Michael Gordon

Michael Gordon

Michael Gordon is the political editor of The Age.

Palmer drops a bombshell and Abbott's week implodes

Michael Gordon Of all the scenes of chaos, confusion and incongruity in the national parliament this week, the hardest to imagine is that of Clive Palmer, sprinting, or at least shuffling at high speed, from his...

Abbott is no jewel in the Liberal crown as the Victorian election nears

Michael Gordon dinkus.

Michael Gordon It is hard to comprehend how far the Liberal Party has fallen, at a state and federal level, in the state that produced its founder and most towering figure, Sir Robert Menzies.

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Our politics needs to change. Here's how

Andrew Dyson CARTOON ; Michael Gordon column, Political Disengagement in Australia,  Age opinion 21 june 2014.  20/6/2014

Michael Gordon Bill Shorten opted for irony when he addressed the Canberra press gallery's mid-winter ball this week, reminding those present that, despite the appearance of upheaval and change, much in politics...

Labor confronts a debate the nation has to have

Illustration by Andrew Dyson.

Michael Gordon Political pragmatism will win the day in the Labor caucus on Tuesday, but the discussion might be a precursor to the debate about ends and means that, eventually, the nation will have to have.

After breach of trust, discipline breaks down


Michael Gordon Just before Alan Jones introduced Andrew Bolt to his radio audience on Wednesday, and launched into a tag-team assault on the character and competence of the most popular figure in the Abbott...

A great moral failing of modern Australia

Michael Gordon In the end, the claim of a major cover-up came from the least likely quarter: the Papua New Guinea police, who are charged with bringing the killers of Reza Barati to justice.

Has the federal budget fatally wounded two Liberal leaders?

Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey

Michael Gordon Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey have taken a hit in the opinion polls from an unpopular budget. Will it prove a fatal blow?

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A fight to the death for two leaders in denial

Michael Gordon dinkus.

Michael Gordon Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten are two very different politicians, but they have at least one quality in common as they shape up for a bitter battle to the political death. Both are in denial.

Tuesday's federal budget is Abbott's biggest gamble


Michael Gordon The man who promised no excuses and no surprises is poised to offer an abundance of both.

Abbott and Co must make honest call on budget

Michael Gordon dinkus.

Michael Gordon Tony Abbott could do worse than take a leaf out of Julia Gillard's book.

The real price of stopping the boats

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis.

Michael Gordon The boats have stopped coming but at some point there will be a reckoning on the price that's been paid.

Pressure on Bill Shorten to walk the talk

Michael Gordon dinkus.

Michael Gordon It was a speech designed to set the tone for Labor's response to the calamity that was last Saturday's West Australian Senate byelection.

The conflicting, confusing narratives of Tony Abbott, PM

Illustration: Andrew Dyson.

Michael Gordon Abbott would be wise to reflect upon Paul Keating's views on political capital and how it should be spent.

Abbott fiddles while Manus burns

Dyson illustration.

Michael Gordon As preparations were completed for Friday's ceremonial welcome for Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott in Port Moresby, including the 19-gun salute, a procession of asylum seekers was appearing...

A war of words over words that wound

Michael Gordon The most revealing exchanges about Prime Minister Tony Abbott's plan to remove legislation that makes it an offence to 'offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate' people on the grounds of race or...

Michael Gordon

Lessons for all major players in Qantas saga

Michael Gordon dinkus.

Michael Gordon It was a story that stretched credulity, related second-hand in a matter-of-fact tone by a cheery Joe Hockey on morning radio.

Preselection dogfight puts Labor seat of Macedon at risk

Andrew Dyson.

Michael Gordon Own goals don't get much more spectacular than the one Labor MP Stephen Conroy scored.

Five reasons to be optimistic

Michael Gordon The challenge for Abbott will be to create an empowering realtionship with indigenous people.


The week Abbott gave shape to his vision for Australia


Michael Gordon Six months before reporters from this newspaper and the ABC worked together to expose the extent of corruption in the construction industry, a team of four federal Coalition MPs conducted their own...

As we remember old battles, Advance Australia where?

Jim Pavlidis.

Michael Gordon For a leader who railed against what he called a perpetual seminar on the national identity, John Howard devoted an awful lot of time and energy to the subject.