New Campaign: Welcome Home John Tucker (Tinley Park Five)

john_tuckerJohn Tucker of the Tinley Park 5 is due to be released from prison at the end of this month or by early February. So , Bloomington ABC , NYC ABC , and Sacramento Prisoner Support have launched a campaign to start a release fund for John.

“John Tucker, the second of the Tinley Park 5 to be released, will be free in JANUARY! The Tinley Park 5 are 5 men from Indiana charged with multiple felonies for an altercation with active white supremacists at a restaurant in Tinley Park, Illinois. (more info here)

John’s health has been neglected while imprisoned, so he is facing medical expenses, including dentistry and dermatology, when he gets out. John will also be responsible for court costs and court-mandated “anger management” classes.

John has enjoyed many letters, book & commissary donations, and correspondences from his supporters during his time in captivity (y’all have helped to make his time much more tolerable!), but prisoner support doesn’t end when they’re released; transitioning out of prison can be a difficult time for former prisoners. Having felonies on their records creates barriers to housing and employment. Many things about their lives and communities may have changed during their time inside, so extra effort is required to provide support and build solidarity to avoid isolation and undue financial hardship. Please help us create a gracious homecoming and a smooth re-entry for John.

If you cannot provide financial support at this time, we recommend writing the 3 still inside and writing, visiting, and building relationships with other incarcerated folks to continue struggles like those for which the TP5 are imprisoned. Support your local prison rebels!”

Please remember that prisoner support doesn’t end when a comrade is released. Through halfway houses, supervised release, parole, or probation, there is usually state supervision beyond the initial sentence. Also, prison is traumatic. And of course there is the stigma of being a former prisoner that effects nearly every aspect of one’s life. All of this adds up to the less obvious, but equally necessary, support needed when our loved ones come home. Donate to your ability and show an anti-fascist comrade how we welcome folks home.

If for whatever reason you’d rather donate to John offline, please make the check payable to John Tucker and mail it to:
Sacramento Prisoner Support
Post Office Box 163126
Sacramento, California 95816

If you’d like to write to John to let him know you’re thinking of him and that you’re glad he’s getting out soon, he’d love to hear from you. His current address is:
John Tucker M34024
Lincoln Correctional Center
Post Office Box 549
Lincoln, Illinois 62656

More information is available at and

NYC – Friday, January 17th – Solidarity Demonstration at Mexican Consulate

ameli_fallon_carlosWHAT: Demonstration in Solidarity With The 5e3
WHEN: 11:30am (SHARP), Friday, January 17th
WHERE: Mexican Consulate, 27 East 39th Street (between Lexington and Park Avenues)

On January 5th, three anarchist comrades— two from Canada, one from Mexico, were arrested in Mexico City for alleged molotov attacks on a car dealership and a government building. The three (5e3) are now facing a variety of very serious charges, including terrorist charges. In response to the call, included after the jump, for an international day of solidarity with the 5e3, NYC Anarchist Black Cross will hold a demonstration at the Mexican Consulate.


Letter from Fallon:
Letter from Carlos:
Call for financial support:
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BK/NY – Friday, January 10th – No More Deaths Talk at The Base

no more deathsWHAT: Campaign talk presented by No More Deaths Tucson
WHEN: 7:00pm, Friday, January 10th
WHERE: The Base1302 Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11221 (Directions below)
COST: Free, but donations are appreciated.

A discussion of No More Deaths (NMD) and US/Mexico border militarization:
Lydia Elena, a member of No More Deaths Tucson, will lead a discussion on humanitarian support in the Southern Arizona desert and human rights abuse documentation in the region. There will be space for questions and resources provided about the history of militarization of the border, the NMD organization and how to get involved. For her stop in Brooklyn, NYC ABC is co-hosting a workshop for folks to familiarize themselves with the campaign. It’s happening at The Base.

For more information on No More Deaths their campaign, visit
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Nearly 100 in the streets for NYC ABC NYE Noise Demo

NYE 2013 reportback graphicThere is a superstition that says we should leave money outside and bring it in on New Year’s Day to insure financial prosperity for the year. We in NYC ABC are hoping this idea can be extended. On January 1st, NYC had Lynne Stewart brought home and we hope this is an omen that many more of our imprisoned comrades come home to us this year.

On the night before Lynne Stewart’s flight from Texas, we heeded the international call for a night of New Year’s Eve noise demos. We held ours outside of MCC New York— the federal Metropolitan Correctional Center that currently holds local anarchist grand jury resister Jerry Koch and until the time of his recent sentencing imprisoned anarchist hacker Jeremy Hammond.

The night was raucous, with over 70 folks coming to show solidarity with prison rebels on the other side of the wall. Warehoused in a brick and mortar tower, we could see the silhouetted outlines of prisoners in their cells.

Screen Shot 2014-01-01 at 5.10.14 PM
Photo courtesy of Tim Eastman

Occasionally lights would flicker, letting us know that we were connecting. As a makeshift marching band members of Rude Mechanical Orchestra– augmented by air horns, pots & pans, and an assortment of drums, forced lower Manhattan awake, some folks from Stop the Anarchist Witch-hunt (SAW) served up hot cocoa.

Amidst anti-police and anti-prison chants, folks were making their solidarity known— with raised voices and the clamor of assorted noise-makers.

By about 11:00pm, with the crowd energetic, but on the verge of hypothermia, the following statement was read as a call and response, insuring that our comrades inside could hear it:
“To many it feels like we live in a time like no other with surveillance and repression at every turn, but also resistance, rebellion, and open revolt. This is neither the new golden nor dark age, it is simply another moment in time where we can collectively force conflict with a  fucked up system.

Every day there are revolts of varying scale, most of which you never hear about. For those captured in revolt, we come together in protest and celebration. Through the din of revelry and rage, we tie ourselves to those who suffer systematized white supremacy and war against the working class, behind steel bars and safety glass.

Prison is a means of social control to be absolutely destroyed.

Here’s to the total destruction of a prison-based society!

Tonight we bring with us the courage of Sundiata Acoli, the ferocity of Joe-Joe Bowen, the wisdom of Russell Maroon Shoatz.

We remember in every act of rebellion against the state, our deceased comrade Herman Wallace– your legacy will never be forgotten.

We hold in our hearts comrades soon to be or recently imprisoned: Jerry Koch, Kevin Olliff, Rebecca Rubin, and Brian Vaillancourt.


The refrain of those last four words was screamed out, time and again. Not long after, folks left in small groups, making sure not to be snatched up by any of the myriad cops who would happily see us on the other side of the wall.

Illustrated Guide 9th Edition Now Uploaded

We’ve finished the latest version of the NYC ABCIllustrated Guide to Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War” and it’s available for viewing (and download) by clicking on the tab at the top of this page. This update includes address changes for a few prisoners as well as removing Guillaume Constantineau (TIME SERVED!), Youri Couture (TIME SERVED!), Chris French (TIME SERVED!), Steve Murphy (TIME SERVED!), Mark Neiweem (TIME SERVED!), and Lynne Stewart (COMPASSIONATE RELEASE!).

NYC – Tuesday, January 7th – Letter-Writing Dinner For NYS PPs (Part Two)

WHAT: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinner
WHEN: 7pm sharp, Tuesday, January 7th, 2013
WHERE: CAGE83A Hester Street (UPSTAIRS) New York, New York 10002 (directions below)
COST: Free
hayes_latine_majid_powellWe did it, NYC! We survived the storm of the century a regular winter snow storm. And while we skipped our every-other-week political prisoner letter-writing dinner scheduled for December 24th, we’re back and going hard for 2014. Hot on the heels of our New Year’s Eve Noise Demo, we in NYC Anarchist Black Cross want the start of this year to show our commitment to the political prisoners and prisoners of war closest to us. These are comrades who deserve, short of the full freedom we all desire, a minimum of strong solidarity. So we will enter 2014 focusing on those folks held behind New York State walls.

This week we will be writing Robert Seth Hayes, Maliki Shakur Latine, Abdul Majid, and Rev. Joy Powell. We’re very fortunate to have two great guest speakers coming in to discuss these cases– “Tessa Through” from Through the Walls and Anne from New York City Jericho Movement.

If for some insane reason you can’t make it out, but still want to support the prisoners, you can write to them at:

Robert Seth Hayes #74-A-2280
Sullivan Correctional Facility
Post Office Box 116
Fallsburg, New York 12733-0116

Maliki Shakur Latine #81-A-4469
Clinton Correctional Facility
Post Office Box 2000
Dannemora, New York 12929

Abdul Majid #83-A-0483
Elmira Correctional Facility
Post Office Box 500
1879 Davis Street
Elmira, New York 14902-0500

Reverend Joy Powell #07-G-0632
Bedford Hills Correctional Facility
Post Office Box 1000
Bedford Hills, New York 10507-2499

For more information on these comrades, please visit: @throughwallsny

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BK/NY – Sunday, January 5th – Gateway To Hell Winter Tour Comes To The Base

WHAT: Campaign workshop presented by The Bunny Alliance
WHEN: 6:00pm, Sunday, January 5th
WHERE: The Base1302 Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11221 (Directions below)
COST: Free, but donations are appreciated.

nyc_eventThe Bunny Alliance is expanding the reach of the Gateway to Hell campaign, which is strategically working towards an end to the use of animals in research by stopping the transport of animals to laboratories. For their stop in Brooklyn, NYC ABC is co-hosting a workshop for folks to familiarize themselves with the campaign. It’s happening at The Base.

From The Bunny Alliance:
“We are targeting Delta Air Lines because it is in a strategic partnership with Air France and is its North America representative—and Air France is one of the last commercial airlines to continue the practice of shipping animals to labs. The campaign against Delta Air Lines is to demand that they force Air France to place a permanent ban on the transportation of all animals being shipped to vivisection labs across the world. It is vital that we stop these shipments of animals, and Delta Air Lines is in a position of authority to influence and enforce an Air France ban on shipments of animals to labs.

This demonstrations are part of our larger U.S. tour against Delta Air Lines. Please come out to the demonstrations at the airports, then come meet the organizers and learn more about the campaign and how to get involved at the workshop at The Base co-hosted with the NYC Anarchist Black Cross!”

For more information on The Bunny Alliance, their campaign, and the dates of demonstrations in NYC, visit
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