- published: 11 Nov 2013
- views: 632

Need for Speed and Ken Block present: Gymkhana SIX: The Ultimate Gymkhana Grid Course. ...
published: 11 Nov 2013
Need for Speed and Ken Block present: Gymkhana SIX: The Ultimate Gymkhana Grid Course. Need For Speed's Racing Advisor Ken Block built the ultimate Gymkhana GRID course -- a real-life playground to showcase the sheer speed, fun and exhilarating action of driving. This means all-new obstacles that help raise the difficulty for Block to master in his Ford Fiesta ST RX43 2013 racecar, including maneuvering around a moving wrecking ball and sliding through narrow opening cut into the sides of shipping containers. Block also added videogame elements from Need for Speed Rivals. Watch as he executes multiple jumps, drifts around Lamborghini Aventadors and evades the videogame-themed Redview County cops on Segways in his own unique style. You can almost smell the burn of the rubber as he tears up this incredible course. So sit back and enjoy the ride. Stay up to date on the latest from Rivals and Gymkhana SIX: SUBSCRIBE to YouTube, LIKE on Facebook, or FOLLOW on Twitter. #GymkhanaSIX #Gym6 #KenBlock #NeedforSpeed- published: 11 Nov 2013
- views: 632

The 1960s in America: Crash Course US History #40
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for...
published: 06 Dec 2013
The 1960s in America: Crash Course US History #40
The 1960s in America: Crash Course US History #40
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content. In which John Green teaches you about a time of relative tumult in the United States, the 1960s. America was changing rapidly in the 1960s, and rights movements were at the forefront of those changes. Civil Rights were dominant, but the 60s also saw growth in the Women's Movement, the LGBT rights movement, the Latino rights movement, and the American Indian movement. Also, Americans began to pay a bit more attention to the environment. All this change happened against the backdrop of the Cold War and the Rise of Conservatism. It was just wild. John will teach you about sit-ins, Freedom Rides, The March on Washington, MLK, JFK, LBJ, and NOW. Man, that is a lot of initialisms. And one acronym. Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom. Follow us! http://www.twitter.com/thecrashcourse http://www.twitter.com/realjohngreen http://www.twitter.com/crashcoursestan http://www.twitter.com/raoulmeyer http://www.twitter.com/thoughtbubbler- published: 06 Dec 2013
- views: 3243

I found a special discount for Family Survival Course (no review)
The discount: http://www.gbdiscount.com/d/family-survival-course-discount
Keep reading ...
published: 13 Nov 2013
I found a special discount for Family Survival Course (no review)
I found a special discount for Family Survival Course (no review)
The discount: http://www.gbdiscount.com/d/family-survival-course-discount Keep reading to learn some valuable pointers on home safety. Your dog could carry a spare key. This can be done if you've got an outdoor dog door or an outdoor dog. You can purchase a special collar that will hold your spare key, so it is always handy. Comparison shop when you are ready to buy a security system. Be certain to obtain multiple quotes prior to choosing one. Turn the ringer off on all your phones if you will be away for a prolonged period of time. A phone which rings forever is a sign to burglars that you are not home and could increase the chances of you getting robbed. Family Survival Course Review Reviews Is Family Survival Course Scam System Discount Ebook Download Put motion sensor lights into your house. These lights will come on if anyone walks near your house. Make sure you keep fresh light bulbs to ensure they continue to work properly. The first thing you'll need to do is get new locks.Maybe you've had a roommate leave or a bitter ex-lover, changing the locks is the best way to keep yourself safe. It doesn't cost much and the job won't take more than a few hours. Walls are a handy hiding spot for your valuables. You should think about hiding certain small valuables in your walls. You can use phone jacks or other device that is not being used.You put in a fake unused plates. Discount Family Survival Course Reviews Scam Program Trial Offer System Family Survival Course Scam Review Use your walls to store valuables. You don't have to cut out pieces of the way. Many spots are already accessible for this purpose. Hide your home security system's wiring.Intruders can get around security systems and into a system if they see the wires. This can make you much safer. Package Review System Buy Family Survival Course Book Free Download Pdf Family Survival Course Reviews Pdf Ebook Scam Family Survival Course It goes without saying that home security is a very important topic for everyone. Not all people understand how to truly protect their homes and personal property. These tips should help you find an efficient way of securing your home and keeping intruders away. The discount: http://www.gbdiscount.com/d/family-survival-course-discount- published: 13 Nov 2013
- views: 2

BEST-OF Course de Cote / Bergrennen / Hillclimb ALLE-sur-SEMOIS 2012 (Belgique)
Vidéo 100% Compilation: Highlights, Attack, Drift, Crash, Fails, Unfall, Limit, Fast, Show...
published: 14 Aug 2012
author: RudyCoursedecote
BEST-OF Course de Cote / Bergrennen / Hillclimb ALLE-sur-SEMOIS 2012 (Belgique)
BEST-OF Course de Cote / Bergrennen / Hillclimb ALLE-sur-SEMOIS 2012 (Belgique)
Vidéo 100% Compilation: Highlights, Attack, Drift, Crash, Fails, Unfall, Limit, Fast, Show #Pilots in the Vidéo: #29 TROMP Roland / Martini MK79 #44 COLLARD ...- published: 14 Aug 2012
- views: 132243
- author: RudyCoursedecote

The Roaring 20's: Crash Course US History #32
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for...
published: 04 Oct 2013
The Roaring 20's: Crash Course US History #32
The Roaring 20's: Crash Course US History #32
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content. In which John Green teaches you about the United States in the 1920s. They were known as the roaring 20s, but not because there were lions running around everywhere. In the 1920s, America's economy was booming, and all kinds of social changes were in progress. Hollywood, flappers, jazz, there was all kinds of stuff going on in the 20s. But as usual with Crash Course, things were about to take a turn for the worse. John will teach you about the Charleston, the many Republican presidents of the 1920s, laissez-faire capitalism, jazz, consumer credit, the resurgent Klan, and all kinds of other stuff. Follow us! @thecrashcourse @realjohngreen @crashcoursestan @raoulmeyer- published: 04 Oct 2013
- views: 46521

Nuclear Chemistry: Crash Course Chemistry #38
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for...
published: 11 Nov 2013
Nuclear Chemistry: Crash Course Chemistry #38
Nuclear Chemistry: Crash Course Chemistry #38
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Also, if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing great content. In this episode, Hank welcomes you to the new age, to the new age, welcome to the new age. Here he'll talk about transmutation among elements, isotopes, calculating half-life, radioactive decay, and spontaneous fission. SUBBABLE MESSAGE: "To Crash Course From Shawn, Mike, Sophia, and Jake" "Thank you for using humor while educating and inspiring." -- Table of Contents Radioactivity Transmutation Among Elements and Isotopes Calculating Half-Life Radioactive Decay Spontaneous Fission -- Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet? Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/YouTubeCrashCourse Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/TheCrashCourse Tumblr - http://thecrashcourse.tumblr.com Support CrashCourse on Subbable: http://subbable.com/crashcourse- published: 11 Nov 2013
- views: 20425

Gilded Age Politics:Crash Course US History #26
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for...
published: 23 Aug 2013
Gilded Age Politics:Crash Course US History #26
Gilded Age Politics:Crash Course US History #26
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Also, if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps keep the channel producing great content. In which John Green teaches you about the Gilded Age and its politics. What, you may ask, is the Gilded Age? The term comes from a book by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner titled, "The Gilded Age." You may see a pattern emerging here. It started in the 1870s and continued on until the turn of the 20th century. The era is called Gilded because of the massive inequality that existed in the United States. Gilded Age politics were marked by a number of phenomenons, most of them having to do with corruption. On the local and state level, political machines wielded enormous power. John gets into details about the most famous political machine, Tammany Hall. Tammany Hall ran New York City for a long, long time, notably under Boss Tweed. Graft, kickbacks, and voter fraud were rampant, but not just at the local level. Ulysses S. Grant ran one of the most scandalous presidential administrations in U.S. history, and John will tell you about two of the best known scandals, the Credit Mobilier scandal and the Whiskey Ring. There were a few attempts at reform during this time, notably the Civil Service Act of 1883 and the Sherman Anti-trust act of 1890. John will also get into the Grange Movement of the western farmers, and the Populist Party that arose from that movement. The Populists, who threw in their lot with William Jennings Bryan, never managed to get it together and win a presidency, and they faded after 1896. Which brings us to the Progressive Era, which we'll get into next week! Like us: facebook.com/youtubecrashcourse Follow Us! @TheCrashCourse @realjohngreen @crashcoursestan @raoulmeyer @thoughtbubbler @br8dybrunch- published: 23 Aug 2013
- views: 21719

Civil Rights and the 1950s: Crash Course US History #39
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for...
published: 22 Nov 2013
Civil Rights and the 1950s: Crash Course US History #39
Civil Rights and the 1950s: Crash Course US History #39
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content. In which John Green teaches you about the early days of the Civil Rights movement. By way of providing context for this, John also talks a bit about wider America in the 1950s. The 1950s are a deeply nostalgic period for many Americans, but there is more than a little idealizing going on here. The 1950s were a time of economic expansion, new technologies, and a growing middle class. America was becoming a suburban nation thanks to cookie-cutter housing developments like the Levittowns. While the white working class saw their wages and status improve, the proverbial rising tide wasn't lifting all proverbial ships. A lot of people were excluded from the prosperity of the 1950s. Segregation in housing and education made for some serious inequality for African Americans. As a result, the Civil Rights movement was born. John will talk about the early careers of Martin Luther King, Thurgood Marshall, Rosa Parks, and even Earl Warren. He'll teach you about Brown v Board of Education, and the lesser known Mendez vs Westminster, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and all kinds of other stuff. Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom. Follow us! http://www.twitter.com/thecrashcourse http://www.twitter.com/realjohngreen http://www.twitter.com/crashcoursestan http://www.twitter.com/raoulmeyer http://www.twitter.com/thoughtbubbler- published: 22 Nov 2013
- views: 90205

La 11eme course de côte de Holtz
cloture belge et luxembourgeoise, Holtz a vu la 1ere victoire a l'étranger de Jelle de Con...
published: 24 Nov 2010
author: lems2
La 11eme course de côte de Holtz
La 11eme course de côte de Holtz
cloture belge et luxembourgeoise, Holtz a vu la 1ere victoire a l'étranger de Jelle de Coninck, il s'impose devant celui qui s'annonce comme le grand success...- published: 24 Nov 2010
- views: 232214
- author: lems2

The Cold War in Asia: Crash Course US History #38
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a ...
published: 15 Nov 2013
The Cold War in Asia: Crash Course US History #38
The Cold War in Asia: Crash Course US History #38
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom. You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content. In which John Green teaches you about the Cold War as it unfolded in Asia. As John pointed out last week, the Cold War was occasionally hot, and a lot of that heat was generated in Asia. This is starting to sound weird with the hot/cold thing, so let's just say that the United States struggle against communist expansion escalated to full-blown, boots on the ground war in Korea and Vietnam. In both of these cases, the United States sent soldiers to intervene in civil wars that it looked like communists might win. That's a bit of a simplification, but John will explain it all to you. Subbable Message! Subbable subscribers can choose a message in the video info as their perk. Here's this week's: To Ellen, from Charles: I love you, you are the best. Arrr. Follow us! @thecrashcourse @realjohngreen @crashcoursestan @raoulmeyer- published: 15 Nov 2013
- views: 64184

Electrochemistry: Crash Course Chemistry #36
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for...
published: 29 Oct 2013
Electrochemistry: Crash Course Chemistry #36
Electrochemistry: Crash Course Chemistry #36
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Also, if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing great content. Chemistry raised to the power of AWESOME! That's what Hank is talking about today with Electrochemistry. Contained within, Hank discusses electrochemical reactions, half reactions, how batteries work, galvanic cells, voltage, standard reduction potential, cell potential, electrolysis, and electro plating and the things that go into making it possible for you to watch this episode of Crash Course Chemistry! -- Table of Contents Electro Chemical Reactions 0:13 Half Reactions 1:42 How Batteries Work 1:47 Galvanic Cells 3:18 Calculating Voltage 4:12 Standard Reduction Potential 4:42 Standard Cell Potential 6:03 Electrolysis 7:24 Electroplating 7:02 -- Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet? Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/YouTubeCrashCourse Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/TheCrashCourse Tumblr - http://thecrashcourse.tumblr.com Support CrashCourse on Subbable: http://subbable.com/crashcourse- published: 29 Oct 2013
- views: 76255

The Cold War: Crash Course US History #37
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a ...
published: 08 Nov 2013
The Cold War: Crash Course US History #37
The Cold War: Crash Course US History #37
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom. You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content. In which John Green teaches you about the Cold War, which was the decades long conflict between the USA and the USSR. The Cold War was called cold because of the lack of actual fighting, but this is inaccurate. There was plenty of fighting, from Korea to Viet Nam to Afghanistan, but we'll get into that stuff next week. This week we'll talk about how the Cold War started. In short it grew out of World War II. Basically, the Soviets occupied eastern Europe, and the US supported western Europe. This setup would spill across the world, with client states on both sides. It's all in the video. You should just watch it.- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 301

The History of Atomic Chemistry: Crash Course Chemistry #37
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for...
published: 04 Nov 2013
The History of Atomic Chemistry: Crash Course Chemistry #37
The History of Atomic Chemistry: Crash Course Chemistry #37
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Also, if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing great content. How did we get here? Well, in terms of Atomic Chemistry, Hank takes us on a tour of the folks that were part of the long chain of other folks who helped us get to these deeper understandings of the world. From Leucippus to Heisenberg to you - yes, YOU - the story of Atomic Chemistry is all wibbly-wobbly... and amazing. -- Table of Contents Leucippus, Democritus & Atomic Theory 0:09 Discharge Tubes 1:52 Ernest Rutherford & The Nucleus 4:22 Chemistry = Math 7:22 Niels Bohr Model 5:32 Heisenburg & Quantum Theory 6:35 -- Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet? Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/YouTubeCrashCourse Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/TheCrashCourse Tumblr - http://thecrashcourse.tumblr.com Support CrashCourse on Subbable: http://subbable.com/crashcourse- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 18201

World War II Part 2 - The Homefront: Crash Course US History #36
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a ...
published: 01 Nov 2013
World War II Part 2 - The Homefront: Crash Course US History #36
World War II Part 2 - The Homefront: Crash Course US History #36
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom. You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content. In which John Green teaches you about World War 2, as it was lived on the home front. You'll learn about how the war changed the country as a whole, and changed how Americans thought about their country. John talks about the government control of war production, and how the war probably helped to end the Great Depression. A broader implementation of the income tax, the growth of large corporations, and the development of the West Coast as a manufacturing center were also results of the war. The war positivelychanged the roles of women and African Americans, but it was pretty terrible for the Japanese Americans who were interred in camps. In short, World War II changed America's role in the world, changed American life at home, and eventually spawned the History Channel. Follow us! @thecrashcourse @realjohngreen @crashcoursestan @raoulmeyer @bra8dybrunch- published: 01 Nov 2013
- views: 52790
Youtube results:

Nuclear Chemistry Part 2: Fusion and Fission - Crash Course Chemistry #39
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for...
published: 19 Nov 2013
Nuclear Chemistry Part 2: Fusion and Fission - Crash Course Chemistry #39
Nuclear Chemistry Part 2: Fusion and Fission - Crash Course Chemistry #39
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Also, if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing great content. Continuing our look at Nuclear Chemistry, Hank takes this episode to talk about Fusion and Fission. What they mean, how they work, their positives, negatives, and dangers. Plus, E=mc2, Mass Defect, and Applications of Fission and Fusion in the real world! -- Table of Contents E=mc2 Mass Defect Fission vs. Fusion Applications in the Real World -- Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet? Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/YouTubeCrashCourse Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/TheCrashCourse Tumblr - http://thecrashcourse.tumblr.com Support CrashCourse on Subbable: http://subbable.com/crashcourse- published: 19 Nov 2013
- views: 21852

World War II Part 1: Crash Course US History #35
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for...
published: 25 Oct 2013
World War II Part 1: Crash Course US History #35
World War II Part 1: Crash Course US History #35
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content. In which John Green teaches you about World War II, a subject so big, it takes up two episodes. This week, John will teach you how the United States got into the war, and just how involved America was before Congress actually declared war. John will actually talk a little about the military tactics involved, and he'll get into some of the weaponry involved, specifically the huge amount of aerial bombing that characterized the war, and the atomic bombs that ended the war in the Pacific. Follow us! @thecrashcourse @realjohngreen @crashcoursestan @raoulmeyer @br8dybrunch- published: 25 Oct 2013
- views: 48338

The Great Depression: Crash Course US History #33
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for...
published: 10 Oct 2013
The Great Depression: Crash Course US History #33
The Great Depression: Crash Course US History #33
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content. In which John Green teaches you about the Great Depression. So, everybody knows that the Great Depression started with the stock market crash in 1929, right? Not exactly. The Depression happened after the stock market crash, but wasn't caused by the crash. John will teach you about how the depression started, what Herbert Hoover tried to do to fix it, and why those efforts failed.- published: 10 Oct 2013
- views: 61224

The Nucleus: Crash Course Chemistry #1
Hank does his best to convince us that chemistry is not torture, but is instead the amazin...
published: 12 Feb 2013
author: crashcourse
The Nucleus: Crash Course Chemistry #1
The Nucleus: Crash Course Chemistry #1
Hank does his best to convince us that chemistry is not torture, but is instead the amazing and beautiful science of stuff. Chemistry can tell us how three t...- published: 12 Feb 2013
- views: 335813
- author: crashcourse