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Criminal Defence Lawyers

Criminal law is the set of regulations that define and govern criminal offenses, including misdemeanors and felonies. It regulates the charging of individuals suspected of committing certain crimes. It also regulates apprehension and is designed to put suspected offenders in court trials. Likewise, it fixes punishments for individuals who are found guilty of committing crimes beyond reasonable doubt.

What is Criminal Law?

It is a fact that every now and then crimes are committed by individuals of the state. Crimes are acts which are punishable by the law of the land. They are acts which violate the political or moral law. To protect individuals from crimes and crime offenders, the criminal law is implemented. Criminal law is intended to give a definition to particular crimes and to apprehend, give charges, put the person in trial, and to establish punishment for people who are found to be guilty of having done criminal acts beyond reasonable doubt.

Basically, the purpose of criminal law is to respond to unpleasant and often harmful acts that individuals may do to their fellow men or to their country. It also aims to prevent such acts. Some of the potential harm that criminal law aims to prevent are: injury to public health, physical harm, death, damage or loss of property, danger to the government, bodily injuries to humans and felonies to name a few.

Who Needs Criminal Lawyers?

Criminal law firms and Criminal lawyers are especially trained and are well-equipped with knowledge concerning criminal offenses and the laws which govern them. Individuals charged with a crime or are afraid of being charged with a possible crime can benefit from the expertise of the criminal law firms and criminal lawyers. Some of the people who may need the services of the criminal law firms and criminal lawyers are the following:

  • Individuals who are accused of having committed criminal offenses such as sexual harassment, tax evasion, health fraud, mail fraud, drug trafficking, assault, murder, counterfeiting and fraud, money laundering, conspiracy, traffic offenses such as DUI, antitrust and many other forms of crime as defined by the law.
  • Individuals charged and arrested for committing crimes such as mentioned above.

Criminal law firms and lawyers can help individuals suspected and charged of crimes to avoid arrest, seek indictment, dismiss or at least reduce charges, or obtain bail. They can also cause the arrest of an individual suspected of committing the crime and cause them to be sent to jail.

Criminal lawyers can represent individuals in court during preliminary hearings, plea bargains, pre-trial conferences, and during trials before a jury or judge, and in any appeals. They can represent individuals in creating probation reports and giving sentencing recommendations.

If you are accused of having committed a crime and are facing arrest, you can ask the assistance or hire the services of criminal lawyers. Whether you are guilty of the crime or not, these lawyers can help you with their expertise in the field.

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