Pfaff Creative Sensation Pro, Class 1
This is a full class on the Pfaff Creative Sensation Pro. In this class we will cover everything from threading the machine, winding bobbins, using all the button, navigating the touch screen, and sewing with the machine. Class 2 will cover the embroidery function of the machine. For more information visit www.villagesewing.com
Pfaff Quilt Expression 4.2 Unboxing, Demonstration and Review.
Margaret from Sewing Machine Warehouse in Australia has unboxed the Pfaff Quilt Expression 4.2 and run through all it's features and show you how to use it.
If you are in Australia, you can purchase this machine from us. We give free lessons in our store with any machine purchased (and always have). You can have your lessons with Margaret if you like!
Pfaff Performance 5.0
For easy navigation and chapter break downs of this video, go to http://www.villagesewing.com
Also check out our Online Store https://www.villagesewing.com/shop/products_page.php
PFAFF Quilt Expression 4.2
For easy navigation and chapter break downs of this video, go to http://www.villagesewing.com
Also check out our Online Store https://www.villagesewing.com/shop/products_page.php
Learn all about the Pfaff Quilt expression 4.2, This is a very in-depth look at this machine. This video will give you all the information you need to run this machine, along with some hidden features. This video will
Pfaff Creative 3.0
For easy navigation and chapter break downs of this video, go to http://www.villagesewing.com
Also check out our Online Store https://www.villagesewing.com/shop/products_page.php
Pfaff Ambition 1.5: Review and Demonstration of features
Margaret from Sewing Machine Warehouse in Penrith, Australia demonstrates the features and benefits of the Pfaff Ambition 1.5 Sewing Machine. Along the way she will show you handy hints on getting the most out of your machine.
Pfaff Ambition 1.5
Pfaff Ambition 1.0
Zo zijn we getrouwd: Aflevering 1: Carmen en Jean-Marie Pfaff over huwelijk Debby en Nicolas
In deze eerste aflevering van de nieuwe reeks 'Zo zijn we getrouwd' laten we Carmen en Jean-Marie Pfaff aan het woord, de fiere ouders van Debby.
Pfaff 1471 rebuild #1
NOTE: This video is not intended as a training video in Pfaff repair, but rather to give Pfaff owners hope that that Glenn has the resources available to bring your Retro- Pfaff back to "new"!
Join Glenn Smith of Brubaker's Sewing Center as he takes you through the disassembly of a Pfaff 1471, the first step toward evaluation and rebuilding of this precision German sewing machine.
ValiantReviews. Smarter by Pfaff - How to sew with the Pfaff Sewing Machine 140S for Beginners
Hi everyone. In this video I will review Smarter by Pfaff 140s sewing machine and give a quick tutorial on how to get started with the basics.
My reupholstery video where I used this sewing machine can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAtcI-jO3QM
My links:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/alinavaliant/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alinavaliant
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ali
Pfaff Creative Sensation Pro, class 2 embroidery
This is the 2nd class for the Pfaff Creative Sensation Pro. This class will cover everything you need to know about embroidery on your Pfaff.
Jean Marie Pfaff saves
Tribute video to the best belgian goalkeeper of all times. Some of his saves while playing for Belgium national team and Bayern Munich.
Reviewing The Pfaff 260
Taking a closer look at the Pfaff 260 and talking about some of the features and functions. http://www.briansews.com
Pfaff 463 Industrial Sewing Machine with Table. Sews Leather, Upholstery, Webbing
The Pfaff 463 Industrial Sewing Machine with Table. Available at Moose Trading!
Great for sewing leather, upholstery fabric, and nylon webbing.
This model includes a backtack feature for extra secure stitching. A variable speed motor for those moments when you need to be very precise. A knee lift for easy, precise turns and patterns. A bobbin winder, an adjustable gooseneck lamp, and a 2 spool t
Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 Part 1 - A demonstration of features and getting the most out of your machine
In this series of videos, Margaret from Sewing Machine Warehouse Australia will run through the capabilities of the Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 Overlocker.
Part 1 covers:
Basic threading
Performing a seam on stretch fabric
3 thread overlocking on 1 layer of fabric
We show you techniques and features that can be used to enhance your sewing projects. Many hints, tricks and pro-tips will be shown along th
Threading a Pfaff Sewing Machine Select.mov
Threading a Pfaff Select sewing machine, model used 3.0, similar threading on most front loading boddin case Pfaffs
Pfaff 545 Industrial Sewing Machine
A quick tour of my Pfaff 545 Industrial walking foot sewing machine with reduction drive and Consew electronic servo motor
PFAFF 3588 Programmable automatic pocket setter EN (HD)
PFAFF 3588 Programmable automatic pocket setter.
Er zit een logica achter wanneer Kelly Pfaff hoge hakken draagt! | De Parenclub | VTM
Als ze moet werken draagt Kelly Pfaff altijd platte schoenen, en als ze moet werken draagt ze hoge hakken. Maar waarom?
How to Put in Time a Pfaff 1245-706/47 Sewing Machine - TUTORIAL
Some basic knowledge about sewing machines is a MUST for an upholsterer/car trimmer. As I said in former video, 'procedures to tune-up an industrial sewing machine are similar' to what we have studied on our Singer 241-12 sewing machine.
Needless to say that you could save some extra money you would have to pay a technician to do the job...and I do not me
50 fatos sobre a Roberta Pfaff !! - Garota RACIONAIS
=============LEIA A DESCRIÇÃO=============
LINK DA ROCKETZ, clique aqui : http://rocketz.co/Pfaffgamer
SNAP : robertinhapfaff
PRA FALAR COMIGO TWITTER : https://twitter.com/PfaffGamer
Contato profissional : rohgirlpb@gmail.com
Meu Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/roberta.pfaff.5
Minha Page : https://www.facebook.com/Pfaffgamer
Instagram : https://instagram.com/robertapfaff
NÄHMASCHINE TEIL 2: DER VERGLEICH günstig vs. teuer Pfaff select 3.0
In diesem Teil gehe ich auf die pfaff select 3.0 ein. Was kann sie? und was kann die günstige Nähmaschine von Medion? Schaut es euch an. Viel Spass!
"Stringed Disco" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"Mister Exposition" Kevin MacLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By
PFAFF Passport 2.0 Nähmaschine deutsch
Hier finden Sie das Angebot in unserem Online-Shop: http://www.naehmaschinen-dealer.de/naehmaschinen/pfaff/783/pfaff-passport-2.0-mit-idt-system-naehmaschine?c=87
Zum Zubehör der PFAFF Passport 2.0 Nähmaschine gehört: Standardnähfuß 0A für IDT-System, Zierstichfuß 1A für IDT-System, Zierstichfuß 2A, Blindstichfuß 3 für IDT-System, Reißverschlussfuß 4 für IDT-System, Einstufiger Knopflochfuß 5B, 5
Selbermachen – die Clutch von PFAFF®
Lebe deine Kreativität mit modernen Designs, lässig gestickt! Entdecke das Anleitugnsvideo und die Vorteile der PFAFF® creative ™ 1.5 Näh- und Stickmaschine!
Pfaff Creative Sensation Pro, Class 1
This is a full class on the Pfaff Creative Sensation Pro. In this class we will cover everything from threading the machine, winding bobbins, using all the butt...
This is a full class on the Pfaff Creative Sensation Pro. In this class we will cover everything from threading the machine, winding bobbins, using all the button, navigating the touch screen, and sewing with the machine. Class 2 will cover the embroidery function of the machine. For more information visit www.villagesewing.com
wn.com/Pfaff Creative Sensation Pro, Class 1
This is a full class on the Pfaff Creative Sensation Pro. In this class we will cover everything from threading the machine, winding bobbins, using all the button, navigating the touch screen, and sewing with the machine. Class 2 will cover the embroidery function of the machine. For more information visit www.villagesewing.com
- published: 09 May 2014
- views: 47778
Pfaff Quilt Expression 4.2 Unboxing, Demonstration and Review.
Margaret from Sewing Machine Warehouse in Australia has unboxed the Pfaff Quilt Expression 4.2 and run through all it's features and show you how to use it.
Margaret from Sewing Machine Warehouse in Australia has unboxed the Pfaff Quilt Expression 4.2 and run through all it's features and show you how to use it.
If you are in Australia, you can purchase this machine from us. We give free lessons in our store with any machine purchased (and always have). You can have your lessons with Margaret if you like!
Handy Hints and Tips for Sewer's of all skill levels.
Please visit our website for more information, to contact us or to purchase products seen in the videos.
Please subscribe to our channel for more How To Videos!
wn.com/Pfaff Quilt Expression 4.2 Unboxing, Demonstration And Review.
Margaret from Sewing Machine Warehouse in Australia has unboxed the Pfaff Quilt Expression 4.2 and run through all it's features and show you how to use it.
If you are in Australia, you can purchase this machine from us. We give free lessons in our store with any machine purchased (and always have). You can have your lessons with Margaret if you like!
Handy Hints and Tips for Sewer's of all skill levels.
Please visit our website for more information, to contact us or to purchase products seen in the videos.
Please subscribe to our channel for more How To Videos!
- published: 12 Jul 2014
- views: 31837
Pfaff Performance 5.0
For easy navigation and chapter break downs of this video, go to http://www.villagesewing.com
Also check out our Online Store https://www.villagesewing.com/sh...
For easy navigation and chapter break downs of this video, go to http://www.villagesewing.com
Also check out our Online Store https://www.villagesewing.com/shop/products_page.php
wn.com/Pfaff Performance 5.0
For easy navigation and chapter break downs of this video, go to http://www.villagesewing.com
Also check out our Online Store https://www.villagesewing.com/shop/products_page.php
- published: 31 May 2013
- views: 87368
PFAFF Quilt Expression 4.2
For easy navigation and chapter break downs of this video, go to http://www.villagesewing.com
Also check out our Online Store https://www.villagesewing.com/sh...
For easy navigation and chapter break downs of this video, go to http://www.villagesewing.com
Also check out our Online Store https://www.villagesewing.com/shop/products_page.php
Learn all about the Pfaff Quilt expression 4.2, This is a very in-depth look at this machine. This video will give you all the information you need to run this machine, along with some hidden features. This video will also work for instruction on the Pfaff Quilt Expression 4.0.
wn.com/Pfaff Quilt Expression 4.2
For easy navigation and chapter break downs of this video, go to http://www.villagesewing.com
Also check out our Online Store https://www.villagesewing.com/shop/products_page.php
Learn all about the Pfaff Quilt expression 4.2, This is a very in-depth look at this machine. This video will give you all the information you need to run this machine, along with some hidden features. This video will also work for instruction on the Pfaff Quilt Expression 4.0.
- published: 24 May 2013
- views: 99972
Pfaff Creative 3.0
For easy navigation and chapter break downs of this video, go to http://www.villagesewing.com
Also check out our Online Store https://www.villagesewing.com/sh...
For easy navigation and chapter break downs of this video, go to http://www.villagesewing.com
Also check out our Online Store https://www.villagesewing.com/shop/products_page.php
wn.com/Pfaff Creative 3.0
For easy navigation and chapter break downs of this video, go to http://www.villagesewing.com
Also check out our Online Store https://www.villagesewing.com/shop/products_page.php
- published: 08 Jun 2013
- views: 57532
Pfaff Ambition 1.5: Review and Demonstration of features
Margaret from Sewing Machine Warehouse in Penrith, Australia demonstrates the features and benefits of the Pfaff Ambition 1.5 Sewing Machine. Along the way she ...
Margaret from Sewing Machine Warehouse in Penrith, Australia demonstrates the features and benefits of the Pfaff Ambition 1.5 Sewing Machine. Along the way she will show you handy hints on getting the most out of your machine.
Pfaff Ambition 1.5
Pfaff Ambition 1.0
Pfaff Ambition Essential
Handy Hints and Tips for Sewer's of all skill levels.
Please visit our website for more information, to contact us or to purchase products seen in the videos.
Please subscribe to our channel for more How To Videos!
wn.com/Pfaff Ambition 1.5 Review And Demonstration Of Features
Margaret from Sewing Machine Warehouse in Penrith, Australia demonstrates the features and benefits of the Pfaff Ambition 1.5 Sewing Machine. Along the way she will show you handy hints on getting the most out of your machine.
Pfaff Ambition 1.5
Pfaff Ambition 1.0
Pfaff Ambition Essential
Handy Hints and Tips for Sewer's of all skill levels.
Please visit our website for more information, to contact us or to purchase products seen in the videos.
Please subscribe to our channel for more How To Videos!
- published: 24 Sep 2014
- views: 26404
Zo zijn we getrouwd: Aflevering 1: Carmen en Jean-Marie Pfaff over huwelijk Debby en Nicolas
In deze eerste aflevering van de nieuwe reeks 'Zo zijn we getrouwd' laten we Carmen en Jean-Marie Pfaff aan het woord, de fiere ouders van Debby....
In deze eerste aflevering van de nieuwe reeks 'Zo zijn we getrouwd' laten we Carmen en Jean-Marie Pfaff aan het woord, de fiere ouders van Debby.
wn.com/Zo Zijn We Getrouwd Aflevering 1 Carmen En Jean Marie Pfaff Over Huwelijk Debby En Nicolas
In deze eerste aflevering van de nieuwe reeks 'Zo zijn we getrouwd' laten we Carmen en Jean-Marie Pfaff aan het woord, de fiere ouders van Debby.
- published: 29 May 2012
- views: 82048
Pfaff 1471 rebuild #1
NOTE: This video is not intended as a training video in Pfaff repair, but rather to give Pfaff owners hope that that Glenn has the resources available to bring...
NOTE: This video is not intended as a training video in Pfaff repair, but rather to give Pfaff owners hope that that Glenn has the resources available to bring your Retro- Pfaff back to "new"!
Join Glenn Smith of Brubaker's Sewing Center as he takes you through the disassembly of a Pfaff 1471, the first step toward evaluation and rebuilding of this precision German sewing machine.
wn.com/Pfaff 1471 Rebuild 1
NOTE: This video is not intended as a training video in Pfaff repair, but rather to give Pfaff owners hope that that Glenn has the resources available to bring your Retro- Pfaff back to "new"!
Join Glenn Smith of Brubaker's Sewing Center as he takes you through the disassembly of a Pfaff 1471, the first step toward evaluation and rebuilding of this precision German sewing machine.
- published: 28 Oct 2015
- views: 268
ValiantReviews. Smarter by Pfaff - How to sew with the Pfaff Sewing Machine 140S for Beginners
Hi everyone. In this video I will review Smarter by Pfaff 140s sewing machine and give a quick tutorial on how to get started with the basics.
My reupholstery ...
Hi everyone. In this video I will review Smarter by Pfaff 140s sewing machine and give a quick tutorial on how to get started with the basics.
My reupholstery video where I used this sewing machine can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAtcI-jO3QM
My links:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/alinavaliant/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alinavaliant
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alinavaliant
Here are the song credits:
Wallpaper Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
wn.com/Valiantreviews. Smarter By Pfaff How To Sew With The Pfaff Sewing Machine 140S For Beginners
Hi everyone. In this video I will review Smarter by Pfaff 140s sewing machine and give a quick tutorial on how to get started with the basics.
My reupholstery video where I used this sewing machine can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAtcI-jO3QM
My links:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/alinavaliant/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alinavaliant
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alinavaliant
Here are the song credits:
Wallpaper Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
- published: 18 Sep 2015
- views: 2844
Pfaff Creative Sensation Pro, class 2 embroidery
This is the 2nd class for the Pfaff Creative Sensation Pro. This class will cover everything you need to know about embroidery on your Pfaff. ...
This is the 2nd class for the Pfaff Creative Sensation Pro. This class will cover everything you need to know about embroidery on your Pfaff.
wn.com/Pfaff Creative Sensation Pro, Class 2 Embroidery
This is the 2nd class for the Pfaff Creative Sensation Pro. This class will cover everything you need to know about embroidery on your Pfaff.
- published: 24 May 2014
- views: 38333
Jean Marie Pfaff saves
Tribute video to the best belgian goalkeeper of all times. Some of his saves while playing for Belgium national team and Bayern Munich....
Tribute video to the best belgian goalkeeper of all times. Some of his saves while playing for Belgium national team and Bayern Munich.
wn.com/Jean Marie Pfaff Saves
Tribute video to the best belgian goalkeeper of all times. Some of his saves while playing for Belgium national team and Bayern Munich.
- published: 05 Feb 2013
- views: 83581
Reviewing The Pfaff 260
Taking a closer look at the Pfaff 260 and talking about some of the features and functions. http://www.briansews.com...
Taking a closer look at the Pfaff 260 and talking about some of the features and functions. http://www.briansews.com
wn.com/Reviewing The Pfaff 260
Taking a closer look at the Pfaff 260 and talking about some of the features and functions. http://www.briansews.com
- published: 17 Apr 2010
- views: 56785
Pfaff 463 Industrial Sewing Machine with Table. Sews Leather, Upholstery, Webbing
The Pfaff 463 Industrial Sewing Machine with Table. Available at Moose Trading!
Great for sewing leather, upholstery fabric, and nylon webbing.
This model inc...
The Pfaff 463 Industrial Sewing Machine with Table. Available at Moose Trading!
Great for sewing leather, upholstery fabric, and nylon webbing.
This model includes a backtack feature for extra secure stitching. A variable speed motor for those moments when you need to be very precise. A knee lift for easy, precise turns and patterns. A bobbin winder, an adjustable gooseneck lamp, and a 2 spool threadstand.
Also comes with 4 bobbins, 20 replacement needles, extra motor brushes, and a bottle of sewing oil.
Go to www.MooseTrading.com for more info!
wn.com/Pfaff 463 Industrial Sewing Machine With Table. Sews Leather, Upholstery, Webbing
The Pfaff 463 Industrial Sewing Machine with Table. Available at Moose Trading!
Great for sewing leather, upholstery fabric, and nylon webbing.
This model includes a backtack feature for extra secure stitching. A variable speed motor for those moments when you need to be very precise. A knee lift for easy, precise turns and patterns. A bobbin winder, an adjustable gooseneck lamp, and a 2 spool threadstand.
Also comes with 4 bobbins, 20 replacement needles, extra motor brushes, and a bottle of sewing oil.
Go to www.MooseTrading.com for more info!
- published: 19 Jun 2013
- views: 31955
Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 Part 1 - A demonstration of features and getting the most out of your machine
In this series of videos, Margaret from Sewing Machine Warehouse Australia will run through the capabilities of the Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 Overlocker.
Part 1 cove...
In this series of videos, Margaret from Sewing Machine Warehouse Australia will run through the capabilities of the Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 Overlocker.
Part 1 covers:
Basic threading
Performing a seam on stretch fabric
3 thread overlocking on 1 layer of fabric
We show you techniques and features that can be used to enhance your sewing projects. Many hints, tricks and pro-tips will be shown along the way.
Some of the things you will see in this video are useful on any overlocker/serger!
Margaret is an expert in all sewing techniques and the overlocker is one of her favourite pieces of sewing equipment.
Handy Hints and Tips for Sewer's of all skill levels.
Please visit our website for more information, to contact us or to purchase products seen in the videos.
Coverlocker 3.0 - This machine is available to 240V countries only
Loop Turners
Overlocker Thread
Please subscribe to our channel for more How To Videos!
wn.com/Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 Part 1 A Demonstration Of Features And Getting The Most Out Of Your Machine
In this series of videos, Margaret from Sewing Machine Warehouse Australia will run through the capabilities of the Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 Overlocker.
Part 1 covers:
Basic threading
Performing a seam on stretch fabric
3 thread overlocking on 1 layer of fabric
We show you techniques and features that can be used to enhance your sewing projects. Many hints, tricks and pro-tips will be shown along the way.
Some of the things you will see in this video are useful on any overlocker/serger!
Margaret is an expert in all sewing techniques and the overlocker is one of her favourite pieces of sewing equipment.
Handy Hints and Tips for Sewer's of all skill levels.
Please visit our website for more information, to contact us or to purchase products seen in the videos.
Coverlocker 3.0 - This machine is available to 240V countries only
Loop Turners
Overlocker Thread
Please subscribe to our channel for more How To Videos!
- published: 19 Aug 2014
- views: 28159
Threading a Pfaff Sewing Machine Select.mov
Threading a Pfaff Select sewing machine, model used 3.0, similar threading on most front loading boddin case Pfaffs...
Threading a Pfaff Select sewing machine, model used 3.0, similar threading on most front loading boddin case Pfaffs
wn.com/Threading A Pfaff Sewing Machine Select.Mov
Threading a Pfaff Select sewing machine, model used 3.0, similar threading on most front loading boddin case Pfaffs
- published: 03 Oct 2010
- views: 136466
Pfaff 545 Industrial Sewing Machine
A quick tour of my Pfaff 545 Industrial walking foot sewing machine with reduction drive and Consew electronic servo motor...
A quick tour of my Pfaff 545 Industrial walking foot sewing machine with reduction drive and Consew electronic servo motor
wn.com/Pfaff 545 Industrial Sewing Machine
A quick tour of my Pfaff 545 Industrial walking foot sewing machine with reduction drive and Consew electronic servo motor
- published: 30 Dec 2008
- views: 124191
PFAFF 3588 Programmable automatic pocket setter EN (HD)
PFAFF 3588 Programmable automatic pocket setter.
PFAFF 3588 Programmable automatic pocket setter.
wn.com/Pfaff 3588 Programmable Automatic Pocket Setter En (Hd)
PFAFF 3588 Programmable automatic pocket setter.
- published: 09 Jul 2013
- views: 53399
Er zit een logica achter wanneer Kelly Pfaff hoge hakken draagt! | De Parenclub | VTM
Als ze moet werken draagt Kelly Pfaff altijd platte schoenen, en als ze moet werken draagt ze hoge hakken. Maar waarom?...
Als ze moet werken draagt Kelly Pfaff altijd platte schoenen, en als ze moet werken draagt ze hoge hakken. Maar waarom?
wn.com/Er Zit Een Logica Achter Wanneer Kelly Pfaff Hoge Hakken Draagt | De Parenclub | Vtm
Als ze moet werken draagt Kelly Pfaff altijd platte schoenen, en als ze moet werken draagt ze hoge hakken. Maar waarom?
- published: 06 May 2014
- views: 16031
How to Put in Time a Pfaff 1245-706/47 Sewing Machine - TUTORIAL
Some basic knowledge about sewing machines is a MUST for an upholsterer/car trimmer. As I said in former video, 'proc...
Some basic knowledge about sewing machines is a MUST for an upholsterer/car trimmer. As I said in former video, 'procedures to tune-up an industrial sewing machine are similar' to what we have studied on our Singer 241-12 sewing machine.
Needless to say that you could save some extra money you would have to pay a technician to do the job...and I do not mean pennies, but above a hundred dollars.
Another trade marks follow the same principles.
I hope you find this information useful!
Tapiceria de automovil en cuero // المفروشات والجلود السيارات // Auto leather upholstery // Sellerie cuir automobile //Autolederpolsterung // авто кожена тапицерия // auto kožené čalounění // auto lederen bekleding // rivestimenti in pelle auto // 自動革張り // piele auto tapiterie // estofos em pele auto // auto katad tapiserya // upholsteri kulit auto // 汽車真皮座椅 // Авто кожаная обивка // oto deri döşeme // auto läderklädsel
Cursos de tapiceria // Upholstery courses // Polster Kurse // دورات تنجيد // Тапицерски курсове // čalounění kurzy // 內飾課程 //cours ameublement // Ταπετσαρίες μαθήματα // קורסי ריפוד // bekleding cursussen //corsi di rivestimento //室内装飾品のコース //kursus upholsteri // Møbeltapetsering kurs //Kursy tapicerskie //cursos Estofados //cursuri de tapițerie // Обивка курсы //Klädsel kurser //Upholstery kurso //หลักสูตรเบาะ // Döşemelik kursları //automotive upholstery tutorials //tutoriales de tapiceria automotriz //Autopolster Tutorials
دروس المفروشات السيارات // аўтамабільныя абіўка падручнікі // автомобилни тапицерии уроци // 汽車內飾教程 //automotive polstring tutorialstutoriels d'ameublement automobile //stoffering automotive tutorials //tutorial rivestimento auto //自動車の室内装飾のチュートリアル
tutorial upholsteri automotif //tutoriais estofados automotivos // автомобильные обивка учебники
como forrar volantes/timones en cuero //how to leather-wrap car steering-wheels
wie Lederverpackungs -Autolenkrädern // 如何真皮包裹方向盤車車輪
comment cuir enveloppement voiture les volants//hoe leer-wrap auto stuurwielen //come pelle avvolgenti auto volanti
どのように革ラップ車のステアリングホイールへ //jak skóra-wrap samochodowych koła kierownicy //como couro de finalização carro Direcção-rodas // как кожа обернуть рулевого управления автомобиля колес
wn.com/How To Put In Time A Pfaff 1245 706 47 Sewing Machine Tutorial
Some basic knowledge about sewing machines is a MUST for an upholsterer/car trimmer. As I said in former video, 'procedures to tune-up an industrial sewing machine are similar' to what we have studied on our Singer 241-12 sewing machine.
Needless to say that you could save some extra money you would have to pay a technician to do the job...and I do not mean pennies, but above a hundred dollars.
Another trade marks follow the same principles.
I hope you find this information useful!
Tapiceria de automovil en cuero // المفروشات والجلود السيارات // Auto leather upholstery // Sellerie cuir automobile //Autolederpolsterung // авто кожена тапицерия // auto kožené čalounění // auto lederen bekleding // rivestimenti in pelle auto // 自動革張り // piele auto tapiterie // estofos em pele auto // auto katad tapiserya // upholsteri kulit auto // 汽車真皮座椅 // Авто кожаная обивка // oto deri döşeme // auto läderklädsel
Cursos de tapiceria // Upholstery courses // Polster Kurse // دورات تنجيد // Тапицерски курсове // čalounění kurzy // 內飾課程 //cours ameublement // Ταπετσαρίες μαθήματα // קורסי ריפוד // bekleding cursussen //corsi di rivestimento //室内装飾品のコース //kursus upholsteri // Møbeltapetsering kurs //Kursy tapicerskie //cursos Estofados //cursuri de tapițerie // Обивка курсы //Klädsel kurser //Upholstery kurso //หลักสูตรเบาะ // Döşemelik kursları //automotive upholstery tutorials //tutoriales de tapiceria automotriz //Autopolster Tutorials
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- published: 30 Sep 2015
- views: 4176
50 fatos sobre a Roberta Pfaff !! - Garota RACIONAIS
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LINK DA ROCKETZ, clique aqui : http://rocketz.co/Pfaffgamer
SNAP : robertinhapfaff
=============LEIA A DESCRIÇÃO=============
LINK DA ROCKETZ, clique aqui : http://rocketz.co/Pfaffgamer
SNAP : robertinhapfaff
PRA FALAR COMIGO TWITTER : https://twitter.com/PfaffGamer
Contato profissional : rohgirlpb@gmail.com
Meu Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/roberta.pfaff.5
Minha Page : https://www.facebook.com/Pfaffgamer
Instagram : https://instagram.com/robertapfaff
wn.com/50 Fatos Sobre A Roberta Pfaff Garota Racionais
=============LEIA A DESCRIÇÃO=============
LINK DA ROCKETZ, clique aqui : http://rocketz.co/Pfaffgamer
SNAP : robertinhapfaff
PRA FALAR COMIGO TWITTER : https://twitter.com/PfaffGamer
Contato profissional : rohgirlpb@gmail.com
Meu Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/roberta.pfaff.5
Minha Page : https://www.facebook.com/Pfaffgamer
Instagram : https://instagram.com/robertapfaff
- published: 12 Mar 2015
- views: 13060
NÄHMASCHINE TEIL 2: DER VERGLEICH günstig vs. teuer Pfaff select 3.0
In diesem Teil gehe ich auf die pfaff select 3.0 ein. Was kann sie? und was kann die günstige Nähmaschine von Medion? Schaut es euch an. Viel Spass!
In diesem Teil gehe ich auf die pfaff select 3.0 ein. Was kann sie? und was kann die günstige Nähmaschine von Medion? Schaut es euch an. Viel Spass!
"Stringed Disco" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"Mister Exposition" Kevin MacLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By
Attribution 3.0
wn.com/Nähmaschine Teil 2 Der Vergleich Günstig Vs. Teuer Pfaff Select 3.0
In diesem Teil gehe ich auf die pfaff select 3.0 ein. Was kann sie? und was kann die günstige Nähmaschine von Medion? Schaut es euch an. Viel Spass!
"Stringed Disco" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"Mister Exposition" Kevin MacLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By
Attribution 3.0
- published: 07 Aug 2014
- views: 33193
PFAFF Passport 2.0 Nähmaschine deutsch
Hier finden Sie das Angebot in unserem Online-Shop: http://www.naehmaschinen-dealer.de/naehmaschinen/pfaff/783/pfaff-passport-2.0-mit-idt-system-naehmaschine?c=...
Hier finden Sie das Angebot in unserem Online-Shop: http://www.naehmaschinen-dealer.de/naehmaschinen/pfaff/783/pfaff-passport-2.0-mit-idt-system-naehmaschine?c=87
Zum Zubehör der PFAFF Passport 2.0 Nähmaschine gehört: Standardnähfuß 0A für IDT-System, Zierstichfuß 1A für IDT-System, Zierstichfuß 2A, Blindstichfuß 3 für IDT-System, Reißverschlussfuß 4 für IDT-System, Einstufiger Knopflochfuß 5B, 5 Spulen, Filzscheibe, Schraubenzieher für Stichplatte, Mehrzweckwerkzeug, Garnrollenführungsscheibe groß 2x, Garnrollenführungsscheibe klein 1x, Nahttrenner und Pinsel in einem, Führungshilfe, Schwenkbarer Garnrollenstift, Fußanlasser/Fußpedal, Netzkabel, Nadeln, Kofferhaube
wn.com/Pfaff Passport 2.0 Nähmaschine Deutsch
Hier finden Sie das Angebot in unserem Online-Shop: http://www.naehmaschinen-dealer.de/naehmaschinen/pfaff/783/pfaff-passport-2.0-mit-idt-system-naehmaschine?c=87
Zum Zubehör der PFAFF Passport 2.0 Nähmaschine gehört: Standardnähfuß 0A für IDT-System, Zierstichfuß 1A für IDT-System, Zierstichfuß 2A, Blindstichfuß 3 für IDT-System, Reißverschlussfuß 4 für IDT-System, Einstufiger Knopflochfuß 5B, 5 Spulen, Filzscheibe, Schraubenzieher für Stichplatte, Mehrzweckwerkzeug, Garnrollenführungsscheibe groß 2x, Garnrollenführungsscheibe klein 1x, Nahttrenner und Pinsel in einem, Führungshilfe, Schwenkbarer Garnrollenstift, Fußanlasser/Fußpedal, Netzkabel, Nadeln, Kofferhaube
- published: 28 Jan 2014
- views: 27434
Selbermachen – die Clutch von PFAFF®
Lebe deine Kreativität mit modernen Designs, lässig gestickt! Entdecke das Anleitugnsvideo und die Vorteile der PFAFF® creative ™ 1.5 Näh- und Stickmaschine!
Lebe deine Kreativität mit modernen Designs, lässig gestickt! Entdecke das Anleitugnsvideo und die Vorteile der PFAFF® creative ™ 1.5 Näh- und Stickmaschine!
wn.com/Selbermachen – Die Clutch Von Pfaff®
Lebe deine Kreativität mit modernen Designs, lässig gestickt! Entdecke das Anleitugnsvideo und die Vorteile der PFAFF® creative ™ 1.5 Näh- und Stickmaschine!
- published: 02 Jul 2015
- views: 3629