As Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade returns home after being charged with visa fraud and underpaying her housekeeper, India, in a reciprocal action, on Friday expelled a senior US diplomat of similar rank as her, and has given a little over 48 hours to leave the country. The government sources have said that India has the reason to believe that the expelled US embassy official is involved in the processes related to Khobragade case.
The New York-based Khobragade's arrest row escalated after the US failed to respect her diplomatic immunity and performed strip and cavity search on her. Moreover, the US has not even apologised yet for the diplomat's arrest.
The US authorities earlier said that the Indian diplomat whose arrest sparked a row has now left the United States to fly back home. According to the reports, Devyani, who has been granted a G1 visa, has left her children behind and has thanked the Government of India (GOI) for helping her cause.
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