- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 3534
Staffa (Scottish Gaelic: Stafa,pronounced [s̪t̪afa]) from the Old Norse for stave or pillar island, is an island of the Inner Hebrides in Argyll and Bute, Scotland. The Vikings gave it this name as its columnar basalt reminded them of their houses, which were built from vertically placed tree-logs.
Staffa lies about 10 kilometres (6 mi) west of the Isle of Mull. The area is 33 hectares (82 acres) and the highest point is 42 metres (138 ft) above sea level.
The island came to prominence in the late 18th century after a visit by Sir Joseph Banks. He and his fellow-travellers extolled the natural beauty of the basalt columns in general and of the island's main sea cavern, which Banks renamed 'Fingal's Cave'. Their visit was followed by those of many other prominent personalities throughout the next two centuries, including Queen Victoria and Felix Mendelssohn. The latter's Hebrides Overture brought further fame to the island, which was by then uninhabited. It is now in the care of the National Trust for Scotland.
Fingal's Cave is a sea cave on the uninhabited island of Staffa, in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland, known for its natural acoustics. The National Trust for Scotland owns the cave as part of a National Nature Reserve. It became known as Fingal's Cave after the eponymous hero of an epic poem by 18th-century Scots poet-historian James Macpherson.
Fingal's Cave is formed entirely from hexagonally jointed basalt columns within a Paleocene lava flow, similar in structure to the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland and those of nearby Ulva.
In all these cases, cooling on the upper and lower surfaces of the solidified lava resulted in contraction and fracturing, starting in a blocky tetragonal pattern and transitioning to a regular hexagonal fracture pattern with fractures perpendicular to the cooling surfaces. As cooling continued these cracks gradually extended toward the centre of the flow, forming the long hexagonal columns we see in the wave-eroded cross-section today. Similar hexagonal fracture patterns are found in desiccation cracks in mud where contraction is due to loss of water instead of cooling.
Mull (Gaelic: Muile pronounced [ˈmulʲə]) is the second largest island of the Inner Hebrides (after Skye), off the west coast of Scotland in the council area of Argyll and Bute.
With an area of 875.35 square kilometres (337.97 sq mi) Mull is the fourth largest Scottish island and the fourth largest island surrounding Great Britain (excluding Ireland). In the 2011 census the usual resident population of Mull was 2,800 a slight rise on the 2001 figure of 2,667; in the summer this is supplemented by many tourists. Much of the population lives in Tobermory, the only burgh on the island until 1973, and its capital.
Tobermory is also home to Mull's only single malt Scotch whisky distillery, Tobermory (formerly Ledaig).
It is widely understood that Mull was inhabited shortly after the end of the last Ice Age, from around 6000 BC. Bronze Age inhabitants built menhirs, brochs and a stone circle with examples of burial cairns, cists, standing stones, stone circles, pottery and knife blades providing compelling evidence.
"At the End" is the second single by New York house band iiO. It was released on October 22, 2002.
The End may refer to:
Staffa & Fingal's Cave
STAFFA - Cancer Of Society
Boat trip to Staffa, Scotland. 7th April 2014
Scotland 5 Staffa HD
SCOTLAND: Isle of Mull, Staffa, & Iona!
Mendelssohn's Overture Fingal's Cave - Staffa Inner Hebrides
IT_01. Gebo Original. Montaggio della staffa di derivazione su tubo in acciaio
Staffa a soffitto motorizzata autocostruita per TV LCD 48"
Staffa - At The End (2014 - FULL ALBUM)
STAFFA - Platoon - 2017
Fingal’s Cave - Island of Staffa - 4k
Prese a staffa Kwik Tap
Янко Бръснаря feat. Staffa - Добре дошли в България
Fingal's Cave - Island of Staffa
Fingal's Cave Isle of Staffa
Staffa Hydraulic Motor overhaul and pressure test
Installazione staffa Alu
LUNGA Island & Helpful Staffa Tours Staff
AS SEEN ON SKYEYE BRITAIN - LAUNCHING IN EARLY 2013! - www.skyeye-app.com Felix Mendelssohn, after visiting Fingal's Cave on the island of Staffa, was inspired to write his famous Hebrides Overture in 1832. The basalt columns that rise up from the sea are an extraordinary site, and it was the Vikings who named the island after the Old Norse name Staffa meaning pillar of stave.
Staffa, Iona, Isle of Mull, Oban, Fintgal's Cave, Basking Shark, Birdlife, Puffins,
www.isleofmullcottages.com/isle-of-mull-islands.html Staffa is an island located roughly 6 miles off the west coast of the Isle of Mull. Staffa is well known for it's columnar basalt geology and is a spectacular place to visit. Staffa is reached via one of the boat tours that depart from the Isle of Mull. These boats will then land you on Staffa from where you can explore the island on foot, venturing into the impressive Fingal's cave. Fingal's cave on Staffa was the source of inspiration for composer Mendelshonn's Hebridies Ovature. Puffins can also be seen on Staffa and the boat trip is a superb option for those wanting a shorter day at sea, whilst still getting a taste of Mull's outlying islands.
Hello Everyone! On our third day of Scotland we went on a tour to the Isle of Mull, Staffa, and Iona with Staffa Tours. It was so much fun! Even though the weather wasn't the best we still got to sightsee each Isle. My fav will have to be hands down Isle of Staffa. It was a BLAST exploring this tiny island. Plus it's not everyday I get to wear a rain coat and rain boots to run around carefree. I hope you guys ENJOY! Don't forget to give it a like, share and subscribe! XOXO Snapchat, twitter, facebook & instagram at LIFEMEETSTEPH! Have you seen my latest videos? SCOTLAND: Isle of Arran to see Machrie Moor Stone Circles! https://youtu.be/wirSVhkZcqA DD's Discount & Payless haul! Aug 2016 https://youtu.be/C4OzixYmRoo JORDAN: Petra, Jordan Valley & Dead Sea! https://youtu.be/iN3SE-f46...
Video shot while on the boat trip to and on Staffa as part of the Three Islands tour from Oban Scotland which takes in the islands of Mull, Iona and Staffa.. The trip is highly recommended. The video was edited to account of the time required to play Mendelssohn's Hebrides Overture. I have the feeling that Mendelssohn's writing took in the forces of the volcanic eruptions/plate tectonics that formed the island besides the action of the sea on the rocks. All good grounds for a member of the Donald clan to visit and pay tribute.
Isle of Staffa fingals cave and Iona boat trip from the isle of mull. We spend the day exploring the wonder of fingals cave and watching for puffins on Staffa.
Montaggio della staffa di derivazione Gebo su tubo in acciaio. www.gebo.it
Video velocizzato 3x. Sistema motorizzato autocostruito per movimentazione TV dal soffitto. Tutti i componenti sono stati progettati e autocostruiti in base alle mie esigenze. Per azionare i componenti ho utilizzato attuatori lineari + Arduino + Telecomando radio 4 canali. maggiori informazioni: http://mircoslepko.blogspot.it/2016/07/sistema-motorizzato-tv-lcd-48.html english version: http://www.instructables.com/id/TV-LCD-48-Motorized-Lift-Down-Ceiling-System/
Staffa "At The End" 1.Last Temptation ( 0:00 ) 2.Wrong Justice ( 2:55 ) 3.I Create The God ( 7:03 ) 4.Because I Want (feat.Shutta from Vendetta/Brothers In Blood/Piranha) ( 10:20 ) 5.Inner Battle ( 15:21 ) 6.Cancer Of Society ( 18:24 ) 7.Cry Of The Nature (feat.Max Pain from The Revenge Project) ( 21:18 ) 8.At The End ( 24:54 ) 9.Virtual Reality (Kartzer cover) ( 29:09 )
Staffa ist eine an der Westküste von Schottland gelegene Felseninsel, die zu den Inneren Hebriden gehört. Die Insel ist nur 200 mal 600 Meter groß und unbewohnt, wird aber im Sommer täglich von Ausflugsbooten angelaufen, da es mehrere bekannte Sehenswürdigkeiten gibt. Auf Staffa gibt es sechseckige Säulen aus Basalt, die sich beim Erkalten von Lava formten. Die geologische Ursache für diese Formen wird in einer großen unterirdischen Explosion gesehen, die vor rund 60 Millionen Jahren stattfand. Auf der Insel gibt es auch noch eine ganz berühmte Höhle, Fingal’s Cave. Eine Höhle, die durch die Naturgewalten geschaffen wurde. Sie ist 20 x 80 Meter groß. Auch hier sieht man wieder die eindrucksvollen achteckigen Basaltsäulen. Der bekannte Komponist Felix Mendelssohn ließ sich dort zu seine...
Prese a staffa rapide Kwik Tap per impianti di irrigazione residenziali
Скандална, агресивна мръсотия.. East Coast Old School Pomorie, Bourgas, New York.. Here we go again! 1997г. Artery arise in a whole brand new face out of space.. Back to the freakture of 2015г... Лудостта продължава, зарази се и ти..! Sky is the limmit.. Thanks for all the waitng.. Enjoy the trip and fasten your seat belts.... Wellcome to Bulgaria!!!
Fingal's Cave is a sea cave on the island of Staffa in the Inner Hebrides. It is formed from hexagonally-jointed basalt columns similar to the Giant's Causeway in Ireland. The Giant's Causeway and Fingal's Cave were both formed by the same lava flow 60 million years ago. In Gaelic mythology Fionn mac Cumhaill, a giant, constructed a causeway from Ireland to Scotland out basalt colums. Fionn built it to allow a Scottish giant, Benandonner, come and fight him. After deceiving Benandonner and bighting off his finger of power Fionn chased him back to Scotland but Benandonner ran so hard the causewasy collapsed behind him. Fionn took a sod of earth, forming Lough Neagh, and threw it after Benandonner but it fell in the Irish sea to form the Isle of Man. Check out this vid of a canoe trip to St...
This magnificent natural basalt formation has inspired many minds to form numerous myths some of which have come to us today through folklore. This opening into the island forms a mouth that sings a sea symphony to those that venture within. The cave and the whole of Staffa are formed from the fierce fast flowing force of volcanic action and now the tides slowly wash away the structure.
Facile, solida, leggera, queste sono solo alcune delle caratteristiche che la staffa Alu della Rothoblaas possiede permettendo installazioni rapide, belle architettonicamente e dalla particolare robustezza.
LUNGA is a small Island where a large colony of puffins nest. Visiting the Island is part of a Tour operated by Staffa Tours. Access to the island is via a floating pontoon onto a very stony beach. Some passengers needed assistance. Superb seeing so many Puffins up close on this uninhabited island. Watch this short video to the end and you will see how helpfull the staff of Staffa Tours are. A thoroughly enjoyable day trip.
Hello Everyone! On our third day of Scotland we went on a tour to the Isle of Mull, Staffa, and Iona with Staffa Tours. It was so much fun! Even though the weather wasn't the best we still got to sightsee each Isle. My fav will have to be hands down Isle of Staffa. It was a BLAST exploring this tiny island. Plus it's not everyday I get to wear a rain coat and rain boots to run around carefree. I hope you guys ENJOY! Don't forget to give it a like, share and subscribe! XOXO Snapchat, twitter, facebook & instagram at LIFEMEETSTEPH! Have you seen my latest videos? SCOTLAND: Isle of Arran to see Machrie Moor Stone Circles! https://youtu.be/wirSVhkZcqA DD's Discount & Payless haul! Aug 2016 https://youtu.be/C4OzixYmRoo JORDAN: Petra, Jordan Valley & Dead Sea! https://youtu.be/iN3SE-f46...
Please visit us at: http://staffatravel.com Walking around the resort, the blue hole cliff jump, and spa Resort: The Caves Location: Negril, Jamaica Shot: August 2014 This is a video tour review of an all-inclusive resort or luxury hotel in Jamaica. Our goal with this video review is to allow you to see the resort for yourself and review it yourself. It is our hope that you will appreciate our work and book your next vacation with us! Please contact us @ http://staffatravel.com/ Staffa Travel is a travel agency that focuses on honeymoon planning, destination wedding planning, and other special event travel planning. We travel to all-inclusive resorts and luxury hotels throughout the Caribbean, Mexico, Costa Rica, Hawaii and the South Pacific to make video tour reviews for you to see. St...
A visit with Staffa tour to Isle of Mull, Staffa and Iona. I really love the trip. Had amazing time with friends. Enjoy!
Intro and audio to Bohemian Rhapsody property of Queen and their record company, no copyright infringement intended, just a bit of craic.
Please visit us at: http://staffatravel.com Resort: The Caves Location: Negril, Jamaica Shot: August 2014 This is a video tour review of an all-inclusive resort or luxury hotel in Jamaica. Our goal with this video review is to allow you to see the resort for yourself and review it yourself. It is our hope that you will appreciate our work and book your next vacation with us! Please contact us @ http://staffatravel.com/ Staffa Travel is a travel agency that focuses on honeymoon planning, destination wedding planning, and other special event travel planning. We travel to all-inclusive resorts and luxury hotels throughout the Caribbean, Mexico, Costa Rica, Hawaii and the South Pacific to make video tour reviews for you to see. Staffa Travel has expert honeymoon planners and destination wed...
Stirling, Glasgow, Oban, Mull, Staffa, Iona, Isle of Skye, Inverness, Loch Ness, St. Andrews
July 22nd, 2015 | Vlog 415 We visit uninhabited Scottish isles to see the adorable puffins and some awesome landscapes! Don't forget to give this video a Thumbs Up and leave a comment down below! GET TO KNOW US: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcImJX3cFJmKalVQVOIVCWFl9cm2hToIY MERCH: http://steveandjodistravels.spreadshirt.com/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SandJsTravels JODI'S TWITTER: https://twitter.com/jodimolinari GOOGLE PLUS: https://plus.google.com/+SJsTravels STEVE'S TWITTER: http://twitter.com/SMAmackin JODI'S BLOG: http://www.jodistravels.com/ JODI'S INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/jodimolinari# MULU LIZI: http://youtube.com/mululiziband MULU LIZI FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/mululiziband MULU LIZI INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/mululiziband MULU LIZI TWITT...
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Landscape photography travel vlog from the Isle of Tiree in Scotland. I love photographing the scotland's beauty and this little Island was a pleasure to trek around and capture. The Scottish Hebrides are a wonderful place to visit! Vlog Includes a behind the scenes experience of my recent photo shoot on a remote Island in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland. A behind the scenes landscape photography vlog with tips and a guide to how I work as a landscape photographer. In this vlog episode I take a trip to the Isle of Tiree in the Inner Hebrides for a photo shoot. I hope this film encourages you to visit Scotland and be inspired to take more photos! The trip consisted of 3 days of photography to capture the small Island. Tiree is 12 miles long and 3 miles wide, and for this trip I decided ...
www.isleofmullcottages.com Filmed as Storm Henry hit the west coast of the Isle of Mull on the 1st Feb 2016. The footage is taken in the south of the Isle of Mull, looking across Loch Scridain toward Ardmeanach and 'The Wilderness'.
Please visit us at: http://staffatravel.com Resort: The Caves Location: Negril, Jamaica Shot: August 2014 Room: The Sundancer 2-bedroom villa This is a video tour review of an all-inclusive resort or luxury hotel in Jamaica. Our goal with this video review is to allow you to see the resort for yourself and review it yourself. It is our hope that you will appreciate our work and book your next vacation with us! Please contact us @ http://staffatravel.com/ Staffa Travel is a travel agency that focuses on honeymoon planning, destination wedding planning, and other special event travel planning. We travel to all-inclusive resorts and luxury hotels throughout the Caribbean, Mexico, Costa Rica, Hawaii and the South Pacific to make video tour reviews for you to see. Staffa Travel has expert ho...
In this timelapse I drive from Oban to Fionnphort. A +100 mile journey across the Isle of Mull in the Scottish Highlands. # Points of Interest 0:16 Oban (City) 0:23 Oban-Craignure (Ferry) 0:53 Craignure (Town) 1:15 Salen (Town) 1:55 Tobermory (Town) 3:26 Sheep on the Road 3:39 Dervaig (Town) 6:29 Cows on the Road 7:14 Wood Harvesting Operation (My favorite shot :P) 8:11 Highland Cows on the Road 8:26 Pennyghael (Town) 9:21 Fionnphort (Town) 9:55 Highland Cows at Night # Follow this route on Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/MCkujM5HS3n Footage recorded in multiple days on June 2017. Shot with GoPro Session 5 and GoPro suction cup. # Ways to reach me — Official Website / http://strictoaster.com — Twitter / http://twitter.com/strictoaster (Where I'm the most active) — Facebook / http://fa...
Please visit us at: http://staffatravel.com a walk from the room in the preferred club section of Secrets to the beach - the FOG disappears in a few seconds! Resort: Secrets Royal Beach All-Inclusive Resort Location: Punta Cana, Dominican Republic This is a video tour review of an all-inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic. Our goal with this video review is to allow you to see the resort for yourself and draw your own conclusions. It is our hope that you will appreciate our work and book your next vacation with us! Please contact us @ http://staffatravel.com/ Staffa Travel is a travel agency that focuses on honeymoon planning, destination wedding planning, and other special event travel planning. We travel to all-inclusive resorts and luxury hotels throughout the Caribbean, Mexico...
Fingal's Cave is a sea cave on the uninhabited island of Staffa, in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland, known for its natural acoustics. The National Trust for Scotland owns the cave as part of a National Nature Reserve. It became known as Fingal's Cave after the eponymous hero of an epic poem by 18th-century Scots poet-historian James Macpherson. Fingal's Cave is formed entirely from hexagonally jointed basalt columns within a Paleocene lava flow,[2] similar in structure to the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland and those of nearby Ulva. In all these cases, cooling on the upper and lower surfaces of the solidified lava resulted in contraction and fracturing, starting in a blocky tetragonal pattern and transitioning to a regular hexagonal fracture pattern with fractures perpendicular to th...
CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE - http://bit.ly/1uR4ogG I get my first taste of the Inner Hebrides islands off the coast of Scotland. Wow, is all I can say, this is without a doubt one of the most beautiful parts of the world that I have visited... Mull is fantastic and just wait until we get to Skye. I feel ever so lucky to have had the opportunity to visit them AND on perfect days... The Isle of Mull was one of my highlights in Scotland and the Inner Hebrides definitely stole the show. JOIN THE SHABL ARMY: http://bit.ly/1uR4ogG INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/bloggeries TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/bloggeries BLOG: http://stophavingaboringlife.com Music provided by Audio Network... Daily travel vlog filmed on a GoPro Hero 4 Silver or Canon G7X Subscribe for more daily vlogs of the travel n...
The Highlands, Oban. Lochgilphead. Loch Fyne, Inveraray, Largs, Loch Lomond, Great Cumbrae, Staffa, Iona, Iona Abbey, Hebrides, Iona Nunnery, Isle of Mull, Staffa, Iona, Oban, Fingal's Cave, Basking Shark, Birdlife, Puffins, Bird Sanctuary, Seahouses, Guillemots, 6th Century history. St Aidan and St Cuthbert, The herring boat houses, Lindisfarne Castle, Priory, St. Mary's Church,
Please visit us at: http://staffatravel.com Resort: Sunset at the Palms All-Inclusive Resort Location: Negril, Jamaica Shot: August 2014 This is a video tour review of an all-inclusive resort or luxury hotel in Jamaica. Our goal with this video review is to allow you to see the resort for yourself and review it yourself. It is our hope that you will appreciate our work and book your next vacation with us! Please contact us @ http://staffatravel.com/ Staffa Travel is a travel agency that focuses on honeymoon planning, destination wedding planning, and other special event travel planning. We travel to all-inclusive resorts and luxury hotels throughout the Caribbean, Mexico, Costa Rica, Hawaii and the South Pacific to make video tour reviews for you to see. Staffa Travel has expert honeymo...
Do something different this summer and enjoy a fantastic day out on Staffa and the Treshnish Isles. Experience the unique geology of Staffa and the chance to visit Fingal’s Cave. Enjoy a spot of puffin therapy when you visit Lunga in the Treshnish Isles. Make sure you visit before the puffins leave in early August!
Play the halls
See the stalls tonight
Open roads the like
Across the dateline change will never strike
Australia lies ahead
Australia, we head for the mainland
Clutching our gifts from the East
Only to find out
Planes and the highways
STrain the paths and the by-ways
Remain, still it's leading me
Closer to you
Australia, we're leaving you behind
Australia, we're taking the easy way out
From now on
"Come to," can't get away from ya still
"Come to, we'll take good care of ya."
Australia, you save your face while fashions slip
Australia, you're balanaced between
The powers' tightening grip
I've been to, it's a long way for ya still