Daniel Flitton

Daniel Flitton

Daniel Flitton is senior correspondent for The Age covering foreign affairs and politics. He is a former intelligence analyst for the Australian government and was at one-time a university lecturer specialising in international relations.

No winners in pulling the plug on Australia Network

Daniel Flitton The picture is fading. Australia Network will soon be nothing more than a shrinking white dot on the screen.

A shrine of whose remembrance?

Daniel Flitton The first locomotive to steam through dense jungle on the Thai-Burma railway is now parked in central Tokyo.

Blank page leaves PM free to work on US lines


Daniel Flitton Tony Abbott has a real chance to spell out in some detail over the coming weeks what he'd like to achieve abroad.

Read all about it, spying misses intelligence quotient

Labor MP Bob Carr.

Daniel Flitton Bob Carr's comments on intelligence in his diary deserve attention, writes Danile Flitton.

US shows the way


Daniel Flitton Australia should join the world leader in championing justice for human rights violations.


Rwanda: Escaping the men with machetes


Daniel Flitton Twenty years after the genocide in Rwanda, Marie Claire Mukayiranga lives safely in Melbourne. But the past is never far away.

Pacific islands may be selling diplomatic immunity

Daniel Flitton Sovereignty should not be for sale to the highest bidder.

Time to give our Kiwi soul mates the vote

New Zealand flag with crowd.,

Daniel Flitton It's time to right an injustice to the 640,000 New Zealanders who live here but can't join our elections.

No joke, navy captains' intent a critical issue for Australia

Daniel Flitton There is a wry joke about submarines, that only the navy would build a ship designed to sink.

Brushing off voters' climate fears would be a foolish move

Daniel Flitton Tony Abbott should now be on to his second toothbrush since the election. Assuming, that is, the Prime Minister follows the manufacturer's recommendation to change his bristle stick every three...


Sorry kids, to be honest, we're not a charity


Daniel Flitton Australia needs to make sure it spends wisely. Aid spending will be directed closer to home.

Comments 258


Tough talk rocks the boat with Indonesia

Daniel Flitton dinkus dink

Daniel Flitton The Coalition's dud turn-back-the-boats policy is irritating our closest neighbour.

Comments 161

A secret no one knows is scarcely a secret; enter the human factor

Daniel Flitton Can you keep a secret? You mustn't laugh, you mustn't cry - you musn't post on Facebook.


Money talks in any language. Comprendo?

Daniel Flitton Should we learn the language of our trading partners?

A bland defence posture that may be just right for our times

Daniel Flitton Stephen Smith tried to pass the Goldilocks test on Friday when serving up Australia's latest military blueprint.

Daniel Flitton

Escape to a fair deal? Not in this country!

Daniel Flitton Keeping people in detention with no explanation, no trial, no appeal, should be a crime.

Comments 70

Australians must realise the future is not all about China

Daniel Flitton Australia must find its place in a world with the rising powers of Brazil, Russia, India and China.

Comments 9