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Australian Weather

Northern Territory Queensland Tasmania South Australia New South Wales/ACT Western Australia Victoria Australia map
Adelaide 31/42
mostly sunny
possible shower
Brisbane 22/30
Broome 29/33
possible thunderstorm
possible shower
Cairns 24/31
Canberra 16/41
wind and showers easing
Darwin 24/31
Hobart 16/38
late shower
Melbourne 29/44
Perth 17/33
mostly sunny
Sydney 21/29
possible shower
Townsville 25/33

current extremes current extremes

E 68km/h
11.6mm last hr

forecast summary current national summary

A tropical low over the NT/WA border and a monsoon is generating heavy rain, gusty winds and storms. A trough is directing very hot air over VIC, SA, southern NSW and TAS, while leading to a few thundery showers. A front behind the trough is leading to a cooler, gusty change.

forecast summary capital cities

Sydney 21°C 29°C Mostly sunny
Melbourne 29°C 44°C Windy
Brisbane 22°C 30°C Possible shower
Perth 17°C 33°C Sunny
Adelaide 31°C 42°C Mostly sunny
Canberra 16°C 41°C Sunny
Hobart 16°C 38°C Late shower
Darwin 24°C 31°C Wind and showers easing

current warnings most recent warnings

Qld - Fri 08:31 EST
Flood Warning - Paroo River

Qld - Fri 08:07 EST
Flood Warning - Thomson/Barcoo/Cooper Ck

SA - Fri 06:53 CDT
Fire Weather Warning for SA

View all current warnings

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