- published: 14 Mar 2013
- views: 3710
- author: MinhChanhEnt

Mrs. Viet Nam Continents: Ao Dai Thuan Viet Fashion Show
Produced & Distributed by: MC Entertainment....
published: 14 Mar 2013
author: MinhChanhEnt
Mrs. Viet Nam Continents: Ao Dai Thuan Viet Fashion Show
Mrs. Viet Nam Continents: Ao Dai Thuan Viet Fashion Show
Produced & Distributed by: MC Entertainment.- published: 14 Mar 2013
- views: 3710
- author: MinhChanhEnt

Ao Dai - The Allure & Grace Of VietNam's Traditional Dress
Visitors expecting a land of black pajamas are pleasantly surprised to find slender, long-h...
published: 04 Jan 2013
author: Hưởng Lê
Ao Dai - The Allure & Grace Of VietNam's Traditional Dress
Ao Dai - The Allure & Grace Of VietNam's Traditional Dress
Visitors expecting a land of black pajamas are pleasantly surprised to find slender, long-hair women clad in 'ao dai', Vietnam's national costume. This dress ...- published: 04 Jan 2013
- views: 11012
- author: Hưởng Lê

Ao dai - Vietnamese traditional dress
Simple, yet charming, graceful and elegant, áo dài was designed to praise the slender beau...
published: 09 Jul 2009
author: hoasenhong
Ao dai - Vietnamese traditional dress
Ao dai - Vietnamese traditional dress
Simple, yet charming, graceful and elegant, áo dài was designed to praise the slender beauty of Vietnamese women. The dress is a genius combination of ancien...- published: 09 Jul 2009
- views: 109968
- author: hoasenhong

Miss Vietnam 2012- Phan thi Ao dai
Miss Vietnam 2012- Phan thi Ao dai http://vietstar.info/miss-vietnam-2012-live-stream/...
published: 25 Aug 2012
author: Jenny Lee
Miss Vietnam 2012- Phan thi Ao dai
Miss Vietnam 2012- Phan thi Ao dai
Miss Vietnam 2012- Phan thi Ao dai http://vietstar.info/miss-vietnam-2012-live-stream/- published: 25 Aug 2012
- views: 1251
- author: Jenny Lee

Miss Vietnam Ao Dai Fashion Show - Asian Cultural Festival 2013
Miss Vietnam Ao Dai Fashion Show by the Miss Vietnam Florida Pageant at the Asian Cultural...
published: 22 May 2013
author: asiatrend
Miss Vietnam Ao Dai Fashion Show - Asian Cultural Festival 2013
Miss Vietnam Ao Dai Fashion Show - Asian Cultural Festival 2013
Miss Vietnam Ao Dai Fashion Show by the Miss Vietnam Florida Pageant at the Asian Cultural Festival on May 18, 2013. The Asian American Heritage Council (AAH...- published: 22 May 2013
- views: 1016
- author: asiatrend

published: 11 Jul 2006
author: ASCKS
- views: 386959
- author: ASCKS

Vietnam in Japan 2 - Ao Dai Fashion show 2012 @ Vietnam Festival inYoyogi Japan
when i was in vietnam, i watched some of them on time. they are real super models....
published: 26 Sep 2012
author: AseanArtEnsemble
Vietnam in Japan 2 - Ao Dai Fashion show 2012 @ Vietnam Festival inYoyogi Japan
Vietnam in Japan 2 - Ao Dai Fashion show 2012 @ Vietnam Festival inYoyogi Japan
when i was in vietnam, i watched some of them on time. they are real super models.- published: 26 Sep 2012
- views: 8656
- author: AseanArtEnsemble

Asian Breeze 2013 (Ao Dai Fashion, HipHop, 3 Regions)
V3 represents Vietnam at Asian Breeze, an evening of multicultural performances by various...
published: 28 Oct 2013
Asian Breeze 2013 (Ao Dai Fashion, HipHop, 3 Regions)
Asian Breeze 2013 (Ao Dai Fashion, HipHop, 3 Regions)
V3 represents Vietnam at Asian Breeze, an evening of multicultural performances by various Asian countries. Performers display the Ao Dai Fashion, a Hip Hop routine, and the 3 Regions dance. Help us by sharing this video. MUA - Ben Tran Hair - Ben Tran Photo - Thai Truong Photography Video - Thai Truong- published: 28 Oct 2013
- views: 376

Ao Dai Viet Nam Photoshoot - Vietnamese Tradtional Dress - Nhiep Anh Gia Club
Một buổi photoshoot với Vân Anh, tám (8) người mẫu xinh đẹp, và gần 75 nhiếp ảnh gia NAG, ...
published: 12 Aug 2013
author: mickeylehuynh
Ao Dai Viet Nam Photoshoot - Vietnamese Tradtional Dress - Nhiep Anh Gia Club
Ao Dai Viet Nam Photoshoot - Vietnamese Tradtional Dress - Nhiep Anh Gia Club
Một buổi photoshoot với Vân Anh, tám (8) người mẫu xinh đẹp, và gần 75 nhiếp ảnh gia NAG, tại Huntington Beach Library. A Vietnamese photography club's day o...- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 181
- author: mickeylehuynh

AO DAI - Vietnamese beauty
Hello , this is the traditional costume of my Vietnamese women :) It's really beautiful, r...
published: 23 Aug 2009
author: Tâm Như
AO DAI - Vietnamese beauty
AO DAI - Vietnamese beauty
Hello , this is the traditional costume of my Vietnamese women :) It's really beautiful, right?- published: 23 Aug 2009
- views: 17375
- author: Tâm Như

Ao Dai Vietnam
The ao dai (áo dài) is a Vietnamese national costume primarily for women. In its current f...
published: 04 Jan 2008
author: VietyXCent
Ao Dai Vietnam
Ao Dai Vietnam
The ao dai (áo dài) is a Vietnamese national costume primarily for women. In its current form, it is a tight-fitting silk dress worn over pantaloons. Áo dài ...- published: 04 Jan 2008
- views: 37120
- author: VietyXCent
Vimeo results:

Rick Genest aka Rico the Zombie - Embrace Everything That Is Different
We are in a huge fabric hall. An exposed and obviously uncommon character sits there on a ...
published: 20 Mar 2012
author: The Avant/Garde Diaries
Rick Genest aka Rico the Zombie - Embrace Everything That Is Different
We are in a huge fabric hall. An exposed and obviously uncommon character sits there on a couch. German photographer Nadine Elfenbein will soon continue taking pictures of him.
He smokes his cigarette while making little tricks with it. Short inflammations illuminate his face releasing skull fragments. It’s a Day of the Dead scenery.
We are here with Rick Genest aka Rico the Zombie.
Visit THE AVANT/GARDE DIARIES: http://www.theavantgardediaries.com/
Production A&O;, Artists and Organisation / Camera and Editing Jens Schwengel / Interview Jan Joswig / Special Effect Make-Up Twilight Creations / Tamar Aviv, Anke Schiffl / Styling Linda Ehrl / Photography Nadine Elfenbein / Assistent Photography Daniel Wilkniss / Rico Zombie Boy A.K.A. Rick Genest @ IZAIO models / Styling Linda Ehrl / Music Walera Goodman
Photography Nadine Elfenbein http://www.nadineelfenbein.com/

Cottonwood Lakes to Mt. Whitney
Making route from Cottonwood Lakes to the summit of Mount Whitney--the highest point in th...
published: 02 Aug 2011
author: Sheldon Neill
Cottonwood Lakes to Mt. Whitney
Making route from Cottonwood Lakes to the summit of Mount Whitney--the highest point in the contiguous United States--was one of the toughest challenges in my life. My pack weighing in at 85 pounds--67lbs when exiting, I traveled and documented my journey using the following:
Body: Canon 5D Mark II
Lens: Canon 24mm f/1.4 L USM II
Filter: 77mm Fader ND Mark II
Batteries: 6 Canon LP-E6 + 18 AA Energizer Adv.-Lithium
Memory: 5 Delkin 32GB CF X450
Tripod: Vangaurd Alta 264AO+
Track Head Mount: Manfrotto Mini Ball 494RC2
Special thanks to Dynamic Perception for the Stage Zero Dolly. I received my kit and 3 rechargeable batteries with only a day to spare before my trip. This was the first time I've used the dolly, and didn't have time to really practice with it, so more videos coming soon.
Unfortunately the weather was too perfect---I.E. no clouds were available until the last day of my trip, so sorry if some of the time-lapses may seem rather empty. Along my journey I was accompanied by two friends of mine: Anthony & Bryson. We made this trip an awesome 5 day 4 night adventure from Sequoia National Park to Inyo National Forest. We camped at the following locations and altitudes before summiting Mt. Whitney(14,497ft - 14,505ft.):
Night 1:
Cottonwood Lakes(4 & 5)
Alt.: 11,000 ft.
Night 2:
Lower Soldier Lake
Alt.: 10,800 ft.
Night 3:
Lower Crabtree Meadow
Alt.: 10,330 ft.
Night 4:
2 hills above Guitar Lake
Alt.: 12,050 ft.
I rented the lens used for this trip from:
Dolly Kit from:
Music by: IWFYLS
Title: Sleep
Along my journey to the summit of Mt. Whitney I was stopped by dozens of travelers asking what I had strapped to the side of my pack--the 6ft aluminum track from the dolly kit--and what I was doing with it. (I had some good laughs) Not one person knew its purpose or what it was, but hopefully Dynamic Perception plans on releasing a more compact version of the Stage Zero Dolly relatively soon.

A bad day of Adam Ondra
published: 24 Sep 2009
A bad day of Adam Ondra
13. 1. 2012 - Full movie about Adam Ondra available NOW - - www.adamondrafilm.com/en/news
Short film made of a few "trash" or unsuccesful shots from Adam Ondra's latest visit in Zillertal.
Adam was training ON-SIGHT climbing for the upcoming World Cup competition. If he didn't succed, he just finished the route AF (all with 1 sit only) and left to try another "ON-SIGHT". You can see the effort he gives to his climbing.
So here are some "harder" routes from this great climbing area, performed by A.O in one of his bad days...
Who said that Adam is the shy and calm boy? :-D
If you want to see more, follow WWW.BERNARTWOOD.CZ
Petr P.
PS: Adams acrobatic climb of "Heilige Gral" (9a - 2nd try) will come soon!

The Perfect Day - Mass paragliding top landing on Mont-Blanc - August 19th, 2012
On 19th August 2012, the weather was perfect, and for the first time in paragliding histor...
published: 28 Aug 2012
author: Gaël Lafond
The Perfect Day - Mass paragliding top landing on Mont-Blanc - August 19th, 2012
On 19th August 2012, the weather was perfect, and for the first time in paragliding history, about 50 pilots landed on top of the Mont-Blanc after taking off over Chamonix, almost 10.000 feet below...
The first paragliding top landing occurred in 2003, and since, only a very few pilots had managed it.
Le 19 août 2012, les conditions météo étaient parfaites, et pour la première fois de l'histoire du parapente, une cinquantaine de pilotes on atterri au sommet du Mont-Blanc après avoir décollé de Planpraz, au dessus de Chamonix, presque 3000m plus bas...
Le premier posé au sommet du Mont-Blanc a eu lieu en 2003 et depuis, seuls un petit nombre de pilotes y étaient parvenus.
Youtube results:

What is Vietnamese Long Dress (Ao Dai) and Why Do We Wear It?
Ever wonder about the Vietnamese Long Dress (Áo Dài) and its history? Bao Pham will tell y...
published: 17 Apr 2012
author: AuLacOi
What is Vietnamese Long Dress (Ao Dai) and Why Do We Wear It?
What is Vietnamese Long Dress (Ao Dai) and Why Do We Wear It?
Ever wonder about the Vietnamese Long Dress (Áo Dài) and its history? Bao Pham will tell you all you've ever wanted to know about this outfit, and more! WATC...- published: 17 Apr 2012
- views: 1402
- author: AuLacOi

Festival LeHongPhong 2011- thoi trang ao dai
published: 28 Jan 2011
author: Khoi nguyen ngoc
Festival LeHongPhong 2011- thoi trang ao dai
Festival LeHongPhong 2011- thoi trang ao dai
- published: 28 Jan 2011
- views: 28281
- author: Khoi nguyen ngoc