- published: 10 Apr 2010
- views: 13524
- author: KmanCosmo

Spartan downs at Dunkirk
published: 19 Feb 2013
author: gRiJSpartan
Spartan downs at Dunkirk

Explosion sounds used in many films from the late 50's - early 90's Vol 2 (Cinesound)
Another favourite explosion sound of mine. An assortment of variants of a particular type ...
published: 19 Nov 2010
author: jamesuk9999
Explosion sounds used in many films from the late 50's - early 90's Vol 2 (Cinesound)
Explosion sounds used in many films from the late 50's - early 90's Vol 2 (Cinesound)
Another favourite explosion sound of mine. An assortment of variants of a particular type of explosion that was used many many times over the years. Again, l...- published: 19 Nov 2010
- views: 10233
- author: jamesuk9999

Dramatic Dunkirk evacuation anniversary
World War II veterans have begun a series of events to mark the 70th anniversary of the Du...
published: 26 May 2010
author: ITN
Dramatic Dunkirk evacuation anniversary
Dramatic Dunkirk evacuation anniversary
World War II veterans have begun a series of events to mark the 70th anniversary of the Dunkirk evacuation. . Follow us on twitter at http://twitter.com/itn_...- published: 26 May 2010
- views: 3977
- author: ITN

National Archives and Records Administration - ARC 39139, LI 208-UN-1021 - RETURN TO DUNKI...
published: 20 Dec 2012
author: XYZAerial
National Archives and Records Administration - ARC 39139, LI 208-UN-1021 - RETURN TO DUNKIRK [ETC.] . Series: Motion Picture Films from "United News" Newsree...- published: 20 Dec 2012
- views: 96
- author: XYZAerial

Major Bill Towill, Dunkirk Part 2.mpg
70 years on Major Bill Towill recalls his experiences as a medic on the beach at Dunkirk M...
published: 24 May 2010
author: Andy Humphreys
Major Bill Towill, Dunkirk Part 2.mpg
Major Bill Towill, Dunkirk Part 2.mpg
70 years on Major Bill Towill recalls his experiences as a medic on the beach at Dunkirk May 1940. The brutality he saw changed him from conscientious object...- published: 24 May 2010
- views: 480
- author: Andy Humphreys

Ifonika Recordings Launch Party - The First Movie (Dunkirk Marina - Northern France)
Roddy Reynaert and Adelaide Carleton LIVE at Ifonika Recordings Launch Party 001 @ Private...
published: 26 Nov 2012
author: Ifonika Recordings
Ifonika Recordings Launch Party - The First Movie (Dunkirk Marina - Northern France)
Ifonika Recordings Launch Party - The First Movie (Dunkirk Marina - Northern France)
Roddy Reynaert and Adelaide Carleton LIVE at Ifonika Recordings Launch Party 001 @ Private Lemon. Dunkirk Marina, Northern France November 2012 Video Promo. ...- published: 26 Nov 2012
- views: 799
- author: Ifonika Recordings

Dunkirk East Mole evacuation point....
published: 13 Jun 2012
author: MilitaryHistoryBlog
Dunkirk East Mole evacuation point.- published: 13 Jun 2012
- views: 51
- author: MilitaryHistoryBlog

Styrmand Karlsen (1958) - Trailer
Styrmand Karlsen (1958) - Trailer....
published: 07 May 2012
author: Den Danske Filmskat
Styrmand Karlsen (1958) - Trailer
Styrmand Karlsen (1958) - Trailer
Styrmand Karlsen (1958) - Trailer.- published: 07 May 2012
- views: 277
- author: Den Danske Filmskat

150 Masterpieces of Films' Soundtracks #34 - Elegy for Dunkirk
A great amount of sadness will overwhelm you at the end of the track. An incredible elegia...
published: 27 Sep 2011
author: HolyxReid
150 Masterpieces of Films' Soundtracks #34 - Elegy for Dunkirk
150 Masterpieces of Films' Soundtracks #34 - Elegy for Dunkirk
A great amount of sadness will overwhelm you at the end of the track. An incredible elegiac theme composed by Dario Marianelli and supported by a vibrant mal...- published: 27 Sep 2011
- views: 470
- author: HolyxReid
Youtube results:

1958 Macabre William Castle
1958 William Castle Macabre. A certificate for a $1000 life insurance policy from Lloyd's ...
published: 10 Feb 2009
author: SelflessEmpire
1958 Macabre William Castle
1958 Macabre William Castle
1958 William Castle Macabre. A certificate for a $1000 life insurance policy from Lloyd's of London was given to each customer in case he/she should die of ...- published: 10 Feb 2009
- views: 10365
- author: SelflessEmpire

Dunkirk Preview
Dunkirk Preview....
published: 02 Sep 2011
author: John D\'Agostino
Dunkirk Preview