
Neve 1073 DPA vs. Universal Audio 610 Pre Amp
This is a Pre Amp Comparison
Universal Audio 610...
published: 13 Jan 2014
Neve 1073 DPA vs. Universal Audio 610 Pre Amp
Neve 1073 DPA vs. Universal Audio 610 Pre Amp
This is a Pre Amp Comparison AMS NEVE 1073 DPA Universal Audio 610- published: 13 Jan 2014
- views: 80

Let's Play Together League of Legends #610 Wieland/Perrick BOTLANE DES TODES
Ihr wollt mitzocken? Oder euch einfach untereinander austauschen? Dann Joint doch einfach ...
published: 12 Jan 2014
Let's Play Together League of Legends #610 Wieland/Perrick BOTLANE DES TODES
Let's Play Together League of Legends #610 Wieland/Perrick BOTLANE DES TODES
Ihr wollt mitzocken? Oder euch einfach untereinander austauschen? Dann Joint doch einfach mal den Channel "Gurke4Life" in League of Legends. Oder kommt auf unseren Teamspeak-Server: ------------------------Wie komm ich in den Channel?--------------------------- 1. Klickt einfach neben der Freundesliste auf "Chaträume anzeigen" 2. Chatraum erstellen oder beitreten. 3. Da gebt Ihr dann Gurke4Life ein. Viel Spaß beim Zuschauen wünschen euer Perrick und Orihalcon [League of Legends] Kostenloses Action-Rollenspiel entwickelt von Riot Games, Veröffentlicht bis 2010 von GOA ab dann Riot Games. Offizielle Internetseite: http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/- published: 12 Jan 2014
- views: 803

Lamborghini Huracan LP 610-4 Supercar (MUST SEE)
Get ready, supercar fans, Lamborghini is going to rock you like a hurricane.
Actually, it...
published: 20 Dec 2013
Lamborghini Huracan LP 610-4 Supercar (MUST SEE)
Lamborghini Huracan LP 610-4 Supercar (MUST SEE)
Get ready, supercar fans, Lamborghini is going to rock you like a hurricane. Actually, it's Huracan. That's the name the Volkswagen-owned Italian brand known for icons like the Countache and Diablo have given to its latest mid-engine supercar. The Huracan LP 610-4 replaces the outgoing Gallardo, a car that was introduced in 2003 and has unquestionably been integral to Lamborghini's growth and transition into the 21st century. More than 14,000 copies of the Gallardo were sold over two generations of the car, which loosely shared a platform and engine with the Audi R8. MORE INFO HERE: http://www.latimes.com/business/autos/la-fi-hy-autos-lamborghini-huracan-gallardo-20131220,0,242415.story#axzz2o3rmEk6p ••••DONT FORGET TO RATE, COMMENT, AND SUBSCRIBE!••••- published: 20 Dec 2013
- views: 1480

46 شخصاً و3 رافعات لنقل شاب سعودي يزن 610 كلغ الثـلاثـاء 20/08/2013
حالة نادرة استدعت فرق إنقاذ وسيارة إسعاف ورافعة استخدمت لنقله من منزله إلى الرياض
published: 20 Aug 2013
46 شخصاً و3 رافعات لنقل شاب سعودي يزن 610 كلغ الثـلاثـاء 20/08/2013
46 شخصاً و3 رافعات لنقل شاب سعودي يزن 610 كلغ الثـلاثـاء 20/08/2013
حالة نادرة استدعت فرق إنقاذ وسيارة إسعاف ورافعة استخدمت لنقله من منزله إلى الرياض التفاصيل بالاسفل لمشاهدة المزيد من المقاطع المميزة إشترك بلقناة مع خالص حبي http://www.youtube.com/user/roseegg1/videos?view=0 العربية.نت خالد شاعري، شاب سعودي يبلغ وزنه 610 كيلوغرامات، انتظر ستة أشهر لإجراء عملية لتخفيف وزنه، فهو يعاني من سمنة مفرطة، وهي حالة طبية نادرة لم تتكرر كثيراً في السعودية. الحكومة السعودية لم تقف مكتوفة الأيدي أمام حالة الشاب خالد شاعري، فقد أمر خادم الحرمين بعلاجه في مدينة الملك فهد الطبية بالرياض، ما استدعى نقله من محل إقامته في جازان بطائرة خاصة تم تجهيزها وتزويدها بجميع احتياجات المريض خلال الرحلة، بالإضافة إلى الطاقم الطبي المتخصص الذي رافقه في الرحلة. عملية نقل خالد لم تكن سهلة على الإطلاق، فنقله تطلب فرق إنقاذ مختصة من الدفاع المدني، قارب عددها الـ46، وسيارة إسعاف، إضافة الى رافعة قادرة على حمل ستين طناً ورافعتين تستخدمان في المعامل، كل هذا كان في سبيل نقله من منزله بجازان إلى سيارة خاصة ثم إلى الطائرة ومنها الى الرياض. وكان في استقبال المريض الدكتور عبد العزيز الحميضي، وكيل وزارة الصحة للخدمات العلاجية ورئيس الفريق الإشرافي لنقل الحالة، والدكتور محمود يماني المدير العام التنفيذي لمدينة الملك فهد الطبية بالرياض. من جهة أخرى، قامت الجهات المعنية التي وجه خادم الحرمين الشريفين بمشاركتها في عملية نقل المريض بإجراء تجربة فرضية لعملية النقل حرصاً على ضمان سلامة المريض وتجنب أي احتمالات قد تحدث أثناء عملية النقل، وذلك بإشراف طبي من مدينة الملك فهد الطبية بالرياض. وشارك في التجربة كل من وزارة الدفاع ممثلة بالنقل الجوي والإخلاء الطبي الجوي ووزارة الداخلية ممثلة بالدفاع المدني وهيئة الهلال الأحمر السعودي ومدينة الملك فهد الطبية والشؤون الصحية بجازان. تجدر الإشارة إلى أنه وفور صدور التوجيه قامت وزارة الصحة بتشكيل فريق طبي متخصص لزيارة المريض في مدينة جازان لوضع خطة النقل والعلاج وتحديد الاحتياجات اللازمة في مثل هذه الحالات، حيث قامت الوزارة بمخاطبة الشركات العالمية المتخصصة لتأمين هذه المتطلبات.- published: 20 Aug 2013
- views: 6325

Overview of the NEW LAMBORGHINI Huracán LP 610-4! The end of the Gallardo!
Reveal of technical details on the NEW LAMBORGHINI Huracán LP 610-4! The car to replace th...
published: 21 Dec 2013
Overview of the NEW LAMBORGHINI Huracán LP 610-4! The end of the Gallardo!
Overview of the NEW LAMBORGHINI Huracán LP 610-4! The end of the Gallardo!
Reveal of technical details on the NEW LAMBORGHINI Huracán LP 610-4! The car to replace the Lamborghini Gallardo! The new Lamborghini Huracán LP 610-4: Today Lamborghini announced the replacement for the Gallardo, the Lamborghini Huracán. The car in action! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewwsgIt6VQg I'm going to tell you everything I know about this new car, but first let's talk briefly about the car which it replaces. The Gallardo was first released in 2003 intended to me a more reasonable car as opposed to it's very angry and highly impractical big brother and my favorite exotic car, the Murcielago. The Murcielago was a wild ride. Recently the V12 Murcielago was put to rest and replaced by the new younger, smarter more athletic....Lamborghini Aventador. Well...it's been 10 years now and the final Gallardo was produced just recently, so naturally we know what is next. Ladies and gentlemen. I present to you, the NEW Lamborghini Huracan LP 610-4 Lamborghini Huracán LP 610-4. It's got a new 610 hp 5.2L V10 and will take you to 60 MPH in under 3.2 seconds, and from 0-124MPH in 9.9 seconds and will top out at over 202 MPH! Lamborghini says the "Huracán combines absolute performance with easy-todrive road behavior and both a luxurious and sport-oriented finish" A little history on the name Huracan. It's yet another fighting bull of the Spanish Conte de la Patilla breed, which was known for it's outstanding courage and strong sense of attack. Quite fitting I think for the name for the latest ferocious bull, from Lamborghini! The car features a 12.3 inch full-color TFT instrument panel which shows things like the rev counter, navigation maps and entertainment functions, and it's driver configurable. It has a dry weight of 3135 pounds and has a power to weight ratio of 5LB/HP. The new 5.2 liter V10 engine has 610 HP at 8,250 rpm and max torque of 413 ft lbs at 6.500 rpm. It has a new ''IniezioneDiretta Stratificata'' (IDS), which features direct and indirect gasoline injections with more power and torque with lower fuel consumption and emissions compared with the Gallardo V10 engine. The car also features Stop & Start technology which is used by highly efficient cars to stop the engine while you wait at a red light for example. I'm sure however, that this is deactivated in corsa. Well I'd hope so anyway. It has a 7-speed dual clutch transmission, the ''Lamborghini Doppia Frizione'' (LDF) and a fully electronically controlled four-wheel drive system. The different driving modes can be selected via a driving dynamics selector switch in the steering wheel which is something you will find in many Ferrari cars of the last decade. The modes are still STRADA, SPORT and CORSA. They affect shifting, engine behavior, sound and the four-wheel-drive system and electronic stability control. Carbon-ceramic brakes are a standard so make sure you have the pockets to maintain that very powerful but expensive braking system found also on other cars of this caliber. Deliveries begin in spring of 2014. Well, I'm very impressed with the car so far. I think it looks great and I look forward to seeing the first model in person and sharing that experience with you. I may fly out to Geneva to see it or I'll do one of the private events in America. Either way, Stay tuned and subscribe for more information! _________________________________ *Carlyle's Picks - www.carlylespicks.com* Reviews, information and ACTION videos on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays!! Exotic cars, motorcycles, yachts, travel, gadgets and extreme sports! SUBSCRIBE FREE!! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=carlylespicks Facebook - Carlyle's Picks http://www.facebook.com/pages/Carlyles-Picks/177951058887498 Carlyle's Picks List http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB126F98965DF8EE1 Twitter - https://twitter.com/carlylespicks POPULAR VIDEOS: Cutting edge business Jet! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5wkFsvUaUg Building your own REAL Lambo! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlkAcTTvEgQ *HOTT* Top 10 Luxury Hotels! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnia5SgijOA __________________________________________________ NOTE: Carlyle's Picks does NOT accept paid endorsement. ________________________________________ Data: 21:12:13:11:38.2975 40^ 8v 26c one notte 21:12:13:13:34.3376 44^ 11v 30c 21:12:13:18:40.6344 64^ 16v 35c 21:12:13:19:13.7000 65^ 17v 45c- published: 21 Dec 2013
- views: 10818

Chefs Choice 610 Food Slicer Review
In this video, we have just received our new food slicer, the Chef's Choice model 610 and ...
published: 01 Aug 2013
Chefs Choice 610 Food Slicer Review
Chefs Choice 610 Food Slicer Review
In this video, we have just received our new food slicer, the Chef's Choice model 610 and give it it first test on a loaf of turkey breast and a block of sharp cheddar cheese. We purchased ours from Bed, Bath & Beyond who let us use a 15% off coupon which paid for most of the tax and expedited shipping costs right to our house in 2 business days. In all we paid about $132 everything included.- published: 01 Aug 2013
- views: 61

Garmin Forerunner 10 vs Forerunner 610 Compare Review
We will do a quick compare review of the forerunner 10 vs forerunner 610. SIZE- the foreru...
published: 24 Mar 2013
author: Jim Cyr
Garmin Forerunner 10 vs Forerunner 610 Compare Review
Garmin Forerunner 10 vs Forerunner 610 Compare Review
We will do a quick compare review of the forerunner 10 vs forerunner 610. SIZE- the forerunner 10 has 2 sizes, the green/white is a tad smaller than the blac...- published: 24 Mar 2013
- views: 5191
- author: Jim Cyr

Antonio Vivaldi - Magnificat in G Minor RV 610
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741) Magnificat RV 610 in G Minor / G-moll / en Sol mineur 1. Mag...
published: 11 Sep 2011
author: QuareoInvenietis
Antonio Vivaldi - Magnificat in G Minor RV 610
Antonio Vivaldi - Magnificat in G Minor RV 610
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741) Magnificat RV 610 in G Minor / G-moll / en Sol mineur 1. Magnificat (Adagio) 2. Et exsultavit (Allegro) 3. Et misericordia (And...- published: 11 Sep 2011
- views: 38563
- author: QuareoInvenietis

MST3k 610 - The Violent Years
Ed Wood brings us the all-too-familiar tale of violent girl gangs. Men are raped, schoolro...
published: 03 Jun 2011
author: analogkid01
MST3k 610 - The Violent Years
MST3k 610 - The Violent Years
Ed Wood brings us the all-too-familiar tale of violent girl gangs. Men are raped, schoolrooms are trashed, and keep an eye out for the exquisitely-choreograp...- published: 03 Jun 2011
- views: 36304
- author: analogkid01

Richard Hawthorne 610 lbs deadlift x 4 reps
This dude never ceases to amaze me! SICK!...
published: 03 Mar 2012
author: gkhiga
Richard Hawthorne 610 lbs deadlift x 4 reps
Richard Hawthorne 610 lbs deadlift x 4 reps
This dude never ceases to amaze me! SICK!- published: 03 Mar 2012
- views: 94059
- author: gkhiga

Chef's Choice 610 Slicer
Demonstration Video....
published: 15 Dec 2010
author: Bentley Meredith
Chef's Choice 610 Slicer
Chef's Choice 610 Slicer
Demonstration Video.- published: 15 Dec 2010
- views: 17141
- author: Bentley Meredith

TSRR 201 struggling to move the T&P; 610 into the Palestine shop - 1080p High Definition
TSRR 4-6-0 #201 struggling with wheel slip while moving the Texas & Pacific 2-10-4 #610 in...
published: 31 Mar 2010
author: Jason Lee Davis
TSRR 201 struggling to move the T&P; 610 into the Palestine shop - 1080p High Definition
TSRR 201 struggling to move the T&P; 610 into the Palestine shop - 1080p High Definition
TSRR 4-6-0 #201 struggling with wheel slip while moving the Texas & Pacific 2-10-4 #610 into the Texas State Railroad shop at Palestine, Texas, March 27, 201...- published: 31 Mar 2010
- views: 203999
- author: Jason Lee Davis

One Piece 610 Preview ワンピース 610 - HQ 720P
One Piece 610 Preview ワンピース 610 - HQ 720P
One Piece Episode 610 Preview - the 610th ep...
published: 13 Jan 2014
One Piece 610 Preview ワンピース 610 - HQ 720P
One Piece 610 Preview ワンピース 610 - HQ 720P
One Piece 610 Preview ワンピース 610 - HQ 720P One Piece Episode 610 Preview - the 610th episode of the One Piece anime. One Piece Episode 610 English Sub Full ワンピース One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub Full One Piece 610 English Sub Complete One Piece 610 English Sub 1/2 One Piece 610 English Sub 2/2 One Piece 610 English sub 1/2 HQ One Piece 610 English sub 2/2 HQ One Piece 610 Sub Español Full One Piece 610 Sub Español 1/2 One Piece 610 Sub Español 2/2 One Piece 610 Sub Español 1/2 HQ One Piece 610 Sub Español 2/2 HQ ワンピース610 One Piece Episode 625 English Sub Full ワンピース One Piece 625 English Sub One Piece 625 English Sub Full One Piece 625 English Sub Complete One Piece 625 English Sub 1/2 One Piece 625 English Sub 2/2 One Piece 625 English sub 1/2 HQ One Piece 625 English sub 2/2 HQ One Piece 625 Sub Español Full One Piece 625 Sub Español 1/2 One Piece 625 Sub Español 2/2 One Piece 625 Sub Español 1/2 HQ One Piece 625 Sub Español 2/2 HQ ワンピース 625 One Piece Episode 626 English sub One Piece 626 English Sub One Piece 626 English Sub Full One Piece 626 English Sub Complete One Piece 626 English Sub 1/2 One Piece 626 English Sub 2/2 One Piece 626English sub 1/2 HQ One Piece 626 English sub 2/2 HQ One Piece 626 Sub Español Full One Piece 626 Sub Español 1/2 One Piece 626 Sub Español 2/2 One Piece 626 Sub Español 1/2 HQ One Piece 626 Sub Español 2/2 HQ One Piece Episode 627 English Sub Full ワンピース One Piece 627 English Sub One Piece 627 English Sub Full One Piece 627 English Sub Complete One Piece 627 English Sub 1/2 One Piece 627 English Sub 2/2 One Piece 627 English sub 1/2 HQ One Piece 627 English sub 2/2 HQ One Piece 627 Sub Español Full One Piece 627 Sub Español 1/2 One Piece 627 Sub Español 2/2 One Piece 627 Sub Español 1/2 HQ One Piece 627 Sub Español 2/2 HQ One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece 610 English Sub One Piece Episode 610 English Sub Full ワンピース, One Piece 610 English Sub, ワンピース610, One Piece 610 English Sub Full, One Piece 610 English Sub Complete,One Piece 610 English Sub 1/2,One Piece 610 English Sub 2/2,One Piece 610 English sub 1/2 HQ,One Piece 610 English sub 2/2 HQ,One Piece 610 Sub Español Full- published: 13 Jan 2014
- views: 1

Nutella Semifreddo Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 610
To get this recipe with measurements: http://www.LauraintheKitchen.com PREVIOUS EPISODE: h...
published: 20 Jul 2013
author: Laura in the Kitchen
Nutella Semifreddo Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 610
Nutella Semifreddo Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 610
To get this recipe with measurements: http://www.LauraintheKitchen.com PREVIOUS EPISODE: http://litk.us/previous NEXT EPISODE: http://litk.us/next Official F...- published: 20 Jul 2013
- views: 152273
- author: Laura in the Kitchen
Vimeo results:

Brick by Brick: A Documentary on the Bethlehem Skateplaza
Over the past 2 years we've been fortunate enough to skate on our skateplaza that was almo...
published: 30 Apr 2012
author: Homebase 610
Brick by Brick: A Documentary on the Bethlehem Skateplaza
Over the past 2 years we've been fortunate enough to skate on our skateplaza that was almost a 10 year collaboration between the City of Bethlehem and Homebase Skateshop.
This short documentary is meant to show people the positive effects of skateplazas/parks can have in the community if done correctly. As well as how you can support the growing project in Bethlehem.
Feel free to share this with your family, friends and local government. If it helps another group of skaters in a need of a legal place to continue doing what they love- then it's all been worthwhile.
This documentary was made with only good intentions but not necessarily good audio equipment. Please excuse the audio inconsistencies.
Produced by: Homebase Skateshop
Directed by: Andrew Po & Trip Brown
Filmed & Edited by: Trip Brown
Additional Filming: Matt Lewis of the LV Mirror & Matt Pepe
3-D Design by: Adam Temple from A.R.T. Productions
Timelapse Photography: Marty Desilets
Photography: Mike Panic, Armahn Wallace & Max Zahradnik
Appearances by:
Ralph Carp, head of Bethlehem Parks
Kara Johnson, assistant manager for the D.B.A.
Steve Van Doren of Vans Footwear
Special Thanks to Trip Brown for all his time and effort making this documentary possible.
For more information on Homebase & upcoming Bethlehem Skateplaza events please visit:

Luke Koch's part from LEMMEGETDATFOOTY
Filmed by: Tombo Colabraro
Edited by: Andy Po
See t...
published: 21 Jul 2013
author: Homebase 610
Luke Koch's part from LEMMEGETDATFOOTY
Filmed by: Tombo Colabraro
Edited by: Andy Po
See the full video here on our Homebase Skateshop Vimeo page.
See all of our full length videos at www.Homebase610.com

A collection of footage donated to Homebase by local skaters and filmers from the 610 and ...
published: 20 Jun 2013
author: Homebase 610
A collection of footage donated to Homebase by local skaters and filmers from the 610 and beyond.
Produced by: Homebase Skateshop
Edited by: Andy Po
Assistant editor: Matt Andersen
Main Contributing Filmers:
Matt Andersen
Matt Pepe
Matt Roberge
Trip Brown
Tombo Colabraro
Jake Todd
Max Zahradnik + Lost Soul Skateboards
Andy Vasquez
Thank you to everyone who made our 6th shop skate video possible.
I listed as many filmers in the credits of as I could. I'm sorry if I left anyone out.
We appreciate all the support skateboarding shows us.

Dan Pensyl's part from LEMMEGETDATFOOTY
Guest Skater: Willy Akers
Filmed by: Tombo Colabra...
published: 23 Jul 2013
author: Homebase 610
Dan Pensyl's part from LEMMEGETDATFOOTY
Guest Skater: Willy Akers
Filmed by: Tombo Colabraro
Edited by: Andy Po
See the full video here on our Homebase Skateshop Vimeo page.
See all of our full length videos at www.Homebase610.com
Youtube results:

P&T; Bullshit! 610 - Good Ol' Days
The copyright belongs to Penn&Teller; and Showtime. I just love the show.and try to spread ...
published: 23 Feb 2013
author: boiergabriel
P&T; Bullshit! 610 - Good Ol' Days
P&T; Bullshit! 610 - Good Ol' Days
The copyright belongs to Penn&Teller; and Showtime. I just love the show.and try to spread the word. If you like it too, please support the authors by buying ...- published: 23 Feb 2013
- views: 6340
- author: boiergabriel

Dorm Tour of Wentworth Institute of Technology Suite (610 Huntington Ave)
This is a tour of my suite. I made one last year and it was apparently very helpful. Since...
published: 29 Dec 2012
author: ohheydarciemae1121
Dorm Tour of Wentworth Institute of Technology Suite (610 Huntington Ave)
Dorm Tour of Wentworth Institute of Technology Suite (610 Huntington Ave)
This is a tour of my suite. I made one last year and it was apparently very helpful. Since there isn't a lengthy tour of a 610 WIT suite on youtube, I figure...- published: 29 Dec 2012
- views: 1006
- author: ohheydarciemae1121

Arabia Saudita, uomo di 610 chili aereotrasportato in ospedale
Vent'anni e 610 chili di peso. Khalid Mohsin Shaeiri è diventato famoso suo malgrado, e no...
published: 19 Aug 2013
Arabia Saudita, uomo di 610 chili aereotrasportato in ospedale
Arabia Saudita, uomo di 610 chili aereotrasportato in ospedale
Vent'anni e 610 chili di peso. Khalid Mohsin Shaeiri è diventato famoso suo malgrado, e non solo... Euronews, il canale all news più seguito in Europa. Abbonati a euronews e ricevi ogni giorno una selezione delle nostre notizie:http://eurone.ws/17uYNV4 euronews è disponibile in 13 altre lingue :http://eurone.ws/XyJjNW http://it.euronews.com/2013/08/19/arabia-saudita-uomo-di-610-chili-aereotrasportato-in-ospedale Vent'anni e 610 chili di peso. Khalid Mohsin Shaeiri è diventato famoso suo malgrado, e non solo nel suo paese natale, l'Arabia Saudita. Da due anni e mezzo era immobilizzato a letto, incapace di muovere un passo. Re Abdullah ne ha disposto il ricovero in un ospedale di Ryad. Il problema era farcelo arrivare. E per questo è stato necessario l'intervento dei demolitori, che hanno dovuto abbattere una parete del suo appartamento al secondo piano e farlo calare con un montacarichi. Infine il viaggio fino all'aereoporto e il volo da Jazan a Ryad. Si seguono: Su Youtube http://bit.ly/wV2enX Su Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/euronews.fans Twitter: http://twitter.com/euronewsit- published: 19 Aug 2013
- views: 108

Supply and Demand Rap Econ 610 (Parody Whatever You Like) CC
This song was created to enter the Supply and Demand Video Contest sponsored by Fayettevil...
published: 06 Nov 2011
author: 361DegreesShow
Supply and Demand Rap Econ 610 (Parody Whatever You Like) CC
Supply and Demand Rap Econ 610 (Parody Whatever You Like) CC
This song was created to enter the Supply and Demand Video Contest sponsored by Fayetteville State University's Hackley Endowment. We are students of Profess...- published: 06 Nov 2011
- views: 8714
- author: 361DegreesShow