Popular shows and episodes

  • How Mad Are You

    How Mad Are You? - Part 2

    How Mad Are You? - Part 2

    Season 1, Episode 2 (51:30)   Rating: 25 out of 5 stars

    More: How Mad Are You | Genre: Health, Documentary

    Second part of the a documentary considering the line between sanity and madness. Ten volunteers come together. Five are 'normal' and five are officially diagnosed mentally ill Can tell who is who?

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  • Ross Kemp in Afghanistan

    Those Left Behind

    Those Left Behind

    Season 1, Episode 3 (46:27)   Rating: 30 out of 5 stars

    More: Ross Kemp in Afghanistan | Genre: Military, Reality, Documentary, Series

    New ep. The Now Zad base in Afghanistan is a hot, dusty and deadly place and it is here Ross travels in part three of his encounter with British soldiers fighting the Taliban. But first he has a sombre duty. Meeting the mother of Private Chris Gray, who has been killed in action.

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  • Pandemic


    (50:59)   Rating: 40 out of 5 stars

    Genre: Health, Documentary

    What would happen if a bird flu pandemic hit? Countries are prepared with an Influenza Pandemic Contingency Plans but would hospitals, emergency services and undertakers be able to cope with a death toll as high as 750,000?

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  • Cosmic Journeys

    Mysteries of a Dark Universe

    Mysteries of a Dark Universe

    Season 1, Episode 1 (25:05)   Rating: 35 out of 5 stars

    More: Cosmic Journeys | Genre: Science, Series

    First episode in a 15-part series. Cosmology has been turned on its head by a stunning discovery that the universe is flying apart at an ever-increasing rate, but what is the mysterious Dark Matter holding it all together?

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  • The Lady's Not For Turning

    The Lady's Not For Turning

    (46:37)   Rating: 25 out of 5 stars

    Genre: History, Documentary, Biography, Politics

    She was known as The Iron Lady. Margaret Thatcher's Prime Ministership split Britain. Critics claim her economic policies were socially divisive. Defenders say she transformed Britain's economic performance. Either way, she changed politics forever.

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  • Superships

    Vasco Da Gama

    Vasco Da Gama

    Season 1, Episode 2 (46:21)   Rating: 35 out of 5 stars

    More: Superships | Genre: Documentary, Series, Technology

    Episode two. The world's largest dredger can suck up sand and transport it in one smooth, powerful operation. In Singapore, this amazing ocean-going apparatus is shown as it goes through its paces, and we see the processes that are normally hidden from view.

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  • Fake It So Real

    Fake It So Real

    (1:35:31)   Rating: 30 out of 5 stars

    Genre: Sport, Documentary

    A head-first dive into the gnarly world of pro wrestling. Filmed in the lead up to a major bout, it follows a rag-tag group of wrestlers exploring what happens when the over-the-top theatrics of the wrestling ring collide with the realities of the working class.

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  • The Border

    Physical Assets

    Physical Assets

    Season 1, Episode 6 (44:50)   Rating: 30 out of 5 stars

    More: The Border | Genre: Action, Drama, Award Winners, Series

    Latest episode in the gripping series. When Gray and Layla bust a human-trafficking operation, they are left to follow a grisly trail that leads to an old adversary.

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  • Super Structures of the World

    Hibernia GBS

    Hibernia GBS

    Season 1, Episode 8 (52:03)   Rating: 05 out of 5 stars

    More: Super Structures of the World | Genre: Science

    It is the heaviest oil platform ever made. Fifty storeys high, it is designed to survive one of the harshest environments in the world including 80ft waves and massive icebergs. This is the story of this amazing structure and the hard men who built it.

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  • Patriots and Traitors

    The List

    The List

    Season 1, Episode 1 (21:17)   Rating: 35 out of 5 stars

    More: Patriots and Traitors | Genre: Military, Current Affairs, Documentary

    A three-part series revealing the secret evacuation of hundreds of Iraqi interpreters and their families by the Australian Defence Force at the end of the war. This series won an award from the United Nations.

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  • In Their Footsteps

    Albert Moore

    Albert Moore

    Season 1, Episode 4 (44:40)   Rating: 0 out of 5 stars

    More: In Their Footsteps | Genre: Military, History, Documentary, Series

    A touching story from the killing fields of Kokoda about a man of peace from the Salvation Army who ended up smack bang in the middle of the Hell.

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  • World's Untold Stories

    Christians Unplugged

    Christians Unplugged

    (23:02)   Rating: 45 out of 5 stars

    More: World's Untold Stories | Genre: Current Affairs, Series

    A rare look at extremist Christians - a growing movement who believe the world is morally bankrupt, Christianity has strayed from its roots and the Government has taken over. They are unplugged from civilization. CNN investigates.

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