Latest News for: jellyfish new mistake


Sea Turtles Are Eating Plastic Because They Think It Smells Of Food

IFL Science 10 Mar 2020
It’s long been assumed turtles eat plastic marine pollution because they visually mistake its appearance for food. After all, a floating plastic bag can look a lot like a jellyfish with hungry eyes. However, a new study suggests turtles might also be mistaking the scent of plastic for food.

Sea Turtles Like the Smell of Plastic in the Ocean so Much They Eat It

Newsweek 09 Mar 2020
One of the leading theories why so much plastic ends up in the guts of sea turtles and other marine animals is that they mistake their appearance for food—a plastic bag, for example, could be mistaken for a jellyfish. This adds a new dimension to the dilemma and suggests their sense of smell could be equally key.
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