
Negros Occidental badly hit by super typhoon Yolanda
When super typhoon Yolanda hit the Philippines last November 8, the Province of Negros Occ...
published: 13 Nov 2013
Negros Occidental badly hit by super typhoon Yolanda
Negros Occidental badly hit by super typhoon Yolanda
When super typhoon Yolanda hit the Philippines last November 8, the Province of Negros Occidental especially its northern part wasn't able to escape its wrath and was left severely battered. Thousands of houses were wrecked which displaced more than 10,000 families who are still taking shelter in evacuation centers or tents up until now. More than 70,000 families were badly affected by the surge of typhoon Yolanda and caused injuries to many. Although the province was lucky enough to record only one (1) casualty, most of our brothers and sisters still heed and call for help from compassionate individuals to help them rebuild their homes and start a new beginning. This unfortunate event in the province led the citizens to join hands and help those who are greatly affected by this nightmare. The commendable preparedness and preventive measures of the Negros Occidental Provincial Risk Reduction Management Council composed of various offices of the provincial government, army, police and other civic organizations, was contributory to the safety of many in the province. With the leadership of Gov. Alfredo Maranon, Jr. and Vice Gov. Eugenio Jose Lacson, the province is now slowly recuperating from the devastation. Despite the efforts of the provincial government in exhausting all the funds needed to help rebuild the disaster-stricken communities, its resources is thinning and drying, it needs the assistance of private individuals who have compassion for those who are in need. Hence, the provincial government is opening its doors to those who are willing to help rebuild communities (be it in a form of cash or in kind). Donations in kind may be channeled to our Operations Command Center at NOMPAC, in front of Provincial Administration Center and donations in a form of cash are accepted at the Provincial Treasurer's Office, Negros Occidental Provincial Government Capitol Building, Bacolod City. Official receipt will be issued to acknowledge your donations.- published: 13 Nov 2013
- views: 9930

My Travel Provincia in Negros, Occidental
Please Click on HD for better video quality! Negros Occidental is a province of the Philip...
published: 07 May 2013
author: jayblueridgesumilhig
My Travel Provincia in Negros, Occidental
My Travel Provincia in Negros, Occidental
Please Click on HD for better video quality! Negros Occidental is a province of the Philippines located in the Western Visayas region.Also Known as the "Suga...- published: 07 May 2013
- views: 78
- author: jayblueridgesumilhig

province of negros occidental elected officials oath taking
published: 29 Jun 2013
author: joel de vera
province of negros occidental elected officials oath taking
province of negros occidental elected officials oath taking
- published: 29 Jun 2013
- views: 14
- author: joel de vera

Conduciendo en la Provincia de Negros Filipinas | Negros Province Phillipines
www.viajarybuceo.com Cursos de Buceo | Guía Paises | Viajes de Buceo Tu web de Buceo en Ca...
published: 10 Jul 2013
author: ViajaryBuceo
Conduciendo en la Provincia de Negros Filipinas | Negros Province Phillipines
Conduciendo en la Provincia de Negros Filipinas | Negros Province Phillipines
www.viajarybuceo.com Cursos de Buceo | Guía Paises | Viajes de Buceo Tu web de Buceo en Castellano Seguridad, Seriedad, Diversión info@viajarybuceo.com.- published: 10 Jul 2013
- views: 19
- author: ViajaryBuceo

News@1: Suplay ng kuryente sa ilang lugar sa Negros Province, naibalik na || Nov. 12, '13
News@1: Suplay ng kuryente sa ilang lugar sa Negros Province, naibalik na (Ulat ni JC Teja...
published: 12 Nov 2013
News@1: Suplay ng kuryente sa ilang lugar sa Negros Province, naibalik na || Nov. 12, '13
News@1: Suplay ng kuryente sa ilang lugar sa Negros Province, naibalik na || Nov. 12, '13
News@1: Suplay ng kuryente sa ilang lugar sa Negros Province, naibalik na (Ulat ni JC Tejano) - [November 12, 2013] For more news, visit: ►http://www.ptvnews.ph Download our mobile App. in your Android phones to read daily news updates ►https://www.dropbox.com/s/qz9q1b2xu8pomoo/PTV_News_Android_03-20-2013.apk Subscribe to our youtube account: ►http://www.youtube.com/ptvphilippines Like our facebook page: ►PTV: http://facebook.com/PTVph ►NEWS@1: http://facebook.com/PTVnewsat1 ►NEWS@6: http://facebook.com/PTVnewsat6 ►NEWSLIFE: http://facebook.com/PTVnewslife ►PTV SPORTS: http://facebook.com/PTV4SPORTS Follow us at Twitter: ►http://twitter.com/PTVph Follow our livestream at ►http://ptvnews.ph/index.php/livestreammenu Ustream: ►http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ptv-livestream Watch us, every Monday to Friday Balitaan - 5:30 am - 7:00 am Good Morning Boss - 7:00 am - 9:00 am News@1 - 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm PTV Sports - 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm News@6 - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm NewsLife - 9:15 pm - 10:30 pm Saturday: News@1 The Week That Was - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm PTV Weekend News - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Sunday: News@1 Junior Edition - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm PTV Weekend News - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm- published: 12 Nov 2013
- views: 42

Bacolod City, Negros Occidental - (Alber Sembrero Travelogue)
First time to visit in Negros and the province is wonderful. Sharing my thoughts here on t...
published: 05 Mar 2011
author: AlberSembrero
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental - (Alber Sembrero Travelogue)
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental - (Alber Sembrero Travelogue)
First time to visit in Negros and the province is wonderful. Sharing my thoughts here on th video as I travel the Philippines and the world. www.albersembrer...- published: 05 Mar 2011
- views: 6734
- author: AlberSembrero

Living Asia 2013 Negros Occidental Tourism and Organic Farming
Bacalod City, Negros Tourism and Agriculture with Negros striving to be the larges Organic...
published: 16 Jul 2013
author: Negros Travel Guide
Living Asia 2013 Negros Occidental Tourism and Organic Farming
Living Asia 2013 Negros Occidental Tourism and Organic Farming
Bacalod City, Negros Tourism and Agriculture with Negros striving to be the larges Organic Farming Province of the Philippines.- published: 16 Jul 2013
- views: 19
- author: Negros Travel Guide

KISI KISI FESTIVAL March 25, 2012 Kisi Kisi Dance Parade is a dance parade which stands fo...
published: 02 Jun 2012
author: Ilognon Ako
KISI KISI FESTIVAL March 25, 2012 Kisi Kisi Dance Parade is a dance parade which stands for the way fishes flip-flops and twitches as they are hauled during ...- published: 02 Jun 2012
- views: 1337
- author: Ilognon Ako

Slices of Paradise in Negros Occidental, Mango Tours in Balitang America
In a province famed for its City of Smiles, Negros Occidental—which is the country's Sugar...
published: 07 Dec 2011
author: Mango Tours
Slices of Paradise in Negros Occidental, Mango Tours in Balitang America
Slices of Paradise in Negros Occidental, Mango Tours in Balitang America
In a province famed for its City of Smiles, Negros Occidental—which is the country's Sugarbowl—has a lot of other sweet surprises for its visitors. Wade and ...- published: 07 Dec 2011
- views: 825
- author: Mango Tours

Tigkalalag Festival: Isabela Negros Occidental
published: 03 Nov 2012
author: Austin Sean
Tigkalalag Festival: Isabela Negros Occidental
Tigkalalag Festival: Isabela Negros Occidental
- published: 03 Nov 2012
- views: 278
- author: Austin Sean

ASTV -- The Province of Negros
Hazel Andrea-Stuart Documentary about the province of Negros Occidental....
published: 04 Jan 2011
author: andreastuarttv
ASTV -- The Province of Negros
ASTV -- The Province of Negros
Hazel Andrea-Stuart Documentary about the province of Negros Occidental.- published: 04 Jan 2011
- views: 372
- author: andreastuarttv

Negros Occidental - Bacolod Masskara, etc.
Hazel Andrea-Stuart Features the province Negros Occidental...
published: 04 Sep 2013
Negros Occidental - Bacolod Masskara, etc.
Negros Occidental - Bacolod Masskara, etc.
Hazel Andrea-Stuart Features the province Negros Occidental- published: 04 Sep 2013
- views: 3

Negros Occidental Tourism Sugar and More by Living Asia Travel TV channel
http://negrostouristguide.com Negros has so much too offer the tourists, Investors, Retire...
published: 15 Jul 2013
author: Negros Travel Guide
Negros Occidental Tourism Sugar and More by Living Asia Travel TV channel
Negros Occidental Tourism Sugar and More by Living Asia Travel TV channel
http://negrostouristguide.com Negros has so much too offer the tourists, Investors, Retirees from around the world, the Expat communities are growing on a ni...- published: 15 Jul 2013
- views: 5
- author: Negros Travel Guide
Vimeo results:

Cerro Negro, Salta, Argentine
Trip near the school of Cerro Negro, in the province of Salta, in Argentina.
Music: Pilo ...
published: 01 Nov 2012
author: keltoi
Cerro Negro, Salta, Argentine
Trip near the school of Cerro Negro, in the province of Salta, in Argentina.
Music: Pilo Garcia

Raptors and wildlife pictures and filming in Extremadura (SPAIN) - Fotografía de rapaces y fauna en Extremadura
Sierra de San Pedro, a raptors land in Spain
Sierra de San Pedro is a division between bo...
published: 09 Sep 2013
author: Photo-raptors
Raptors and wildlife pictures and filming in Extremadura (SPAIN) - Fotografía de rapaces y fauna en Extremadura
Sierra de San Pedro, a raptors land in Spain
Sierra de San Pedro is a division between both Extremadura’s half, a separation between Tajo and Guadiana river basins, between region’s north and south. It’s crowned by hard quartz-stone cliffs, and the infinite “dehesas” (open Mediterranean forest) swift along their slopes until reach the big rivers.
It’s a good place for the raptors. Has the biggest black vulture population in Europe and, years ago, was the main refuge where imperial eagle fought to survive. Now, this specie has a better time and conquests new territories slowly. In the San Pedro’s shadow sides and sunny slopes lived the last Extremadura’s wolfs and Iberian lynxes.
The cliffs, “dehesas” of oaks and cork oaks, dry lands, bushes and river beds that make the habitats of this area have an interesting diversity of animal species. Here breed all the eagle species from Iberian: Spanish imperial eagle, Golden eagle, Bonelli’s eagle, Short-toed eagle and Booted eagle.
Where we are
Photo-raptors works around the western sector of San Pedro mountain range, in the Herreruela, Salorino, Membrío and Valencia de Alcántara villages (Cáceres province); and Alburquerque and San Vicente de Alcántara townships (Badajoz province).
To get this raptor's land and wilderness country takes 30’ driving form Cáceres and Badajoz towns. Enjoy it!
Sierra de San Pedro, tierra de rapaces en España
La Sierra de San Pedro es un gozne entre dos mitades de Extremadura, separación entre las cuencas del Tajo y del Guadiana, entre el norte y el sur de la región. Está coronada por duros cantiles de cuarcita, e inabarcables dehesas se desparraman por sus vertientes hasta alcanzar los grandes ríos.
Es un lugar privilegiado para las aves rapaces. Alberga la mayor población mundial de buitre negro y fue el más firme refugio donde el águila imperial ibérica se aferró a la supervivencia. Ahora esta especie goza de mejores días y se expande poco a poco a nuevos territorios.
En las umbrías serranas de San Pedro y sus laderas de solana vivieron, con certeza documentada, los últimos lobos y linces de Extremadura.
Los riscos, dehesas de alcornoques y encinas, pastizales, matorrales, estepas y cursos fluviales que conforman los hábitats de este espacio albergan una interesante variedad de especies animales. Aquí nidifican todas las especies de águilas propias de la península ibérica: águila imperial ibérica, águila real, águila perdicera, águila culebrera y águila calzada.
Donde estamos
Photo-raptors centra sus actividades alrededor del eje axial de la Sierra de San Pedro en su sector más occidental, en los municipios cacereños de Herreruela, Salorino, Membrío y Valencia de Alcántara y en los pacenses de Alburquerque y San Vicente de Alcántara.
A poco más de 30 minutos de las ciudades de Cáceres y Badajoz, empieza esta tierra de rapaces y naturaleza salvaje. Disfrútala!

Cenizas del perdón (Ashes of Pardon)
-english below-
En la selva de la provincia del Bas-Congo (Bajo Congo), habita una comuni...
published: 08 Sep 2010
author: TALATALA
Cenizas del perdón (Ashes of Pardon)
-english below-
En la selva de la provincia del Bas-Congo (Bajo Congo), habita una comunidad apartada de la civilización que se ilusiona con la liberación del pueblo Kongo. Hombres, mujeres, ancianos y niños se ilusionan con la llegada de su liberación y razones no les faltan. Sus ancestros lo habían presagiado: el hombre negro ha retomado valor desde la llegada de Barack Obama y el tan ansiado momento se acerca.
Esta es la historia de los habitantes del pueblo Mbanza Nzambi, el pueblo de Dios.
In the province of Bas-Congo (Lower Congo) lives an isolated community awaiting with the liberation of the Kongo people. Men, women, old and newborn eagerly await their Liberation and have plenty of rehaznos to relieve it shall come soon.
Their ancestors already knew: since a Black-man regained the rightful place of his people in the person of Barack Obama, the long awaited moment is finally at hand.
Original Title: Cenizas del perdón (Ashes of pardon)
Format: HD
Produced by: Talatala (Spain) & Antorcha Films (Colombia)
Runtime: 82’ / 52’
Script & Direction: Gilbert-Ndunga Nsangata & Jhonny Hendrix
Language: French, Kinongo y Lingala
Executive Producers: Gabriel Amdur & Jhonny Hendrix
With the support of:
Pavillon les Cinémas du Monde (Cannes Film Festival) / MiradasDoc Market (MiradasDoc) / Africa Produce (FCAT)
Phase: Development

Five Day Escapade!
Yet another video compilation! This time I had the chance to borrow a go pro hero 2 and sh...
published: 07 Mar 2013
author: carmen del prado
Five Day Escapade!
Yet another video compilation! This time I had the chance to borrow a go pro hero 2 and shoot this video entirely with it. So far i'm happy with the underwater shots!
My good friend from France, Cassandre, came to visit me for 10 days in the Philippines last december 2012. What to do? we escaped the capital city and headed down south to the Visayas. I had about 5 days to fly her to my home province and show her what the Philippines had in store for her as it was her first time in Asia! i did not want to disappoint! We headed around Negros Oriental, Dumaguete city where my brother and I took her on a mini 4x4 jimni up the mountains, on a tiny bangka in the middle of the twin lakes, on a boat to apo island to see the seaturtles, on another boat to the sandbar and a barge to cebu island to see the whalesharks. phew!
I do not own the music. Music 1901 by Phoenix. :-)
Youtube results:

KISI KISI FESTIVAL March 25, 2013 Kisi Kisi Dance Parade is a dance parade which stands fo...
published: 04 Apr 2013
author: Ilognon Ako
KISI KISI FESTIVAL March 25, 2013 Kisi Kisi Dance Parade is a dance parade which stands for the way fishes flip-flops and twitches as they are hauled during ...- published: 04 Apr 2013
- views: 244
- author: Ilognon Ako

Province of Negros Occidental College of Nursing ( BSN II and Friends ~! )
Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of...
published: 29 Dec 2008
author: presdwight007
Province of Negros Occidental College of Nursing ( BSN II and Friends ~! )
Province of Negros Occidental College of Nursing ( BSN II and Friends ~! )
Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends. -- Cindy Lew.- published: 29 Dec 2008
- views: 102
- author: presdwight007

published: 20 Jun 2013
author: Jun Reyes
- published: 20 Jun 2013
- views: 36
- author: Jun Reyes