
ALB - Whispers Under the Moonlight
Vivez l'expérience interactive ici : http://albwhisper...
published: 03 Jan 2014
ALB - Whispers Under the Moonlight
ALB - Whispers Under the Moonlight
ALB -- WHISPERS UNDER THE MOONLIGHT Vivez l'expérience interactive ici : http://albwhispers.com/ EP « Whispers Under The Moonlight / Golden Chains » disponible : iTunes : http://bit.ly/1jfNins Vinyle : https://alb.sonymusic.fr/ Nouvel Album, sortie printemps 2014 Director CASPER BALSLEV Director of photography NIELS THASTUM Production FRENZY PARIS Producer WILLY MORENCÉ CAST : Helen Sørensen LYSE RUCHAT Teacher ISIK MEMET Wife CATHERINE BRUNETEAU ZAVLAV Music video by ALB performing Whispers Under the Moonlight. (C) 2013 SME France- published: 03 Jan 2014
- views: 3836

ALB - Never Miss You
ALB - Never Miss You
Extrait de son Nouvel Album - "Come Out ! It's Beautiful"
Sortie l...
published: 06 Mar 2014
ALB - Never Miss You
ALB - Never Miss You
ALB - Never Miss You Extrait de son Nouvel Album - "Come Out ! It's Beautiful" Sortie le 07 Avril 2014 Disponible en précommande sur iTunes : http://smarturl.it/jvoq65 Réalisation JUST PROD IT : Site : http://www.justprodit.com Page Facebook : http://on.fb.me/1q0FBHY Music video by ALB performing Never Miss You. (C) 2014 SME France- published: 06 Mar 2014
- views: 4607

ALB - Whispers Under The Moonlight
ALB - Whispers Under The Moonlight
I'm still waiting
I'm still waiting
And will I...
published: 26 Feb 2014
ALB - Whispers Under The Moonlight
ALB - Whispers Under The Moonlight
ALB - Whispers Under The Moonlight Lyrics I'm still waiting I'm still waiting And will I see you again? I'm still waiting but I keep on dreaming Sometimes you seem to be right there, seem to be right there. Sometimes you seem to be right there, seem to be there. I'm still standing but I'm sick of waiting The moment that I'll see you again 'Cause from the moment we started something, we knew there was something Sometimes you seem to be right there, seem to be right there. Sometimes you seem to be right there and sometimes you're there. Sometimes you seem to be right there and sometimes you're there. Cause you're just like no one else And it seems that you're able to fit squares into circles Well, you might find Cause you're just like no one else And it seems that you're able to fit squares into circles You try to fit squares into circles Well, you might find. I'm still waiting I'm still waiting And will I see you again? From the moment we started something we knew there was something The way you seem to be right there, seem to be right there. ALB Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/albalbalbalb SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/alb_music Website: http://albwhispers.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/alb_music All rights go to ALB. No copyright infringement intended.- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 439

ALB featuring "The Shoes" - Golden Chains (High Quality musique pub 208)
Musique de la nouvelle peugeot 208 MES VIDEOS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHTRkcjVAl4 ...
published: 07 Apr 2012
author: math4485
ALB featuring "The Shoes" - Golden Chains (High Quality musique pub 208)
ALB featuring "The Shoes" - Golden Chains (High Quality musique pub 208)
Musique de la nouvelle peugeot 208 MES VIDEOS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHTRkcjVAl4 MY VIDEOS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHTRkcjVAl4.- published: 07 Apr 2012
- views: 337363
- author: math4485

Emeric Imre - Nebun de alb
Emeric Imre - Nebun de alb Acum sunt mai pustiu ca totdeauna De cand ma simt tot mai bogat...
published: 28 Sep 2008
author: MuzicaNeamului
Emeric Imre - Nebun de alb
Emeric Imre - Nebun de alb
Emeric Imre - Nebun de alb Acum sunt mai pustiu ca totdeauna De cand ma simt tot mai bogat de tine Si-mi stau pe tample soarele si luna Acum mi-e cel mai rau...- published: 28 Sep 2008
- views: 1783051
- author: MuzicaNeamului

ALB - Whispers Under the Moonlight
Song: "Whispers Under the Moonlight" by "ALB"
Album: Whispers Under The Moonlight / Golden...
published: 30 Jan 2014
ALB - Whispers Under the Moonlight
ALB - Whispers Under the Moonlight
Song: "Whispers Under the Moonlight" by "ALB" Album: Whispers Under The Moonlight / Golden Chains EP [2013] =========================================== + ALB - http://albwhispers.com/ - https://alb.sonymusic.fr/ + Album: Whispers Under The Moonlight / Golden Chains EP [2013] - https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=Bspc7tisxs6w7wgqlasmycsbt2q&tid;=song-Th3vh3gk54edfy7l2z3jwkoqome&rdot;=1&rdid;=song-Th3vh3gk54edfy7l2z3jwkoqome&partner;=ytctb =========================================== * Download pic http://imageshack.com/a/img19/8787/30ey.jpg ===========================================- published: 30 Jan 2014
- views: 2662

Naguale feat. Glance, Kaira, Tzip & Alb Negru - Epoca de Bronz (Lyric Video)
Naguale feat. Glance, Kaira, Tzip & Alb Negru - Epoca de Bronz (by KAZIBO) (Lyric Video)
published: 17 Jun 2014
Naguale feat. Glance, Kaira, Tzip & Alb Negru - Epoca de Bronz (Lyric Video)
Naguale feat. Glance, Kaira, Tzip & Alb Negru - Epoca de Bronz (Lyric Video)
Naguale feat. Glance, Kaira, Tzip & Alb Negru - Epoca de Bronz (by KAZIBO) (Lyric Video) Find us on the web: http://www.mediapromusic.ro http://www.facebook.com/MediaProMusicRomania http://www.youtube.com/MediaProMusic https://www.facebook.com/MediaProMusicBooking Licensing: contact@mediapromusic.ro Muzica - Alex Pelin, Ovidiu Baciu Orchestratie - Nick Kamarera, Chris Mayer Text - Alex Pelin, Anca Petianu, Carstea Radu Stefan, Ovidiu Baciu (C) & (P) MediaPro Music Entertainment 2014 All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this song on your channel- published: 17 Jun 2014
- views: 10166

ALB - "She Said" en live pour Monte Le Son
ALB avec She Said, live au 114 pour Monte Le Son.
published: 14 May 2014
ALB - "She Said" en live pour Monte Le Son
ALB - "She Said" en live pour Monte Le Son
ALB avec She Said, live au 114 pour Monte Le Son. https://www.facebook.com/albalbalbalb Retrouvez Monte le Son tous les premiers lundi du mois dès 22h30 sur France 4. Monte le Son, c'est aussi au quotidien sur le web : https://www.france4.fr/monteleson https://www.facebook.com/Monte.le.son https://twitter.com/MontelesonTV- published: 14 May 2014
- views: 569

ALB - Golden Chains (Official Recorded Version)
This is a video version of the interactive music video from the artist ALB. To fully enjoy...
published: 25 Jun 2013
author: TheTouristsTube
ALB - Golden Chains (Official Recorded Version)
ALB - Golden Chains (Official Recorded Version)
This is a video version of the interactive music video from the artist ALB. To fully enjoy the experience go to http://albgoldenchains.com with your Google C...- published: 25 Jun 2013
- views: 131
- author: TheTouristsTube

ALB - Whispers Under the Moonlight (Live @ La Cartonnerie Reims)
Extrait de l'album « Come Out! It's Beautiful »
Fnac CD : http://bit.ly/1iXERAp
Fnac Vin...
published: 09 Apr 2014
ALB - Whispers Under the Moonlight (Live @ La Cartonnerie Reims)
ALB - Whispers Under the Moonlight (Live @ La Cartonnerie Reims)
Extrait de l'album « Come Out! It's Beautiful » Fnac CD : http://bit.ly/1iXERAp Fnac Vinyle : http://bit.ly/1jpRy9L Digital : iTunes: http://smarturl.it/jvoq65 Qobuz (24 bit) : http://bit.ly/1iou6EA Réalisation : Emilie Noblet Montage : Clémence Diard Facebook: www.facebook.com/albalbalbalb Twitter: twitter.com/alb_music- published: 09 Apr 2014
- views: 1398

Luna Amară - Pietre în alb (official video, full HD)
Videoclipul oficial al piesei Luna Amară - "Pietre în alb" de pe albumul "Pietre în alb" (...
published: 28 Feb 2013
author: Luna Amară
Luna Amară - Pietre în alb (official video, full HD)
Luna Amară - Pietre în alb (official video, full HD)
Videoclipul oficial al piesei Luna Amară - "Pietre în alb" de pe albumul "Pietre în alb" (2011). Clipul "Pietre în alb" a fost realizat de către echipa Resiz...- published: 28 Feb 2013
- views: 42502
- author: Luna Amară

Alb Negru - Dubii | Videoclip Oficial
Videoclip oficial cu trupa "Alb Negru" interpretand piesa "Dubii". (C) 2014 Sprint Music
published: 30 Apr 2014
Alb Negru - Dubii | Videoclip Oficial
Alb Negru - Dubii | Videoclip Oficial
Videoclip oficial cu trupa "Alb Negru" interpretand piesa "Dubii". (C) 2014 Sprint Music https://www.facebook.com/SprintMusic https://www.facebook.com/albnegruoficial Licensing: office@sprintmedia.ro Presa: pr@sprintmedia.ro ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Muzica: Mihai Postolache, Stefan Marin (Stereo Milk), Ionut Radu Adrian (John Puzzle) Text: Mihai Postolache, Stefan Marin Mix/Master: John Puzzle Regie: Dan Petcan Scenariu: Dan Petcan & Kamara D.O.P: Bogdan Filip Machiaj: Maria Zanfir Publishing: S.C. Sprint Media Publishing S.R.L Casa de discuri / Label: Sprint Music brand inregistrat la O.S.I.M care apartine S.C Sprint Media Center S.R.L SC Sprint Media Center SRL este membru afiliat U.P.F.R si O.R.D.A Toate drepturile apartin SC Sprint Media Center SRL Orice upload neautorizat va atrage stergerea canalului de youtube. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable law All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws.- published: 30 Apr 2014
- views: 11594

ALB - Brand New Start (Clément Daquin)
Peugeot 2008 Cross-Over Commercial Music 2013 From the 2011 EP I Beg For A Summer Clément ...
published: 09 Jun 2013
author: Cormael Lia
ALB - Brand New Start (Clément Daquin)
ALB - Brand New Start (Clément Daquin)
Peugeot 2008 Cross-Over Commercial Music 2013 From the 2011 EP I Beg For A Summer Clément Daquin known by his stage name ALB is a French electro-pop musician...- published: 09 Jun 2013
- views: 8365
- author: Cormael Lia

S-o dăm carte în carte cu Dorian: despre "Harap Alb" | Neam Trezit
Azi, în cadrul rubricii educative "S-o dăm carte-n carte", Dorian (aka Micutzu) ne vorbeșt...
published: 21 May 2014
S-o dăm carte în carte cu Dorian: despre "Harap Alb" | Neam Trezit
S-o dăm carte în carte cu Dorian: despre "Harap Alb" | Neam Trezit
Azi, în cadrul rubricii educative "S-o dăm carte-n carte", Dorian (aka Micutzu) ne vorbește despre "Harap Alb" de Ion Creanga. Ne trezim împreună, de luni până vineri, ora 07:00, şi pe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neamtrezit Mai multe detalii despre emisiune pe http://www.primatv.ro/emisiuni/neam-trezit.html Hai!- published: 21 May 2014
- views: 5032
Youtube results:

ALB - Mange disque COMPLET
ALB (a.k.a Clément Daquin) - Mange disque, album sorti en 2007
-Golden Spell
-CV-209 - 05...
published: 12 Oct 2013
ALB - Mange disque COMPLET
ALB - Mange disque COMPLET
ALB (a.k.a Clément Daquin) - Mange disque, album sorti en 2007 -Golden Spell -CV-209 - 05:00 -Safeguard - 08:14 -I*D*N*Y* - 12:04 -Dora Maar - 14:37 -Reims Roubaix - 18:20 -48" (Berck Song) - 19:51 -Nicaïne & Cotine - 21:46 -Sweet Sensation - 25:50 -Daveg - 30:09 -Walter Mouse - 33:33 -Sunday Morning - 37:15- published: 12 Oct 2013
- views: 11

Alb Negru - Dubii | Lyric Video
Videoclip cu versuri al trupei "Alb Negru" realizat la single-ul "Dubii". (C) 2014 Sprint ...
published: 13 Feb 2014
Alb Negru - Dubii | Lyric Video
Alb Negru - Dubii | Lyric Video
Videoclip cu versuri al trupei "Alb Negru" realizat la single-ul "Dubii". (C) 2014 Sprint Music https://www.facebook.com/SprintMusic https://www.facebook.com/albnegruoficial Licensing: office@sprintmedia.ro Presa: pr@sprintmedia.ro ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Muzica: Mihai Postolache, Stefan Marin (Stereo Milk), Ionut Radu Adrian (John Puzzle) Text: Mihai Postolache, Stefan Marin Mix/Master: John Puzzle Regie: Kamara Montaj: Dan Petcan D.O.P: Alexandru Ioan Publishing: S.C. Sprint Media Publishing S.R.L Casa de discuri / Label: Sprint Music brand inregistrat la O.S.I.M care apartine S.C Sprint Media Center S.R.L SC Sprint Media Center SRL este membru afiliat U.P.F.R si O.R.D.A Toate drepturile apartin SC Sprint Media Center SRL Orice upload neautorizat va atrage stergerea canalului de youtube. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable law All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws.- published: 13 Feb 2014
- views: 14480

ALB - She Said
Song from the ending of "20 ans d'écart" (or "It boy" in german). I tried to reconstruct t...
published: 15 Apr 2014
ALB - She Said
ALB - She Said
Song from the ending of "20 ans d'écart" (or "It boy" in german). I tried to reconstruct the whole lyrics and think they fit now.- published: 15 Apr 2014
- views: 1062

VAMA - Fata in boxeri si in tricoul alb
VAMA - Fata in boxeri si in tricoul alb. Albumul "2012" http://www.facebook.com/VamaMusic ...
published: 17 May 2012
author: Vama Music
VAMA - Fata in boxeri si in tricoul alb
VAMA - Fata in boxeri si in tricoul alb
VAMA - Fata in boxeri si in tricoul alb. Albumul "2012" http://www.facebook.com/VamaMusic Contact: office@agentiadevise.ro De dimineață, doar într-un tricou ...- published: 17 May 2012
- views: 589230
- author: Vama Music