Education minister Christopher Pyne during a press conference in Canberra on Wednesday 4 December 2013. Photo: Andrew Meares

blue and white striped tie

Federal Education Minister Christopher Pyne. Photo: Andrew Meares

Parents and teachers want a review of the Australian curriculum and the federal government has a right to reassess the policies of its predecessor, Education Minister Christopher Pyne says.

Writing in The Age on Monday, Mr Pyne argues the review was ''not a surprise sprung on an unsuspecting public'' because the Coalition promised it before the past two federal elections.

''There can be little doubt the Abbott government has a firm mandate to initiate a review of the national curriculum,'' he said. ''The electorate endorsed it, parents want it, many education experts and teachers desire it, and for the sake of our students and developing a quality education system, this government is doing it as promised.''

But Australian Education Union state president Meredith Peace said teachers wanted to get on with their jobs rather than going through another curriculum review. Ms Peace said teachers had been involved in writing the existing national curriculum introduced under the former federal Labor government.

Victorian Association of State Secondary Principals president Frank Sal said he was concerned another review would create uncertainty for principals. He said a range of people and organisations had put a lot of work into the national curriculum.

But Mr Pyne said there were ''serious doubts'' about whether the curriculum in its current form met policy demands. He said Australia needed a curriculum that met students' needs and matched parents' expectations. Mr Pyne also rejected suggestions the review was a ''political ploy''.

''Those who think so should have a close look at their own motives for articulating such a nonsense,'' he said.

Last week, Gonski review panel member Ken Boston claimed Mr Pyne had launched the review to divert attention from ''inequality of opportunity'' in the education system.

However, Mr Pyne said the review would be open, independent, ''required to consult and its report will be made public''.

Australian College of Educators board president Stephen Dinham said a mid-year timeline was too short to conduct the process properly.

Parents Victoria chief executive Gail McHardy also questioned the need and cost of another review.

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