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  • U.S. Air Force Suspends 34 Officers In Charge Of Nuclear Weapons...1:43
  • Four new cases of H7N9 bird flu reported in China...2:06
  • Egypt voters overwhelmingly back constitution official sources...1:03
  • Hariri trial a potential blowtorch or 'boost' for Lebanon...2:48
  • Latest violence in the Central African Republic | CAR unrest Kills Dozens...1:08
  • Egyptian Constitution Referendum: Vote count begins as polling stations close across Egypt...0:56
  • Iraqi Security Forces Fighting Militants In Falluja And Ramadi, Anbar Province...8:19
  • Syrian Civil War 2013 - Battlefield Syria: Heavy Fighting Clashes And Firefights |Syria War...50:20
  • More than $2.4 bln pledged at Syria aid conference...1:11
  • BBC News - Australia wildfires: Fire chief breaks down...1:34
  • Israeli defence chief apologises for Kerry remarks...1:48
  • Syria peace talks plans in jeopardy...1:45
  • Fight Blocks Aid to Thousands of Displaced in South Sudan...1:57
January 15, 2014 BBC News 





U.S. Air Force Sus­pends 34 Of­fi­cers In Charge Of Nu­cle­ar Weapons
Sign up for a free trial of News Direct\'s animated news graphics at For story suggestions please contact Four people in China\'s Jiangsu Province have become the latest people to fall ill with H7N9, a strain of bird flu new to humans, according to reports. The three women and one man are in critical condition and are being treated in the provincial capital of Nanjing, health authorities said. The cases are the second batch to be confirmed after Reuters reported that, \
Four new cases of H7N9 bird flu re­port­ed in China
Egyptian\'s have shown different attitudes towards the country\'s new draft constitution, which was for referendum fot the past two days. Egyptians started casting votes yesterday on the country\'s new draft constitution, which is widely seen as a milestone during Egypt\'s political transition after Islamist president Mohamed Morsi was ousted last July...
Egypt vot­ers over­whelm­ing­ly back con­sti­tu­tion of­fi­cial sources
Rafik Hariri is commemorated in numerous Beirut locations. This brings the respect of some...

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Rafik Hariri is commemorated in numerous Beirut locations. This brings the respect of some passers-by, and the opposite from certain others. 

Nine years after his assassination, there may be more revelations to come, and some may endanger the stability of Lebanon.

Hariri was prime minister five times, notably from 2000-2004 when the United Nations demanded that Syria withdraw its military apparatus from Lebanon and called for the Hezbollah Shiite militia to cease activities there.

Hariri\'s increasingly bold anti-Syria stance preceded his murder, although he was no longer prime minister when it happened, on 14 February, 2005. More than one tonne of explosives destroyed his motorcade. Twenty other people were also killed. 

Many people immediately believed the dark hand of Damascus was behind it. 

Lebanon was left reeling. But out of it swiftly grew the Cedar Revolution. This series of public demonstrations called for the Syrian troops to leave, and for a government free of influence by Syrian interests. 

One month after Hariri\'s death, a giant rally was held on 15 March in Beirut. A million people came.
Less than a month later, the Syrian\'s left. 

Public pressure with international support had pushed them out, after 30 years there. 

For many Lebanese, it had felt like three decades of occupation and manipulation of the nation\'s politics.

Yet the Syrian shadow did not disappear. The Shiite-Sunni divide remained. More attacks and assassinations followed. The key targets were anyone outspoken in their criticism of Syria\'s President Assad and his faithful allies Hezbollah.
The trial of Hariri\'s suspected killers carries a risk that strong tensions could flare up again. Lebanon was already prey to a deep political and institutional crisis when war developed in Syria. 

Analyst Rami Khouri with the American University in Beirut speculated about the present trial strengthening Lebanon\'s institutions.

Khouri said: \
Hariri trial a po­ten­tial blow­torch or 'boost' for Lebanon
Latest violence in the Central African Republic | CAR unrest Kills Dozens

For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines 

Dozens of people have been killed, including six peacekeepers from Chad, in the latest violence in the Central African Republic, officials say.
The peacekeepers were attacked by a Christian militia known as anti-balaka in the capital Bangui on Wednesday.
At least 40 other people have also died since Wednesday, Red Cross officials said.
African Union (AU) and French troops are battling to end a Christian-Muslim conflict that has engulfed CAR.
The AU has nearly 4,000 troops in CAR. France, the former colonial power, has also deployed 1,600 soldiers to help restore order.
Militias from the Christian and Muslim groups have been involved in attacks and counter-attacks since Michel Djotodia installed himself as the country\'s first Muslim ruler in March, ousting then-President Francois Bozize, who came from the majority Christian population.
Many Christians accuse the Chadian government of being allied to the Seleka rebel group which propelled Mr Djotodia to power, while Muslims allege that French forces are siding with Christian militia.
Tension high
The circumstances surrounding the death of the Chadians remain unclear.
AU spokesman Eloi Yao said: \
Lat­est vi­o­lence in the Cen­tral African Re­pub­lic | CAR un­rest Kills Dozens
Votes have started being counted as polling stations closed in Egypt after a referendum on amendments to the country\'s constitution. Officials from election monitoring organisation Democracy International were keeping watch across the stations, and the vote counting.
Egyp­tian Con­sti­tu­tion Ref­er­en­dum: Vote count be­gins as polling sta­tions close across Egypt
Fighting is raging between al Qaeda-backed militants and Iraq\'s security forces for control of two key cities in the embattled Anbar province, even as a deal was in place with Sunni tribesmen to fight alongside Iraqi police against the militant group.

The renewed violence in the Sunni province has raised concern about the stability of the government amid dueling claims by the terror group and security forces over who was in control of Falluja and Ramadi.

The Iraqi civil war never really ended it just went off the boil for a while. Last year, the heat was turned back to high, with the number of civilian deaths from political violence doubling to roughly 8,000 people over the previous year, the highest civilian death toll since at least 2008.

Security forces backed by tanks on battled militants in Iraq\'s Anbar province, where fighting has displaced thousands and sparked warnings of rights abuses and a worsening humanitarian crisis.

Some of the most significant fighting appeared to be in Falluja, where the U.S. military fought one of the bloodiest battles of the Iraq war, with militants planting al Qaeda flags on buildings.

Gunmen calling themselves the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant, formerly known as al Qaeda in Iraq, took to a stage before thousands of Sunnis following Friday prayers in Falluja.

Iraqi Se­cu­ri­ty Forces Fight­ing Mil­i­tants In Fal­lu­ja And Ra­ma­di, Anbar Province
Syria Civil War 2013 - Battlefield Syria: Heavy Fighting Clashes And Firefights. Heavy Fighting, Heavy Clashes and Intense Firefights. This pictures do we get if we look up the internet for Syria Videos. No war ever before was so well documented  by alternatet sources like the Syrian Civil War. In 2013 there was such an high amount and flood of informations, pictures and videos about this conflict that it is impossible to cover them all up in just one video. This compilation brings back some famous scenes of the conflict that apeared on the net in 2013. It shows footage of the Syrian Army and also of the Syrian Rebells in HD. It dont seems like this storm of raw information will end in 2014 as there is still no end of the conflict in sign.

Description and Timeline of the Happenings:
00:11-1:15 T72 oboard GoPro films Syrian Army Bmp driving on an IED during SAA Assault on Rebel held positions in Damascus. 

1:15-2:44 T72 onboard GoPro films Rebel ambush on firendly T72 Tank wich results in the lost of one Tank. The View also switches to the rebel perspective and shows their view on the Tank Unit.

2:44-6:26 Al-Nusra Front in heavy intense urban fighting firefight action against government forces in Deir-eZ Zor. The Al-Nusra Front is a radical islamists group fighting to establish a religious state under the sharia law in Syria. 

6:26-8:27 Members of the Islamic Front in heavy fighting against government forces in Eastern Ghouta during the rebel Ghouta Offensive. The Islamic Front is a merger of seven rebel groups involved in the Syrian civil war who joined their forces together in November 2013.

8:28-9:15 A Syrian chopper flying high above Damascus dodges a multitude of heat-seeking missiles. 

9:15-10:20 Free Syrian Army technical who tries to supress Syrian Army Sniper with heavy machine gun fire has an intense fierce close call with incoming government shell on the frontline in Aleppo. 

10:20-11:13 Syrian Army T72 Tanks onboard turretcameras capture failed RPG attack  conducted by Rebel forces hiding in a shool. One of the Tanks repells with a heavy round.

11:13-12:44 Sunni Syrian Arab Army defectors who joined the ranks of the FSA in extreme heavy firefight during rebel assault on the Menagh Airport in Aleppo. The Airport was taken by militants of the Al-Nusra Front in August 2013. It was much 
discussed if the fighter seen in the Video are regular FSA rebels or radical militants from outside but according to their group behaviour,comunication and movement during the whole combat situation it is very likely that they are sunni ex-army members who defected to the Free Syrian Army. Also you can see a kuran lying in the dirt next to him. Radical islamists wouldnt do this because for them the kuran is to holy to let him lying on the ground. Also their accents where clearly identyfied to be strong Syrian Aleppo Accents wich means they are Syrians.

12:44-13:28 Syrian helicopter explodes in mid-air after beeing shot by rebel anti air missle in Idlib.

13:29-14:14 Syrian rebel T55 gets heavy hit during intense street fighting.

14:14-15:23 Rebels captured their assault on an army held checkpoint in Idlib with an Guncam attached to one of their fighters AKs.

15:23-16:52 Members of the Al-Nusra Front trying to storm the Kindi Hospital in Aleppo. 

16:52-20:55 Syrian Army T72 onboard GoPro cams filming their attack on an rebel held neighbourhood of Damascus. 

20:55-24:49  Syrian army in heavy firefight during heavy intense combat action in Darayya. 

24:49-26:41 Al-Nusra militants in heavy clashes with the Syrian Army  in the outskirts of the Al-Hawiqa District/Ahoigah neighborhood near the Jura bridge in Deir ez-Zor. 

26:41-32:55 Syrian tanks attacking rebel controlled area together with infantry units in Al-Kabun. 

32:55-34:56 Insurgents in clashes with government forces outside Idlib. 

34:56-37:00 Free Syrian Army in heavy street fights with government forces in Idlib. 

37:00-41:50 Heavy firefight and clashes between Al-Qaeda and Syrian rebels in Aleppo. 

41:50-42:48 Syrian Insurgent uses Austrian Steyr AUG in streetfight action against regime forces. This fight took place around the Yarmouk district in Damascus.

42:48-48:32 A group of Syrian tanks engage with FSA forces in the city of Jobar. 

48:32-50:19 Heavy dawntime tracer firefight at the Aleppo central prision.

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This footage is part of an war archvie of the war in Syria and should be viewed as educational. This footage is also to be taken as a raw documentary on the events of the conflict in Syria. This footage is not meant to glorify war or violence.
Syr­i­an Civil War 2013 - Bat­tle­field Syria: Heavy Fight­ing Clash­es And Fire­fights |Syria War
More than $2.4 bln pledged at Syria aid conference - The Latest News 
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- More from Syria: Subscribe: U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says donors had promised mo.

International donors today pledged more than $2.4 billion to support humanitarian efforts that are urgently needed to help millions of people affected by the.

Donors meeting in Kuwait have pledged nearly $2.4bn in humanitarian aid for victims of the Syrian war, which the UN chief says has left half the population i.
More than $2.4 bln pledged at Syria aid con­fer­ence
Latest violence in the Central African Republic | CAR unrest Kills Dozens

For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines 

Dozens of people have been killed, including six peacekeepers from Chad, in the latest violence in the Central African Republic, officials say.
The peacekeepers were attacked by a Christian militia known as anti-balaka in the capital Bangui on Wednesday.
At least 40 other people have also died since Wednesday, Red Cross officials said.
African Union (AU) and French troops are battling to end a Christian-Muslim conflict that has engulfed CAR.
The AU has nearly 4,000 troops in CAR. France, the former colonial power, has also deployed 1,600 soldiers to help restore order.
Militias from the Christian and Muslim groups have been involved in attacks and counter-attacks since Michel Djotodia installed himself as the country\'s first Muslim ruler in March, ousting then-President Francois Bozize, who came from the majority Christian population.
Many Christians accuse the Chadian government of being allied to the Seleka rebel group which propelled Mr Djotodia to power, while Muslims allege that French forces are siding with Christian militia.
Tension high
The circumstances surrounding the death of the Chadians remain unclear.
AU spokesman Eloi Yao said: \
Lat­est vi­o­lence in the Cen­tral African Re­pub­lic | CAR un­rest Kills Dozens
The Rural Fire Service chief for New South Wales, Australia, has broken down while describing the battle being fought against raging wildfires.

Fire fighters are tackling a series of major blazes, with fears that hundreds of homes have been destroyed.

Fires are continuing to burn on the outskirts of Sydney, despite the easing of temperatures and winds. One man has died while trying to protect his home.

Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons paid tribute to efforts to contain the blazes, telling reporters: \
BBC News - Aus­tralia wild­fires: Fire chief breaks down
Israel\'s defence minister has apologised for criticising the peace-making efforts of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.  Moshe Yaalon had used a newspaper interview to describe Kerry as obsessive and messianic.   It prompted the White House to issue a stern rebuke.  Al Jazeera\'s Rosiland Jordan has more.
Israel\'s defence minister has apologised for criticising the peace-making efforts of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.  Moshe Yaalon had used a newspaper interview to describe Kerry as obsessive and messianic.   It prompted the White House to issue a stern rebuke.  Al Jazeera\'s Rosiland Jordan has more.
Israel\'s defence minister has apologised for criticising the peace-making efforts of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.  Moshe Yaalon had used a newspaper interview to describe Kerry as obsessive and messianic.   It prompted the White House to issue a stern rebuke.  Al Jazeera\'s Rosiland Jordan has more.

        Israeli defence chief apologises for Kerry remarks

        Israeli defence chief apologises for Kerry remarks

        Israeli defence chief apologises for Kerry remarks

3055233416001,package,Israel,Al Jazeera English,News,Middleeastnews,Rosiland Jordan,al Jazeera,jazeera,Marie Harf,youtube,aljazeera,middle east
Is­raeli de­fence chief apol­o­gis­es for Kerry re­marks
More from Syria:

Talks to end the fighting in Syria are in jeopardy as the opposition refuses to attend unless Assad is forced from power. Deborah Lutterbeck reports.

Reuters tells the world\'s stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained its reputation for speed, accuracy, and impact while providing exclusives, incisive commentary and forward-looking analysis.
Syria peace talks plans in jeop­ardy
The world\'s newest nation is struggling with an old problem - violence.  South Sudan gained independence from Sudan in July 2011, but since then fighting has claimed what some estimate to be nearly 10,000 lives.  The ethnically diverse, oil-rich country is currently torn by heavy fighting between rebels and government forces.  The United Nations World Food Program has the difficult task of delivering aid to areas beset with violence.  Arash Arabasadi reports.
Fight Blocks Aid to Thou­sands of Dis­placed in South Sudan
Egyptians queued for the second day in front of polling booths to decide on the country\'s new referendum, as protests broke out against military rule for a second day.  About 53 million Egyptians are eligible to vote for the new constitution, the result of which could see the defence minister, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, launch a presidential bid.
Egypt en­ters sec­ond day of con­sti­tu­tion vote

updated 16 Jan 2014; published 16 Jan 2014
U.S. Air Force Sus­pends 34 Of­fi­cers In Charge Of Nu­cle­ar Weapons
National Public Radio 16 Jan 2014, Already reeling from reports about alleged drug use by some officers in its nuclear missile corps and the alleged "drunken and inappropriate behavior" of that command's top general, the Air Force now has another scandal on its hands. Thirty-four nuclear launch officers at Malmstrom Air Force base in Montana have been suspended because they...
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updated 15 Jan 2014; published 15 Jan 2014
Four new cases of H7N9 bird flu re­port­ed in China
Caijing 16 Jan 2014, 150 infections confirmed since March, health authorities say The number of human H7N9 bird flu infections continues to rise nationwide with about 20 new cases reported in the first two weeks of 2014. On Wednesday, three new H7N9 cases were reported from Shanghai and Fujian and Zhejiang provinces. Since Jan 1, Shanghai has reported four cases,...
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updated 16 Jan 2014; published 16 Jan 2014
Egypt vot­ers over­whelm­ing­ly back con­sti­tu­tion of­fi­cial sources
Skynews 16 Jan 2014, Egyptians have overwhelmingly backed a new constitution for the country which could pave the way for army chief General Abdel Fattah al Sisi to declare his candidacy for president. According to official sources, 90% of voters supported the move...
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updated 16 Jan 2014; published 16 Jan 2014
Hariri trial a po­ten­tial blow­torch or 'boost' for Lebanon
Al Jazeera 16 Jan 2014, The trial in absentia of four Hezbollah members accused of murdering former Lebanese premier Rafik Hariri in 2005 has begun at a UN-backed court. Nine years after the huge Beirut car bombing killed billionaire Hariri, leading to the exit of Syrian troops from Lebanon, and three years into Syria's own bloody civil war, prosecutors are to...
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updated 27 Dec 2013; published 27 Dec 2013
Lat­est vi­o­lence in the Cen­tral African Re­pub­lic | CAR un­rest Kills Dozens
BBC News 16 Jan 2014, France underestimated the level of hatred between Christian and Muslim communities in the conflict-riven Central African Republic, its ambassador to the UN has said. Gerard Araud told a UN meeting on Wednesday that African Union and French forces were confronting a "nearly impossible" situation. They were between "two communities who...
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updated 16 Jan 2014; published 16 Jan 2014
Egyp­tian Con­sti­tu­tion Ref­er­en­dum: Vote count be­gins as polling sta­tions close across Egypt
Newstrack India 16 Jan 2014, Tweet Cairo, Jan 16 (IANS) Vote counting of Egypt's constitution referendum has been underway after polling stations across the country closed Wednesday evening, according to a statement of the High Electoral Committee. The constitution will be approved by winning over 50 percent of the vote, and the result of the referendum is scheduled to...
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updated 09 Jan 2014; published 09 Jan 2014
Iraqi Se­cu­ri­ty Forces Fight­ing Mil­i­tants In Fal­lu­ja And Ra­ma­di, Anbar Province
Al Jazeera 16 Jan 2014, Iraq's prime minister has called for international help in his fight against armed Sunni Muslim groups amid continued violence across the country. Nouri al Maliki, who leads a government dominated by Shia Muslims, gave warning of a long fight ahead as 75 people died in a series of attacks in Baghdad and Baquba on Wednesday. In his weekly televised...
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updated 31 Dec 2013; published 31 Dec 2013
Syr­i­an Civil War 2013 - Bat­tle­field Syria: Heavy Fight­ing Clash­es And Fire­fights |Syria War
Al Jazeera 15 Jan 2014, "What can we do? Obama is addicted to Geneva!", one DC insider said. He seemed truly exhausted by the presidential elusiveness on Syria. During my recent trip to Washington, he was not even the most dispirited person I met. Everybody, with a vague understanding of Middle Eastern affairs, looked appalled by the way this US administration was getting...
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updated 16 Jan 2014; published 16 Jan 2014
More than $2.4 bln pledged at Syria aid con­fer­ence
Khaleej Times 15 Jan 2014, Delegates from nearly 70 nations and 24 international organisations gather for the one-day event chaired by UN chief Ban Ki-moon. Donors meeting in Kuwait on Wednesday pledged nearly $1.3 billion in humanitarian aid for victims of the Syrian war, which the UN chief said had left half the population in need of urgent help. The meeting comes just a...
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updated 27 Dec 2013; published 27 Dec 2013
Lat­est vi­o­lence in the Cen­tral African Re­pub­lic | CAR un­rest Kills Dozens
BBC News 15 Jan 2014, A senior UN envoy has called for a huge international effort for the Central African Republic. Speaking to the BBC in the capital, Bangui, John Ging of the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said the country was in a "mega-crisis". Mr Ging said that many in the population were living in fear because of...
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updated 19 Oct 2013; published 19 Oct 2013
BBC News - Aus­tralia wild­fires: Fire chief breaks down
Al Jazeera 15 Jan 2014, Lightning strikes ignited more than 250 fires in southeast Australia as firefighters battled to put out the flames and the country sweltered in a heatwave. Efforts in the state of Victoria on Wednesday focused on containing about 20 blazes. A further 18 fires had already been brought under control or were being...
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updated 15 Jan 2014; published 15 Jan 2014
Is­raeli de­fence chief apol­o­gis­es for Kerry re­marks
New Straits/Business Times 15 Jan 2014, Israel's Minister of Defence Moshe Yaalon apologised to US Secretary of State John Kerry after he accused the American of having an "obsession" with Middle East peace, sparking a furious diplomatic row between the two allies. The White House had described Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon's initial comments as "offensive," in a mark of the degree of...
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updated 22 Oct 2013; published 22 Oct 2013
Syria peace talks plans in jeop­ardy
BBC News 15 Jan 2014, Western intelligence agencies have visited Damascus for talks on combating radical Islamist groups, Syria's deputy foreign minister has told the BBC. Faisal Mekdad said there was a schism between Western security officials and politicians who are pressing President Bashar al-Assad to step down. The growth of jihadist groups among rebels...
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updated 16 Jan 2014; published 16 Jan 2014
Fight Blocks Aid to Thou­sands of Dis­placed in South Sudan
The Guardian 14 Jan 2014, Between 200 and 300 people fleeing fighting in the city of Malakal feared dead in ferry accident on the White Nile river The ferry passengers were fleeing fighting in the city of Malakal. Photograph: Simon Maina/AFP/Getty Images At least 200 South Sudanese civilians drowned on Tuesday in a ferry accident on the White Nile river while...
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34 Officers At Nuclear Site May Have Cheated On Exams
Full Article National Public Radio
16 Jan 2014

Already reeling from reports about alleged drug use by some officers in its nuclear missile corps and the alleged "drunken and inappropriate behavior" of that command's top general, the Air Force now has another scandal on its hands. Thirty-four nuclear launch officers at Malmstrom Air Force base in Montana have been suspended because they... Air Force Base Nuke Scandal
In this image released by the U.S. Air Force, a Malmstrom Air Force Base missile maintenance team removes the upper section of an ICBM at a Montana missile site
photo: AP / U.S. Air Force, John Parie

Bird Flu Cases Keep Growing Nationwide
Full Article Caijing
16 Jan 2014

150 infections confirmed since March, health authorities say The number of human H7N9 bird flu infections continues to rise nationwide with about 20 new cases reported in the first two weeks of 2014. On Wednesday, three new H7N9 cases were reported from Shanghai and Fujian and Zhejiang provinces. Since Jan 1, Shanghai has reported four cases,... Flu In China Virus In China
Chinese health workers, wearing masks, walk past a group of security guards blocking a petitioner outside China's Health Ministry where a joint press conference between Chinese health officials and World Health Organization
photo: AP / Ng Han Guan

Egypt: New Constitution Backed In Public Vote
Full Article Skynews
16 Jan 2014

Egyptians have overwhelmingly backed a new constitution for the country which could pave the way for army chief General Abdel Fattah al Sisi to declare his candidacy for president. According to official sources, 90% of voters supported the move... Egypt Constitution Referendum Egypt Election Fattah Al-sisi
An Egyptian voter holds a card with the photo of Defense Minister, Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi with Arabic that reads, "Sissi
photo: AP / Amr Nabil

Hariri assassination trial opens at The Hague
Full Article Al Jazeera
16 Jan 2014

The trial in absentia of four Hezbollah members accused of murdering former Lebanese premier Rafik Hariri in 2005 has begun at a UN-backed court. Nine years after the huge Beirut car bombing killed billionaire Hariri, leading to the exit of Syrian troops from Lebanon, and three years into Syria's own bloody civil war, prosecutors are to... Hariri Nations Peace
File - Rafic Hariri, Prime Minister of Lebanon, addresses the fifty-third session of the General Assembly, 24 September, 1998.
photo: UN / Evan Schneider

France 'underestimated' Central African Republic hatred
Full Article BBC News
16 Jan 2014

France underestimated the level of hatred between Christian and Muslim communities in the conflict-riven Central African Republic, its ambassador to the UN has said. Gerard Araud told a UN meeting on Wednesday that African Union and French forces were confronting a "nearly impossible" situation. They were between "two communities who... African Republic Rights Nations
Displaced people carry their belongings as scrub brush is cleared and burned for a new settlement area, inside a makeshift camp housing an estimated 100,000 people, at Mpoko Airport in Bangui, Central African Republic, Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2014.
photo: AP / Rebecca Blackwell

Vote counting in Egypt's constitution referendum begins
Full Article Newstrack India
16 Jan 2014

Tweet Cairo, Jan 16 (IANS) Vote counting of Egypt's constitution referendum has been underway after polling stations across the country closed Wednesday evening, according to a statement of the High Electoral Committee. The constitution will be approved by winning over 50 percent of the vote, and the result of the referendum is scheduled to... Election Protest Brotherhood
Egyptian election workers count ballots at the end of the second round of a referendum.
photo: AP / Nasser Nasser

Iraqi PM seeks world's help amid violence
Full Article Al Jazeera
16 Jan 2014

Iraq's prime minister has called for international help in his fight against armed Sunni Muslim groups amid continued violence across the country. Nouri al Maliki, who leads a government dominated by Shia Muslims, gave warning of a long fight ahead as 75 people died in a series of attacks in Baghdad and Baquba on Wednesday. In his weekly televised... Clashes Violence In Iraq
Baghdad municipality workers clean up as civilians inspect the site of a car bomb attack near the Technology University in Sinaa Street in downtown Baghdad, Iraq, Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2014.
photo: AP / Karim Kadim

To achieve peace in Syria, better start in Aleppo not Geneva
Full Article Al Jazeera
15 Jan 2014

"What can we do? Obama is addicted to Geneva!", one DC insider said. He seemed truly exhausted by the presidential elusiveness on Syria. During my recent trip to Washington, he was not even the most dispirited person I met. Everybody, with a vague understanding of Middle Eastern affairs, looked appalled by the way this US administration was getting... Qaida War Nations
File - In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, Syrian citizens and security forces gather at site where a car bomb has exploded near a school, at al-Kaffat village in the central Hama province, Syria, Thursday Jan. 9, 2013.
photo: AP / SANA

Donors pledge nearly $1.3 billion at Syria meeting
Full Article Khaleej Times
15 Jan 2014

Delegates from nearly 70 nations and 24 international organisations gather for the one-day event chaired by UN chief Ban Ki-moon. Donors meeting in Kuwait on Wednesday pledged nearly $1.3 billion in humanitarian aid for victims of the Syrian war, which the UN chief said had left half the population in need of urgent help. The meeting comes just a... - Syria Civil War In Syria
In this photo taken Sunday, May 12, 2013, Syrian refugees shelter in a two-story wedding ceremony hall in the Turkish town of Reyhanli, near the border with Syria.
photo: AP / Burhan Ozbilici

UN stresses Central African Republic disaster warning
Full Article BBC News
15 Jan 2014

A senior UN envoy has called for a huge international effort for the Central African Republic. Speaking to the BBC in the capital, Bangui, John Ging of the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said the country was in a "mega-crisis". Mr Ging said that many in the population were living in fear because of... African Republic Rights Nations
A boy carries some of his family's few belongings, as people who had been sleeping in a food distribution area are moved out with the help of French troops, in an informal camp housing an estimated 100,000 displaced people, at Mpoko Airport in Bangui, Central African Republic, Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014.
photo: AP / Rebecca Blackwell

Australia hit by hundreds of new wildfires
Full Article Al Jazeera
15 Jan 2014

Lightning strikes ignited more than 250 fires in southeast Australia as firefighters battled to put out the flames and the country sweltered in a heatwave. Efforts in the state of Victoria on Wednesday focused on containing about 20 blazes. A further 18 fires had already been brought under control or were being... Wildfires Weather - Australia
Australia hit by hundreds of new wildfires
photo: AP / Glenn Nicholls

Israeli defence minister apologises to Kerry over diatribe
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
15 Jan 2014

Israel's Minister of Defence Moshe Yaalon apologised to US Secretary of State John Kerry after he accused the American of having an "obsession" with Middle East peace, sparking a furious diplomatic row between the two allies. The White House had described Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon's initial comments as "offensive," in a mark of the degree of... Palestine Conflict Peace Talks State
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry addresses reporters and takes some of their questions during a news conference in Geneva, Switzerland, on November 24, 2013, after the P5+1 member nations concluded negotiations with Iran about its nuclear capabilities.
photo: US DoS

Syria says West talks to Damascus about Islamist rebels
Full Article BBC News
15 Jan 2014

Western intelligence agencies have visited Damascus for talks on combating radical Islamist groups, Syria's deputy foreign minister has told the BBC. Faisal Mekdad said there was a schism between Western security officials and politicians who are pressing President Bashar al-Assad to step down. The growth of jihadist groups among rebels... Talks - Syria Civil War In Syria
Free Syrian Army members raise their weapons and a revolutionary flag during a training session on the outskirts of Idlib, Syria, Thursday, June 7, 2012.
photo: AP

At least 200 drown in South Sudan ferry accident while fleeing fighting
Full Article The Guardian
14 Jan 2014

Between 200 and 300 people fleeing fighting in the city of Malakal feared dead in ferry accident on the White Nile river The ferry passengers were fleeing fighting in the city of Malakal. Photograph: Simon Maina/AFP/Getty Images At least 200 South Sudanese civilians drowned on Tuesday in a ferry accident on the White Nile river while... Rights Sudan
File - Displaced people get off a river barge from Bor, some of the thousands who fled the recent fighting between government and rebel forces in Bor by boat across the White Nile, in the town of Awerial, South Sudan Thursday, Jan. 2, 2014.
photo: AP / Ben Curtis

Federer shows the Edberg touch in Kavcic win
Full Article The Times of India
16 Jan 2014

MELBOURNE: An aggressive Roger Federer showed some of the Stefan Edberg influence as he dominated Blaz Kavcic to power into the third round of the Australian Open on Thursday. The Swiss 17-time Grand Slam champion was in irresistible touch, reeling off the opening two sets in quick time before carving out a 6-2, 6-1, 7-6 (7/4) win in one hour 47... Australian Open Kavcic
Roger Federer of Switzerland returns a shot to Marin Cilic of Croatia in the men's quarterfinal singles match at the Shanghai Masters tennis tournament at Qizhong Forest Sports City Tennis Center in Shanghai, China, Friday Oct. 12, 2012. Federer won 6-3, 6-4.
photo: AP / Eugene Hoshiko

Asafa Powell: Jamaican sprinter's drug trial adjourned
Full Article BBC News
16 Jan 2014

Former 100m world record holder Asafa Powell will have to wait until 12 February to find out if he faces a two-year ban from athletics. The 31-year-old is accused of taking the banned stimulant oxilofrine, but his trial was adjourned on Wednesday. On day two of the hearing, a toxicologist claimed Powell would have gained no advantage from... Powell Powell Doping
Jamaica's Asafa Powell after competing in a Men's 100m first round heat during the World Athletics Championships in Berlin on Saturday, Aug. 15, 2009.
photo: AP / Anja Niedringhaus

Wozniacki hopeful of ending Slam drought
Full Article The Times of India
16 Jan 2014

MELBOURNE: Australian Open 10th seed Caroline Wozniacki is one those players that has been world number one yet never won a Grand Slam. But the Dane, now happy her personal and professional life after getting engaged...
Day 2 of the Sony Open Caroline Wozniacki, Rory McIlroy at Crandon Park Tennis Center Key Biscayne, Florida - March 19, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Sharapova hails training after surviving scare
Full Article The Times of India
16 Jan 2014

MELBOURNE: Russian star Maria Sharapova said on Thursday her intense training after shoulder surgery had paid off after surviving a big scare against Karin Knapp in intense heat at the Australian Open. The third seed battled through temperatures of up to 42 Celsius (107.6 Fahrenheit) and a third set lasting nearly two hours to overcome the...
Day 7 of the Sony Open Maria Sharapova (RUS) vs Elena Vesnina (RUS) at Crandon Park Tennis Center Key Biscayne, Florida - March 24, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Australian Open: Heat stops play on day four in Melbourne
Full Article BBC News
16 Jan 2014

A third day of soaring temperatures finally brought play to a halt on the uncovered courts at the Australian Open on Thursday. At 13:53 local time (02:53 GMT), with temperature at 41C, the "extreme heat policy" was implemented. It signalled an end to... Open
A spectators pours water over himself to cool down as play was suspended when organizers implemented the Extreme Heat policy during second round matches at the Australian Open tennis championship in Melbourne, Australia, Thursday, Jan. 16, 2014.
photo: AP / Joshua Baker

Man City crushes Blackburn 5-0 in FA Cup replay
Full Article The Wichita Eagle
16 Jan 2014

MANCHESTER, EnglandAlvaro Negredo and Edin Dzeko grabbed two goals each and Sergio Aguero scored on his return from injury as Manchester City swept to a 5-0 win over Blackburn in an FA Cup third-round replay on Wednesday. In taking its goal tally to 99 in all competitions already this season, City delivered another demonstration of its... Fa Cup Manchester City Fc Rovers Fc
Manchester City's Yaya Toure, left, celebrates with teammate and fellow goal scorer Alvaro Negredo after scoring against Hull, during their English Premier League soccer match at The Etihad Stadium, Manchester, England, Saturday Aug. 31, 2013.
photo: AP / Jon Super

111-87: Real Madrid sweep Bayern Munich aside with 41 points in the third quarter (Real Madrid CF)
Full Article noodls
16 Jan 2014

(Source: Real Madrid CF) Laso's team sealed their 30th consecutive win thanks to 20 magical minutes in which they scored 72 points. Rudy Fernández, with 24 of them and a PIR of 30, took command on offense Edu Bueno Real Madrid won against Bayern Munich in the Palacio de los Deportes in a game that saw the teams playing for a 3-0 lead of group F and... Euroleague Real Madrid Baloncesto
Real Madrid Baloncesto
photo: flickr

Cristiano Ronaldo scores in Real Madrid Copa del Rey win
Full Article BBC News
16 Jan 2014

Cristiano Ronaldo celebrated his World Player of the Year award with a goal as Real Madrid beat Osasuna 2-0 - and 4-0 on aggregate - in the Copa del Rey. The 28-year-old, who won his second Ballon d'Or on Monday, was fortunate to see his free-kick slip through goalkeeper Andres... Copa Del Rey Ronaldo Madrid V. Osasuna
Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo from Portugal, second right, is greeted by teammates Karim Benzema from France, left, and Sergio Ramos after scoring second goal against Hercules during their Spanish League soccer match at the Rico Perez stadium in Alicante, on Saturday, Oct. 30, 2010.
photo: AP / Alberto Saiz

Jackson’s doctor loses appeal
Full Article Independent online (SA)
16 Jan 2014

Los Angeles - A California appeals court unanimously upheld on Wednesday the involuntary manslaughter conviction of Michael Jackson's former doctor, saying there was evidence of his guilt in the star's 2009 death. Conrad Murray got a four-year jail sentence in 2011 for the singer's death from an overdose... Murray Trial Jackson Jackson Death
Dr. Conrad Murray listens as the jury returns with a guilty verdict in his involuntary manslaughter trial Monday, Nov. 7, 2011 in a Los Angeles courtroom . Murray was convicted Monday of involuntary manslaughter after a trial that painted him as a reckless caregiver who administered a lethal dose of a powerful anesthetic that killed the pop star.
photo: AP / Al Seib

Police raid Justin Bieber's home‚ arrest man for drugs
Full Article The Himalayan
15 Jan 2014

Added At: 2014-01-15 9:23 AM Last Updated At: 2014-01-15 9:23 AM The Himalayan Times - Saved Articles(s) The headlines has been added to your saved article(s) To View your saved article(s)please Click Here » Close Reuters Singer Justin Bieber poses at the premiere of the documentary ''Justin Bieber's...
Justin Bieber performs during the 'Believe Tour' at the Amway Center Orlando, Florida - January 25, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

A salute to namma Chennai
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
14 Jan 2014

According to The New York Times (NYT), Chennai is one among the ‘52 places to go in 2014’. In a list that is dominated by cities like Dubai, Perth, Frankfurt, Yorkshire and the like, Chennai is at 26 right before Seychelles. According to the list, Chennai earned its place for its rich cultural heritage and for the several dance and music schools in... Music
The Kapaleeshwarar temple in Mylapore was built by the Pallava kings in the 7th century
photo: Creative Commons / Ranveig

Jared Leto wins Globe for best supporting actor
Full Article The Washington Times
13 Jan 2014

Facebook Follow @washtimes Will Va. Gov. Terry McAuliffe stick to his ‘progress over ideology’ pledge? Login to Vote View results BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) - Jared Leto has won the Golden Globe for best supporting actor in a movie for “Dallas Buyers Club.” The other nominees Sunday night were Barkhad Abdi, “Captain...
 Jared Leto arrives at the American Eagle Party during the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, Saturday, Jan. 20, 2007. (AP Photo/Kevork Djansezian)   (js1)
photo: AP/Kevork Djansezian

Pamela Anderson Marries Ex-Husband Rick Salomon For The Second Time
Full Article Entertainment Wise
12 Jan 2014

Will it be second time lucky for Pamela Anderson? The former Baywatch star has confirmed that she has married her ex-husband Rick Salomon for the second time. The 46-year-old actress rekindled... Anderson Salomon
Actress Pamela Anderson attends The Animal Rights Foundation of Florida's 20th Anniversary Gala at the Broward County Convention Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida - USA 14.3.09
photo: WN / Aruna Gilbert

Nicki Minaj is a homebody
Full Article Newstrack India
11 Jan 2014

Tweet Los Angeles, Jan 11 (IANS) Singer Nicki Minaj says she likes being at home and enjoys quiet nights cooking meals for close friends. "I'm a homebody. For...
Nicki Minaj performs during the 'Pink Friday Tour' at the James L. Knight Center Miami, Florida - July 24, 2012
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Storm a wonderful concept for music lovers: Shankar Mahadevan
Full Article Newstrack India
11 Jan 2014

Tweet New Delhi, Jan 11 (IANS) The third edition of the much-awaited Storm Music Festival will kickstart in Karnataka Jan 31. Composer Shankar Mahadevan, the brand ambassador of the first such camp-out music festival, says it serves as a wonderful platform for music lovers who want to experience something new. "From a...
Singer Shankar Mahadevan.
photo: PIB of India

Prabhudheva, Ajay go to Wai for a day?
Full Article The Times of India
16 Jan 2014

Bollywood seems to have a new Mr Perfectionist after Aamir Khan. It's the Southern import Prabhu Dheva. The choreogrpaher-turned actor-director was prepping...
Press Conference and promotional campaign for the movie promotion of the upcoming Bollywood film “Ramaiya Vastavaiya” directed by Prabhudeva. starring Girish Kumar, Shruti Haasan, Randhir Kapoor, Poonam Dhillon, Satish Shah and othersat Kolkata on June 28, 2013.
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Zoe Saldana And Sam Worthington Are Back For Upcoming 'Avatar' Sequels
Full Article Huffington Post
15 Jan 2014

It's back to Pandora for Zoe Saldana and Sam Worthington, who are set to reprise their roles in all three of the forthcoming "Avatar" sequels, Fox announced Tuesday. Production on James Cameron's sci-fi films is set to begin later this year, with all three movies being shot back-to-back, a la Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" series. (Like...
From left, Sam Worthington, director James Cameron, Zoe Saldana, producer Jon Landau, and Sigourney Weaver pose with the award for best motion picture drama for “Avatar” backstage at the 67th Annual Golden Globe Awards on Sunday, Jan. 17, 2010, in Beverly Hills, Calif.
photo: AP / Mark J. Terrill

Big B grateful to film fraternity (Movie Snippets)
Full Article The Siasat Daily
15 Jan 2014

Mumbai, January 15: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who was honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 20th Annual Life OK Screen Awards, says he does not have any words to thank the film industry for the grace and honour given to him. Hosted by Shah Rukh Khan, the Screen Awards was held here Tuesday. The 71-year-old was given the honour by...
Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan smiles while accepting an award "Forever Indian" from from the Diamond Trading Company, DTC, a member of De Beers Group, in Mumbai, India, Tuesday, Jan 23, 2007.(
photo: AP / Rajesh Nirgude

'Dedh Ishqiya' running housefull in Pakistan: Distributor
Full Article The Times of India
15 Jan 2014

A gripping storyline, strong cast and dialogues laced with Urdu seem to have worked in favour of " Dedh Ishqiya" in Pakistan. Distributor Rehmat Fazli of Geo TV said the film is doing well despite a "haphazard release" and added that late night shows are running housefull too. The film hit the screens Friday. "We got the prints only by Friday...
Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit
photo: AP Photo/Manish Swarup

God will decide on best man to become PM: Salman Khan
Full Article The Times of India
15 Jan 2014

Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, who attended a kite flying festival along with Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, said god would decide who is the best man to become the prime minister. Salman, who was to promote his upcoming film "Jai Ho", spent the afternoon with Bharatiya Janata Party's prime ministerial candidate Modi at the festival. "God...
Bollywood actor Salman Khan looks on during Kingfisher swimsuit calendar launch in Mumbai, India, Saturday, Dec. 18, 2010.
photo: AP / Rajanish Kakade

'Gabbar' is an out-and-out Akshay Kumar film: director
Full Article The Siasat Daily
15 Jan 2014

January 14: Director Krish is making a comedy-drama film 'Gabbar' centred around Akshay Kumar. "It's an out-and-out Akshay Kumar film. The film is a mix of comedy and drama. Let me clarify that Sunil Grover only has a supporting part, but it will be an important one though," said Krish, who makes his directorial debut with the film. "It's...
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Zee TV in plans to rope SRK for a TV show
Full Article The Times of India
14 Jan 2014

Lauding the small screen medium, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who is not new to the television medium, says that in today's time an actor's success is not measured by box office profits but his association with the type of...
Indian actor Shah Rukh Khan arrives at the premiere for the film 'My name is Khan' at the International Film Festival Berlinale in Berlin, Germany, Friday, Feb. 12, 2010.
photo: AP / Markus Schreiber

Lady Gaga's ex-manager Troy Carter plans a digital revolution in the music industry
Full Article The Guardian
13 Jan 2014

Troy Carter intends to take Lady Gaga's incredibly successful use of social media and new tech even further Troy Carter: "I'm bullish about the new generation." Photograph: Bryce Duffy/ Corbis Outline In the wake of losing his partnership with Lady Gaga, you might expect Troy Carter, her former manager, to be a bereft, bruised soul haunting the...
U.S. performer Lady Gaga shops at the Dilli Haat handicrafts market in New Delhi, India, Friday, Oct. 28, 2011. (AP Photo/Mustafa Quraishi)
photo: AP / Mustafa Quraishi

Google unveils 'smart contact lens' to measure glucose
Full Article BBC News
17 Jan 2014

Google has said it is testing a "smart contact lens" that can help measure glucose levels in tears. It uses a "tiny" wireless chip and a "miniaturised" glucose sensor embedded between two layers of lens material. The firm said it is also working on integrating tiny LED... Lens
 Contact Lens. (ps1)
photo: Public Domain file / -

Stock futures lower on earnings; Best Buy plunges
Full Article Herald Tribune
16 Jan 2014

NEW YORK - Stock futures were edging lower as investors analyzed the earnings of Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Best Buy and others. KEEPING SCORE: The Dow Jones industrial average futures were down 31 points to 16,377 about 20 minutes before the opening bell. The Standard & Poor's 500 index futures were down 3.5 points to 1,838.10 and the Nasdaq... Buy
Traders Michael Urkonis, left, and Jonathan Corpina work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2010.
photo: AP / Richard Drew

Isuzu Motors to invest Rs.3,000 crore in Andhra plant
Full Article Newstrack India
16 Jan 2014

Tweet Hyderabad, Jan 16 (IANS) Japanese automotive major Isuzu Motors will invest Rs.3,000 crore in its first manufacturing plant in India, coming up in Andhra Pradesh, company officials said Thursday. The plant, which is coming up at Sri City, is expected to be operational in 2016 and manufacture 50,000 Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs) and Sports...
A bus by Isuzu Motors displayed at an auto expo-automobile.
photo: WN / Sayali Santosh Kadam

>2014 Valentines Day & Winter Break Vacation Deals in Destin, FL
Full Article Seattle Post
16 Jan 2014 announces 2014 Valentines Day & Winter Break week specials for the Destin, FL area. Destin, FL (PRWEB) January 15, 2014 Valentines Day and Winter Break is right around the corner and travel website is announcing...
2014 Valentines Day & Winter Break Vacation Deals in Destin, FL
photo: WN / Marzena J.

S&P 500 Closes At All-Time High On Bank Earnings
Full Article Huffington Post
15 Jan 2014

* Bank of America shares jump after earnings * Empire State manufacturing index, PPI increase * Apple rallies after comment on China iPhone sales * Dow up 0.7 pct, S&P; 500 up 0.5 pct, Nasdaq up 0.8 pct By Ryan Vlastelica NEW YORK, Jan 15 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks rose on Wednesday, with the S&P; 500 climbing to an all-time closing high after strong...; 500 Stocks
Specialist Michael Sollitto, right, directs trades at his post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday, July 28, 2010
photo: AP / Richard Drew

How the S&P 500 index fared Wednesday
Full Article The News & Observer
15 Jan 2014

The Standard and Poor's 500 index rose to an all-time high on Wednesday, beating its previous record set on Dec. 31 by just two-hundredths... Jones Industrial Average & Poor's 500
Trader Daniel Ryan uses a phone post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Wednesday, April 7, 2010
photo: AP / Richard Drew

Fake luxury market in India to double by 2015: study
Full Article The Hindu
15 Jan 2014

Suman Mehta bought a Chanel perfume for Rs 1,500 per 100 ml from a neighbourhood departmental store in suburban Mumbai. It was a steal for her as that particular product would have cost her nothing less than Rs 7,000 at a Chanel store. However, only after using the product she realised that she had bought a fake Chanel as it caused severe burning...
Da Milano Italia's shop at a shopping mall-branded purses shop-India.
photo: WN / Sayali Santosh Kadam

Asia shares bounce back, tracking US gains
Full Article Tampa Bay Online
15 Jan 2014

TOKYO (AP) — Asian stock markets rose Wednesday, tracking gains in the U.S. that were spurred by stronger-than-expected retail sales. Japan's Nikkei 225 climbed 1.8 percent to 15,695.56 as the Japanese yen weakened relative to the dollar, boosting exporters such as Toyota and Sony.... Markets Stocks
A man walks past the electronic stock board showing Japan's benchmark Nikkei 225 index, at a securities firm in Tokyo, Japan, Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2011. Asian stocks slumped for a third day Wednesday, as fears intensified that Greece might reject an austerity plan and default on its massive debts. (AP Photo/Itsuo Inouye)
photo: AP / Itsuo Inouye

U.S. Air Force Suspends 34 Officers In Charge Of Nuclear Weapons
U.S. Air Force Suspends 34 Officers In Charge Of Nuclear Weapons
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:43
  • Updated: 16 Jan 2014
  • published: 16 Jan 2014
  • views: 746

Four new cases of H7N9 bird flu reported in China
Four new cases of H7N9 bird flu reported in China
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:06
  • Updated: 15 Jan 2014
Sign up for a free trial of News Direct's animated news graphics at For story suggestions please contact Four people in China's Jiangsu Province have become the latest people to fall ill with H7N9, a strain of bird flu new to humans, according to reports. The three women and one man are in critical condition and are being treated in the provincial capital of Nanjing, health authorities said. The cases are the second batch to be confirmed after Reuters reported that, "two men in Shanghai, aged 87 and 27, fell sick in late February. A woman in Anhui province also contracted the virus in early March and is in critical condition. "At this point, these three are isolated cases with no evidence of human-to-human transmission", the WHO representative in China, Dr. Michael O'Leary, told reporters on Monday. China's National Health and Family Planning Commission confirmed on Sunday that the three cases were the H7N9 virus, which had not previously been known to infect humans. "A new virus tends to be more virulent in the beginning. Either it is going to become a truly human virus, in which case we have to start dealing with it regularly, or it is going to be primarily an animal virus with just a rare human case," O'Leary said. Some Chinese had complained that authorities took too long before announcing the deaths on Sunday. O'Leary said the government acted properly as the deaths needed to be investigated." On Tuesday, China reported four more cases of H7N9 bird flu, and raised the total of H7N9 avian influenza cases to seven. H7N9 bird flu is previously unknown in humans but has already killed two people last month in China, and left one in critical condition in Anhui. The World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Monday there was no evidence that the H7N9 strain could be transmitted between people, but that it was investigating the outbreak. The report of H7N9 bird flu from Fox News below : " The four new patients in China's eastern Jiangsu province were all in critical condition and receiving emergency treatment, the Xinhua News Agency said, citing the Jiangsu provincial health bureau. A woman in Anghui province who caught the virus in early March is also in critical condition. No mutual infection was discovered in any of the seven cases, Xinhua said. A group of 255 people identified by authorities to have had close contact with the seven H7N9 victims have also not shown any flu symptoms, it said. The four patients in Jiangsu - a province next to Shanghai - were aged between 32 and 83 and only one, a woman of 45, had worked in the market slaughtering poultry, Xinhua said. " Read More ... : WE REPORT AND YOU DECIDE WHAT TO DO WITH THE INFO AND VISIT NEWS CHANNEL 428 HOME PAGE AND CHECK THE ABOUT BUTTON and Subscribe .. BUT FIRST PLEASE TAKE NOTICE AND READ. IF We do Air a Video from someone else, IT IS BECAUSE We have PERMISSION To do so. This Christian Channel Has Many Different News,Teaching, Preaching, show's. AND like a TV station that has on many different programs during a 24 hour day do we You may watch what you find interesting to you. and comment But be a Civilized Person any cursing, or insult's or other hateful comments will be removed. ALERT IF ANY Video Offend's you then DO NOT WATCH IT.. .This Channel will NEVER be Politically Correct. we will tell the REAL TRUTH Regardless if you like it or not.. THE PRAYER BELOW IS AN EXAMPLE THAT YOU CAN GO BY WHEN ASKING JESUS INTO YOUR HEART. YOU CAN PRAY IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I realize I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and ask for your forgiveness. I believe that you sent your only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for my sins upon the cross and His blood was shed for me. I believe that You God raised Jesus up from the dead and He sits at your right hand. I place my trust in you and ask you to come into my heart. Guide me and direct me that I may do your will in all things. Amen If you prayed this prayer with a sincere heart, and give God control over your life, forsaking sin to follow Him, then you are now HIS. You need to get baptized. Also, get in the word of God, seek God in prayer daily, seek out other Bible believing Christians to help you grow in the Lord. He will transform your life. Aproximadamente 21.300.000 resultados (0,33 segundos) Resultados da pesquisa Bird flu cases in China rise after rare virus kills 2 - World - CBC News­flu-chin... - Traduzir esta página 1 dia atrás -- China reports that four more people in one province were made seriously ill by a bird flu ... Last Updated: Apr 2, 2013 11:43 AM ET ... response plan following the recent deaths of two men from a lesser-known strain of bird flu. BBC News - China bird flu: Two men die in Shanghai­8423 - Traduzir esta página 4 dias atrás -- 27
  • published: 15 Jan 2014
  • views: 3

Egypt voters overwhelmingly back constitution   official sources
Egypt voters overwhelmingly back constitution official sources
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:03
  • Updated: 16 Jan 2014
Egyptian's have shown different attitudes towards the country's new draft constitution, which was for referendum fot the past two days. Egyptians started casting votes yesterday on the country's new draft constitution, which is widely seen as a milestone during Egypt's political transition after Islamist president Mohamed Morsi was ousted last July...
  • published: 16 Jan 2014
  • views: 63

Hariri trial a potential blowtorch or 'boost' for Lebanon
Hariri trial a potential blowtorch or 'boost' for Lebanon
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:48
  • Updated: 16 Jan 2014
Rafik Hariri is commemorated in numerous Beirut locations. This brings the respect of some... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: Rafik Hariri is commemorated in numerous Beirut locations. This brings the respect of some passers-by, and the opposite from certain others. Nine years after his assassination, there may be more revelations to come, and some may endanger the stability of Lebanon. Hariri was prime minister five times, notably from 2000-2004 when the United Nations demanded that Syria withdraw its military apparatus from Lebanon and called for the Hezbollah Shiite militia to cease activities there. Hariri's increasingly bold anti-Syria stance preceded his murder, although he was no longer prime minister when it happened, on 14 February, 2005. More than one tonne of explosives destroyed his motorcade. Twenty other people were also killed. Many people immediately believed the dark hand of Damascus was behind it. Lebanon was left reeling. But out of it swiftly grew the Cedar Revolution. This series of public demonstrations called for the Syrian troops to leave, and for a government free of influence by Syrian interests. One month after Hariri's death, a giant rally was held on 15 March in Beirut. A million people came. Less than a month later, the Syrian's left. Public pressure with international support had pushed them out, after 30 years there. For many Lebanese, it had felt like three decades of occupation and manipulation of the nation's politics. Yet the Syrian shadow did not disappear. The Shiite-Sunni divide remained. More attacks and assassinations followed. The key targets were anyone outspoken in their criticism of Syria's President Assad and his faithful allies Hezbollah. The trial of Hariri's suspected killers carries a risk that strong tensions could flare up again. Lebanon was already prey to a deep political and institutional crisis when war developed in Syria. Analyst Rami Khouri with the American University in Beirut speculated about the present trial strengthening Lebanon's institutions. Khouri said: "I don't think the court itself - even if it has a clear verdict - is going to stop other political assassinations, unfortunately, because these have been going on for decades and will continue to go on. So the real issue is: will this court help the Lebanese authorities, the political, judicial and police authorities, to have a stronger capability and a stronger will to actually deal with these issues internally?" The Hariri trial and the Syrian conflict are both linked to Lebanon's divisions. Hezbollah sides with Assad against the rebels, firmly convinced that the US and Israel are conspiring with designs on Syria. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 16 Jan 2014
  • views: 11'boost'_for_Lebanon

Latest violence in the Central African Republic | CAR unrest Kills Dozens
Latest violence in the Central African Republic | CAR unrest Kills Dozens
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:08
  • Updated: 27 Dec 2013
Latest violence in the Central African Republic | CAR unrest Kills Dozens For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines SUBSCRIBE to Dozens of people have been killed, including six peacekeepers from Chad, in the latest violence in the Central African Republic, officials say. The peacekeepers were attacked by a Christian militia known as anti-balaka in the capital Bangui on Wednesday. At least 40 other people have also died since Wednesday, Red Cross officials said. African Union (AU) and French troops are battling to end a Christian-Muslim conflict that has engulfed CAR. The AU has nearly 4,000 troops in CAR. France, the former colonial power, has also deployed 1,600 soldiers to help restore order. Militias from the Christian and Muslim groups have been involved in attacks and counter-attacks since Michel Djotodia installed himself as the country's first Muslim ruler in March, ousting then-President Francois Bozize, who came from the majority Christian population. Many Christians accuse the Chadian government of being allied to the Seleka rebel group which propelled Mr Djotodia to power, while Muslims allege that French forces are siding with Christian militia. Tension high The circumstances surrounding the death of the Chadians remain unclear. AU spokesman Eloi Yao said: "Yesterday [Wednesday] the city was in total chaos and this chaos lasted until the end of the night. Today we are trying to understand what happened." Heavy gunfire in Bangui had caused panic among civilians, who fled to the airport, which is protected by peacekeepers. "Around 40 bodies have been recovered for the moment, and first aid has been given to around 30 people wounded," Red Cross spokesman David Pierre Marquet said. As fighting subsided, French troops went out on patrol. French military spokesman Col Gilles Jaron said tension remained high in Bangui. Two days of violence earlier this month left about 1,000 people dead, according to Amnesty International. TAGS abc breaking news, bbc, bbc football, bbc iplayer, bbc news, bbc news america, bbc persian, bbc sport, bbc weather, bbc world news, breaking celebrity news, breaking election news, breaking late news, breaking local news, breaking music news, breaking news, breaking news alerts, breaking news canada, breaking news headlines, breaking news in atlanta, breaking news in nigeria, breaking news india, breaking news pensacola florida, breaking news plane crash, breaking news story, breaking sports news, business expensive news home media world, christian world news, cnn, cnn breaking news, cnn money, cnn news, cnn news breaking news, cnn news world, detroit breaking news, global news, headline, headline news, health care technology news, hot latest global news, internet technology news, las vegas breaking news, latest breaking news, latest celebrity news, latest information technology news, latest music news, latest news, latest news headlines, latest news update, latest sports news, live breaking news, local breaking news, local news today, msn breaking news, nbc breaking news, nbc world news, news of the world, news report us world, news today news, news updated daily, solar technology news, sports news today, technology news, the latest news, today news, us news and world, us news and world report, us news and world report magazine, us news and world report web site, us news world report, world news, world news daily, world news headlines
  • published: 27 Dec 2013
  • views: 167|_CAR_unrest_Kills_Dozens

Egyptian Constitution Referendum: Vote count begins as polling stations close across Egypt
Egyptian Constitution Referendum: Vote count begins as polling stations close across Egypt
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  • Duration: 0:56
  • Updated: 16 Jan 2014
Votes have started being counted as polling stations closed in Egypt after a referendum on amendments to the country's constitution. Officials from election monitoring organisation Democracy International were keeping watch across the stations, and the vote counting.
  • published: 16 Jan 2014
  • views: 214

Iraqi Security Forces Fighting Militants In Falluja And Ramadi, Anbar Province
Iraqi Security Forces Fighting Militants In Falluja And Ramadi, Anbar Province
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  • Duration: 8:19
  • Updated: 09 Jan 2014
Fighting is raging between al Qaeda-backed militants and Iraq's security forces for control of two key cities in the embattled Anbar province, even as a deal was in place with Sunni tribesmen to fight alongside Iraqi police against the militant group. The renewed violence in the Sunni province has raised concern about the stability of the government amid dueling claims by the terror group and security forces over who was in control of Falluja and Ramadi. The Iraqi civil war never really ended it just went off the boil for a while. Last year, the heat was turned back to high, with the number of civilian deaths from political violence doubling to roughly 8,000 people over the previous year, the highest civilian death toll since at least 2008. Security forces backed by tanks on battled militants in Iraq's Anbar province, where fighting has displaced thousands and sparked warnings of rights abuses and a worsening humanitarian crisis. Some of the most significant fighting appeared to be in Falluja, where the U.S. military fought one of the bloodiest battles of the Iraq war, with militants planting al Qaeda flags on buildings. Gunmen calling themselves the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant, formerly known as al Qaeda in Iraq, took to a stage before thousands of Sunnis following Friday prayers in Falluja. "We call you to join us in our fight against the government of Nuri al-Maliki," one of the gunman said through a bullhorn. Authorities say gunmen have attacked an Iraqi army barracks north of Baghdad, killing 12 soldiers meaning that the militant attacks are spreading beyond Anbar. Human rights activists have condemned abuses by both government troops and insurgents in Iraq's Anbar province. "Apparently unlawful methods of fighting by all sides have caused civilian casualties," Human Rights Watch said in a report. The rights group criticised Iraqi forces and militants for carrying out attacks in residential areas. It comes as troops prepare to launch a major assault against al-Qaeda-linked militants in the city of Falluja. Map of Falluja: Map of Ramadi:
  • published: 09 Jan 2014
  • views: 13048,_Anbar_Province

Syrian Civil War 2013 - Battlefield Syria: Heavy Fighting Clashes And Firefights |Syria War
Syrian Civil War 2013 - Battlefield Syria: Heavy Fighting Clashes And Firefights |Syria War
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  • Duration: 50:20
  • Updated: 31 Dec 2013
Syria Civil War 2013 - Battlefield Syria: Heavy Fighting Clashes And Firefights. Heavy Fighting, Heavy Clashes and Intense Firefights. This pictures do we get if we look up the internet for Syria Videos. No war ever before was so well documented by alternatet sources like the Syrian Civil War. In 2013 there was such an high amount and flood of informations, pictures and videos about this conflict that it is impossible to cover them all up in just one video. This compilation brings back some famous scenes of the conflict that apeared on the net in 2013. It shows footage of the Syrian Army and also of the Syrian Rebells in HD. It dont seems like this storm of raw information will end in 2014 as there is still no end of the conflict in sign. Description and Timeline of the Happenings: 00:11-1:15 T72 oboard GoPro films Syrian Army Bmp driving on an IED during SAA Assault on Rebel held positions in Damascus. 1:15-2:44 T72 onboard GoPro films Rebel ambush on firendly T72 Tank wich results in the lost of one Tank. The View also switches to the rebel perspective and shows their view on the Tank Unit. 2:44-6:26 Al-Nusra Front in heavy intense urban fighting firefight action against government forces in Deir-eZ Zor. The Al-Nusra Front is a radical islamists group fighting to establish a religious state under the sharia law in Syria. 6:26-8:27 Members of the Islamic Front in heavy fighting against government forces in Eastern Ghouta during the rebel Ghouta Offensive. The Islamic Front is a merger of seven rebel groups involved in the Syrian civil war who joined their forces together in November 2013. 8:28-9:15 A Syrian chopper flying high above Damascus dodges a multitude of heat-seeking missiles. 9:15-10:20 Free Syrian Army technical who tries to supress Syrian Army Sniper with heavy machine gun fire has an intense fierce close call with incoming government shell on the frontline in Aleppo. 10:20-11:13 Syrian Army T72 Tanks onboard turretcameras capture failed RPG attack conducted by Rebel forces hiding in a shool. One of the Tanks repells with a heavy round. 11:13-12:44 Sunni Syrian Arab Army defectors who joined the ranks of the FSA in extreme heavy firefight during rebel assault on the Menagh Airport in Aleppo. The Airport was taken by militants of the Al-Nusra Front in August 2013. It was much discussed if the fighter seen in the Video are regular FSA rebels or radical militants from outside but according to their group behaviour,comunication and movement during the whole combat situation it is very likely that they are sunni ex-army members who defected to the Free Syrian Army. Also you can see a kuran lying in the dirt next to him. Radical islamists wouldnt do this because for them the kuran is to holy to let him lying on the ground. Also their accents where clearly identyfied to be strong Syrian Aleppo Accents wich means they are Syrians. 12:44-13:28 Syrian helicopter explodes in mid-air after beeing shot by rebel anti air missle in Idlib. 13:29-14:14 Syrian rebel T55 gets heavy hit during intense street fighting. 14:14-15:23 Rebels captured their assault on an army held checkpoint in Idlib with an Guncam attached to one of their fighters AKs. 15:23-16:52 Members of the Al-Nusra Front trying to storm the Kindi Hospital in Aleppo. 16:52-20:55 Syrian Army T72 onboard GoPro cams filming their attack on an rebel held neighbourhood of Damascus. 20:55-24:49 Syrian army in heavy firefight during heavy intense combat action in Darayya. 24:49-26:41 Al-Nusra militants in heavy clashes with the Syrian Army in the outskirts of the Al-Hawiqa District/Ahoigah neighborhood near the Jura bridge in Deir ez-Zor. 26:41-32:55 Syrian tanks attacking rebel controlled area together with infantry units in Al-Kabun. 32:55-34:56 Insurgents in clashes with government forces outside Idlib. 34:56-37:00 Free Syrian Army in heavy street fights with government forces in Idlib. 37:00-41:50 Heavy firefight and clashes between Al-Qaeda and Syrian rebels in Aleppo. 41:50-42:48 Syrian Insurgent uses Austrian Steyr AUG in streetfight action against regime forces. This fight took place around the Yarmouk district in Damascus. 42:48-48:32 A group of Syrian tanks engage with FSA forces in the city of Jobar. 48:32-50:19 Heavy dawntime tracer firefight at the Aleppo central prision. Subscribe for more: aDRI12345 On Facebook: *DISCLAIMER* This footage is part of an war archvie of the war in Syria and should be viewed as educational. This footage is also to be taken as a raw documentary on the events of the conflict in Syria. This footage is not meant to glorify war or violence.
  • published: 31 Dec 2013
  • views: 117779|Syria_War

More than $2.4 bln pledged at Syria aid conference
More than $2.4 bln pledged at Syria aid conference
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  • Duration: 1:11
  • Updated: 16 Jan 2014
More than $2.4 bln pledged at Syria aid conference - The Latest News Like Subscribe & Share For More Videos - More from Syria: Subscribe: U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says donors had promised mo. International donors today pledged more than $2.4 billion to support humanitarian efforts that are urgently needed to help millions of people affected by the. Donors meeting in Kuwait have pledged nearly $2.4bn in humanitarian aid for victims of the Syrian war, which the UN chief says has left half the population i.
  • published: 16 Jan 2014
  • views: 0

Latest violence in the Central African Republic | CAR unrest Kills Dozens
Latest violence in the Central African Republic | CAR unrest Kills Dozens
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  • Duration: 1:08
  • Updated: 27 Dec 2013
Latest violence in the Central African Republic | CAR unrest Kills Dozens For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines SUBSCRIBE to Dozens of people have been killed, including six peacekeepers from Chad, in the latest violence in the Central African Republic, officials say. The peacekeepers were attacked by a Christian militia known as anti-balaka in the capital Bangui on Wednesday. At least 40 other people have also died since Wednesday, Red Cross officials said. African Union (AU) and French troops are battling to end a Christian-Muslim conflict that has engulfed CAR. The AU has nearly 4,000 troops in CAR. France, the former colonial power, has also deployed 1,600 soldiers to help restore order. Militias from the Christian and Muslim groups have been involved in attacks and counter-attacks since Michel Djotodia installed himself as the country's first Muslim ruler in March, ousting then-President Francois Bozize, who came from the majority Christian population. Many Christians accuse the Chadian government of being allied to the Seleka rebel group which propelled Mr Djotodia to power, while Muslims allege that French forces are siding with Christian militia. Tension high The circumstances surrounding the death of the Chadians remain unclear. AU spokesman Eloi Yao said: "Yesterday [Wednesday] the city was in total chaos and this chaos lasted until the end of the night. Today we are trying to understand what happened." Heavy gunfire in Bangui had caused panic among civilians, who fled to the airport, which is protected by peacekeepers. "Around 40 bodies have been recovered for the moment, and first aid has been given to around 30 people wounded," Red Cross spokesman David Pierre Marquet said. As fighting subsided, French troops went out on patrol. French military spokesman Col Gilles Jaron said tension remained high in Bangui. Two days of violence earlier this month left about 1,000 people dead, according to Amnesty International. TAGS abc breaking news, bbc, bbc football, bbc iplayer, bbc news, bbc news america, bbc persian, bbc sport, bbc weather, bbc world news, breaking celebrity news, breaking election news, breaking late news, breaking local news, breaking music news, breaking news, breaking news alerts, breaking news canada, breaking news headlines, breaking news in atlanta, breaking news in nigeria, breaking news india, breaking news pensacola florida, breaking news plane crash, breaking news story, breaking sports news, business expensive news home media world, christian world news, cnn, cnn breaking news, cnn money, cnn news, cnn news breaking news, cnn news world, detroit breaking news, global news, headline, headline news, health care technology news, hot latest global news, internet technology news, las vegas breaking news, latest breaking news, latest celebrity news, latest information technology news, latest music news, latest news, latest news headlines, latest news update, latest sports news, live breaking news, local breaking news, local news today, msn breaking news, nbc breaking news, nbc world news, news of the world, news report us world, news today news, news updated daily, solar technology news, sports news today, technology news, the latest news, today news, us news and world, us news and world report, us news and world report magazine, us news and world report web site, us news world report, world news, world news daily, world news headlines
  • published: 27 Dec 2013
  • views: 167|_CAR_unrest_Kills_Dozens

BBC News - Australia wildfires: Fire chief breaks down
BBC News - Australia wildfires: Fire chief breaks down
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:34
  • Updated: 19 Oct 2013
The Rural Fire Service chief for New South Wales, Australia, has broken down while describing the battle being fought against raging wildfires. Fire fighters are tackling a series of major blazes, with fears that hundreds of homes have been destroyed. Fires are continuing to burn on the outskirts of Sydney, despite the easing of temperatures and winds. One man has died while trying to protect his home. Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons paid tribute to efforts to contain the blazes, telling reporters: "We've got the best fire fighters in the world." Footage courtesy Australian Broadcasting Corporation
  • published: 19 Oct 2013
  • views: 4178

Israeli defence chief apologises for Kerry remarks
Israeli defence chief apologises for Kerry remarks
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:48
  • Updated: 15 Jan 2014
Israel's defence minister has apologised for criticising the peace-making efforts of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. Moshe Yaalon had used a newspaper interview to describe Kerry as obsessive and messianic. It prompted the White House to issue a stern rebuke. Al Jazeera's Rosiland Jordan has more. Israel's defence minister has apologised for criticising the peace-making efforts of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. Moshe Yaalon had used a newspaper interview to describe Kerry as obsessive and messianic. It prompted the White House to issue a stern rebuke. Al Jazeera's Rosiland Jordan has more. Israel's defence minister has apologised for criticising the peace-making efforts of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. Moshe Yaalon had used a newspaper interview to describe Kerry as obsessive and messianic. It prompted the White House to issue a stern rebuke. Al Jazeera's Rosiland Jordan has more. Israeli defence chief apologises for Kerry remarks Israeli defence chief apologises for Kerry remarks Israeli defence chief apologises for Kerry remarks 3055233416001,package,Israel,Al Jazeera English,News,Middleeastnews,Rosiland Jordan,al Jazeera,jazeera,Marie Harf,youtube,aljazeera,middle east
  • published: 15 Jan 2014
  • views: 54

Syria peace talks plans in jeopardy
Syria peace talks plans in jeopardy
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:45
  • Updated: 22 Oct 2013
More from Syria: Subscribe: Talks to end the fighting in Syria are in jeopardy as the opposition refuses to attend unless Assad is forced from power. Deborah Lutterbeck reports. Reuters tells the world's stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained its reputation for speed, accuracy, and impact while providing exclusives, incisive commentary and forward-looking analysis.
  • published: 22 Oct 2013
  • views: 417

Fight Blocks Aid to Thousands of Displaced in South Sudan
Fight Blocks Aid to Thousands of Displaced in South Sudan
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  • Duration: 1:57
  • Updated: 16 Jan 2014
The world's newest nation is struggling with an old problem - violence. South Sudan gained independence from Sudan in July 2011, but since then fighting has claimed what some estimate to be nearly 10,000 lives. The ethnically diverse, oil-rich country is currently torn by heavy fighting between rebels and government forces. The United Nations World Food Program has the difficult task of delivering aid to areas beset with violence. Arash Arabasadi reports.
  • published: 16 Jan 2014
  • views: 7

Egypt enters second day of constitution vote
Egypt enters second day of constitution vote
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:53
  • Updated: 15 Jan 2014
Egyptians queued for the second day in front of polling booths to decide on the country's new referendum, as protests broke out against military rule for a second day. About 53 million Egyptians are eligible to vote for the new constitution, the result of which could see the defence minister, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, launch a presidential bid.
  • published: 15 Jan 2014
  • views: 733

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US Air Force plane.
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