If you bring some you know
I'll have one better
What you want to know
I'll own forever
For years you've watched my vision grow
It's now come time for you to know
Will it be me, will it be me, will it be you?
Are you quite sure you've grown so strong
Since last we met it's not been long
Will it be me, will it be me, will it be you?
If you bring some you know
I'll have one better
What you want to know
I'll own forever
Southwest sector, they're at your door
Silos release black interceptor
Will it be you? Time perfection, defence selection
Intercept without detection
Will it be you?
My contact's made with your feeble raid
Your fleet lies silent, black starlit grave
Will it be me?
Computer dance
Metallic romance
It really seems you had no chance
Yes ! It will be me.

"Don't Be Late"
"Wind Him Up"
"Where's My Money?"

Imagine if you will
Having more than you had planned
And now that it's all yours
You just can't wait to wash your hands
Chances are, it just might come true
Have you ever made a wish
And held your breath for days
And when you get that wish
You can't wish it away
Chances are, it just might come true
Chances are, it just might come true

You were once my vice
Now you're just like ice
So cold and too cool
You know how to hypnotize
You wear a great disguise
I've learned to see through
What do I know
What do I know
I'm confused by things that you do
What do I know
What do I know
I can't stop thinking about you
I don't see wrong from right
But I could see the light
Stopped shining in you
And on a distant night
You went and lost the fight
That made me look up to you
[Repeat Chorus]
[Repeat Chorus]
What did you change for
[Repeat Chorus]
What did you change for

Annie's got a thing about leather
Bobby's got a thing about lace
Maryanne's getting light as a feather
Just like the nose that used to be on her face
Somebody tell me
what the hell is goin' on
Oh Please
Cause I've bin standing here
for way too long.
Welcome to our Zoo
Welcome to the Zoo
We saved a room for you.
Sally's got a ring in her naval
Larry's got a spoon up his nose
Peggy Sue likes to eat when she's able

Have we been here before?
Have we been here before?
Someone took me by the hand
And lead me through an open door
And told me, you're just what I'm looking for
I try so hard to understand
Why the picture seemed so real
'Cause I know better than to think I was dreaming
[Chorus One]
You know I see it in your eyes
But if it's just imagination
Why do I get this feeling
We've been here before
I turned 'round, shook my head in doubt
Was it just a fantasy
Or are you more than just a memory
Something's familiar every time
But somehow never quite the same
It feels like I'm playin' someone else's game
[Repeat Chorus One]
[Chorus Two]
I must have tried a thousand times
And yet you still refuse to listen
Still I get this feeling
We've been here before
[Repeat Choruses One and Two]

Have you been listening?
We must have more supplies
We will be on our way tonight
Don't want to miss a thing
We've got to build it right
You know we're running out of time
What I do, I do for you
I can't tell you how, where or when
But I can tell you we'll meet again
I can't tell you how, where or when
But we all know this won't be the end
I would do anything
To bring it back to life
You'll see a new light in the sky
If I don't do a thing
I'll always wonder why
Why I just left them there to die
All I do, I do for you
Repeat Chorus



You were a star
You know you had it all
You always had a way
To leave them wanting more
We thought we'd lost you
You found an open door
That air of confidence
That needed no support
(But it's okay) Say goodbye to Hollywood
Don't you know we've come too far
(My matinee) My heart breaks
One more for the camera
(Fade to gray) And say goodbye to Hollywood
We were never who we are
(My matinee) You will always leave me wanting more
The future claimed you
And you were left behind
The road you traveled on
Has broken down with time
Gone but not forgotten
To reappear some day
You know I'm always here
You'll never fall from grace
Like a rhythm needs a dancer
Just a shadow on the wall
You know there was a time

He fancied himself a professional dreamer
Never much good at pretending to be something else
Often times he would sit there expressionless
Staring at nothing and everything at the same time
Sometimes he hear voices ...
It's that space in his head you say
Sometimes he hear voices ...
Then they just seem to fade away
Gone it an instant, without notice
One minute with us, next minute miles away
This time Vienna, next time Calais
The further the better with little or no delay
[Repeat Chorus]
One day he took it a little too far
Woke up ... standing ... right where you are !
Surrounded by strangers and stranger surroundings
Staring at nothing and everything at the same time
Sometimes he hear voices ...
It's that space in his head you say
Sometimes he hear voices ...
But they just seem to fade away

He woke up in a sweat
With a fading dream
But one picture still stood clear
And he wasn't sure if he could see it any other way
They're like a tiny dot
On an endless page
Just waiting to be erased
And it was clear to him they were treating it like a game
You've got too much to lose
You've got too much to lose
He looked out on the field
They were hard at work Like locusts in flight
And it almost looked as though they liked what they had to do
The sound of metal being shaped
To enable its flight
Not that far away
And as the numbers grew, their swarm blackened his view
You've got too much to lose
You've got too much to lose

A vision of buildings sitting empty
There's not a person to be found
All the cars sit silently waiting
All the leaves have fallen to the ground
Waves crash with no interruption
There's not a ship that you can see
No rock is thrown to change its motion
Rhythms moving, all naturally
A sleeping world, just waiting
A tired world
A sleeping world, just waiting
A tired world
A phone is ringing in the distance
A pulse with no end, no enemy
This cry has no one left it can bother
The person may have left suddenly
A lot of wasted words were spoken
Many vain attempts were made
No one realized that in the long run
It was ourselves we could have saved
A sleeping world, just waiting
A tired world A sleeping world, just waiting
A tired world

She never makes commitments
She's never short of alibis
When I ask the same old questions
She always tells me lies
There's something missing in her life
But what it is she won't say
And when I try to. . .
Try to reach her
She simply pulls away
Listening to her promises
Believing all her lies
Listen to those empty promises
One more time
She never thinks about the future
She lives from day to day
Sometimes I have to wonder
What kind of game she plays
So much emotion in her eyes
But so much emptiness inside
I know she wants to give you everything
I know I'm wasting my time
Listening to her promises
Believing all her lies
But when I hear those empty promises
I see through her disguise
Why do I listen to her empty promises
Believing in all her lies
Why will I listen to those empty promises
One more time
She promised the world to me
Tonight She promised to stay with me all night
Tonight Listen to those empty promises

I'm up each day
At the crack of dawn
Primed for the first inspection
He's runnin the home and the family
Like a military installation
(This can't be right)
(I feel so helpless)
I can't do this and I can't do that
I dare not make a move
Without his orders
No matter how well I do what I do
It's never good enough, (not for him)
I feel so helpless
(I) don't like to be so helpless
I don't wish to feel in my own home
Some kind of prisoner
There must be a way to put a stop
To his violent behavior
[Repeat Chorus]
Somehow somethings' changed around the house
It suddenly seems so calm
Now what are we supposed to do
With all of this new found freedom

No more
Going for the more familiar
No more
The nervous anxious grin
No more
Turning away from the peculiar
No more
Afraid of letting anyone in
Oh... The sound of strangers
Clawing at the door
Oh... The sound of strangers
Doesn't scare me anymore
No more
The fear of making the wrong impression
No more
Sitting on the edge of my chair
No more
Looking for approval on a quick decision
No more
Watching me from over there
[Repeat Chorus]

Once again he lays his pen down
And rubs his tired eyes
A few small words are all he needs
To help him win the prize
Sometimes he finds it so damn hard
There's so many different ways
To say exactly what he means
Within a simple phrase
Take it or leave it
You're going to have to read between the lines
Take it or leave it
It's got to come out different every time
Take it or leave it
You're going to have to read between the lines
Take it or leave it
It's got to come out different every time
Taking time with every line
Being careful no to stray
It's easy to interpret this
A hundred different ways
Sometimes he finds it so damn hard
To be more clever than before
Yet knowing how to satisfy
He leaves you wanting more

Don't you feel like somebody owes you?
Don't you feel like you've got something coming?
Don't you think you've been taken advantage of?
Don't you think it's time to get even?
Think back, you must be a victim
You must be a victim some way
Think back, who can we sue
Who can we screw today?
Don't you feel like they all want a piece of you?
Don't you feel like someone's got it in for you?
Think back, you must be a victim
You must be a victim some way
Think back, who can we sue
Who can we screw today?

I don't know how I got here
Don't know why you went away
I only hope you're listening
To what I'm tryin' to say
I'm just tryin' to reach you
What ever way I can
Maybe if I hold you
And make you understand
Don't know what you're thinking
Can't imagine how you feel
But I think you must be lonely
Living inside a dream
I'd do anything
To be right there where you are
Just know that I'll be waiting
Just don't go too far
I built my world around you
You're always on my mind
I can't imagine life without you
Don't you realize
Don't care how you got there
But I won't let you slip away
I only hope you're listening
To what I'm tryin' to say
I'm just tryin' to reach you
What ever way I can
I just wanna hold you
And make you understand
Feel and love to take
When you get what you want
Will that be enough
Feel and love to take
When you find you can't stop
Once is never enough
Feel and love to take
When you get what you want
Will that be enough
Feel and love to take
When you find you can't stop
