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Nazism - The Occult Conspiracy [Full Length, 1998].avi
Architecture of Doom Nazism
Rise of the Nazis
What is Nazism ??? - Watch Full Video + Read Info
USSR's first victory over Nazism
Holocaust Survivor: Zionism = Nazism
Neo-Nazism: Spirit of Hitler Still Alive in Germany -
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism is Totalitarian | George Reisman
The Rise of Nazism
Communism, Fascism and Nazism Ideologies Explained - Eric Thompson
SVT1 - Ramp om historia - Nazismen i Sverige under andra världskriget
S-riksdagsman beskyller SD för nazism


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Nazism - The Occult Conspiracy [Full Length, 1998].avi
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:44:01
  • Updated: 06 Aug 2013

Nazism - The Occult Conspiracy [Full Length, 1998].avi

Nazism is first and foremost, a religion. This important documentary makes this very clear. In The Myth of the 20th Century Rosenberg reinvented Germanic his... - The Occult Conspiracy [Full Length, 1998].avi
Architecture of Doom Nazism
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:54:01
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Architecture of Doom Nazism

Architecture of Doom Nazism. All rights reserverd to there respective owners. of Doom Nazism
Rise of the Nazis
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:15
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Rise of the Nazis

In August 1934 Hitler declared himself Fuhrer, absolute leader of Germany. Follow Hitler and his Nazi Party's rise to power in the lead up to the Second Worl...
  • published: 03 Sep 2009
  • views: 638918
  • author: DiscoveryTV of the Nazis
What is Nazism ??? - Watch Full Video + Read Info
  • Order:
  • Duration: 45:11
  • Updated: 06 Jun 2013

What is Nazism ??? - Watch Full Video + Read Info

What is Nazism ??? - INFO from Channel Volksgenosse18 - READ THE INFO IN THE VIDEO - Its Interesting. is Nazism ??? - Watch Full Video + Read Info
USSR's first victory over Nazism
  • Order:
  • Duration: 21:02
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

USSR's first victory over Nazism

Heroic deeds of General Mikhail Snegov and his garrison, who were responsible for the Soviet Union's first victory over Nazism in the Second World War, are revealed from the depths of history.'s first victory over Nazism
Holocaust Survivor: Zionism = Nazism
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:51
  • Updated: 05 Jul 2013

Holocaust Survivor: Zionism = Nazism

Auschwitz survivor Hajo Meyer talks about Israeli occupation and apartheid. Survivor: Zionism = Nazism
Neo-Nazism: Spirit of Hitler Still Alive in Germany -
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:19
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013

Neo-Nazism: Spirit of Hitler Still Alive in Germany -

Though not a widespread phenomenon, the neo-Nazi movement continues to exist in small pockets across Germany... The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN http:/... Spirit of Hitler Still Alive in Germany -
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism is Totalitarian | George Reisman
  • Order:
  • Duration: 32:55
  • Updated: 06 Jul 2013

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism is Totalitarian | George Reisman

The senior and adjunct faculty of the Mises Institute discuss the history, theory, and contemporary meaning of the fascist temptation, and what the Austrian ... Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism is Totalitarian | George Reisman
The Rise of Nazism
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:04
  • Updated: 05 Sep 2012

The Rise of Nazism

The Rise of Nazism. Rise of Nazism
Communism, Fascism and Nazism Ideologies Explained - Eric Thompson
  • Order:
  • Duration: 28:20
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013

Communism, Fascism and Nazism Ideologies Explained - Eric Thompson

Brilliant interview of Eric Thompson by Dr. Herbert Poinsett, as Eric explains the differences between Communism, Fascism and Nazism ideologies. A very infor...
  • published: 24 Feb 2012
  • views: 7651
  • author: anthonyc31, Fascism and Nazism Ideologies Explained - Eric Thompson
SVT1 - Ramp om historia - Nazismen i Sverige under andra världskriget
  • Order:
  • Duration: 28:20
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

SVT1 - Ramp om historia - Nazismen i Sverige under andra världskriget

  • published: 21 Dec 2012
  • views: 3923
  • author: Jaernvidr - Ramp om historia - Nazismen i Sverige under andra världskriget
S-riksdagsman beskyller SD för nazism
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:13
  • Updated: 10 Jul 2013

S-riksdagsman beskyller SD för nazism

I en debatt i riksdagen om arbetsrätt anklagar socialdemokraten Patrik Björck SD för en rad olika smaklösa påståenden. Se hur Mattias Karlsson från Sverigede...
  • published: 02 May 2013
  • views: 17708
  • author: sdwebbtv beskyller SD för nazism
The Great Depression and the rise of Nazism
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:29
  • Updated: 12 Jun 2013

The Great Depression and the rise of Nazism

This documentary excerpt looks at the effects of the Great Depression in Germany, where skyrocketing unemployment and human suffering let to political unrest... Great Depression and the rise of Nazism
Alpha Blondy - Apartheid is nazism
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:48
  • Updated: 10 Jul 2013

Alpha Blondy - Apartheid is nazism Blondy - Apartheid is nazism

Nazism - The Occult Conspiracy [Full Length, 1998].avi

Nazism is first and foremost, a religion. This important documentary makes this very clear. In The Myth of the 20th Century Rosenberg reinvented Germanic his...

Nazism - The Oc­cult Con­spir­a­cy [Full Length, 1998].avi
Nazism is first and fore­most, a re­li­gion. This im­por­tant doc­u­men­tary makes this very clear...
pub­lished: 22 Oct 2011
au­thor: Rothsstepchild
Ar­chi­tec­ture of Doom Nazism
Ar­chi­tec­ture of Doom Nazism. All rights re­serverd to there re­spec­tive own­ers....
pub­lished: 20 Oct 2011
Rise of the Nazis
In Au­gust 1934 Hitler de­clared him­self Fuhrer, ab­so­lute lead­er of Ger­many. Fol­low Hitler a...
pub­lished: 03 Sep 2009
au­thor: Dis­cov­eryTV
What is Nazism ??? - Watch Full Video + Read Info
What is Nazism ??? - INFO from Chan­nel Volksgenosse18 - READ THE INFO IN THE VIDEO - Its I...
pub­lished: 02 Jun 2013
USSR's first vic­to­ry over Nazism
Hero­ic deeds of Gen­er­al Mikhail Sne­gov and his gar­ri­son, who were re­spon­si­ble for the Sovi...
pub­lished: 10 May 2012
Holo­caust Sur­vivor: Zion­ism = Nazism
Auschwitz sur­vivor Hajo Meyer talks about Is­raeli oc­cu­pa­tion and apartheid....
pub­lished: 19 Jun 2012
Neo-Nazism: Spir­it of Hitler Still Alive in Ger­many - CBN.​com
Though not a widespread phe­nomenon, the neo-Nazi move­ment con­tin­ues to exist in small pock...
pub­lished: 30 Sep 2010
Why Nazism Was So­cial­ism and Why So­cial­ism is To­tal­i­tar­i­an | George Reis­man
The se­nior and ad­junct fac­ul­ty of the Mises In­sti­tute dis­cuss the his­to­ry, the­o­ry, and con...
pub­lished: 31 Jan 2010
The Rise of Nazism
The Rise of Nazism....
pub­lished: 09 Mar 2012
Com­mu­nism, Fas­cism and Nazism Ide­olo­gies Ex­plained - Eric Thomp­son
Bril­liant in­ter­view of Eric Thomp­son by Dr. Her­bert Poin­sett, as Eric ex­plains the dif­fere...
pub­lished: 24 Feb 2012
SVT1 - Ramp om his­to­ria - Nazis­men i Sverige under andra värld­skriget
pub­lished: 21 Dec 2012
au­thor: Jaern­vidr
S-riks­dags­man beskyller SD för nazism
I en de­batt i riks­da­gen om ar­bet­srätt an­kla­gar so­cialdemokrat­en Pa­trik Björck SD för en ra...
pub­lished: 02 May 2013
au­thor: sd­webbtv
The Great De­pres­sion and the rise of Nazism
This doc­u­men­tary ex­cerpt looks at the ef­fects of the Great De­pres­sion in Ger­many, where sk...
pub­lished: 12 Jun 2013
Alpha Blondy - Apartheid is nazism
pub­lished: 19 May 2011
au­thor: Prince Solomon
Vimeo results:
THE HATE DE­STROY­ER (De­mo-ver­sion)
www.​thehatedestroyer.​com Pro­duc­tion: Fo­togram­ma25 / Sineast Film­pro­duc­tion Work­ing Title: ...
pub­lished: 03 Jan 2011
Sex­ter­mi­na­tion for nazism
Le mou­ve­ment fémin­iste FEMEN a at­taqué une man­i­fes­ta­tion de néo-Nazis lors de la fête de J...
pub­lished: 16 May 2013
au­thor: FEMEN France
The Bat­tle of Cable Street
The Bat­tle of Cable Street is a very per­son­al pro­ject. Win­ner of The UK Jew­ish Short Film ...
pub­lished: 29 Jul 2009
au­thor: Yoav Segal
Church and State?
WE hear it more and more today: there needs to be a greater sep­a­ra­tion be­tween Church and ...
pub­lished: 25 Mar 2011
au­thor: Mark Mal­lett

Youtube results:
Part 2: Ex­plain­ing Nazism Philo­soph­i­cal­ly
This au­dio­book edi­tion of Ni­et­zsche and the Nazis is read by the au­thor. To lis­ten to mor...
pub­lished: 09 Jul 2013
ALPHA BLONDY Apartheid is Nazism (with Lyric)
from album apartheid is nazism --- youtube.​com/​AlphaBlondy53....​
pub­lished: 04 Oct 2008
Amer­i­can Nazism: Adolf Hitler in Amer­i­ca [Rare] HD
Adolf Hitler in New York City in the year 1944 of an al­ter­nate timeline.​Hitler proved much...
pub­lished: 08 Jun 2009
The Nazism and Rise of Hitler 001
Past of Ger­many, Birth of Weir­mar re­pub­lic, Treaty of Ver­sailles grade ix....
pub­lished: 20 Sep 2012
photo: AP
In this undated file picture released on Monday, Dec. 2, 2013, and posted on the Facebook page of a militant group, a member of Mujahidin, who fight with Syrian rebels groups against the Syrian government forces, poses for a picture standing next to a missile at an unknown place in Syria. With a new label - the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - the global terror network al-Qaida is positioning itself as a vanguard defending a persecuted Sunni community against Shiite-dominated governments across Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.
Edit Canberra Times
10 Jan 2014
Wreckage. People gather around the site of a car bombing in Hama province. Photo. Reuters. Damascus. Jihadists battling rebels in northern Syria have sought to recover turf lost during nearly a week of fighting between them that has killed hundreds in the latest twist in the civil war ... And at least 45 rebels were killed when they tried to break an army siege in the central city of Homs ... AFP. ....(size: 2.8Kb)
photo: Public Domain / Official Navy Page
EAST CHINA SEA (Jan. 14, 2011) USS Bunker Hill trails behind USS Carl Vinson and two Korean ships.
Edit Al Jazeera
10 Jan 2014
The United States has described as "provocative and potentially dangerous" new Chinese restrictions of foreign fishing vessels in disputed waters in the South China Sea. From January 1, China has required foreign fishing vessels to obtain approval to enter waters it says are under its jurisdiction. It rejects territorial claims by the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Brunei and Vietnam ... 280 Source.. Reuters. ....(size: 1.9Kb)
photo: AP / Mohammed Jaffer, File
In this Dec. 8, 2013 file photo, photo shows Devyani Khobragade, who served as India’s deputy consul general in New York, during the India Studies Stony Brook University fund raiser event at Long Island, New York.
Edit The Siasat Daily
10 Jan 2014
New Delhi, January 10.. As Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade returns home after being charged with visa fraud and underpaying her housekeeper, India, in a reciprocal action, on Friday expelled a senior US diplomat of similar rank as her, and has given a little over 48 hours to leave the country ... Moreover, the US has not even apologised yet for the diplomat's arrest ... Recommend Twitter. Comments(0). next>>   ... ....(size: 2.3Kb)
photo: Creative Commons
Frozen Niagara Falls 1911
Edit The Inquisitr
10 Jan 2014
As previously reported by The Inquisitr, global warming has been getting the blame for the polar vortex, and this disagreement has America divided. As we’ve come to find out, many media reports have been using frozen Niagara Falls photos from 2011. But some people are looking a hundred years back, all the way to 1911, in order to disprove any connection to the polar vortex ... ....(size: 1.9Kb)
photo: White House / Pete Souza
File - President Barack Obama, Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen salute as troops parade during the Armed Forces Farewell Tribute in honor of Secretary Gates at the Pentagon in Arlington, Va., June 30, 2011.
10 Jan 2014
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. "We must not only end war but the mindset of war." -President Barack Obama, 2008. Instead of revealing President Barack Obama as a weak and inadequate Commander-in-Chief, it appears that former Secretary of War Robert Gates' new book, "Memoirs of a Secretary of War," indicts an elite warrior culture that despises democracy ... But according to the U.S ... Will we the people do the same?....(size: 7.2Kb)

Edit San Francisco Chronicle
11 Jan 2014
The Exiles Return. By Elisabeth de Waal; with a foreword by Edmund de Waal. (Picador; 319 pages; $26) ... It is to this place, besmirched yet somehow retaining splendor, that her protagonists return ... But de Waal sets her novel circa 1955, right before Austria, which embraced Nazism more enthusiastically than any other part of the Reich, achieved the ultimate reward from the Allied decision to regard it as victim ... I distill too much."....(size: 3.9Kb)
Edit Gizmodo
10 Jan 2014
Gerald Lynch -  ... In the UK, Mein Kampf tops the “Political Science and Ideology” chart, as well as the “Ideologies” chart and, somewhat unsurprisingly, the “Fascism and Nazism” chart ... It’s an interesting, and potentially dangerous side effect of the digital reading revolution ... [Vocativ via The Guardian] ... amazon, banned books, ebooks, giz uk, hitler, kindle, mein kampf, nazis, nazism ... GIZ UK ... ....(size: 4.1Kb)
Edit Yahoo Daily News
10 Jan 2014
Adolf Hitler. The eerie error was apparently discovered by Nico Hagenburger, who posted a screenshot of the mistake to Twitter. The gaffe was first reported by German paper B.Z ... It was to have played a major role in Hitler's planned "Germania," a reimagining of Berlin as an international capital under Nazism, Raw Story reported....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit The Guardian
10 Jan 2014
Our weekly round-up aimed at showcasing the latest research across the subject spectrum at UK universities. Science. Illustration. Stefan Sølberg ... "Even before the onset of Nazism, German-speaking Jews were seen as either too assimilated on the one hand, but too international on the other ... The study revealed a remarkable culture of cosmopolitanism, which despite the onslaught of Nazism, has survived into modern times.Social science ... ....(size: 6.7Kb)
Edit China Daily
10 Jan 2014
French FM calls for easing of tensions to protect world economic order ... We want this part of the world to find solutions to ease tensions." ... "The French-German reconciliation, the European integration and more than a half-century of peace and prosperity on the European continent are all based on Germany's solemn reflection and sincere acknowledgement of guilt with respect to its history of Nazism," Hua said ... "The logic is ridiculous....(size: 4.1Kb)
Edit Denver Post
10 Jan 2014
Jiang Wu in Jia Zhangke's gripping, disturbing drama "A Touch of Sin," based on real events. (Provided by Kino Lorber). Now Showing. Some reviews originate at newspapers that do not award star ratings; some movies are not screened in advance for critics. Ratings range from zero to four stars. OPENING THIS WEEKEND. "Lone Survivor"* * * Reviewed on page 1C ... "August ... continuing ... David O ... A moving and effective presentation of life under Nazism ... ....(size: 6.3Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
10 Jan 2014
Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations. between France and China (1964-2014) ... "When China awakes, the world will shake." ... "A fact of considerable significance is at work and is reshaping the world ... As the hero of the resistance against Nazism, De Gaulle fought for the independence of his country, as one of the main architects of decolonization he defended the dignity of other nations ...   ... Like ... ....(size: 19.6Kb)
Edit The Guardian
09 Jan 2014
Digital editions of Adolf Hitler's fascist screed, in less public format, attract surge in readers ... Photograph. Carl De Souza/AFP/Getty Images ... In the UK, an ebook of Mein Kampf, retailing for 99p, tops's propaganda and spin chart and its fascism and Nazism chart, and sits in second place in its political science and ideology bestseller list ... Sign up for the Guardian Today ... Sign up for the daily email. ....(size: 2.7Kb)
Edit The Examiner
07 Jan 2014
The list of Knight's pointless pet peeves has only expanded with every single election lost on these issues. Now he is encouraging Republicans to run against evolution, which he claims is a gateway to Communism and Nazism ... "That leads to terrible things like socialism and communism and fascism and Nazism and the more extreme forms of liberalism in this country." ... ....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit noodls
07 Jan 2014
(Source. The University of Manchester) ... Dr Gelbin said ... "Even before the onset of Nazism, German-speaking Jews were seen as either too assimilated on the one hand but too international on the other ... The study revealed a remarkable culture of cosmopolitanism, which despite the onslaught of Nazism, has survived into modern times ... And Jewish politicians who represented the cosmopolitan weren't always on the left ... She added ... Notes for editors....(size: 5.1Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
07 Jan 2014
What do you think was the most important change in history? In my view, it was the arrival of self-extending economic growth. About 200 years ago - suddenly, in historical terms - growth in the West became unstoppable. Human history up to then had been one of modest or zero growth, and when modest it had never lasted ... Communism or Nazism could have won - that seemed very likely in 1941 (for Nazism) and 1944-5 (for communism) ...   ... 73k....(size: 8.4Kb)
Edit The Examiner
07 Jan 2014
Income inequality” is Obama’s new mantra. There is no more hope of an economic recovery, there is only the change from capitalism to socialism and the destruction of the American Dream ... Due to his economic destruction, Mr ... By whatever name, communism, fascism, Nazism, imperialism, or despotism, socialism has proven repeatedly that only the leaders prosper leaving the masses to scrape by with no hope of achieving better ... ....(size: 4.1Kb)
Edit The Examiner
07 Jan 2014
Income inequality” is Obama’s new mantra. There is no more hope of an economic recovery, there is only the change from capitalism to socialism and the destruction of the American Dream ... Due to his economic destruction, Mr ... By whatever name, communism, fascism, Nazism, imperialism, or despotism, socialism has proven repeatedly that only the leaders prosper leaving the masses to scrape by with no hope of achieving better ... ....(size: 4.1Kb)

National Socialism (common English short form Nazism, German: Nationalsozialismus) was the ideology practiced by the Nazi Party and Nazi Germany. It is a unique variety of fascism that incorporates biological racism and antisemitism. Nazism was founded out of elements of the far-right racist völkisch German nationalist movement and the violent anti-communist Freikorps paramilitary culture that fought against the uprisings of communist revolutionaries in post-World War I Germany. The ideology was developed as a means to draw workers away from communism and into völkisch nationalism. Nazis' paramilitary organization, the Sturmabteilung (SA) engaged in violent attacks upon the movement's opponents, particularly communists, Jews, and social democrats. The Nazis promoted German territorial expansionism to be Lebensraum ("living space") for German settlers.

Nazism advocated the supremacy of the claimed Aryan master race over all other races. It claimed that Jews are the greatest threat to the Aryan race. The Nazis claimed that Jews are a parasitic race that attached itself to various movements and systems to maintain its self-preservation, such as capitalism, the Enlightenment, industrialisation, liberalism, liberal democracy, Marxism, and trade unionism. To. To maintain the purity and strength of the Aryan race, the Nazis sought to exterminate Jews, Romani, and the physically and mentally disabled. Other groups deemed "degenerate" and "asocial" who were not targeted for immediate extermination, but received exclusionary treatment by the Nazi state, included: homosexuals, blacks, Jehovah's Witnesses and political opponents.

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George Gerald Reisman (born January 13, 1937) is an American economist and Professor Emeritus of Economics at Pepperdine University. He is the author of The Government Against the Economy (1979), which was praised by both F. A. Hayek and Henry Hazlitt, and Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics (1996). He is known as an advocate of free market or laissez-faire capitalism.

Reisman was born in New York City and earned his Ph.D. from New York University under the direction of Ludwig von Mises, whose methodological work The Epistemological Problems of Economics Reisman translated from the German original into English. In the 1980s, with his wife, psychologist Edith Packer, J.D., Ph.D., he organized The Thomas Jefferson School of Philosophy, Economics, and Psychology, which held several conferences and seminars. Its lecturers included Leonard Peikoff, Edward Teller, Petr Beckmann, Hans Sennholz, Bernard Siegan, Anne Wortham, Robert Hessen, Allan Gotthelf, David Kelley, John Ridpath, Harry Binswanger, Edwin A. Locke, Walter E. Williams, Mary Ann Sures, Andrew Bernstein and Peter Schwartz. Attendees of these conferences include later Objectivist writers Tara Smith and Lindsay Perigo.

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Eric Norman Thompson (9 November 1929 – 30 November 1982) was an English actor, television presenter and producer.

Thompson was born in Sleaford, Lincolnshire, the son of George Henry and Anne Thompson, and grew up Rudgwick, Sussex, attending Collyer's School, Horsham. He trained to be an actor at the Old Vic acting school in London and joined the Old Vic theatre company in 1952.

He worked mostly for the BBC, and was a presenter of the children's television programme Play School in the 1960s. He was best known as the narrator of The Magic Roundabout, for which he wrote the English-language scripts, using the visuals from the French Le Manège Enchanté. These were transmitted between October 1965 and January 1977. Thompson rarely worked on television after his voice became well-known, but occasionally appeared in programmes such as Doctor Who in the serial The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve in 1966.

On 30 November 1982 Thompson died of a pulmonary embolism in London three weeks after his 53rd birthday. His death was widely reported as he was well known for his voice acting and narration.

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Alpha Blondy (born January 1, 1953) is a reggae singer and international recording artist. Alpha Blondy was born Seydou Koné in Dimbokro, Côte d'Ivoire. He sings mainly in his native language of Dioula, in French and in English, and sometimes in Arabic or Hebrew. His lyrics convey serious political attitudes and a sense of humor.

First son of a family of 9 children, Seydou Kone was raised by his grandmother, growing up in what he described as "among elders", which later was to have a big impact on his career. In 1962, Alpha Blondy went to join his father in Odienné, where he spent ten years, attending the Sainte Elisabeth high school, and getting involved in the Ivory Coast students movement. Here he formed a band. But, this hobby affected his schooling and Alpha Blondy was expelled due to poor attendance. His parents then sent him to study English in Monrovia in the neighboring country of Liberia in 1973. He spent thirteen months there and then moved to the United States of America to improve his English.

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Adolf Hitler (German: [ˈadɔlf ˈhɪtlɐ] ( listen); 20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), commonly referred to as the Nazi Party). He was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and dictator of Nazi Germany (as Führer und Reichskanzler) from 1934 to 1945. Hitler is commonly associated with the rise of fascism in Europe, World War II, and the Holocaust.

A decorated veteran of World War I, Hitler joined the German Workers' Party, precursor of the Nazi Party, in 1919, and became leader of the NSDAP in 1921. In 1923, he attempted a coup d'état, known as the Beer Hall Putsch, in Munich. The failed coup resulted in Hitler's imprisonment, during which time he wrote his memoir, Mein Kampf (My Struggle). After his release in 1924, Hitler gained popular support by attacking the Treaty of Versailles and promoting Pan-Germanism, antisemitism, and anticommunism with charismatic oratory and Nazi propaganda. After his appointment as chancellor in 1933, he transformed the Weimar Republic into the Third Reich, a single-party dictatorship based on the totalitarian and autocratic ideology of Nazism. His aim was to establish a New Order of absolute Nazi German hegemony in continental Europe.

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