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Ningbo Focus Episode 18: Visiting Ningbo from Abroad
Ningbo Focus Episode 2: ChengHuangMiao and Constellation Bar
University of Nottingham Ningbo China Campus Tour
Chinese City : A Bird's Eye View Of Ningbo 鸟瞰宁波
Ningbo Focus Episode 21: Back to School at Nottingham Ningbo
Ningbo Focus Episode 15:  Explore LaoWaiTan
Ningbo Focus Episode 10: Ninghai Hot Springs
Ningbo Focus Episode 22 - The Bridges of Ningbo!
Ningbo city centre China
Ningbo timelapse
Ningbo Focus Episode 19: The Ningbo Subway
中国宁波 Ningbo China


Radio Stations - Ningbo

Tianjin Economic Radio Talk,Discussion China
Foshan Radio FM946 Contemporary China
Beibu Bay Radio Guangxi Varied,World Asia China
Foshan Radio FM985 Contemporary China
Anhui General Radio Varied,World Asia China
ST Shenghuo Talk China
TianJin WenYi Varied China
Beijing Happy Hour Radio Varied China
Beijing Traffic Radio World Asia China
ST Zonghe Guangbo Jiaoton Varied,News Updates China
LamRim Tibetan Buddhist Internet Radio Varied China
GD music 99.3 Varied China
CNR 4 都市之声 Talk,Discussion China
Dong Guan FM 107.5 music & traffic Easy,News Updates China
ST Xinwenzixun Talk China
xiangsheng World Asia China
QMOON Music Radio (911 Pop) Pop China
Beijing Oldies Radio Oldies China
Shanghai 990 AM News Talk China
Galaxy Storytelling 银河台长篇评书 Talk China
Beijing Foreign Language Radio World Asia China
Xiamen V O Minnan 101.2 FM Varied,Folk,World Asia China
Tianjin Life FM Varied,World Asia China
Anhui Life Radio Varied,World Asia China
Xiamen News / General 99.6 FM Varied,World Asia,Public China
Tianjin Crosstalk Radio Talk,Discussion China
ZHBS Zhuhai Radio 95.1 Varied China
Yantai News Radio News Talk,World Asia,Discussion China
Anhui Traffic Radio Varied,World Asia China
Tianjin Novel Radio Talk China
CNR 3 音乐之声 Pop China
Xiamen Economic / Traffic 107.0 FM Varied,Talk,World Asia China
Guangxi Economic Radio Varied China
Chinese Music World (Chinese Classical Music) Classical China
Beijing Opera Unknown China
CNR 7 华夏之声 Talk China
Beijing Music Radio Varied China
Tianjin Coastal Radio Varied,World Asia China
Anhui Music Radio Varied,World Asia China
Beijing Urban Management World Asia China
Hangzhou Traffic Public China
CNR 1 中国之声 News China
Hong Kong Radio 5 World Asia China
Galaxy Crosstalk And Bagatelle 银河台相声小品 Talk,Discussion China
Guangdong Economic Life Talk China
CNR 9 文艺之声 Varied,Talk,World Asia China
CRI Easy FM World Asia China
CNR 2 经济之声 News China
CNR 5 中华之声 News,Talk China
Mop Radio Varied China
ZHBS Zhuhai Radio 87.5 Varied China


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Ningbo Focus Episode 18: Visiting Ningbo from Abroad
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:01
  • Updated: 03 Aug 2013

Ningbo Focus Episode 18: Visiting Ningbo from Abroad

When my sister told me she was coming to visit me in Ningbo, i was excited. She had never seen China let alone gotten away from America. So I thought it woul... Focus Episode 18: Visiting Ningbo from Abroad
Ningbo Focus Episode 2: ChengHuangMiao and Constellation Bar
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:05
  • Updated: 26 Jul 2013

Ningbo Focus Episode 2: ChengHuangMiao and Constellation Bar

Join Matt and Melody as they travel thru Cheng Huang Miao and explore the constellation bar in LoaWaiTan. You can even learn some Ningbo Hua Negotiation alon... Focus Episode 2: ChengHuangMiao and Constellation Bar
University of Nottingham Ningbo China Campus Tour
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:32
  • Updated: 05 Aug 2013

University of Nottingham Ningbo China Campus Tour

Made by students from NUTS (Nottingham University Television Station) with student presenters, this video reveals what it's like to study at our Ningbo campu... of Nottingham Ningbo China Campus Tour
Chinese City : A Bird's Eye View Of Ningbo 鸟瞰宁波
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:57
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

Chinese City : A Bird's Eye View Of Ningbo 鸟瞰宁波 Ningbo is a seaport city of northeastern Zhejiang Province, Eastern China. Ningbo was geographically isolated...
  • published: 08 Jul 2011
  • views: 7571
  • author: 576395856 City : A Bird's Eye View Of Ningbo 鸟瞰宁波
Ningbo Focus Episode 21: Back to School at Nottingham Ningbo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:00
  • Updated: 24 Sep 2013

Ningbo Focus Episode 21: Back to School at Nottingham Ningbo

Join Matt as he takes a look at people returning to school in September in Ningbo. This episode focuses on Ningbo Nottingham University, and the new students, returning students and the teachers and how they are preparing for the upcoming semester. You may even learn a little university Ningbohua, and actually be able to say... "I can speak a little Ningbo Hua" in Ningbo hua! Show this episode to your chinese friends via the YouKu Link The Ningbo Focus is produced for the Ningbo Television Station, and were produced by myself at Jä Yoe Productions. I want to thank you all for an amazing following, and an opportunity to produce a great show. This is my final Ningbo Focus Show, but look for future shows produced by another team. JäYoe!
  • published: 24 Sep 2013
  • views: 127 Focus Episode 21: Back to School at Nottingham Ningbo
Ningbo Focus Episode 15:  Explore LaoWaiTan
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:01
  • Updated: 31 Jul 2013

Ningbo Focus Episode 15: Explore LaoWaiTan

Join Matt and his new co-host DIana as they take a trip thru laowaitan in downtown ningbo. Get a cup of coffee... enjoy the great weather, and meet some loca... Focus Episode 15: Explore LaoWaiTan
Ningbo Focus Episode 10: Ninghai Hot Springs
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:01
  • Updated: 24 Jun 2013

Ningbo Focus Episode 10: Ninghai Hot Springs

Join Matt and Melody as they venture to Ninghai and visit the Ninghai Hotsprings. Along the way they get to pick some bamboo in the village of ShenZhen. Also... Focus Episode 10: Ninghai Hot Springs
Ningbo Focus Episode 22 - The Bridges of Ningbo!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:40
  • Updated: 10 Oct 2013

Ningbo Focus Episode 22 - The Bridges of Ningbo!

A warm welcome to our new presenting team Melody and Jeff as they find out what it is that holds beautful river city Ningbo together at the heart of it all!
  • published: 10 Oct 2013
  • views: 15 Focus Episode 22 - The Bridges of Ningbo!
Ningbo city centre China
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:35
  • Updated: 26 Jun 2013

Ningbo city centre China city centre China
Ningbo timelapse
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:22
  • Updated: 13 Jul 2013

Ningbo timelapse

Exchange Student, Mayowa Ojo, created this very cool timelapse video capturing the ebb and flow of life in the city of Ningbo and of the University's Ningbo ... timelapse
Ningbo Focus Episode 19: The Ningbo Subway
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:01
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2013

Ningbo Focus Episode 19: The Ningbo Subway

If you live in Ningbo, the Subway is something that is evolving all around us. It effects our lives as we move from place to place. So you will love it when me and Lily take a behind the scenes look at what is going on under the streets and inside the construction of the new Ningbo subway system! The Ningbo Focus Episodes are developed and produced by JäYoe Productions, in cooperation with the Ningbo TV network. The Ningbo Focus is a local show highlighting new businesses and cultural events and locations in and around Ningbo. Through fun interactions with the local community, and insightful and education segments, local Chinese and Expats can grow together and learn. The Ningbo Focus is Biweekly, Showing on Sunday on the channel NBTV1 at 5:44 and 10:45, Check with your local listings or contact me directly... AND REMEMBER! WATCH IT IN HD!
  • published: 13 Aug 2013
  • views: 186 Focus Episode 19: The Ningbo Subway
中国宁波 Ningbo China
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:55
  • Updated: 24 Jun 2013

中国宁波 Ningbo China

Copyrights of this video belong to the People's Republic of China, the province of Zhejiang, the municipality of Ningbo, the National Tourism Administration ...中国宁波 Ningbo China
Vlog #7- Ningbo Style
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:30
  • Updated: 15 Jun 2013

Vlog #7- Ningbo Style

Hi! This was the first time I went to the mall by myself walking from my place! I almost got lost haha but thankfully I remembered the "blue bridge". Yeah, I... #7- Ningbo Style
Student life in Ningbo, China
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:52
  • Updated: 18 Jul 2013

Student life in Ningbo, China

Exchange student Mayowa Ojo finds out what students make of life at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China. life in Ningbo, China
  • Ningbo Focus Episode 18: Visiting Ningbo from Abroad
    Ningbo Focus Episode 18: Visiting Ningbo from Abroad
  • Ningbo Focus Episode 2: ChengHuangMiao and Constellation Bar
    Ningbo Focus Episode 2: ChengHuangMiao and Constellation Bar
  • University of Nottingham Ningbo China Campus Tour
    University of Nottingham Ningbo China Campus Tour
  • Chinese City : A Bird's Eye View Of Ningbo 鸟瞰宁波
    Chinese City : A Bird's Eye View Of Ningbo 鸟瞰宁波
  • Ningbo Focus Episode 21: Back to School at Nottingham Ningbo
    Ningbo Focus Episode 21: Back to School at Nottingham Ningbo
  • Ningbo Focus Episode 15:  Explore LaoWaiTan
    Ningbo Focus Episode 15: Explore LaoWaiTan
  • Ningbo Focus Episode 10: Ninghai Hot Springs
    Ningbo Focus Episode 10: Ninghai Hot Springs
  • Ningbo Focus Episode 22 - The Bridges of Ningbo!
    Ningbo Focus Episode 22 - The Bridges of Ningbo!
  • Ningbo city centre China
    Ningbo city centre China
  • Ningbo timelapse
    Ningbo timelapse
  • Ningbo Focus Episode 19: The Ningbo Subway
    Ningbo Focus Episode 19: The Ningbo Subway
  • 中国宁波 Ningbo China
    中国宁波 Ningbo China
  • Vlog #7- Ningbo Style
    Vlog #7- Ningbo Style
  • Student life in Ningbo, China
    Student life in Ningbo, China

Ningbo Focus Episode 18: Visiting Ningbo from Abroad

When my sister told me she was coming to visit me in Ningbo, i was excited. She had never seen China let alone gotten away from America. So I thought it woul...

Ning­bo Focus Episode 18: Vis­it­ing Ning­bo from Abroad
When my sis­ter told me she was com­ing to visit me in Ning­bo, i was ex­cit­ed. She had never ...
pub­lished: 16 Jul 2013
Ning­bo Focus Episode 2: ChengHuang­Miao and Con­stel­la­tion Bar
Join Matt and Melody as they trav­el thru Cheng Huang Miao and ex­plore the con­stel­la­tion ba...
pub­lished: 27 Nov 2012
Uni­ver­si­ty of Not­ting­ham Ning­bo China Cam­pus Tour
Made by stu­dents from NUTS (Not­ting­ham Uni­ver­si­ty Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion) with stu­dent pre­sent...
pub­lished: 23 May 2013
Chi­nese City : A Bird's Eye View Of Ning­bo 鸟瞰宁波
http://​v.​youku.​com/​v_​show/​id_​XMjMxMDEzOTU2.​html Ning­bo is a sea­port city of north­east­ern Z...
pub­lished: 08 Jul 2011
au­thor: 576395856
Ning­bo Focus Episode 21: Back to School at Not­ting­ham Ning­bo
Join Matt as he takes a look at peo­ple re­turn­ing to school in Septem­ber in Ning­bo. This e...
pub­lished: 24 Sep 2013
Ning­bo Focus Episode 15: Ex­plore LaoWai­T­an
Join Matt and his new co-host DIana as they take a trip thru laowai­t­an in down­town ning­bo....
pub­lished: 21 May 2013
Ning­bo Focus Episode 10: Ning­hai Hot Springs
Join Matt and Melody as they ven­ture to Ning­hai and visit the Ning­hai Hot­springs. Along th...
pub­lished: 16 Mar 2013
Ning­bo Focus Episode 22 - The Bridges of Ning­bo!
A warm wel­come to our new pre­sent­ing team Melody and Jeff as they find out what it is that...
pub­lished: 10 Oct 2013
Ning­bo city cen­tre China
pub­lished: 24 Jan 2011
au­thor: kraftwerk­mod
Ning­bo time­lapse
Ex­change Stu­dent, May­owa Ojo, cre­at­ed this very cool time­lapse video cap­tur­ing the ebb and...
pub­lished: 09 Jan 2013
Ning­bo Focus Episode 19: The Ning­bo Sub­way
If you live in Ning­bo, the Sub­way is some­thing that is evolv­ing all around us. It ef­fects...
pub­lished: 13 Aug 2013
中国宁波 Ning­bo China
Copy­rights of this video be­long to the Peo­ple's Re­pub­lic of China, the province of Zhe­jian...
pub­lished: 10 Mar 2009
Vlog #7- Ning­bo Style
Hi! This was the first time I went to the mall by my­self walk­ing from my place! I al­most g...
pub­lished: 13 May 2013
au­thor: Tiffany Tsang
Stu­dent life in Ning­bo, China
Ex­change stu­dent May­owa Ojo finds out what stu­dents make of life at The Uni­ver­si­ty of Nott...
pub­lished: 07 Jan 2013
Youtube results:
KIKI @ CMK in Ning­bo
It was Thurs­day, def­i­nite­ly time for Kiki....
pub­lished: 16 Apr 2013
Ning­bo Uni­ver­si­ty 宁波大学
Ning­bo Uni­ver­si­ty (sim­pli­fied Chi­nese: 宁波大学; tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese: 寧波大學) is lo­cat­ed in Ning...
pub­lished: 14 Jan 2013
au­thor: Nived k
John Bryne Nash - Ning­bo Ex­change Pro­gramme
John de­scribes his ex­pe­ri­ences of the Ning­bo Ex­change Pro­gramme, and his over­all time at t...
pub­lished: 29 Nov 2013
Ning­bo uni­ver­si­ty med­i­cal stu­dents se­niors (2nd and 3rd yr) Dance -win­ners (hip hop vs clas­si­cal)
Ning­bo uni­ver­si­ty med­i­cal se­nior stu­dents (2nd and 3rd yr) Dance per­for­mance (hip hop vscl...
pub­lished: 24 Dec 2013
photo: AP / Wong Maye-E
A lab officer prepares blood samples from a cancer patient for further DNA testing, Thursday April 19, 2007 at a medical lab at the National University Hospital in Singapore, a country well known for its advanced medical treatment and research facilities. The number of cancer cases in Asia is set to rise dramatically by 2020 due largely to longer life spans and changing lifestyles, threatening a health crisis as poorer countries in the region struggle to keep up.(AP Photo/Wong Maye-E)
Edit The Irish Times
04 Feb 2014
The World Health Organisation has warned of a “tidal wave” of cancer and has called for the introduction of restrictions on sugar and alcohol. The agency predicted the number of cases worldwide is expected to rise by 75 per cent over the next 20 years ... Over the same period the number of deaths caused by cancer is predicted to rise from 8.2 million a year to 13 million annually ... Agencies ....(size: 2.5Kb)
photo: AP / Christophe Ena
Russian security personnel patrol Olympic park ahead of the 2014 Winter Olympics, Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014, in Sochi, Russia.
Edit Al Jazeera
06 Feb 2014
The United States has issued a warning to airports and to some airlines flying to Russia for the Olympics to watch for toothpaste tubes that could hold ingredients to make a bomb on a plane, a senior US security official said ... 198 Source.. Reuters. ....(size: 1.2Kb)
photo: WN
File - Caged chickens at a poultry farm in the Philippines. A new strain of bird flu could cause a pandemic according to scientists.
Edit The Independent
05 Feb 2014
Chinese scientists have said the “pandemic potential” of a new strain of bird flu “should not be underestimated” after the first known human infection resulted in the death of an elderly woman. The new strain is a variant of a virus known as H10N8, which scientists believe may have originated in wild birds, and later spread to poultry ... “Now we also must consider H10N8 as well.” ... ....(size: 3.6Kb)

Edit noodls
06 Feb 2014
Ningbo Municipal Government). It is learned from Ningbo Inspection and Quarantine Bureau that in 2013 Ningbo exported 141,100 tons of aquatic products in 3014 batches, with a total value of US$581 million. As Ningbo is an important national ......(size: 1.2Kb)
Edit noodls
06 Feb 2014
Ningbo Municipal Government). With the theme of China's smart tourism year, 2014 sees the tourism in Ningbo entering the "touch-screen era" ... Since it was selected as one of the second batch of "national pilot cities for smart tourism", Ningbo has been making efforts to establish public service platforms and construct the demonstration city for smart tourism....(size: 3.1Kb)
Edit noodls
06 Feb 2014
(Source. Ningbo Municipal Government). It is learned from Ningbo Trade Bureau that in 2013 Ningbo's retail sales of consumer goods (above norm) hit 138.19 billion yuan, an increase of 11.3% over the previous year, ranking No.2 in Zhejiang Province. The year of 2013 witnesses an oscillatory growth of consumer market in Ningbo ... This noodl was issued by Ningbo Municipal Government and was initially posted at 2.2Kb)
Edit noodls
06 Feb 2014
Ningbo Municipal Government) ... Ningbo's economy features private economy, but most of the private enterprises have the problems of weak quality consciousness, inadequate management level and weak innovation ability, which makes it important to realize transformation and upgrading by improving management standard....(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit noodls
06 Feb 2014
Ningbo Municipal Government) ... According to the market monitoring statistics for holidays from Ningbo Trade Bureau, the ten key catering enterprises achieved a total sales volume of 2.2003 million yuan on February 4. The sales of six of the enterprises increased compared with the previous day, including Ningbo Grand Hotel and Xiangshan Port International Hotel, with their sales increasing by over 100%....(size: 1.9Kb)
Edit noodls
06 Feb 2014
(Source. Ningbo Municipal Government) ... The sunny day brought about more people and traffic to some major scenic spots of Ningbo ... distributed by. This noodl was issued by Ningbo Municipal Government and was initially posted at ... (noodl. 21895857) ....(size: 1.3Kb)
Edit noodls
06 Feb 2014
Ningbo Municipal Government) ... According to the monitoring statistics from Ningbo Trade Bureau, the sales of various major trade enterprises have been on the rise, especially those for shopping malls and food industry ... To be specific, the wholesale of pork for Ningbo Aquatic Products Wholesale Market and Yinzhou Fangxing Co ... 1047 tons of vegetables were traded at Ningbo Vegetable Wholesale Market, up by 29.9% over the previous day....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit Seattle Post
05 Feb 2014
A granular analysis and forecast on worldwide, regional and country markets for PO can be found in the insightful topical study “Propylene Oxide (PO) ... London, UK (PRWEB) February 04, 2014 ... Dow Chemical Co, LyondellBasell Chemical Co, Ellba, Shell, SCG-Dow Group, Lyondell Bayer Manufacturing Maasvlakte VOF, BASF, Wudi Xinyue Chemical Co and Ningbo Zhenhai Lyondell Chemical are among the companies capturing large market shares ... Title ... 165....(size: 4.0Kb)
Edit San Francisco Chronicle
05 Feb 2014
A granular analysis and forecast on worldwide, regional and country markets for PO can be found in the insightful topical study “Propylene Oxide (PO) ... London, UK (PRWEB) February 04, 2014 ... Dow Chemical Co, LyondellBasell Chemical Co, Ellba, Shell, SCG-Dow Group, Lyondell Bayer Manufacturing Maasvlakte VOF, BASF, Wudi Xinyue Chemical Co and Ningbo Zhenhai Lyondell Chemical are among the companies capturing large market shares ... Title ... 165....(size: 4.0Kb)
Edit Houston Chronicle
05 Feb 2014
A granular analysis and forecast on worldwide, regional and country markets for PO can be found in the insightful topical study “Propylene Oxide (PO) ... London, UK (PRWEB) February 04, 2014 ... Dow Chemical Co, LyondellBasell Chemical Co, Ellba, Shell, SCG-Dow Group, Lyondell Bayer Manufacturing Maasvlakte VOF, BASF, Wudi Xinyue Chemical Co and Ningbo Zhenhai Lyondell Chemical are among the companies capturing large market shares ... Title ... 165....(size: 4.0Kb)
Edit noodls
04 Feb 2014
Ningbo Municipal Government). The increase of both tourist income and amount, along with the steady growth of foreign exchange income in tourism and the new high of customer satisfaction, shows the sustainable development of tourism in Ningbo last year. It is learned from Ningbo Tourism Bureau that in 2013 Ningbo achieved a tourist turnover of 95.354 billion yuan, up by 10.52% over the previous year....(size: 3.2Kb)
Edit noodls
04 Feb 2014
Ningbo Municipal Government) ... Statistics from Ningbo Fire Brigade show that from 16.00 January 30th to 8.00 January 31, the fire brigade forces managed to fight 63 fire alarms, with both the alarm number and disaster number dropped dramatically ... fireworks this year" was very popular among netizens in Ningbo....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit noodls
04 Feb 2014
Ningbo Municipal Government) ... 4℃ , Ningbo's temperature on February 1 broke the historical record since the beginning of the meteorological records, an increase of 3℃ over the historical record of the same day in 1983 ... The rainfall and downturn of temperature will pull Ningbo back to the normal cold winter....(size: 1.5Kb)

Ningbo (Chinese: 宁波; pinyin: About this sound Níngbō ; Ningbo dialect: About this sound Nyin-poh/Nyin-pou ) is a seaport city in the northeast of Zhejiang province, People's Republic of China. Holding sub-provincial administrative status and separate state-planning status, as of the 2010 census, the municipality has a population of 7,605,700 inhabitants, 3,491,000 of whom reside in the urban area which comprises 6 districts. It lies south of the Hangzhou Bay, facing the East China Sea to the east. Ningbo borders Shaoxing to the west and Taizhou to the south, and is separated from Zhoushan by a narrow body of water.

The first character in the city's name (宁 or 寧) means "serene", while its second character (波) translates to "waves". Together, the name literally means "Serene Waves". The city is abbreviated Yǒng (甬), after the Yong Hill (甬山), a prominent coastal hill near the city, like the Yong River (甬江) that flows through Ningbo. The abbreviation Ning is used more commonly for Nanjing.

It was once named "明州" (Míngzhōu). The character Ming (明) was composed by two parts, representing two lakes inside the city wall, i.e., the Sun Lake (日湖) and the Moon Lake (月湖), but only Moon Lake remains.

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