- published: 10 Sep 2011
- views: 1694981
- author: TheScarySnowman

Prank Scaring Girls on Jersey Shore - PrankVsPrank
Get your Scary Snowman Bobble Head! http://www.scarysnowmanbobbles.com Subscribe to our ne...
published: 10 Sep 2011
author: TheScarySnowman
Prank Scaring Girls on Jersey Shore - PrankVsPrank
Prank Scaring Girls on Jersey Shore - PrankVsPrank
Get your Scary Snowman Bobble Head! http://www.scarysnowmanbobbles.com Subscribe to our new pranks channel http://www.youtube.com/user/pranks PrankBros & Sca...- published: 10 Sep 2011
- views: 1694981
- author: TheScarySnowman

Shore, Stein, Papier #128: Einmal ist keinmal (zqnce)
Komplette Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpr-NGsAGodEbDePSO3wivni39lgdLQj...
published: 31 Oct 2013
Shore, Stein, Papier #128: Einmal ist keinmal (zqnce)
Shore, Stein, Papier #128: Einmal ist keinmal (zqnce)
Komplette Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpr-NGsAGodEbDePSO3wivni39lgdLQjW Erzählungen aus einem Leben inmitten von Frühstücksblech und Affen, Kokarausch und Wahn, Beschaffungskriminalität und Drogendeals, Knastschlägerei und Flucht. http://facebook.com/zqnce http://facebook.com/shoresteinpapier htttp://twitter.com/zqnce http://twitter.com/shrstnppr http://instagram.com/zqnce- published: 31 Oct 2013
- views: 28052

Shore, Stein, Papier: Die Antworten auf eure Fragen (zqnce)
Die Antworten auf eure Fragen. http://facebook.com/shoresteinpapier http://zqnce.de http:/...
published: 11 Aug 2013
author: zqnce
Shore, Stein, Papier: Die Antworten auf eure Fragen (zqnce)
Shore, Stein, Papier: Die Antworten auf eure Fragen (zqnce)
Die Antworten auf eure Fragen. http://facebook.com/shoresteinpapier http://zqnce.de http://twitter.com/zqnce http://facebook.com/zqnce http://instagram.com/z...- published: 11 Aug 2013
- views: 15333
- author: zqnce

Lorna Shore - Godmaker (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
Official music video for: "Godmaker"
published: 14 Dec 2013
Lorna Shore - Godmaker (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
Lorna Shore - Godmaker (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
Official music video for: "Godmaker" (2013) BeheadingTheTraitor: https://www.facebook.com/BeheadingTheTraitor Lorna Shore: https://www.facebook.com/LornaShore lornashore@gmail.com http://www.lornashore.bigcartel.com/ Video directed and filmed by Dan Newman- published: 14 Dec 2013
- views: 10214

Jersey Shore Exposed! PROOF IT'S FAKE!
Twitter- http://www.Twitter.com/SeanKlitzner Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/SeanKlitzne...
published: 19 Oct 2011
author: Sean Klitzner
Jersey Shore Exposed! PROOF IT'S FAKE!
Jersey Shore Exposed! PROOF IT'S FAKE!
Twitter- http://www.Twitter.com/SeanKlitzner Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/SeanKlitzner Subscribe! Then check out some more stuff. Follow my LIVE Streami...- published: 19 Oct 2011
- views: 4270097
- author: Sean Klitzner

Jak zmieniło się życie uczestników po programie? | Warsaw Shore (Ekipa z Warszawy)
SUBSKRYBUJ, aby być na bieżąco: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=gazeta...
published: 12 Dec 2013
Jak zmieniło się życie uczestników po programie? | Warsaw Shore (Ekipa z Warszawy)
Jak zmieniło się życie uczestników po programie? | Warsaw Shore (Ekipa z Warszawy)
SUBSKRYBUJ, aby być na bieżąco: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=gazetapl Zdjęcia do reality-show MTV 'Ekipa z Warszawy' realizowano miesiąc. Potem po kilku tygodniach zoragnizowano ponowne spotkanie uczestników. Byliśmy na ich 'reunionie' i rozmawialiśmy się członkami 'Ekipy'. Jak zmieniło się ich życie, po zakończeniu produkcji?- published: 12 Dec 2013
- views: 301

Warsaw Shore - Teoria Gówna!
Nie chce mi się mówić o Warsaw Shore... ale muszę bo się uduszę. Otóż odkryłem i opracował...
published: 03 Dec 2013
Warsaw Shore - Teoria Gówna!
Warsaw Shore - Teoria Gówna!
Nie chce mi się mówić o Warsaw Shore... ale muszę bo się uduszę. Otóż odkryłem i opracowałem teorię Gówna. To moja własna spiskowa teoria mediów. I program Warsaw Shore jest jej przykładem. Także tak.- published: 03 Dec 2013
- views: 82868

Shore, Stein, Papier: JA Hameln - Spezial (zqnce)
Erzählungen aus einem Leben inmitten von Frühstücksblech und Affen, Kokarausch und Wahn, B...
published: 07 Jul 2013
author: zqnce
Shore, Stein, Papier: JA Hameln - Spezial (zqnce)
Shore, Stein, Papier: JA Hameln - Spezial (zqnce)
Erzählungen aus einem Leben inmitten von Frühstücksblech und Affen, Kokarausch und Wahn, Beschaffungskriminalität und Drogendeals, Knastschlägerei und Flucht...- published: 07 Jul 2013
- views: 15892
- author: zqnce

Shore, Stein, Papier #1: Intro
Erzählungen aus einem Leben inmitten von Frühstücksblech und Affen, Kokarausch und Wahn, B...
published: 12 Dec 2012
author: zqnce
Shore, Stein, Papier #1: Intro
Shore, Stein, Papier #1: Intro
Erzählungen aus einem Leben inmitten von Frühstücksblech und Affen, Kokarausch und Wahn, Beschaffungskriminalität und Drogendeals, Knastschlägerei und Flucht...- published: 12 Dec 2012
- views: 175028
- author: zqnce

Shore, Stein, Papier #2: Das erste Mal Shore rauchen
Erzählungen aus einem Leben inmitten von Frühstücksblech und Affen, Kokarausch und Wahn, B...
published: 12 Dec 2012
author: zqnce
Shore, Stein, Papier #2: Das erste Mal Shore rauchen
Shore, Stein, Papier #2: Das erste Mal Shore rauchen
Erzählungen aus einem Leben inmitten von Frühstücksblech und Affen, Kokarausch und Wahn, Beschaffungskriminalität und Drogendeals, Knastschlägerei und Flucht...- published: 12 Dec 2012
- views: 81787
- author: zqnce

Ania i Mariusz są razem ?! | Warsaw Shore (Ekipa z Warszawy)
SUBSKRYBUJ, aby być na bieżąco: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=gazeta...
published: 10 Dec 2013
Ania i Mariusz są razem ?! | Warsaw Shore (Ekipa z Warszawy)
Ania i Mariusz są razem ?! | Warsaw Shore (Ekipa z Warszawy)
SUBSKRYBUJ, aby być na bieżąco: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=gazetapl 'Duża' Ania i Mariusz, uczestnicy 'Warsaw Shore', od kilku tygodni spędzają ze sobą coraz więcej czasu. Co ich połączyło? Czyżby kiełkowało uczucie? O ich relacji opowiedzieli nam na 'Warsaw Shore Reunion'.- published: 10 Dec 2013
- views: 2900

Shore, Stein, Papier: Outtakes (zqnce)
Danke an alle Zuschauer! Nächste Woche geht es wie gewohnt weiter!
Komplette Playlist: ht...
published: 12 Dec 2013
Shore, Stein, Papier: Outtakes (zqnce)
Shore, Stein, Papier: Outtakes (zqnce)
Danke an alle Zuschauer! Nächste Woche geht es wie gewohnt weiter! Komplette Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpr-NGsAGodEbDePSO3wivni39lgdLQjW Erzählungen aus einem Leben inmitten von Frühstücksblech und Affen, Kokarausch und Wahn, Beschaffungskriminalität und Drogendeals, Knastschlägerei und Flucht. http://facebook.com/zqnce http://facebook.com/shoresteinpapier http://twitter.com/zqnce http://twitter.com/shrstnppr http://instagram.com/zqnce- published: 12 Dec 2013
- views: 16966

Shore, Stein, Papier #98: 1. Tag in Freiheit (zqnce)
Erzählungen aus einem Leben inmitten von Frühstücksblech und Affen, Kokarausch und Wahn, B...
published: 14 Aug 2013
author: zqnce
Shore, Stein, Papier #98: 1. Tag in Freiheit (zqnce)
Shore, Stein, Papier #98: 1. Tag in Freiheit (zqnce)
Erzählungen aus einem Leben inmitten von Frühstücksblech und Affen, Kokarausch und Wahn, Beschaffungskriminalität und Drogendeals, Knastschlägerei und Flucht...- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 5717
- author: zqnce

Shore, Stein, Papier #67: JA Hameln - Turnen und Schmuggeln (zqnce)
Erzählungen aus einem Leben inmitten von Frühstücksblech und Affen, Kokarausch und Wahn, B...
published: 24 Apr 2013
author: zqnce
Shore, Stein, Papier #67: JA Hameln - Turnen und Schmuggeln (zqnce)
Shore, Stein, Papier #67: JA Hameln - Turnen und Schmuggeln (zqnce)
Erzählungen aus einem Leben inmitten von Frühstücksblech und Affen, Kokarausch und Wahn, Beschaffungskriminalität und Drogendeals, Knastschlägerei und Flucht...- published: 24 Apr 2013
- views: 11388
- author: zqnce
Vimeo results:

For updates and more adventures follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/andrewwonder and c...
published: 29 Dec 2010
author: Andrew Wonder
For updates and more adventures follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/andrewwonder and check out my website http://andrewwonder.com
This is a film I made after some adventures underground with Steve Duncan (http://www.undercity.org) last summer. We also have a teaser video which you can watch on my vimeo page (http://vimeo.com/5752275).
For more information about the video and our other adventures please contact Andrew Wonder (Director/Cinematographer) at andrewwonder@mac.com.
Steve and I just completed another underground expedition with Norwegian explorer Erling Kagge (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erling_Kagge). It was featured in a three page article on the front page of the NY Times metro section and was written by Alan Feuer (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/02/nyregion/02underground.html). We were also covered by NPR's Jacki Lyden whose report will be aired on 1/2/11 and posted on NPR's site (http://www.npr.org/2011/01/02/132482428/into-the-tunnels-exploring-the-underside-of-nyc).
Shot on a canon 5d mkii with canon 24 f/1.4 (version 1) with the zacuto rapid fire, Zoom H4N and a sennheiser g2 wireless lav. The zacuto was really great at being there when I needed it but also staying out of the way.
Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think. Thanks for watching!

New Zealand Landscapes Timelapse Volume Two
Follow my work at:
published: 30 Mar 2013
author: Bevan Percival
New Zealand Landscapes Timelapse Volume Two
Follow my work at:
This timelapse features my best work yet. It represents hours and hours of dedication to the art. I'm driven by chasing fleeting moments of damatic light on beautiful landscapes and also capturing the night sky and milky way in all it's glory is a real buzz. Not be mention curling up out under the stars beside all the gear for whole nights at a time catching some sleep here and there between checking the gear and changing batteries and staring up into eternity with spectacular meteors burning up in the cosmic shore out the corner of your eye. Doing this sort of thing has bought me closer and closer to the wilderness. There is something about doing this sort of stuff that just makes you want to keep coming back for more and more. Maybe it's the experience of being out there at one with the incredible beauty of this landscape. Maybe it's the challenge of capturing it in the camera in the way that you witnessed it. Maybe it's the excitement of seeing just what you got when you finally render it all out. Maybe it's the satisfaction you get out of showing this to other people. Most probably it's a combination of all these things.
I hope you enjoy watching this timelapse. Please leave a comment if you wish, I'd love to hear from you. It is my hope that in bringing back a little piece of nature to portray in this way helps spark the respect we need to have for such an incredible place.
All scenes shot in the North Island of New Zealand.
Main equipment used:
Canon 5D Mark II & various Canon Lenses
Dynamic Perception Stage Zero 6ft Dolly
"Go Beyond" by Ben and Matt Hales, licensed for use through Universal Publishing Production Music and APRA New Zealand.
Thanks to my family for putting up with my habit ;)

Free People Presents "Roshambo"
For the first time, Free People has produced a short film to embody the story that takes p...
published: 28 Jan 2013
author: FreePeople
Free People Presents "Roshambo"
For the first time, Free People has produced a short film to embody the story that takes place in our latest catalog. Starring actor Christopher Abbott of the hit show ‘Girls,’ alongside model/actress Sheila Marquez, the catalog and film follow a love story: a touring band member and his bohemian beaut are unexpectedly reunited on a Brooklyn street and share a short time together in the city’s boroughs. What begins with sharing a coffee and a game of roshambo leads the lovers on a whirlwind romance, all building up to what seems to be an inevitable conclusion to their chance meeting. Set to the sounds of Lord Huron’s “The Ghost on the Shore,” the film brings the narrative of these star-crossed lovers to life with a fully flushed out storyline and a surprise ending. Please let us know what you think in the comments below!
To view Part Two of the Roshambo series, please visit: http://freep.pl/kS6VD
Director (s): Guy Aroch and Jonathan Doe
Creative Director(s): Free People and Brody Baker for Starworks Group
Concept By: Free People
Director of Photography: Carlos Veron
Producer: Starworks Group
Associate Producer: Connor Doherty for Starworks Group
Chris: Christopher Abbott
Sheila: Sheila Marquez
Post Production Co: The Mill
Editor: Ryan McKenna
Colorist: Damien Van Der Cruyssen
Producer: Carl Walters

A short featuring John John Florence and friends titled "Begin Again" on the North Shore o...
published: 07 May 2013
author: John John Florence
A short featuring John John Florence and friends titled "Begin Again" on the North Shore of Oahu and Maui.
Directed by Blake Vincent Kueny & John John Florence
Surfing by John John Florence, Nathan Florence, Ivan Florence, Kiron Jabour, Koa Rothman, and Eli Olson.
Filmed by Damien Robertson, Daren Crawford, Tauru Hugo and John John Florence
Phantom Footage by Chris Bryan
Edited by Blake Vincent Kueny
Colored by Marshall Plante
Special Thanks to RED Digital Cinema
"I've Got A Crush On You" by New York Philharmonic & Zubin Mehta
"Feel It" by Wake Up Lucid
Youtube results:

Shore, Stein, Papier #104: Der Ägypter im Drogenkoma (zqnce)
Erzählungen aus einem Leben inmitten von Frühstücksblech und Affen, Kokarausch und Wahn, B...
published: 28 Aug 2013
Shore, Stein, Papier #104: Der Ägypter im Drogenkoma (zqnce)
Shore, Stein, Papier #104: Der Ägypter im Drogenkoma (zqnce)
Erzählungen aus einem Leben inmitten von Frühstücksblech und Affen, Kokarausch und Wahn, Beschaffungskriminalität und Drogendeals, Knastschlägerei und Flucht. http://youtube.com/zqnce http://facebook.com/zqnce http://facebook.com/shoresteinpapier htttp://twitter.com/zqnce http://instagram.com/zqnce- published: 28 Aug 2013
- views: 12357

Shore, Stein, Papier #95: Beamte auf LSD (zqnce)
Erzählungen aus einem Leben inmitten von Frühstücksblech und Affen, Kokarausch und Wahn, B...
published: 17 Jul 2013
author: zqnce
Shore, Stein, Papier #95: Beamte auf LSD (zqnce)
Shore, Stein, Papier #95: Beamte auf LSD (zqnce)
Erzählungen aus einem Leben inmitten von Frühstücksblech und Affen, Kokarausch und Wahn, Beschaffungskriminalität und Drogendeals, Knastschlägerei und Flucht...- published: 17 Jul 2013
- views: 10561
- author: zqnce

Warsaw Shore Ekipa z Warszawa Odcinek 6
Wszystkie odcinki Warsaw Shore http://www.warsaw-shore.com
6 odcinek do oglądania już dos...
published: 05 Dec 2013
Warsaw Shore Ekipa z Warszawa Odcinek 6
Warsaw Shore Ekipa z Warszawa Odcinek 6
Wszystkie odcinki Warsaw Shore http://www.warsaw-shore.com 6 odcinek do oglądania już dostępny !- published: 05 Dec 2013
- views: 8429