Lockheed U-2 Flight - 70,000ft (2 Seat TU-2 Trainer)
If you have any questions about this vid, please have a read of these notes first. =) It c...
published: 22 Jun 2009
author: bryUK
History of the U-2 Spy Plane
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: BubbyTechTV
THIRTEEN DAYS- large exploding RC Lockheed U-2
On 27 October 1962. In flight from McCoy AFB, a U-2 was shot down over Cuba by two SA-2 Gu...
published: 30 Mar 2009
author: GMDFX
Lockheed U-2S "Dragon Lady" Cockpit Tour
AVweb's Glenn Pew takes you inside the cockpit on a guided tour with an active U-2 pilot. ...
published: 19 Mar 2008
author: AVweb
Vue aérienne Haute altitude en Lockheed U-2 - HD
Le Lockheed U-2 est un avion de reconnaissance qui fut utilisé intensivement durant la Gue...
published: 06 Oct 2012
Ride on a U2 spy plane
James may with a view from a U-2 cruising at 70000ft as the sky above turns black. James M...
published: 23 Jun 2009
author: XFactXer
Lockheed U 2 Flight 70,000ft 2 Seat TU 2 Trainer
If you have any questions about this vid, please have a read of these notes first. =) It c...
published: 04 Jan 2014
Lockheed U-2 Flight - The Training + Extra Flight Scenes
Featuring some of the unique training required for high altitude flight. From how to eject...
published: 25 Jun 2009
author: bryUK
U-2 carrier take offs and landings
Rare footage of U-2 carrier take offs and landings. Quite impressive. To see more footage ...
published: 17 Nov 2009
author: stabilny83
Above All: Flying the U-2 Spy Plane
We go into the cockpit to meet some of the pilots who flew the U-2. Provided by Defense Me...
published: 27 Sep 2012
author: dvidshub
The U-2 Spy Plane and American Muscle
On this weeks episode of The Downshift, we head to Beale Air Force Base, home of the U-2 S...
published: 03 Sep 2013
Flight Simulator X Spotlight - Lockheed U-2 Dragon Lady
http://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/2574/fsx-lockheed-u-2-dragonlady/ This is Kaz...
published: 05 Aug 2013
author: DerTebbers
U-2 Flight (2012)
Video by Airman 1st Class Andrew Buchanan 9th Reconnaissance Wing U-2 Cockpit POV Approved...
published: 11 Oct 2012
author: AIRBOYD
Lockheed U-2 USAF Aerospace Power
Courtesy: United States Air Force Mission The U-2 provides high-altitude, all-weather surv...
published: 12 May 2010
author: AIRBOYD
Youtube results:
U2 Developments
Circa 1960. This video was made for family members of the people working on the Angel reco...
published: 13 Dec 2012
author: ciagov
U-2 Dragon Lady: Landings
The U-2 Dragon Lady is the most difficult plane to land in the world. The two-week-long pi...
published: 29 Nov 2008
author: tomcatav8r
Lockheed U2 - Flugtag Mfsc Spelle 2013
Der letzte Flug der U2A auf dem Gelände des Mfsc Spelle. Der Jet ist im Landeanflug leider...
published: 24 May 2013
author: feldi273
RC Jet U2 U-2 Lockheed NASA Scale BIG with Frank Turbine
RC Jet U2 U-2 Lockheed NASA Scale in germany near hannover EDDV Airport, in Uetze modellcl...
published: 27 Apr 2008
author: speedyjet77
