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The Age

Sell the ports, but make sure we all benefit


A plan to privatise the Port of Melbourne is worth considering.

Nauru displays arrant contempt for justice

The Age deplores the wanton intrusion into the independence of Nauru's judiciary.


Only at the tennis is 'hot' just not hot enough

Complaints directed at seeming indifference to the plight of players and courtside officials.

The Age

We must keep kicking the tyres of the new fighter


Twelve years on and the F-35A planes still have not been delivered.


Have we lost our bearings entirely?


Governments that lack transparency eventually lose the trust of the people.

The Age

Hot, but can the pollies be bothered?

As temperatures soared into the mid-40s, you could almost hear the wheels of industry grind to a halt.

The Age

Peter Mac's private plan could benefit us all

Melbourne's renowned healthcare and medical research precinct in Parkville has undergone an extraordinary transformation in the past decade, with a series of major hospital redevelopments providing our community with world-class medical facilities.

The Age

Rocking the education debate all over again

Reviews that are politically motivated or predicated on narrow world views are tainted from the outset.

Napthine's challenges come even from allies

Ten months out from the state election and early jostling is on for safe Liberal seats.


Sport's powerful are the weakest link

The Age The world's athletes continue to enthral us; sadly those in charge are prone to disappoint.


Law expunging gay sex records is long overdue


At last, men unjustly criminalised in the past will be able to wipe the slate clean.

The Age

Sorry, Mr Abbott, there is no war


The best governments conduct their work openly so that success can be measured with confidence.

The Age

Where do we draw the line on public monies?


Saying the Royal Children's Hospital was privately funded is far from the truth.

The Age

Ahoy! Another boat plan on the horizon

Of the many plans the Coalition has concocted for stemming the flow of asylum seekers coming to Australia by boat, it is hard to say which is the most confused and desperate.

The Age

No need for more laws to contain bikie crime

Queensland's laws, which deem it a criminal offence for members of motorcycle gangs to associate with each other, should cause us to pause and ask if this is really how we want law enforcement conducted.

A death on our streets is one too many

How much do we care about the death of Wayne 'Mousey' Perry?


Melbourne should streamline its councils

The Age Elizabeth Proust's timely proposals must form part of the public debate on our future.


Onus is on us to help Bangladesh's exploited workers


The Age We should be happy to pay only a few dollars more for our clothes.


Taking the care out of Medicare


Medicare's purpose was clear: to provide all Australians with high-quality care when required.

The Age

Lower road toll is no cause for complacency

It's good that Victoria's road toll for 2013 is the lowest since 1924, but it's still too high.

The Age

A welcome start to ending racial bias

Victoria Police has responded in a positive and decisive manner to end the ugly practice of racial profiling in its ranks.

The Age

Make 2014 a year of genuine dignity

The definition of the word dignity - 'Composed and serious manner or style' - has effectively been leached of … well … dignity.

The policy challenges confronting Victoria

The year in Victorian politics has ended as it began: with the first-term government struggling.

The Age

We must learn from this year like no other

Australia has never experienced a political year quite like the one that is about to end.

The Age

True leaders are the ones who speak for all people


People will follow those whose actions match their words.

Culturally, a year of revitalisation


If 2012 was a changing of the guard in the arts, then 2013 was a year in which a new generation of leaders set out to prove themselves.

The Age

Globally, a year of shrinking horizons

This year nations have insisted with a new stridency on their right to loyalty from citizens.


A black year for Australian sport

With exceptions all the more honourable for their rarity, this has been a difficult and scarifying year in Australian sport.

Down the ages, a day of universal worth

Exactly 100 years ago, on Christmas Eve 1913, The Age, as it always is, was a reflection of the times.
