
On January 19th of the New Year the Jane Addams Circle will be having its next 8 week open house. You should definitely come to this meeting to join the next circle. Its really a great group! The description is below.

MAST is an open-source and evolving set of cognitive techniques aimed at promoting better emotional health for individuals in a non-hierarchical or medical model.
MAST draws heavily upon the techniques found in Rational Emotive Therapy, Existential Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Techniques, Dialectical behavioral Therapy and related systems. Its focus is to teach techniques of thinking that can allow individuals to make positive changes in their emotional lives.

The Jane Addams Circle
Is a small anarchist collective made up of professional social workers and psychologists who believe that to have a true and sustainable culture of resistance we must be able to maintain our mental health. We know everyone has sustained some emotional damage from this society and that we must find a variety of ways to undo this damage for us to be able to struggle effectively for our revolutionary dreams and passions with others. Struggling with emotional issues limits our ability to connect with others and to effectively enact the change we need in the world. Stigmatizing or refusing to deal with mental health issues in ourselves and in our community is weakens our struggle.

Unfortunately, we lost the previous posts here due to a slight problem. We’re going to continue updating the site regularly though!