- published: 10 Dec 2013
- views: 10

Solidaritas untuk Fikri Korban Ospek Mahasiswa Baru ITN Malang Biadab !
Solidaritas untuk Fikri Korban Video Ospek Mahasiswa Baru ITN Malang Biadab !...
published: 10 Dec 2013
Solidaritas untuk Fikri Korban Ospek Mahasiswa Baru ITN Malang Biadab !
Solidaritas untuk Fikri Korban Ospek Mahasiswa Baru ITN Malang Biadab !
Solidaritas untuk Fikri Korban Video Ospek Mahasiswa Baru ITN Malang Biadab !- published: 10 Dec 2013
- views: 10

Meteor sighting: Huge 'fireball' streaks across sky in Iowa
CCTV footage shows a huge fireball streaking across the sky in America's Midwest, which ma...
published: 29 Dec 2013
Meteor sighting: Huge 'fireball' streaks across sky in Iowa
Meteor sighting: Huge 'fireball' streaks across sky in Iowa
CCTV footage shows a huge fireball streaking across the sky in America's Midwest, which many believe to be a meteor. . Report by Tom Ellis.- published: 29 Dec 2013
- views: 301

Inilah Cerita Ospek ITN Malang yang Berujung Maut
Malang: Salah satu mahasiswa yang ikut dalam orientasi mahasiswa baru Institut Teknologi N...
published: 11 Dec 2013
Inilah Cerita Ospek ITN Malang yang Berujung Maut
Inilah Cerita Ospek ITN Malang yang Berujung Maut
Malang: Salah satu mahasiswa yang ikut dalam orientasi mahasiswa baru Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITN) Malang memberi kesaksian apa yang terjadi pada 9-13 Oktober lalu. Ia membenarkan adanya kekerasan yang dilakukan para senior dan ia menjelaskan juga bagaimana kondisi almarhum Fikri saat hari tersebut. Share: Hanya Sekedar Memberikan Informasi Video Berita, Mohon di Like atau di Share. Jika Ingin Berita Video Terbaru Silahkan Subscribe. Thanks ^_^- published: 11 Dec 2013
- views: 127

Foto-foto Kekerasan Ospek Mahasiswa Baru ITN Beredar
Seorang mahasiswi ditindih dengan kekerasan oleh dua mahasiswa....
published: 13 Dec 2013
Foto-foto Kekerasan Ospek Mahasiswa Baru ITN Beredar
Foto-foto Kekerasan Ospek Mahasiswa Baru ITN Beredar
Seorang mahasiswi ditindih dengan kekerasan oleh dua mahasiswa.- published: 13 Dec 2013
- views: 505

Gila, Ospek ITN Malang Maba di Paksa Beradegan Seks, Mesum & Kekerasan
Gila, Ospek ITN Malang Maba di Paksa Beradegan Seks, Mesum & Kekerasan
published: 11 Dec 2013
Gila, Ospek ITN Malang Maba di Paksa Beradegan Seks, Mesum & Kekerasan
Gila, Ospek ITN Malang Maba di Paksa Beradegan Seks, Mesum & Kekerasan
Gila, Ospek ITN Malang Maba di Paksa Beradegan Seks, Mesum & Kekerasan CLICK HERE FOR MORE DOWNLOAD DAILY UPDATE HOT VIDEOS: http://goo.gl/OytzOg Gila, Ospek ITN Malang Diminta Peragakan Adegan Seks Layaknya Iuami Istri Kesaksian Mahasiswa Baru ITN MalangTerkait Ospek MESUM & Kekerasan: http://youtu.be/3b5W3lHG2zs Demo Mahasiswa Makassar Bentrok dengan Aparat, 3 Mahasiswa di Tangkap: http://youtu.be/TbU5SDrm7Zk Demo Tolak Kakandepag Baru Jeneponto, Bentrok dengan Polisi: http://youtu.be/CEQiDjB5rxg Eksekusi Lahan di Cileungsi Bogor Ricuh: http://youtu.be/yBIOjWF_T_E Daftar Korban Tabrakan Maut, KRL vs Truk BBM: http://youtu.be/ocXEcMNqiCo Kronologi Tabrakan antara KRL Commuter Line vs Truk Tangki BBM: http://youtu.be/8MvKDog30Jw Chris John vs Simpiwe Vetyeka : Chris John Kalah TKO di Ronde 6: http://youtu.be/qfl-zTATiGM Kepergok NGENTOT di Semak-semak, Lari Tunggang Langgang: http://youtu.be/Da786x5_p3o Video Seorang Kyai Ngamuk Saat Kena Razia Polantas: http://youtu.be/CfzhmEViUig Orientasi Mahasiswa Baru Institut Tehnologi Nasional Malang (ITN) sungguh sangat biadab khususnya jurusan Planologi. Bagi para mahasiswi baru dimint memperagakan hubungan badan layaknya suami-istri yang sah. Bukan itu saja, para mahasiswi itu juga diminta mengulum ketela layaknya orang melakukan oral seks. Selain itu, mahasiswa baru yang mengikuti orientasi bernama Fikri, asal Mataram, Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat Meninggal dunia. Dari penuturan para narasumber (red. Teman-teman korban), pemberian air mineral hanya dua botol untuk seluruh Maba (114 orang) sebagai peserta KBD (Kemah Bakti Desa). Jangankan Almarhum Fikri yang tidak akan mengalami dehidrasi. Kami banyak yang menahan haus, karena satu orang hanya bisa meneguk satu sendok air mineral. Dan pada hari Jum'at malamnya (11/10/13) pada saat acara "take me out" terjadi skenario kekerasan terencana yang dilakukan oleh Fendem (senior keamanan) Alm. Fikri disuruh menyampaikan ungkapan keinginannya atas perlakuan Fendem kepada temen-temannya, "Saya akan melindungi kalian teman-teman dari kekerasan Fendem !" Masih menurut narasumber yang sama, hal tersebut dikarenakan sebelumnya Alm.Fikri melihat perlakuan Fendem yang tidak manusiawi seperti sebuah pisang yang harus digunakan untuk gosok gigi secara bergilir,dan bagi yang terakhir harus memakan pisang tersebut yang ternyata jatuh pada diri Almarhum. Lebih Gila lagi, pada jam dua dini hari saat dimana para Maba istirahat tidur di kemah,dibangunkan dengan paksa sambil ditendang dan diinjak oleh Fendem. Twitter: https://twitter.com/NajwaaAshila Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fathoni.info FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/393598270679990 FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Youtube-Channel/167435570131393- published: 11 Dec 2013
- views: 2112

Edward Snowden's Alternative Christmas Message 2013
Subscribe to ITN News: http://goo.gl/zRYiYn
Former National Security Agency contractor Edw...
published: 26 Dec 2013
Edward Snowden's Alternative Christmas Message 2013
Edward Snowden's Alternative Christmas Message 2013
Subscribe to ITN News: http://goo.gl/zRYiYn Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden warned of the dangers posed by a loss of privacy in an Alternative Christmas Message broadcast on Channel 4. In a two-minute video believed to have been recorded in Moscow, where Snowden has been granted temporary asylum, he spoke of concerns over surveillance in an age of huge technological advancement. The Alternative Christmas Message has broadcast annually on Channel 4 television since 1993. Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itn Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/itn Add us on Google+: http://bit.ly/17z0Dpd More stories from ITN: The Weirdest News Stories of 2013: http://bit.ly/1ef1L1P Edward Snowden's Alternative Christmas Message: http://bit.ly/1dcCt5J The Queen's Christmas Message 2013: http://bit.ly/1d8lhOI Man stops armed robber by wrestling him to the ground: http://bit.ly/1c0LVrJ Robot astronaut finally meets a human in space: http://goo.gl/fApB1i NYC taxi drivers release "sexy" calendar for charity: http://goo.gl/BoK0MF Woolwich killer gives chilling police interview about murder: http://goo.gl/wqTEmL Lee Rigby's family gives emotional statement about Woolwich attack: http://goo.gl/jnwkLW Ex-girlfriend of Lostprophets' Ian Watkins reveals his sick fantasies: http://goo.gl/c4HnHY Medical marvel! Man has hand grafted to his ankle before surgery: http://goo.gl/zQtI9a Is this one of strangest Christmas traditions we've seen? http://goo.gl/waZQKf Can Usain Bolt outrun a bus? Find out here: http://goo.gl/N8xjZf Reporter falls flat on her face at Guinness World Record attempt: http://bit.ly/1fc1OMH Check out Truthloader, the new home of citizen journalism on YouTube. Subscribe now at http://bit.ly/tldrsub See 2013's Most Watched Videos: http://bit.ly/14iM9r5 See our Biggest Videos of All Time: http://bit.ly/11GI36D See 2012's Most Watched Videos: http://bit.ly/18R1boW- published: 26 Dec 2013
- views: 31338

Chinese man creates own Lamborghini out of iron and an old van
Wang Jian from Jiangsu province, China, builds a Lamborghini Reventon for $10000. Report b...
published: 31 Aug 2012
author: ITN
Chinese man creates own Lamborghini out of iron and an old van
Chinese man creates own Lamborghini out of iron and an old van
Wang Jian from Jiangsu province, China, builds a Lamborghini Reventon for $10000. Report by Sam Datta-Paulin. Subscribe to ITN News! http://www.youtube.com/...- published: 31 Aug 2012
- views: 1104574
- author: ITN

Video Mahasiswi Baru Dipaksa ML Dengan Senior - Ospek ITN Malang
Ospek ITN Malang - Video Mahasiswa Baru Dipaksa ML Dengan Senior...
published: 11 Dec 2013
Video Mahasiswi Baru Dipaksa ML Dengan Senior - Ospek ITN Malang
Video Mahasiswi Baru Dipaksa ML Dengan Senior - Ospek ITN Malang
Ospek ITN Malang - Video Mahasiswa Baru Dipaksa ML Dengan Senior- published: 11 Dec 2013
- views: 1733

Attanagalla Bonagala Ghost - ITN "Wenasa" - Part 02
Attanagalla Bonagala Ghost story telecast on ITN "Wenasa" Programme on May 23rd 2012....
published: 24 May 2012
author: thihariyanews
Attanagalla Bonagala Ghost - ITN "Wenasa" - Part 02
Attanagalla Bonagala Ghost - ITN "Wenasa" - Part 02
Attanagalla Bonagala Ghost story telecast on ITN "Wenasa" Programme on May 23rd 2012.- published: 24 May 2012
- views: 19493
- author: thihariyanews

Dramatic footage: Woman faints and falls on Madrid's Metro rail track
Dramatic footage captures the moment a woman faints and falls onto the tracks in Madrid. S...
published: 22 Jan 2013
author: ITN
Dramatic footage: Woman faints and falls on Madrid's Metro rail track
Dramatic footage: Woman faints and falls on Madrid's Metro rail track
Dramatic footage captures the moment a woman faints and falls onto the tracks in Madrid. She was saved by an off duty policeman. Report by Sophie Foster. Sub...- published: 22 Jan 2013
- views: 50881
- author: ITN

Nelson Mandela memorial sign language interpreter Thamsanqa Jantjie: Most terrible day of my life
Subscribe to ITN News: http://bit.ly/itnytsub
The South African sign language interpreter ...
published: 13 Dec 2013
Nelson Mandela memorial sign language interpreter Thamsanqa Jantjie: Most terrible day of my life
Nelson Mandela memorial sign language interpreter Thamsanqa Jantjie: Most terrible day of my life
Subscribe to ITN News: http://bit.ly/itnytsub The South African sign language interpreter accused of miming gibberish at the Nelson Mandela memorial says no one has ever called his skills into question before. Thamsanqa Jantjie says he has been an interpreter for nine years and is qualified although the government has now said he is not a professional. "I've got a training as an ordinary interpreter, necessary skills as interpreter, that's why I get a job as an interpreter, not further than that" he added. Jantjie has appeared at various ANC events signing on stage and says this is the first time anyone has questioned his skills. "My worry is that if I was doing something that is speechless for all these years, why were they quiet these organisations, these universities, these institutions, then it's a question that has to be asked before they call me a fake," he said. He went on to describe how he started to see angels and grew frightened while trying to maintain the sign language. Efforts by various media organisations to contact SA Interpreters who hired out Mr Jantjie's services have so far failed. Report by Ashley Fudge. Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itn Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/itn Add us on Google+: http://bit.ly/17z0Dpd More stories from ITN: North Korean leader calls for execution of his uncle: http://bit.ly/18YF4S1 Nelson Mandela memorial signer gives radio interview: http://bit.ly/18nWPtk Anchorman's Steve Carell interrupts Daybreak weather update: http://bit.ly/1fmPUjD 40-year-old foetus found inside elderly woman: http://bit.ly/19jOx4c Mandela memorial sign language interpreter branded a "fake": http://bit.ly/18CSGQa Ancient lake on Mars evidence of life? http://bit.ly/1goJnrQ RARE HANDSHAKE- President Obama shakes hands with Cuba's Raul Castro: http://bit.ly/J4LzGt South African president booed before Mandela memorial speech: http://bit.ly/1bU7NaC Violent fight breaks out at Brazilian football match: http://bit.ly/1iPJoae Lenin statue torn down and smashed with hammers in Ukraine: http://bit.ly/1gStKGx A gingerbread house you can actually live in? Check it out: http://bit.ly/1f3PDlN Nelson Mandela dies at 95: A tribute to the South African leader- http://bit.ly/1jt1iNB Nelson Mandela's very first television interview: http://bit.ly/18noRD4 Inspiring moment a man is rescued three days after his boat sank: http://bit.ly/1hAj81P CCTV captures the moment Paul Walker's car burst into flames: http://bit.ly/INfDHe Check out Truthloader, the new home of citizen journalism on YouTube. Subscribe now at http://bit.ly/tldrsub See 2013's Most Watched Videos: http://bit.ly/14iM9r5 See our Biggest Videos of All Time: http://bit.ly/11GI36D See 2012's Most Watched Videos: http://bit.ly/18R1boW- published: 13 Dec 2013
- views: 301

North Korea executes uncle of leader Kim Jong Un
Subscribe to ITN News: http://bit.ly/itnytsub
North Korea says it has executed Kim Jong-un...
published: 13 Dec 2013
North Korea executes uncle of leader Kim Jong Un
North Korea executes uncle of leader Kim Jong Un
Subscribe to ITN News: http://bit.ly/itnytsub North Korea says it has executed Kim Jong-un's uncle, calling the leader's former mentor a traitor. The official news agency KCNA said Jang Song Thaek tried to seize power and overthrow the state. The announcement came days after Jang- long considered the country's second in command - was removed from all his posts because of a long list of allegations, including corruption, drug use, gambling and womanising. Report by Ashley Fudge. Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itn Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/itn Add us on Google+: http://bit.ly/17z0Dpd More stories from ITN: Nelson Mandela memorial signer gives radio interview: http://bit.ly/18nWPtk Anchorman's Steve Carell interrupts Daybreak weather update: http://bit.ly/1fmPUjD 40-year-old foetus found inside elderly woman: http://bit.ly/19jOx4c Mandela memorial sign language interpreter branded a "fake": http://bit.ly/18CSGQa Ancient lake on Mars evidence of life? http://bit.ly/1goJnrQ RARE HANDSHAKE- President Obama shakes hands with Cuba's Raul Castro: http://bit.ly/J4LzGt South African president booed before Mandela memorial speech: http://bit.ly/1bU7NaC Violent fight breaks out at Brazilian football match: http://bit.ly/1iPJoae Lenin statue torn down and smashed with hammers in Ukraine: http://bit.ly/1gStKGx A gingerbread house you can actually live in? Check it out: http://bit.ly/1f3PDlN Nelson Mandela dies at 95: A tribute to the South African leader- http://bit.ly/1jt1iNB Nelson Mandela's very first television interview: http://bit.ly/18noRD4 Inspiring moment a man is rescued three days after his boat sank: http://bit.ly/1hAj81P CCTV captures the moment Paul Walker's car burst into flames: http://bit.ly/INfDHe Nigella Lawson admits taking cocaine: http://bit.ly/1gGsd6f Check out Truthloader, the new home of citizen journalism on YouTube. Subscribe now at http://bit.ly/tldrsub See 2013's Most Watched Videos: http://bit.ly/14iM9r5 See our Biggest Videos of All Time: http://bit.ly/11GI36D See 2012's Most Watched Videos: http://bit.ly/18R1boW- published: 13 Dec 2013
- views: 50638

VIDEO MESUM OSPEK Kekerasan dan Pelecehan Seksual ITN Malang FULL 10 Desember 2013
Update DEBAT, Jokowi Ahok, Berita Populer hari ini
Jangan Lupa Like Dan SUBSCRIBE/Langgana...
published: 10 Dec 2013
VIDEO MESUM OSPEK Kekerasan dan Pelecehan Seksual ITN Malang FULL 10 Desember 2013
VIDEO MESUM OSPEK Kekerasan dan Pelecehan Seksual ITN Malang FULL 10 Desember 2013
Update DEBAT, Jokowi Ahok, Berita Populer hari ini Jangan Lupa Like Dan SUBSCRIBE/Langganan ya GAN https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcdMwhGgPBIdn8N_UUhaBig- published: 10 Dec 2013
- views: 4554
Vimeo results:

Paria -Lip Sync Competition (1)
published: 29 Oct 2010
author: ITN Group
Paria -Lip Sync Competition (1)

The Hive Graffiti Apartments by ITN Architects
The concept of graffiti themed building is not a new one, with countless buildings around ...
published: 10 Sep 2012
author: ACCLAIM Magazine
The Hive Graffiti Apartments by ITN Architects
The concept of graffiti themed building is not a new one, with countless buildings around the world with walls filled top to bottom with aerosol art. But a building with graffiti as an integral part of the structure with graffiti themes carrying through the aesthetics of the entire design, from windows to ceiling, furniture to materials, now that is something that is truly unique. Zvi Belling from ITN Architects linked up with long-time friend graffiti artist Prowla to design a home for themselves with this concept in mind, and the end result is The Hive Apartments located in Carlton in Melbourne, Australia.
In this video we take you on a tour through the building with Zvi, highlighting some of the building's beautiful details while also giving an insight into how much effort it took to build something this unique.
Video and Direction- Damian Kane for ACCLAIM
Production Coordinator- Vincent Tang for ACCLAIM
Music by Zvi's group, The Public Opinion Afro Orchestra

Jubilee Pageant in 90 seconds
The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Pageant on the river Thames shot as a timelapse for Channel 5...
published: 04 Jun 2012
author: Ben Begley
Jubilee Pageant in 90 seconds
The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Pageant on the river Thames shot as a timelapse for Channel 5 News.
Youtube results:

I T N Awurudu Kumariya 2013
published: 20 Apr 2013
author: lalith gamlath
I T N Awurudu Kumariya 2013

North Korea: Dennis Rodman arrives in capital for Kim Jong Un's birthday
Former NBA basketball star Dennis Rodman arrives in Pyongyang, as thousands hold a New Yea...
published: 07 Jan 2014
North Korea: Dennis Rodman arrives in capital for Kim Jong Un's birthday
North Korea: Dennis Rodman arrives in capital for Kim Jong Un's birthday
Former NBA basketball star Dennis Rodman arrives in Pyongyang, as thousands hold a New Year rally for Kim Jong Un in the capital's main square. Report by Sophie Foster.- published: 07 Jan 2014
- views: 285

Kesaksian Mahasiswa Baru ITN MalangTerkait Ospek MESUM & Kekerasan
Kesaksian Mahasiswa Baru ITN MalangTerkait Ospek MESUM & Kekerasan
published: 11 Dec 2013
Kesaksian Mahasiswa Baru ITN MalangTerkait Ospek MESUM & Kekerasan
Kesaksian Mahasiswa Baru ITN MalangTerkait Ospek MESUM & Kekerasan
Kesaksian Mahasiswa Baru ITN MalangTerkait Ospek MESUM & Kekerasan CLICK HERE FOR MORE DOWNLOAD DAILY UPDATE HOT VIDEOS/REVIEWS: http://goo.gl/uS1zIq Gila, Ospek ITN Malang Diminta Peragakan Adegan Seks Layaknya Suami Istri Gila, Ospek ITN Malang Maba di Paksa Beradegan Seks, Mesum & Kekerasan: http://youtu.be/HCZdEo3Lids Demo Mahasiswa Makassar Bentrok dengan Aparat, 3 Mahasiswa di Tangkap: http://youtu.be/TbU5SDrm7Zk Demo Tolak Kakandepag Baru Jeneponto, Bentrok dengan Polisi: http://youtu.be/CEQiDjB5rxg Eksekusi Lahan di Cileungsi Bogor Ricuh: http://youtu.be/yBIOjWF_T_E Daftar Korban Tabrakan Maut, KRL vs Truk BBM: http://youtu.be/ocXEcMNqiCo Kronologi Tabrakan antara KRL Commuter Line vs Truk Tangki BBM: http://youtu.be/8MvKDog30Jw Chris John vs Simpiwe Vetyeka : Chris John Kalah TKO di Ronde 6: http://youtu.be/qfl-zTATiGM Kepergok NGENTOT di Semak-semak, Lari Tunggang Langgang: http://youtu.be/Da786x5_p3o Video Seorang Kyai Ngamuk Saat Kena Razia Polantas: http://youtu.be/CfzhmEViUig Orientasi Mahasiswa Baru Institut Tehnologi Nasional Malang (ITN) sungguh sangat biadab khususnya jurusan Planologi. Bagi para mahasiswi baru dimint memperagakan hubungan badan layaknya suami-istri yang sah. Bukan itu saja, para mahasiswi itu juga diminta mengulum ketela layaknya orang melakukan oral seks. Selain itu, mahasiswa baru yang mengikuti orientasi bernama Fikri, asal Mataram, Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat Meninggal dunia. Dari penuturan para narasumber (red. Teman-teman korban), pemberian air mineral hanya dua botol untuk seluruh Maba (114 orang) sebagai peserta KBD (Kemah Bakti Desa). Jangankan Almarhum Fikri yang tidak akan mengalami dehidrasi. Kami banyak yang menahan haus, karena satu orang hanya bisa meneguk satu sendok air mineral. Dan pada hari Jum'at malamnya (11/10/13) pada saat acara "take me out" terjadi skenario kekerasan terencana yang dilakukan oleh Fendem (senior keamanan) Alm. Fikri disuruh menyampaikan ungkapan keinginannya atas perlakuan Fendem kepada temen-temannya, "Saya akan melindungi kalian teman-teman dari kekerasan Fendem !" Masih menurut narasumber yang sama, hal tersebut dikarenakan sebelumnya Alm.Fikri melihat perlakuan Fendem yang tidak manusiawi seperti sebuah pisang yang harus digunakan untuk gosok gigi secara bergilir,dan bagi yang terakhir harus memakan pisang tersebut yang ternyata jatuh pada diri Almarhum. Lebih Gila lagi, pada jam dua dini hari saat dimana para Maba istirahat tidur di kemah,dibangunkan dengan paksa sambil ditendang dan diinjak oleh Fendem. Twitter: https://twitter.com/NajwaaAshila Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fathoni.info FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/393598270679990 FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Youtube-Channel/167435570131393- published: 11 Dec 2013
- views: 167

Rektor ITN: Kegiatan Ospek Menyimpang dari Proposal
Suparno D, Rektor ITN Malang, mengatakan, dirinya mengetahui kegiatan di goa China di desa...
published: 11 Dec 2013
Rektor ITN: Kegiatan Ospek Menyimpang dari Proposal
Rektor ITN: Kegiatan Ospek Menyimpang dari Proposal
Suparno D, Rektor ITN Malang, mengatakan, dirinya mengetahui kegiatan di goa China di desa Sitiarjo Sumbermanjing Wetan (Semawe), merupakan kegiatan jurusan dan rektorat bertanggungjawab soal hal ini. Proposal di setujui oleh Dekan, di ketahui oleh fakultas dan jurusan proposal studi kegiatan sesuai dengan panduan, hanya ketika tidak ada pendampingan di malam hari terjadi penyimpang dari proposal yang diajukan. Hanya Sekedar Memberikan Informasi Video Berita, Mohon di Like atau di Share. Jika Ingin Berita Video Terbaru Silahkan Subscribe. Thanks ^_^- published: 11 Dec 2013
- views: 75