- published: 02 Apr 2022
- views: 34975
Rebecca is a German-language musical based on the novel of the same name by Daphne du Maurier. It was written by Michael Kunze (book and lyrics) and Sylvester Levay (music), the authors of the musicals Elisabeth, Mozart! and Marie Antoinette. The plot, which adheres closely to the original novel, revolves around wealthy Maxim DeWinter, his naïve new wife, and Mrs. Danvers, the manipulative housekeeper of DeWinter's Cornish estate Manderley. Mrs. Danvers resents the new wife's intrusion and persuades the new wife that she is an unworthy replacement for the first Mrs. DeWinter, the glamorous and mysterious Rebecca, who perished in a drowning accident. The new Mrs. DeWinter struggles to find her identity and take control of her life among the shadows left by Rebecca.
The musical premiered on September 28, 2006 at the Raimund Theater in Vienna, Austria, where it ran for three years. Subsequent productions have been mounted in Finland, Japan and elsewhere.
As a teenager, Michael Kunze had read Daphne du Maurier's novel Rebecca. In the 1990s, he re-read it and decided that the story would make a good musical. He traveled to Cornwall, England, to find du Maurier's son in an attempt to obtain the rights to musicalize the work, which had been denied to other librettists. Attending a performance of Kunze's long-running 1992 musical Elisabeth in Vienna persuaded du Maurier's son that the novel would be in good hands with Kunze and his musical partner Sylvester Levay.
The following is a comprehensive list of Bene Gesserit sisters (and rare male initiates), who are prominent characters from the fictional Dune universe created by Frank Herbert.
A Bene Gesserit of Hidden Rank, Anirul is noted in Dune (1965) to be the wife of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV and the mother of his five daughters, the Princesses Irulan, Chalice, Wensicia, Josifa and Rugi. Anirul is also featured in the Prelude to Dune prequel trilogy (1999–2001) by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson.
Rebecca is a 1940 American psychological thriller-mystery film. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock, it was his first American project, and his first film produced under contract with David O. Selznick. The film's screenplay was a version by Joan Harrison and Robert E. Sherwood based on Philip MacDonald and Michael Hogan's adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's 1938 novel Rebecca. The film was produced by Selznick and stars Laurence Olivier as the brooding aristocratic widower Maxim de Winter and Joan Fontaine as the young woman who becomes his second wife, with Judith Anderson and George Sanders.
The film is shot in black and white, and is a gothic tale. We never see Maxim de Winter's first wife, Rebecca, who died before the story starts, but her reputation, and recollections about her, are a constant presence to Maxim, his new young second wife, and the housekeeper Danvers.
The film won two Academy Awards, Outstanding Production and Cinematography, out of a total 11 nominations. Olivier, Fontaine and Anderson were all Oscar nominated for their respective roles. However, since 1936 (when awards for actors in supporting roles were first introduced), Rebecca is the only film that, despite winning Best Picture, received no Academy Award for acting, directing or writing.
Farina may refer to:
This is a partial list of characters in the comic strip Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis.
Rat is a megalomaniacal, misanthropic rat, who is frequently critical of the strip's style and artwork, as well as the other characters in his and other strips, real life people, and almost all living (and often nonliving) things. He believes himself to be much more intelligent than he actually is, and thinks more or less anybody else is stupid with the only person he believes worthy of his respect being Leonardo da Vinci. He tends to irritate people, particularly his intelligent friend Goat, and is easily irritated by his naïve, dim-witted housemate Pig. Rat believes himself to be the wisdom of the strip, if not wisdom itself, and that anybody else is more or less dumb, whereas most other characters view him as "a loudmouth, pompous malcontent". He may or may not be a personification of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Rat is very prideful and arrogant (he once made a list of all the geniuses in the world that only said "Mozart, da Vinci, Me", and then said that he only put 'that music dude' there to be nice), and is constantly dreaming up schemes that invariably would keep him away from anyone and everyone else, though these inevitably backfire. He often appears incapable of seeing his own faults.
Farina is a ghost town in South Australia. The mean annual rainfall is 163.6 mm, although it is highly variable. At the 2006 census, Farina had a population of 55.
On the edge of the desert, it is situated on the old alignment of the Ghan railway, 26 km north of Lyndhurst and 55 km south of Marree where the Oodnadatta Track and the Birdsville Track commence.
Originally called The Gums or Government Gums, Farina was settled in 1878 by optimistic farmers hoping that rain follows the plough. The town was the railhead for a time until 1884 before the railway was extended to Marree. During the wet years of the 1880s, plans were laid out for a town with 432 ¼-acre blocks. It was believed that it would be good for growing wheat and barley, however normal rainfall is nowhere near enough to grow these crops. Several silver and copper mines were dug in the surrounding area.
Farina grew to reach a peak population of approximately 600 in the late 1800s. In its heyday, the town had two hotels (the Transcontinental and the Exchange) and an underground bakery, a bank, two breweries, a general store, an Anglican church, five blacksmiths, a school and a brothel. In 1909, a 1143 kg iron meteorite was discovered north-east of the town.
DO NOT REUPLOAD! Languages/songs: Korean: 뮤지컬 레베카 German: Rebecca (Wien: 2006, St. Gallen: 2011, Stuttgart: 2011) Hungarian: Rebecca Romanian: Rebecca English: Rebecca Japanese: ミュージカルレベッカ Serbian: Rebeka +122 243
Sylvester Lévay-Michael Kunze: Rebecca "Én" - Gubik Petra Mrs. Danvers - Gallusz Nikolett, Janza Kata bemutatja a Szegedi Szabadtéri Játékok rendező: Béres Attila premier: 2024. július 26. Dóm tér, Szegedi Szabadtéri Játékok kliprendező: Fehér István operatőr: Dömök Noel Szilveszter vágó: Hubai Antal REBECCA A Musical by Michael Kunze & Sylvester Levay Book and Lyrics: Michael Kunze Music and Orchestrations: Sylvester Levay Based on the Novel by Daphne du Maurier Original Production by Vereinigte Bühnen Wien Worldwide Stage Rights: VBW International GmbH Linke Wienzeile 6, 1060 Vienna, Austria international@vbw.at www.vbw-international.at
Pia Douwes & Christina Patten - Rebecca (Reprise) Rebecca Stuttgart, 22. Dezember 2012
Rebecca Zamolo performs a musical with her best friends to save YouTube channels. Rebecca Zamolo spent 24 hours tricking Maddie's ex crush for 24 Hours Challenge! Matt and Rebecca then uploaded Matt found texting his Crush in 24 Hour Song Challenge. The Game Master network realized that we can't stop RZ twin when searching for missing gem battle royale. Rebecca and her best friends must put on a giant Youtube rewind musical to stop Kingpin from hacking the super computer. Kingpin wants to hypnotize other youtube channels including Sofie Dossi, Merrell Twins, Piper rockelle, and Brianna. The girl YouTubers team up in a zoom call to deactivate phase 1. Rebecca and Maddie perform the Among us in real life music video while Matt uses the red reactivator on RZ Twin. It turns into a battle roy...
Willemijn Verkaik als Mrs.Danvers & Nienke Latten in der Rolle der Ich im Musical Rebecca
넘버를 빨리 듣고 계신 분은 ⏩ 0:35 부터. 안녕하세요! 이번 영상은 아마도 여러분께서 가장 많이 기다라고 기다리시던 넘버가 아닐까 싶습니다. 바로 현재까지 뮤지컬 '레베카'의 인기를 끌게 만든 공신 '레베카'입니다! 맨덜리 연례행사 도중 '나'는 댄버스 부인의 무도회 의상 추천을 듣고 그에 따라 드레스를 입고 무도회에 참석합니다. 하지만 그 드레스는 죽은 레베카가 마지막으로 입어던 행사 옷이었고 이를 본 막심은 '나'에게 불같이 화를 냅니다. 그 다음 날, '나'는 맨덜리 저택에 있는 모든 것이 레베카의 것이고 모든 사람들이 레베카를 언급하고 그녀와 자신을 비교하는 현실에 절망하고 맙니다. 그 순간 댄버스 부인이 찾아오고 그녀의 숨겨진 본색을 드러내는데.... 1. 해당 영상에서 댄버스 부인을 맡은 배우분은 현재까지 독일 뮤지컬계에서도 유명하신 피아 다우스(Pia Douwes)입니다. 이 뮤지컬의 작곡가이신 미하엘 쿤체와 실베스터 르베이는 이 작품을 제작할 때 댄버스 부인 역에 이 분을 염두에 두고 처음부터 제작을 하셨다고 합니다. 이분은 미하엘 쿤체와 실베스터 르베이의 또다른 작품 '엘리자벳' 초연부터 오랫동안 엘리자벳 황후를 맡으신 분이기도 하십니다. 엘리자벳 넘버 영상도 나중에 가져올 예정이니 기대해 주세요! 2. 이 영상은 '레베카' 재연 버전인데, 초연에서는 또다른 유명한 배우가 출연하는데, 바로 우베 크뢰거(Uwe Kröger)입니다. 이분 역시 '엘리자벳'에서 죽음 역을 맡으신 분이기도 하시죠. 이분이 부르시는 넘버 영상도 가져오겠습니다. (2006-8년도 영상이라 엄청 저...
Everybody grew up watching High School Musical!!! (unless you didn't in which case... sorry) But if you popped in your sing-a-long DVD and watched it today, would it be just as good as you remembered it? Well together WE find out!! And who do I mean by we?? Xander's Video on High School Musical 2: https://youtu.be/GOKdINeCiQE Studio and Microphone provided by REKT Gaming Network: https://twitter.com/REKTgn Outro Music by TeaGryff - https://twitter.com/TeaGryff ------------------------------------------------------------------------ high school musical then and now,high school musical before and after 2024,high school musical cast where are they now,high school musical,high school musical 2,troy bolton,actors real name,italiano,east high,gabriella montez,hsm 2,martha,nome real,real nam...
Rebecca is a German-language musical based on the novel of the same name by Daphne du Maurier. It was written by Michael Kunze (book and lyrics) and Sylvester Levay (music), the authors of the musicals Elisabeth, Mozart! and Marie Antoinette. The plot, which adheres closely to the original novel, revolves around wealthy Maxim DeWinter, his naïve new wife, and Mrs. Danvers, the manipulative housekeeper of DeWinter's Cornish estate Manderley. Mrs. Danvers resents the new wife's intrusion and persuades the new wife that she is an unworthy replacement for the first Mrs. DeWinter, the glamorous and mysterious Rebecca, who perished in a drowning accident. The new Mrs. DeWinter struggles to find her identity and take control of her life among the shadows left by Rebecca.
The musical premiered on September 28, 2006 at the Raimund Theater in Vienna, Austria, where it ran for three years. Subsequent productions have been mounted in Finland, Japan and elsewhere.
As a teenager, Michael Kunze had read Daphne du Maurier's novel Rebecca. In the 1990s, he re-read it and decided that the story would make a good musical. He traveled to Cornwall, England, to find du Maurier's son in an attempt to obtain the rights to musicalize the work, which had been denied to other librettists. Attending a performance of Kunze's long-running 1992 musical Elisabeth in Vienna persuaded du Maurier's son that the novel would be in good hands with Kunze and his musical partner Sylvester Levay.