- published: 24 Mar 2013
- views: 1477593
- author: [ V ] TV

Auction 52 japanese used cars swept away in storm marine ship
A total of 64 cars were aboard cargo ship Astongate traveling from Toyama, Japan, to Vladi...
published: 24 Mar 2013
author: [ V ] TV
Auction 52 japanese used cars swept away in storm marine ship
Auction 52 japanese used cars swept away in storm marine ship
A total of 64 cars were aboard cargo ship Astongate traveling from Toyama, Japan, to Vladivostok, Russia. After the storm hit the ship -- 52 of them ended up...- published: 24 Mar 2013
- views: 1477593
- author: [ V ] TV

Cement Carrier Ship Crashes into Boats in Norway
Cement carrier ship 'Cyprus Cement' collided with several boats in Levanger marina, Norway...
published: 08 Jul 2013
author: Mark Boyle
Cement Carrier Ship Crashes into Boats in Norway
Cement Carrier Ship Crashes into Boats in Norway
Cement carrier ship 'Cyprus Cement' collided with several boats in Levanger marina, Norway, on July 6. Three boats sunk while others were badly damaged after...- published: 08 Jul 2013
- views: 18442
- author: Mark Boyle

Mega Ship - Megastructures Documentary - National Geographic Documentary
Subscribe to channel for more Megastructures Documentary. http://www.youtube.com/user/glob...
published: 29 May 2013
author: MegaStructures
Mega Ship - Megastructures Documentary - National Geographic Documentary
Mega Ship - Megastructures Documentary - National Geographic Documentary
Subscribe to channel for more Megastructures Documentary. http://www.youtube.com/user/globalmegastructures Tag:megastructures megastructures national geograp...- published: 29 May 2013
- views: 9614
- author: MegaStructures

Extreme small plane landing on a ship at sea
With footage of six cameras including from inside the aircraft. Whilst filming how a small...
published: 20 Oct 2013
Extreme small plane landing on a ship at sea
Extreme small plane landing on a ship at sea
With footage of six cameras including from inside the aircraft. Whilst filming how a small aircraft does aerial photography at sea, the "just in case something goes wrong" flat area for emergency landings just looks too good, so I cannot restrain myself and get away with landing on the moving ship. Tom and Aalbert save the day by courageously helping me to take off. What is misleading is that control is perfect at several metres above the deck but as soon as you get a metre or two above the deck to land 1) there is curlover turbulence coming off the bow and sides 2) you have no visual reference at all apart from the mast in front. But it worked - thanks to the most amazing aircraft, the extreme STOL Foxbat A22. The ship was sailing at 9 knots speed over ground, the true windspeed was 14 knots, just about the full flap stall speed with just myself in the plane and full long range fueltanks. Thanks everyone for the help, quite a dream come true. Oct 13.- published: 20 Oct 2013
- views: 9280

Man found alive in sunken ship
Subscribe for more http://goo.gl/bY5w6 --- On May 28th 2013, a South African scuba diving ...
published: 02 Dec 2013
author: GlobalLeaks
Man found alive in sunken ship
Man found alive in sunken ship
Subscribe for more http://goo.gl/bY5w6 --- On May 28th 2013, a South African scuba diving team were conducting a dead-body recovery effort. They were rec...- published: 02 Dec 2013
- views: 144482
- author: GlobalLeaks

TOP 9 Ship Accidents VIDEO - 2013
Rate, Comment, Share... Thanx Subscribe for new compilations: If your Video is in this Com...
published: 13 Jul 2013
author: BestVideoCollectio
TOP 9 Ship Accidents VIDEO - 2013
TOP 9 Ship Accidents VIDEO - 2013
Rate, Comment, Share... Thanx Subscribe for new compilations: If your Video is in this Compilation please contact me to be credited for it or have your part ...- published: 13 Jul 2013
- views: 71829
- author: BestVideoCollectio

Dramatic video of Clelia II Antarctic cruise ship slammed by giant waves
A US-operated Antarctic cruise ship with 160 people aboard has lost an engine in high seas...
published: 08 Dec 2010
author: RussiaToday
Dramatic video of Clelia II Antarctic cruise ship slammed by giant waves
Dramatic video of Clelia II Antarctic cruise ship slammed by giant waves
A US-operated Antarctic cruise ship with 160 people aboard has lost an engine in high seas, but is limping safely to its scheduled port. The Argentine Navy s...- published: 08 Dec 2010
- views: 10628436
- author: RussiaToday

Lego ship Time-Lapse
This is my biggest lego ship ever. And i hope you will like this, And Subscribe please....
published: 07 Apr 2013
author: Lego6370
Lego ship Time-Lapse
Lego ship Time-Lapse
This is my biggest lego ship ever. And i hope you will like this, And Subscribe please.- published: 07 Apr 2013
- views: 3477
- author: Lego6370

Discovery: World's Biggest Ship
Find out more about the Triple-E series of ships here: www.worldslargestship.com
The team ...
published: 16 Oct 2013
Discovery: World's Biggest Ship
Discovery: World's Biggest Ship
Find out more about the Triple-E series of ships here: www.worldslargestship.com The team at Discovery follows the construction of the world's largest ever container ship as they push engineering boundaries to deliver the first Triple-E on time. This exciting preview gives a glimpse into the series.- published: 16 Oct 2013
- views: 1957

Broadcast: 17 February 2013 on Sunday Night, Seven Network Australia Reporter / Camera: Ti...
published: 16 Jul 2013
author: Tim Noonan
Broadcast: 17 February 2013 on Sunday Night, Seven Network Australia Reporter / Camera: Tim Noonan Producer: Ali Russell It's one of the most jaw-dropping si...- published: 16 Jul 2013
- views: 21
- author: Tim Noonan

Massive wave hits ship
Subscribe for more http://goo.gl/bY5w6 --- As a huge wave is about to hit the ship, the ca...
published: 29 May 2013
author: GlobalLeaks
Massive wave hits ship
Massive wave hits ship
Subscribe for more http://goo.gl/bY5w6 --- As a huge wave is about to hit the ship, the captain cuts the power in order to reduce damage. He then quickly...- published: 29 May 2013
- views: 319461
- author: GlobalLeaks

Bermuda Cruise Ship Crash
On September 14, 2012 the Norwegian Star and the Royal Caribbean Explorer of the Seas crui...
published: 18 Sep 2012
author: Floobboober
Bermuda Cruise Ship Crash
Bermuda Cruise Ship Crash
On September 14, 2012 the Norwegian Star and the Royal Caribbean Explorer of the Seas cruise ships were moored stern-to-stern at the Royal Dockyard in Bermud...- published: 18 Sep 2012
- views: 782441
- author: Floobboober

Nerd³ Plays... The Ship
http://nerdcubed.co.uk It's kill or be killed in this fantastic multiplayer battle of wits...
published: 18 Mar 2012
author: OfficialNerdCubed
Nerd³ Plays... The Ship
Nerd³ Plays... The Ship
http://nerdcubed.co.uk It's kill or be killed in this fantastic multiplayer battle of wits, cunning and candlesticks. WARNING: Not suitable for people with p...- published: 18 Mar 2012
- views: 1662119
- author: OfficialNerdCubed

Bulk Carrier and Cargo Ship Collide in the Straits of Singapore
Turkish bulk carrier collision to Vietnamese cargo vessel on Singapore Two ships (a bulk c...
published: 04 Mar 2013
author: TheNews737
Bulk Carrier and Cargo Ship Collide in the Straits of Singapore
Bulk Carrier and Cargo Ship Collide in the Straits of Singapore
Turkish bulk carrier collision to Vietnamese cargo vessel on Singapore Two ships (a bulk carrier and a cargo ship) collide in the Straits of Singapore. The S...- published: 04 Mar 2013
- views: 450940
- author: TheNews737
Vimeo results:

Hi , test is done in Houdini.......Enjoy............
published: 31 Oct 2011
author: Ranjan
Hi , test is done in Houdini.......Enjoy.........

Modular Ship
Nuits Sonores 2011 / The Creators Project.
Marché Gare, Lyon
Scène 1
Juin 2011
published: 01 Jul 2011
author: Superscript²
Modular Ship
Nuits Sonores 2011 / The Creators Project.
Marché Gare, Lyon
Scène 1
Juin 2011
Superscript² + Martial Geoffre Rouland
Développé avec OpenFrameworks
Réalisation : Amaury Agier Aurel
Music : Reworks

Gotta Find a Way
Aerial video over the Santan Mountains in Arizona. Shot with a Panasonic LX3 in 720p HD....
published: 24 Jan 2009
author: PhotoShip One - Alary Design
Gotta Find a Way
Aerial video over the Santan Mountains in Arizona. Shot with a Panasonic LX3 in 720p HD.

Lowdi - shipping now
Lowdi is a wireless speaker that turns any phone, tablet or mobile device into a portable ...
published: 03 Oct 2012
author: Lowdi
Lowdi - shipping now
Lowdi is a wireless speaker that turns any phone, tablet or mobile device into a portable sound system.
Find out more at http://www.lowdi.com
Director: CRCR
Animation: Rémi Bastie, Nicolas Dehghani, Paul Lacolley, Nicolas Pegon, Jérémy Pires
Agency: MOMKAI
Creative Director: Harald Dunnink
Soundtrack: AUDENTITY
Sound Designer: Niels den Otter
Production: QUAD / WIZZ
Producer: Matthieu Poirier
Executive Producer: Nalden
Executive Producer: Laurent Olivier
© 2012
Youtube results:

Timelapse Video of Costa Concordia Salvage Operation The Ship Being Pulled Upright [FULL]
Engineering feat to raise Costa Concordia
Wrecked cruise ship Costa Concordia raised off r...
published: 17 Sep 2013
Timelapse Video of Costa Concordia Salvage Operation The Ship Being Pulled Upright [FULL]
Timelapse Video of Costa Concordia Salvage Operation The Ship Being Pulled Upright [FULL]
Engineering feat to raise Costa Concordia Wrecked cruise ship Costa Concordia raised off rocks in Italy WATCH:Costa Concordia hauled upright off Italy Shipwrecked Concordia 'vertical' Costa Concordia 'looks like it was crushed in earthquake' Photos: Capsized ship refloated VIDEO: Watch the Costa Concordia being pulled upright Costa Concordia: Story of a doomed ship... from birth to berth Costa Concordia: Sunken cruise ship freed from rocks Salvage crews are trying to raise the ship in the most expensive maritime ... Engineers Attempt To Raise The Costa Concordia Cruise Ship After It Sank In ... Costa Concordia salvage operation begins Crews begin lifting wrecked cruise ship Costa Concordia lifting wrecked cruise ship,Costa Concordia salvage operation,raise the ship,Costa Concordia raised off rocks,Costa Concordia Italy raised,Wrecked cruise ship raised,Costa Concordia pulled upright video, Costa Concordia being pulled upright video,Live video, costa concordia live feed,Costa concordia live stream,live bilder costa concordia,costa concordia wiki,costa concordia victims,ultime notizie costa concordia,costa concordia recovery live video,Costa cordia upright,Watch live, Costa Concordia salvage operation,Live coverage,Costa Concordia Operation Live, LIVE Costa Concordia ship set upright,Raising the Costa Concordia,Costa Concordia time-lapse footage sollevamento naufragio nave da crociera, Costa Concordia operazione di salvataggio, sollevare la nave, la Costa Concordia ha sollevato da rocce, Costa Concordia Italia ha sollevato, Wrecked nave da crociera ha sollevato, Costa Concordia tirato il video in posizione verticale, Costa Concordia tirato dritto video, video in diretta, Italia, Costa Concordia, Costa Concordia in diretta, Costa Concordia Livestream, Costa Concordia News, Costa Concordia Salvage, Costa Concordia Salvage, Costa Concordia Upright, Naufragio Costa Concordia, Isola del Giglio, Isola del Giglio Video, Costa Concordia Naufragio, Naufragio Costa Concordia, Costa Concordia Salvage, Costa Concordia Salvage, Concordia, Italia Costa Concordia, Costa Concordia Naufragio Costa Concordia, Costa Concordia Disaster, Costa Concordia in posizione verticale, Costa Concordia raddrizzò, Costa Concordia Sollevato, Costa Concordia Salvage, Costa Concordia Upright, Costa Concordia, Costa Concordia i tentativi di salvataggio levage naufrage bateau de croisière, opération de sauvetage Costa Concordia, soulever le bateau, le Costa Concordia a soulevé sur les rochers, le Costa Concordia Italie soulevée, Wrecked navire de croisière élevée, Costa Concordia tiré vidéo verticale, le Costa Concordia tiré vidéo verticale, vidéo en direct, Costa Concordia Live Feed, le Costa Concordia flux en direct, en direct bilder Costa Concordia, Costa Concordia wiki, Costa Concordia victimes, Ultime Notizie Costa Concordia, Costa Concordia reprise vidéo en direct, le Costa Concordia debout, regarder en direct, opération de sauvetage Costa Concordia, la couverture en direct, Costa Opération Concordia, vive Costa Concordia navire redressé, Chez Costa Concordia, le Costa Concordia séquence en accéléré Italie, le Costa Concordia, le Costa Concordia Live Stream, Costa Concordia Livestream, le Costa Concordia Nouvelles, le Costa Concordia Salvage, Costa Concordia Opération de récupération, le Costa Concordia vertical, Costa Concordia Wreck, Giglio, île de Giglio Heben zerstört Kreuzfahrtschiff Costa Concordia Bergung, heben das Schiff, hob Costa Concordia off Felsen, hob Costa Concordia Italien, Wrecked Kreuzfahrtschiff angehoben, Costa Concordia gezogen aufrecht Video, Costa Concordia gezogen aufrecht Video, Live-Video, Costa Concordia hrana live, Costa Concordia live stream, direct Bilder costa Concordia, Costa Concordia wiki, Costa concordia victime, Ultime Notizie costa Concordia, Costa Concordia recuperare video live, Costa Cordia în poziție verticală, Urmăreste în direct, Costa Concordia operațiune de salvare, Transmisie în direct, Costa Operațiunea Concordia live, lIVE Costa Concordia navei stabilit în poziție verticală, Creșterea Costa Concordia, Costa Concordia imagini time-lapse підйому крах круїзне судно, Costa Concordia рятувальна операція, підняти корабель Costa Concordia підняті над скелями, Італії Costa Concordia підняли Аварійні круїзне судно підняли, Costa Concordia піднявся вертикально відео, Costa Concordia тягнуть вертикально відео, живе відео,- published: 17 Sep 2013
- views: 301

Captain of the Ship - A Woman at the Helm | Made in Germany
Only 11 of Germany's 1445 container ship captains are female. 26-year-old Julia Petzold is...
published: 29 May 2013
author: deutschewelleenglish
Captain of the Ship - A Woman at the Helm | Made in Germany
Captain of the Ship - A Woman at the Helm | Made in Germany
Only 11 of Germany's 1445 container ship captains are female. 26-year-old Julia Petzold is hoping to join them. She's second-in-command on the carrier vesse...- published: 29 May 2013
- views: 829
- author: deutschewelleenglish

UFO Sightings Huge Mother Ship Cloaked As A Star? Incredible Evidence Dec 8 2013
UFO Sightings Huge Mother Ship Cloaked As A Star? Incredible Evidence Dec 8 2013 Incredibl...
published: 08 Dec 2013
UFO Sightings Huge Mother Ship Cloaked As A Star? Incredible Evidence Dec 8 2013
UFO Sightings Huge Mother Ship Cloaked As A Star? Incredible Evidence Dec 8 2013
UFO Sightings Huge Mother Ship Cloaked As A Star? Incredible Evidence Dec 8 2013 Incredible Call into Thirdphaseofmoon Radio Via Vince Pounds Captures Shocking Photos of What He Claims is a Mother ship Of L.A. Cloaked as A Star! Oklahoma Moore Edmonton Video Permission granted to Thirdphaseofmoon by Mr. Anderson. Visit original link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5parSVsrTZM If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype or Facebook! Music Paul Barrett Kvfive Visit our new website http://www.thirdphaseofmoon.net/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/blake.cousins.3 Twitter https://twitter.com/Thirphaseofmoon Thirdphaseofmoon Radio http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thirdphaseofmoon-ufo-sightings- published: 08 Dec 2013
- views: 22232

BBC News - Moment divers found man trapped alive in sunken ship
Remarking video has been released showing the moment when Harrison Okene - who had been tr...
published: 03 Dec 2013
BBC News - Moment divers found man trapped alive in sunken ship
BBC News - Moment divers found man trapped alive in sunken ship
Remarking video has been released showing the moment when Harrison Okene - who had been trapped for 60 hours 30m underwater in a capsized boat - was rescued by divers. The ship's cook had taken refuge in an air pocket. Divers from the DCN global diving company had been searching the remains of the tugboat, which sank to the bottom of the ocean off the Nigerian coast in May, in order to recover the bodies of the sailors. Alex Jakana reports.- published: 03 Dec 2013
- views: 48