“Franny is listening to a program on wolves. I say to her, Would you like to be a wolf? She answers haughtily, How stupid, you can’t be one wolf, you’re always eight or nine, six or seven.” -Deleuze & Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus (1980) 1. After an absence of 70 years, the wolf is back. […]

While Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio wooed Manhattan liberals with his Duarte Square “Transition Tent”, the city’s dispossessed know that progress will never appear as an option on a public ballot. As fantastic as the end of Stop-and-Frisk, universal Pre-K, the decriminalization of marijuana, or whatever else the former pro-Sandinista had in mind, these are likely […]

To be present together, in this miserable city, to gather, out in the cold, to demonstrate, outside of this horrific building, against this attempt, to correct all those who reject the laws of the metropole; to be a nuisance, to cause a scene, to disrupt, or prevent, or block this non-life which flows all around […]

Saturday, December 21st 2013, 8PM The Base 1302 Myrtle Avenue, NY 11221 $3 Suggested Donation Join us Saturday at the Base for a winter solstice communal dinner and potluck. We’ll cook a simple vegan meal, but encourage others to bring some foodstuffs as well: fruits, vegetables to cook or eat raw, breads and cheeses, wines […]

Discussion/présentation avec un camarade de New York du collectif “Year Zero/Group Affect” sur les suites du mouvement Occupy Wall Street. Jeudi 12 – 19h30 Le collectif “New York Year Zero” est né suite au mouvement d’Occupy Wall Street à New York pour s’organiser et se retrouver face à la dispersion, la dépression et le retour à la normale, […]

Please join us for a day of creating and distributing non-digital agitation/propaganda.

This is a chance to give ourselves the time and space to eat and talk and find each other; to directly counter the dispersal and isolation that seem more and more to define our everyday lives. We want to move more towards collectively sustaining ourselves outside of our individual relations with the marketplace and state—we want to achieve greater material autonomy collectively.

by L. Raymond Most people I know who actively work for social justice make an effort to ignore Chris Hedges.  When he puked up a nasty little screed demonizing militancy in the Occupy movement last year, Hedges –  in the words of Occupy Wall Street organizer Amin Husain – “almost derailed us” [1]  (Sadly, Amin was wrong about the “almost” part).  […]

All are invited to an open communal dinner and potluck at the Base this Saturday, October 26th at 7 PM. We’ll be cooking a simple vegan meal, but encourage others to bring food as well: fruits, vegetables to cook or eat raw, breads and cheeses, wines and juices, sweets–whatever you want to bring, cook, share with others. [...]

At the stroke of midnight, Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) workers shut down the West Coast’s largest urban rail system, crippling essential infrastructure throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. But already, union leaders from SEIU, ATU, and AFSCME are seeking to control the strike’s natural momentum, limit its impact, and dictate its message. We as […]

1. A Temperature Check The condition of experiencing warmth amongst an assemblage of people. Likewise, the feeling of coldness from a group of enemies. In the absence of standards and values, a means of measurement—informal, spontaneous—for the participants. In the absence of scale, in the absence of reference points, in the absence of history, an […]

Recently, an article by Todd Gitlin - Columbia University professor and ex-60’s radical - was circulated around the web entitled “The Wonderful World of Informers and Agent Provocateurs.” 1  Using the current NSA scandal as a hook, the piece described itself as an “attempt to sort out some patterns behind what could be the next big story […]

Please join us for a follow-up discussion to our July 1st event, “On Jerry Koch, some stories of Political Repression, and Resistance“. In July we were joined by Tarik Haskins, Dequi Kioni-Sadiki, and Bob Lederer. For this event we’ve invited Eve Rosahn, Cisco Torres, and Laura Whitehorn, who will share their analyses and experiences in […]

1. The important thing is not to make political films, nor to make films politically, but rather to engage seriously in the political, collectively. This does not mean to become politicians, but rather to overthrow what politics has come to mean in 2013. 2. Film and video are only tools, tools that offer a mediated […]

1. A brief summary of Tunisia’s recent political history: The Constitutional Democratic Rally was the ruling party in Tunisia dating from the country’s independence from France in 1956, all the way until the insurrection in January 2011, when it was overthrown and dissolved. Habib Bourguiba (1903-2000) was Tunisia’s first President, in power from 1956 until […]