
Kotaku's Broken Playstation 4 FIXED: Bent HDMI Pins
published: 15 Nov 2013
Kotaku's Broken Playstation 4 FIXED: Bent HDMI Pins
Kotaku's Broken Playstation 4 FIXED: Bent HDMI Pins
http://kotaku.com/good-news-about-our-once-broken-ps4-1464813671- published: 15 Nov 2013
- views: 8320

The FACTS About HDMI Cables
If you paid more than 15 dollars for your HDMI cable, you were gouged. Sub and rate! www.a...
published: 30 Dec 2009
author: akaTRENT
The FACTS About HDMI Cables
The FACTS About HDMI Cables
If you paid more than 15 dollars for your HDMI cable, you were gouged. Sub and rate! www.akatrent.tk For more information on hdmi cables, Check out HDGURU.co...- published: 30 Dec 2009
- views: 159646
- author: akaTRENT

How To Connect Laptop to HDMI Flat Screen LCD Monitor
Here I am connecting the Dell Vostro V130 laptop to my 23" Samsung LCD monitor which suppo...
published: 18 Feb 2011
author: adriarichards
How To Connect Laptop to HDMI Flat Screen LCD Monitor
How To Connect Laptop to HDMI Flat Screen LCD Monitor
Here I am connecting the Dell Vostro V130 laptop to my 23" Samsung LCD monitor which supports DVI, VGA, HDMI and has a built in tv tuner. The laptop is runni...- published: 18 Feb 2011
- views: 863471
- author: adriarichards

Display Interfaces (VGA, DVI, HDMI, Display Port) Round Up (NCIX Tech Tips #84)
This episode Linus will walk through all the different video interfaces out there and what...
published: 31 Oct 2010
author: NCIXcom
Display Interfaces (VGA, DVI, HDMI, Display Port) Round Up (NCIX Tech Tips #84)
Display Interfaces (VGA, DVI, HDMI, Display Port) Round Up (NCIX Tech Tips #84)
This episode Linus will walk through all the different video interfaces out there and what is the advantages for each of them.- published: 31 Oct 2010
- views: 271816
- author: NCIXcom

Which HDMI Cable Should I Get?
http://chris.pirillo.com/how-to-find-the-right-hdmi-cable/ - The cable industry is a racke...
published: 12 Jul 2011
author: lockergnome
Which HDMI Cable Should I Get?
Which HDMI Cable Should I Get?
http://chris.pirillo.com/how-to-find-the-right-hdmi-cable/ - The cable industry is a racket. Some manufacturers charge a reasonable price for their products ...- published: 12 Jul 2011
- views: 31277
- author: lockergnome

AIRTAME - Wireless HDMI for Everyone.
We are live at Indiegogo - contribute now at: http://www.igg.me/at/airtame
Display your c...
published: 21 Nov 2013
AIRTAME - Wireless HDMI for Everyone.
AIRTAME - Wireless HDMI for Everyone.
We are live at Indiegogo - contribute now at: http://www.igg.me/at/airtame Display your computer screen and sound (Mac, Windows, Linux) on your TV, Projector or Monitor - Wirelessly. Mirror your screen wireleesly, Extend your screen wirelessly, or even mirror to multiple screen at the same time - of cause also wirelessly.- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 54995

Подключение компа к ТВ через HDMI
Для подключения ПК или ноутбука к телевизору лучше всего подходят цифровые выходы видеосиг...
published: 19 Jan 2013
author: Mr11vlad11
Подключение компа к ТВ через HDMI
Подключение компа к ТВ через HDMI
Для подключения ПК или ноутбука к телевизору лучше всего подходят цифровые выходы видеосигнала. HDMI.Оптимальный выбор -- это подключение с помощью HDMI. Как...- published: 19 Jan 2013
- views: 42522
- author: Mr11vlad11

2013- Connect Your Computer to TV With HDMI With AUDIO/Sound
This video will show you how to connect your computer to your television using an HDMI cor...
published: 27 Jul 2013
2013- Connect Your Computer to TV With HDMI With AUDIO/Sound
2013- Connect Your Computer to TV With HDMI With AUDIO/Sound
This video will show you how to connect your computer to your television using an HDMI cord. You can use a PC to display audio and video on your TV and watch your favorite videos, movies or simply browse the web. I ran into a situation where I was unable to hear any sound from my TV speakers. I was also getting this error message that said my AMD HDMI Digital Output was "Not Plugged In" when it clearly was. This caused the HDMI playback device in sound options to be "greyed out" and I was unable to select it and set it as the default device. Sometimes updating your sound drivers, or rolling them back can fix any glitches you are having. After connecting the two devices, it is not uncommon for you to have to restart your computer for Windows to recognize the HDMI output. Thanks!- published: 27 Jul 2013
- views: 11

http://asktutorial.com/como-conectar-tu-pc-a-tu-tv-facilmente/ En este video explico detal...
published: 25 Dec 2011
author: Omar Castaneda
http://asktutorial.com/como-conectar-tu-pc-a-tu-tv-facilmente/ En este video explico detalladamente, ya que veo que muchas personas aun tiene dudas de como c...- published: 25 Dec 2011
- views: 391300
- author: Omar Castaneda

Que es HDMI, VGA, DVI, sus Cables y Cual es mejor para HDTV
Todo sobre las interfaces y estandares de video de los puertos HDMI, VGA, DVI, sus Diferen...
published: 03 Nov 2012
author: showtekone
Que es HDMI, VGA, DVI, sus Cables y Cual es mejor para HDTV
Que es HDMI, VGA, DVI, sus Cables y Cual es mejor para HDTV
Todo sobre las interfaces y estandares de video de los puertos HDMI, VGA, DVI, sus Diferencias, Cables, Adaptadores, Convertidores de VGA a HDMI, de HDMI a V...- published: 03 Nov 2012
- views: 23116
- author: showtekone

Truth about HDMI cables
http://www.tech2buzz.com The truth about HDMI cables and which HDMI cables should you buy?...
published: 10 Mar 2011
author: geekyranjit
Truth about HDMI cables
Truth about HDMI cables
http://www.tech2buzz.com The truth about HDMI cables and which HDMI cables should you buy? For a normal HDTV I would say go with any HDMI cable that supports...- published: 10 Mar 2011
- views: 58668
- author: geekyranjit

HouseLogix - HDMI Repair Kit Installation
Damaged HDMI cable or connector? No problem! Our iKon solderless HDMI Repair Kit allows yo...
published: 28 Apr 2013
author: HouseLogix
HouseLogix - HDMI Repair Kit Installation
HouseLogix - HDMI Repair Kit Installation
Damaged HDMI cable or connector? No problem! Our iKon solderless HDMI Repair Kit allows you to re-terminate broken HDMI cables. This video will walk you thro...- published: 28 Apr 2013
- views: 780
- author: HouseLogix

Tire todas suas dúvidas sobre a conexão HDMI - Olhar Digital
Saiba o que é esse sistema que une transmissão de som e imagem através de um único cabo e ...
published: 21 Feb 2010
author: TheMlaor
Tire todas suas dúvidas sobre a conexão HDMI - Olhar Digital
Tire todas suas dúvidas sobre a conexão HDMI - Olhar Digital
Saiba o que é esse sistema que une transmissão de som e imagem através de um único cabo e veja o que esperar da versão 1.4.- published: 21 Feb 2010
- views: 37008
- author: TheMlaor
Vimeo results:

Calibrating a Broadcast Monitor + New Pro Features
LCD Monitor from Marshall
Steps detailed in video:
1. Adjust Brightness 2. Adjust Contra...
published: 17 Mar 2009
author: Guy Cochran
Calibrating a Broadcast Monitor + New Pro Features
LCD Monitor from Marshall
Steps detailed in video:
1. Adjust Brightness 2. Adjust Contrast. 3. Adjust Color
Additional Features demonstrated: Freeze frame, Red Peaking, 1:1 Pixel-Pixel, and False color
This video was shot with the Canon 5D Mark II. 100mm Macro Lens

Kopterworx Mini HDMI converter
New product from Kopterworx.
Hdmi converter which support all cameras and all formats.
published: 24 Mar 2013
author: Kopterworx
Kopterworx Mini HDMI converter
New product from Kopterworx.
Hdmi converter which support all cameras and all formats.
Join us on FB:

Save your DSLR HDMI Port with the Zacuto Pincher
Did you know that a camera’s damaged HDMI input can cost over $1000 to repair? Thanks to t...
published: 01 Sep 2011
author: Zacuto
Save your DSLR HDMI Port with the Zacuto Pincher
Did you know that a camera’s damaged HDMI input can cost over $1000 to repair? Thanks to the new Zacuto Pincher, your HDMI cable can be safely secured to your camera to help avoid any snapping or breakage. Join Zacuto Owners/Product designers, Steve Weiss and Jens Bogehegn, as they explore all the features and benefits of this cutting edge accessory.
For more information:

GH2 HDMI output recorded with Atomos NINJA
Ninja Graffiti by Martin Beek / www.marvelsfilm.com
Recorded at the annual Graffiti event...
published: 16 Jul 2011
author: Martin Beek
GH2 HDMI output recorded with Atomos NINJA
Ninja Graffiti by Martin Beek / www.marvelsfilm.com
Recorded at the annual Graffiti event in downtown Eindhoven (The Netherlands) using the Panasonic GH2 and Atomos Ninja digital recorder. The Ninja is a GREAT sub-1000 euro ProRes422(HQ) HDMI recorder from http://www.atomos.com .
I've used the GH2's Smooth picture profile (all settings on -2 except for color saturation at -1) and Voigtlander Nokton 25mm/f0.95 lens with Fader ND filter. Aperture fixed at f2.8. Mixed 160 and 320 ISO.
Quality of the footage is stunning; it's a pity that i had to convert it to H.264 to upload to Vimeo and YouTube, plus the extra compression crap that is added during the conversion. You can download the H.264 input file (not the ProRes444, alas...).
Music: "Yeah Yeah" by "Bodyrox featuring Luciana". Buy the music here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/yeah-yeah/id211458233
HDMI Ninja-recorder footage was deinterlaced, decrippled and converted to uncompressed 4:2:2 "fcp-ready" footage by using the free AviSynth and FFMpeg tools as described here:
and here: http://marvelsfilm.wordpress.com/2011/04/27/gh2-hdmi-recording-avisynth-scrip...
Youtube results:

Galaxy S4 HDMI Output
A quick demo of how the Galaxy S4 connects to a TV via HDMI using the same MHL adapter as ...
published: 28 Apr 2013
author: tongyoon
Galaxy S4 HDMI Output
Galaxy S4 HDMI Output
A quick demo of how the Galaxy S4 connects to a TV via HDMI using the same MHL adapter as the S3. The adapter used can be found here: http://www.clove.co.uk/...- published: 28 Apr 2013
- views: 33748
- author: tongyoon

Изготовление и ремонт кабеля-переходника HDMI
Как известно, большинство радиоэлектронных устройств, в том числе и видеотехника, имеют ме...
published: 09 Mar 2013
author: ChipiDip
Изготовление и ремонт кабеля-переходника HDMI
Изготовление и ремонт кабеля-переходника HDMI
Как известно, большинство радиоэлектронных устройств, в том числе и видеотехника, имеют между собой механическое соединение. А проще говоря, соединяются они ...- published: 09 Mar 2013
- views: 1896
- author: ChipiDip

Планшет к телевизору через HDMI. Игры, видео, интернет
Подключение планшета ICOO iCou D70pro II к телевизору через порт HDMI. Как выллядят игры, ...
published: 22 Feb 2013
author: Max Loskutoff
Планшет к телевизору через HDMI. Игры, видео, интернет
Планшет к телевизору через HDMI. Игры, видео, интернет
Подключение планшета ICOO iCou D70pro II к телевизору через порт HDMI. Как выллядят игры, видео, интернет, Ютюб при подключении китайского планшетного компью...- published: 22 Feb 2013
- views: 20362
- author: Max Loskutoff

Como conectar DVD na TV com Cabo RCA e HDMI
Nessa vídeo aula do blog wiimais você irá aprender a conectar o seu aparelho de DVD ou out...
published: 06 Jan 2013
author: Leonardo Soares
Como conectar DVD na TV com Cabo RCA e HDMI
Como conectar DVD na TV com Cabo RCA e HDMI
Nessa vídeo aula do blog wiimais você irá aprender a conectar o seu aparelho de DVD ou outros aparelho na sua televisão usando cabo RCA e cabo HDMI.- published: 06 Jan 2013
- views: 19848
- author: Leonardo Soares