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  • India News: India takes on US over Devyani case, strips its diplomats of privileges...5:12
  • France's Hollande considers legal action over affair allegations...0:51
  • British Nationals Fight with al Qaeda in Syria...5:49
  • [Part 1] Newsnight - 12/01/2010 Guantanamo Guard & Former Detainees Meet...9:15
  • U.S. Senators press Afghan president over security deal, prisoner release...1:32
  • China rejects US criticism over Hainan's new rules...1:34
  • Build up to WW3 - PUTIN Warns U.S. Against SYRIA ATTACK. Wants EVIDENCE on POISON GAS...4:59
  • The Unclear Truth - documentary Iran War Bahrain Palestine Israel Syria News...42:22
  • Rare Video: Mandela Speaking on Palestine [Extracts]...12:27
  • Raw: Battles Intensify for Control of Fallujah...1:31
  • 'Terrorists from 83 countries fighting in Syria' - FM to UN Assembly 2013 (FULL SPEECH)...20:51
  • CAR's Djotodia under pressure to step down at regional meeting in Chad...2:21
  • Tony Abbott talks about asylum seekers on Wake Up show...0:46
  • Is latest sectarian fighting in Iraq a misstep for al-Qaida?...8:32
add video playlist As the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government and the political class hardened its stand over the arrest, strip-search and ill-treatment meted o...
As the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government and the political class hardened its stand over the arrest, strip-search and ill-treatment meted o...
India News: India takes on US over De­vyani case, strips its diplo­mats of priv­i­leges
Francois Hollande has threatened to take legal action against a French magazine which claims he is...

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Francois Hollande has threatened to take legal action against a French magazine which claims he is having an affair with an actress.

A source in the French president\'s office says he feels his privacy has been breached and he\'s studying what action to take.  
??Closer??, the weekly tabloid magazine in question, claims Hollande regularly rides pillion on a scooter driven by his bodyguard to visit a Paris apartment block to see actress Julie Gayet. It has printed extensive details of their alleged comings and goings.

There has been no comment from Gayet\'s lawyers. She filed a complaint for breach of privacy last March after rumours of an affair became public. 

Hollande, who came to power in 2012, is in a long-time relationship with ex-journalist Valerie Trierweiler, who has assumed the functions of France\'s first lady.

Find us on:
France's Hol­lande con­sid­ers legal ac­tion over af­fair al­le­ga­tions
VICE NEWS exclusive footage and interviews with British nationals fighting with al Qaeda in Syria.

Yesterday, MI5 Director-General Andrew Parker announced that hundreds of British Muslims have travelled to Syria to take part in \
British Na­tion­als Fight with al Qaeda in Syria
Gavin Lee reports on the reunion between former Guantanamo prison guard, Brandon Neely, and two of his former prisoners from Britain, Shafiq Rasul and Ruhal Ahmed.

Note to BBC Newsnight:-  I have a TV license, I think this story should be seen internationally so I have taken the liberty of putting this online for a global audience, I hope you take a more enlightened view of copyright on this than the standard corporate line due to its overwhelming public interest value.
[Part 1] News­night - 12/01/2010 Guan­tanamo Guard & For­mer De­tainees Meet
More Breaking News:

U.S. Senators visit the Afghan president to try to push for talks aimed at signing a crucial security deal and halt the release of prisoners the U.S. considers a threat. Gavino Garay reports.

Reuters tells the world\'s stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained its reputation for speed, accuracy, and impact while providing exclusives, incisive commentary and forward-looking analysis.
U.S. Sen­a­tors press Afghan pres­i­dent over se­cu­ri­ty deal, pris­on­er re­lease
China has expressed discontent over US criticism regarding new Chinese regulations for foreign fishing operations in the South China Sea.

The new rules introduced by China\'s Hainan provincial government took effect this month. They require foreign ships and nationals to obtain approval from China\'s government and obey its laws to fish or survey in waters under the province\'s jurisdiction.

At a news conference on Friday, China\'s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said Hainan\'s new regulations are in accord with laws enacted in 1986.

She said the problem does not lie in the Chinese law but in the minds of people who interpret it.

She added that if the United States truly hopes for peace and stability in the regional waters, it should act discreetly and respect and support efforts made by the parties concerned. She said the nation needs to play a constructive role and not send wrong signals.

Earlier on Thursday, US State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki had criticized the rules, saying they were \'provocative and potentially dangerous.\'

The affected waters include the Spratly and Paracel Islands, claimed by Asian countries including Vietnam and the Philippines.
China re­jects US crit­i­cism over Hainan's new rules

Build up to WW3 - PUTIN Warns U.S. Against SYRIA ATTACK. Wants EVIDENCE on POISON GAS President Vladimir Putin warned the West against taking one-sided actio.

Volgograd blasts Putin vows to \'Annihilate Terrorists\' For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines SUBSCRIBE to Rus.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday vowed to annihilate terrorists following two deadly bomb attacks in less than 24 hours in the southern city of .

In the past 13 years, around 50 female suicide bombers are said to have struck in Russia. A female fanatic was behind October\'s bus bombing in Volgograd, cla.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has described the recent suicide attacks in Volgograd as indefensible, during a visit to the city. No matter how the crim.

An explosion at a train station in the southern Russian city of Volgograd has killed at least 14 people, reports say. A female suicide bomber was thought to .

Dizi ve Dizi fragmanları takip etmek için kanalımıza abone olun lütfen. Vladimir Putin vows to destroy terrorists, and go all out to keep Sochi Olympics safe.

Moscow Russian forces went on combat alert in Sochi and tightened restrictions on access to the Black Sea resort on Tuesday as part of measures by President .

Russia rounds up dozens as suicide blasts heighten fears ahead of Olympics Police detained dozens of people on Tuesday in sweeps through the Russian city of .

Vladimir Putin has paid tribute to victims of the Volgograd bombings and vowed to \'annihilate\' terrorism in Russia. He made the comments in his new year addr.

How To Go To Heaven: Militants .

Barack Obama delivered one gaffe after another in his August 6, 2013 interview with Jay Leno, but the networks that usually mock every mistake or slip of the.

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Build up to WW3 - PUTIN Warns U.S. Against SYRIA AT­TACK. Wants EV­I­DENCE on POI­SON GAS

The Un­clear Truth - doc­u­men­tary Iran War Bahrain Pales­tine Is­rael Syria News


PLO: The Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) was created in 1964 with the purpose of advancing the struggle for Palestinian self determination. The PLO is recognised as the \
Rare Video: Man­dela Speak­ing on Pales­tine [Ex­tracts]
Gunfire and explosions could be seen across Fallujah. Al-Qaida militants and Iraqi government troops battle for control of Fallujah and Ramadi, both strongholds of Sunni insurgents during the US war in Iraq. 

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Raw: Bat­tles In­ten­si­fy for Con­trol of Fal­lu­jah
The Syrian government is fighting against \
'Ter­ror­ists from 83 coun­tries fight­ing in Syria' - FM to UN As­sem­bly 2013 (FULL SPEECH)
Early reports from Chad indicate that the regional African leaders would discuss the future of the Central African Republic\'s President, Michel Djotodia, in a bid to end the sectarian violence that\'s ripping the country apart. Djotodia is thought to be facing pressure to step down amid frustration at his failure to end the religious violence. However, his government has rejected suggestions of Djotodia\'s departure. CCTV\'s Carol Oyola, takes up the story.
CAR's Djo­to­dia under pres­sure to step down at re­gion­al meet­ing in Chad
Tony Abbott talks about asylum seekers on Wake Up show

Australian prime minister Tony Abbott discusses the issue of asylum seekers on Channel Ten\'s Wake Up show. He defends the Coalition\'s secrecy on the subject, saying he will not reveal information that might be useful to people smugglers just to satisfy the public\'s \'idol curiosity\'.
Tony Ab­bott talks about asy­lum seek­ers on Wake Up show
In Iraq\'s Anbar province, Sunni militants linked to al-Qaida have escalated a fight against Shiite-led government troops, blowing up official buildings. Judy Woodruff talks to author Bing West and Ryan Crocker, former U.S. ambassador to Iraq, about the latest sectarian violence and how tribes from Anbar have joined in the fight.
Is lat­est sec­tar­i­an fight­ing in Iraq a mis­step for al-Qai­da?
Gunfire has broken out in South Sudan\'s capital Juba, as peace talks between the government and rebels were delayed yet again. In the latest diplomatic effort to try to end weeks of violence, Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir was expected to meet his counterpart from the South later on Monday. Al Jazeera\'s Gerald Tan reports.
South Sudan peace talks marred by vi­o­lence

updated 18 Dec 2013; published 18 Dec 2013
India News: India takes on US over De­vyani case, strips its diplo­mats of priv­i­leges
The Siasat Daily 10 Jan 2014, New Delhi, January 10: As Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade returns home after being charged with visa fraud and underpaying her housekeeper, India, in a reciprocal action, on Friday expelled a senior US diplomat of similar rank as her, and has given a little over 48 hours to leave the country. The government sources have said that India has...
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updated 10 Jan 2014; published 10 Jan 2014
France's Hol­lande con­sid­ers legal ac­tion over af­fair al­le­ga­tions
Belfast Telegraph 10 Jan 2014, French president Francois Hollande is threatening legal action over a magazine report saying he is having a secret affair with a French actress. Mr Hollande, in a statement, said he "deeply deplores the attacks on respect for privacy, to which each citizen has a right". It says he is weighing possible action, including via the courts. He did not...
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updated 08 Nov 2013; published 08 Nov 2013
British Na­tion­als Fight with al Qaeda in Syria
Canberra Times 10 Jan 2014, Wreckage: People gather around the site of a car bombing in Hama province. Photo: Reuters Damascus: Jihadists battling rebels in northern Syria have sought to recover turf lost during nearly a week of fighting between them that has killed hundreds in the latest twist in the civil war. Thursday's fighting came a day after the Islamic State of Iraq...
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updated 13 Jan 2010; published 13 Jan 2010
[Part 1] News­night - 12/01/2010 Guan­tanamo Guard & For­mer De­tainees Meet
BBC News 10 Jan 2014, A US government review panel has determined a man from Yemen detained at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba for more than a decade can be released. Mahmud Mujahid, 33, had been accused of being an...
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updated 02 Jan 2014; published 02 Jan 2014
U.S. Sen­a­tors press Afghan pres­i­dent over se­cu­ri­ty deal, pris­on­er re­lease
China Daily 10 Jan 2014, WASHINGTON - The United States on Thursday voiced opposition to Afghanistan's latest decision to release 72 of the 88 suspected Taliban inmates, calling them "dangerous criminals". "These 72 detainees are dangerous criminals against whom there is strong evidence...
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updated 10 Jan 2014; published 10 Jan 2014
China re­jects US crit­i­cism over Hainan's new rules
Al Jazeera 10 Jan 2014, The United States has described as "provocative and potentially dangerous" new Chinese restrictions of foreign fishing vessels in disputed waters in the South China Sea. From January 1, China has required foreign fishing vessels to obtain approval to enter waters it says are under...
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updated 10 Jan 2014; published 10 Jan 2014
Build up to WW3 - PUTIN Warns U.S. Against SYRIA AT­TACK. Wants EV­I­DENCE on POI­SON GAS
The Los Angeles Times 10 Jan 2014, BEIRUT — A car bomb detonated Thursday near a school in the central Syrian province of Hama, killing 18 people, according to the Syrian government and opposition sources. The bomb exploded outside the town of Salmiya, killing mostly women and children, the reports said. The state-run news agency SANA said the attack left dozens wounded and...
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updated 21 Jan 2013; published 21 Jan 2013
The Un­clear Truth - doc­u­men­tary Iran War Bahrain Pales­tine Is­rael Syria News
The Guardian 09 Jan 2014, News that high-level contacts between Palestinian party and Tehran have resumed is likely to dismay Israel and US Khaled Meshaal, the head of Hamas’s political bureau, based in Qatar, met representatives from Tehran in Ankara and Doha in recent months, and may visit Tehran in the coming months. Photograph: Mohammed Saber/EPA A rapprochement between...
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updated 16 Dec 2013; published 16 Dec 2013
Rare Video: Man­dela Speak­ing on Pales­tine [Ex­tracts]
Al Jazeera 09 Jan 2014, if Palestine is to become a genuine nation state, Palestinians and their supporters must replace the politics of compliance and compromise with a politics of unity and assertiveness. This was the conclusion drawn from discussions with academics and politicians from Arab countries including significant Palestinian leaders from Hamas and Fatah, plus...
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updated 04 Jan 2014; published 04 Jan 2014
Raw: Bat­tles In­ten­si­fy for Con­trol of Fal­lu­jah
Times Union 09 Jan 2014, BEIRUT (AP) — Al-Qaida is positioning itself as a vanguard defending the Sunni community against what it sees as persecution by Shiite-dominated governments across Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. As a result, a Syrian rebellion whose aim was the removal of President Bashar Assad is evolving into something both bigger and more ambiguous: a fight...
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updated 30 Sep 2013; published 30 Sep 2013
'Ter­ror­ists from 83 coun­tries fight­ing in Syria' - FM to UN As­sem­bly 2013 (FULL SPEECH)
BBC News 09 Jan 2014, Russia has blocked a UN Security Council statement condemning the Syrian government's use of air strikes against civilians in the city of Aleppo. Attacks using barrel bombs and Scud missiles by President...
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updated 10 Jan 2014; published 10 Jan 2014
CAR's Djo­to­dia under pres­sure to step down at re­gion­al meet­ing in Chad
Sydney Morning Herald 09 Jan 2014, N'Djamena, Chad: Central African Republic's interim President Michel Djotodia will face pressure to step down at a summit of regional...
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updated 10 Jan 2014; published 10 Jan 2014
Tony Ab­bott talks about asy­lum seek­ers on Wake Up show
Jakarta Globe 09 Jan 2014, By Agence France-Presse on 9:14 am January 9, 2014. Category Featured, International, World Tags: asylum seekers, Australia Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Indonesia-Australia relations Sydney. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott defended the government’s secrecy over its border protection policy Thursday after reports that boats had been...
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updated 04 Jan 2014; published 04 Jan 2014
Is lat­est sec­tar­i­an fight­ing in Iraq a mis­step for al-Qai­da?
Huffington Post 08 Jan 2014, BAGHDAD, Jan 8 (Reuters) - Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki vowed to eradicate al Qaeda in Iraq and predicted victory as his army prepared to launch a major assault against the Sunni Islamist militants who have taken over parts of the city of Falluja. Fighters from the al Qaeda affiliated Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which is also...
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Devyani reaches Delhi
Full Article The Siasat Daily
10 Jan 2014

New Delhi, January 10: As Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade returns home after being charged with visa fraud and underpaying her housekeeper, India, in a reciprocal action, on Friday expelled a senior US diplomat of similar rank as her, and has given a little over 48 hours to leave the country. The government sources have said that India has... Khobragade Khobragade Incident - India Relations
In this Dec. 8, 2013 file photo, photo shows Devyani Khobragade, who served as India’s deputy consul general in New York, during the India Studies Stony Brook University fund raiser event at Long Island, New York.
photo: AP / Mohammed Jaffer, File

Hollande 'deplores' affair claims
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
10 Jan 2014

French president Francois Hollande is threatening legal action over a magazine report saying he is having a secret affair with a French actress. Mr Hollande, in a statement, said he "deeply deplores the attacks on respect for privacy, to which each citizen has a right". It says he is weighing possible action, including via the courts. He did not... Hollande Privacy Law Trierweiler
Hollande 'deplores' affair claims
photo: AP / Philippe Wojazer, Pool

Jihadists fighting back in north Syria
Full Article Canberra Times
10 Jan 2014

Wreckage: People gather around the site of a car bombing in Hama province. Photo: Reuters Damascus: Jihadists battling rebels in northern Syria have sought to recover turf lost during nearly a week of fighting between them that has killed hundreds in the latest twist in the civil war. Thursday's fighting came a day after the Islamic State of Iraq... Qaida Rights War
In this undated file picture released on Monday, Dec. 2, 2013, and posted on the Facebook page of a militant group, a member of Mujahidin, who fight with Syrian rebels groups against the Syrian government forces, poses for a picture standing next to a missile at an unknown place in Syria. With a new label - the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - the global terror network al-Qaida is positioning itself as a vanguard defending a persecuted Sunni community against Shiite-dominated governments across Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.
photo: AP

Yemen man detained at Guantanamo Bay to be freed
Full Article BBC News
10 Jan 2014

A US government review panel has determined a man from Yemen detained at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba for more than a decade can be released. Mahmud Mujahid, 33, had been accused of being an... Qaida Rights
File - Detainees at Joint Task Force (JTF) Guantanamo, Cuba, observe morning prayers before sunrise inside Camp Delta Oct. 28, 2009.
photo: US Navy file / MCS2 Marcos T. Hernandez

US opposes to release of Taliban suspects
Full Article China Daily
10 Jan 2014

WASHINGTON - The United States on Thursday voiced opposition to Afghanistan's latest decision to release 72 of the 88 suspected Taliban inmates, calling them "dangerous criminals". "These 72 detainees are dangerous criminals against whom there is strong evidence... Prisoners In Afghan In Afghanistan
File Photo: Afghan detainees, seen through a mesh wire fence, prepare for noon prayers inside the Parwan detention facility near Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan.
photo: AP / Dar Yasin

US challenges 'provocative' China sea law
Full Article Al Jazeera
10 Jan 2014

The United States has described as "provocative and potentially dangerous" new Chinese restrictions of foreign fishing vessels in disputed waters in the South China Sea. From January 1, China has required foreign fishing vessels to obtain approval to enter waters it says are under... Air Zone China Sea Dispute China Sea
EAST CHINA SEA (Jan. 14, 2011) USS Bunker Hill trails behind USS Carl Vinson and two Korean ships.
photo: Public Domain / Official Navy Page

Syria car bomb kills 18 near school
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
10 Jan 2014

BEIRUT — A car bomb detonated Thursday near a school in the central Syrian province of Hama, killing 18 people, according to the Syrian government and opposition sources. The bomb exploded outside the town of Salmiya, killing mostly women and children, the reports said. The state-run news agency SANA said the attack left dozens wounded and... Talk - Syria Civil War In Syria
Syrian soldiers check a burned truck in front of a damaged military intelligence building where two bombs exploded, at Qazaz neighborhood in Damascus, Syria, on Thursday May 10, 2012
photo: AP / Bassem Tellawi

Hamas and Iran rebuild ties three years after falling out over Syria
Full Article The Guardian
09 Jan 2014

News that high-level contacts between Palestinian party and Tehran have resumed is likely to dismay Israel and US Khaled Meshaal, the head of Hamas’s political bureau, based in Qatar, met representatives from Tehran in Ankara and Doha in recent months, and may visit Tehran in the coming months. Photograph: Mohammed Saber/EPA A rapprochement between... Peace War
File - Hamas leader in exile Khaled Meshaal greets members of the Palestinian family of Kamal al-Nayrab, the killed leader of the Popular Resistance Committees in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip on December 10, 2012.
photo: WN / Ahmed Deeb

Palestinian nationhood: End the politics of compromise now
Full Article Al Jazeera
09 Jan 2014

if Palestine is to become a genuine nation state, Palestinians and their supporters must replace the politics of compliance and compromise with a politics of unity and assertiveness. This was the conclusion drawn from discussions with academics and politicians from Arab countries including significant Palestinian leaders from Hamas and Fatah, plus... Rights Palestine Conflict
File - Palestinians Carrying flags, during a rally marking the 13 th anniversary of the Al-Aqsa uprising or 'Second Intifada', in the refugee camp of Nusairat, central Gaza Strip, 27 September 2013.
photo: WN / Ahmed Deeb

Al-Qaida-linked group ramps up regional violence
Full Article Times Union
09 Jan 2014

BEIRUT (AP) — Al-Qaida is positioning itself as a vanguard defending the Sunni community against what it sees as persecution by Shiite-dominated governments across Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. As a result, a Syrian rebellion whose aim was the removal of President Bashar Assad is evolving into something both bigger and more ambiguous: a fight... Qaida Violence War
In this Sunday, Jan. 5, 2014, file photo, gunmen patrol during clashes with Iraqi security forces in Fallujah, Iraq.
photo: AP

Syria crisis: Russia blocks UN statement on Aleppo attacks
Full Article BBC News
09 Jan 2014

Russia has blocked a UN Security Council statement condemning the Syrian government's use of air strikes against civilians in the city of Aleppo. Attacks using barrel bombs and Scud missiles by President... Rights War Nations
File - In this Monday, Dec. 23, 2013 citizen journalism image provided by Aleppo Media Center AMC, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, Syrians inspect damages buildings following a Syrian government airstrike in Aleppo, Syria.
photo: AP / Aleppo Media Center AMC

Central African Republic President Michel Djotodia, left, shakes hands with assembled dignitaries as he departs for Chad, at Mpoko Airport in Bangui, Central African Republic, Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014.
photo: AP / Rebecca Blackwell

Australian PM Defends Secrecy Over Border Protection
Full Article Jakarta Globe
09 Jan 2014

By Agence France-Presse on 9:14 am January 9, 2014. Category Featured, International, World Tags: asylum seekers, Australia Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Indonesia-Australia relations Sydney. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott defended the government’s secrecy over its border protection policy Thursday after reports that boats had been... Policy - Australia In Australia - Australia Relations
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott gestures as he speaks to the press after laying a wreath at the memorial of the 2002 Bali bombing that killed 202 people during his visit at the site in Kuta, Bali, Indonesia, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013. Australia suffered more deaths in the attacks than any other country, with 88 of its citizens dead.
photo: AP / Firdia Lisnawati

Humanitarian Situation In Fallujah Critical As Clashes Between Army And Militants Continue: UN
Full Article Huffington Post
08 Jan 2014

BAGHDAD, Jan 8 (Reuters) - Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki vowed to eradicate al Qaeda in Iraq and predicted victory as his army prepared to launch a major assault against the Sunni Islamist militants who have taken over parts of the city of Falluja. Fighters from the al Qaeda affiliated Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which is also... Qaeda War Nations
Gunmen gather in a street as they chant slogans against Iraq's Shiite-led government and demanding that the Iraqi army not try to enter the city in Fallujah, 40 miles (65 kilometers) west of Baghdad, Iraq, Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2014.
photo: AP

Blanc: 'I'm happy with PSG squad'
Full Article Goal
10 Jan 2014

The World Cup winner admits he would welcome a new addition in midfield but says that, overall, he is happy with his lot and is not anticipating any January arrivals £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = ACA Draw PSG £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = ACA Draw PSG £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = ACA Draw PSG...
France's head coach Laurent Blanc meets journalists during a press conference prior to the Euro 2012 soccer quarterfinal match between France and Spain in Donetsk, Ukraine, Wednesday, June 20, 2012.
photo: AP / Laurent Cipriani

Belgian motorcycle rider Eric Palante found dead in Dakar Rally
Full Article Fox News
10 Jan 2014

Published January 10, 2014Associated Press In this Jan. 4, 2014 photo, Belgium's Eric Palante rides on the podium ramp during the symbolic start of the 2014 Argentina-Bolivia-Chile Dakar Rally in Rosario, Argentina. According to a statement from Dakar organizers, Palante's body was found on the morning of Jan. 10, 2014 along the route of the Dakar... Dakar
In this Jan. 4, 2014 photo, Belgium's Eric Palante rides on the podium ramp during the symbolic start of the 2014 Argentina-Bolivia-Chile Dakar Rally in Rosario, Argentina. According to a statement from Dakar organizers, Palante's body was found on the morning of Jan. 10, 2014 along the route of the Dakar Rally between Chilecito and San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina.
photo: AP / Eduardo Di Baia

Sturridge could be fit for Stoke clash, says Rodgers
Full Article Goal
10 Jan 2014

The Liverpool manager maintains the forward will not be rushed back and believes the 24-year-old will play an important part in the club's bid to secure Champions League football £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = STO Draw LIV £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = STO Draw LIV £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = STO...
Liverpool's manager Brendan Rodgers takes to the touchline before his team's English Premier League soccer match against Sunderland at Anfield Stadium, Liverpool, England, Wednesday Jan. 2, 2013.
photo: AP / Jon Super

Alonso: I feel at home at Real Madrid
Full Article Goal
10 Jan 2014

The midfielder has revealed that he was not the subject of any offers from rivals clubs because he had made it clear all along that he would be staying at the Santiago Bernabeu £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = ESP Draw RMA £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = ESP Draw RMA £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = ESP...
Real Madrid's Xabi Alonso holds the ball during a round of 16 Champions League soccer match against CSKA Moscow at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid, Wednesday March 14, 2012.
photo: AP / Paul White

Toronto hail signing of Tottenham's Jermain Defoe
Full Article Goal
10 Jan 2014

The England striker will cost the Canadian side £6 million, an MLS record, and will be joined by United States midfielder Michael Bradley after he was recruited from Roma £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = TOT Draw CRY £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = TOT Draw CRY £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = TOT Draw CRY...
Tottenham Hotspur's Jermaine Defoe reacts after scoring a goal against Queen's Park Rangers during their English Premier League soccer match at Tottenham's White Hart Lane stadium in London, Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012.
photo: AP / Alastair Grant

Ronaldinho never considered leaving Atletico, insists agent
Full Article Goal
10 Jan 2014

The former Ballon d'Or winner had appeared to be edging towards a return to Europe, with Besiktas particularly keen, but the ex-Barcelona star decided to remain in Belo Horizonte Ronaldinho's agent has claimed the Brazil international never had any intention of quitting Atletico Mineiro. The 33-year-old attacking midfielder looked set to leave the... Mineiro
Ronaldinho of Brazil's Atletico Mineiro celebrates after scoring against Brazil's Sao Paulo FC during a Copa Libertadores soccer match in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Thursday, May 2, 2013.
photo: AP / Andre Penner

Newcastle manager Pardew unconcerned by Cabaye buy-out rumours
Full Article Goal
10 Jan 2014

The French midfielder would be able to pay up the final two years of his contract and move clubs as a free agent under Fifa rules, but the manager is not worried £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = NEW Draw MNC £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = NEW Draw MNC £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = NEW Draw MNC £5...
Newcastle United's manager Alan Pardew looks on ahead of their English Premier League soccer match against Wigan Athletic at St James' Park, Newcastle, England, Monday, Dec. 3, 2012.
photo: AP / Scott Heppell

Solskjaer urges Bellamy to stay at Cardiff
Full Article Goal
10 Jan 2014

The former Liverpool forward retired from international duty in October and is expected to make a decision on his club career, and the Norwegian wants him to continue £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = CAR Draw WHU £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = CAR Draw WHU £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = CAR Draw WHU...
Cardiff City manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer gives instructions to his players during their English FA Cup third round soccer match against Newcastle United at St James' Park, Newcastle, England, Saturday, Jan. 4, 2014.
photo: AP / Scott Heppell

Lady Gaga To Open A Michael Jackson Museum
Full Article Entertainment Wise
09 Jan 2014

Lady Gaga might just be late Michael Jackson's biggest fan as the Do What You Want singer reportedly has plans to open a MJ museum in honour of the music legend. Gaga truly went a bit gaga in 2012 as she bought a whopping 55 items from an auction which was held after the Thriller's tragic death in 2009. The haul included Michael's famous black and... Gaga Jackson
Lady Gaga arrives at the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday, Sept. 12, 2010 in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Matt Sayles

Cyrus, Bieber in Forbes' list of 30 Under 30
Full Article Newstrack India
07 Jan 2014

Tweet Los Angeles, Jan 7 (IANS) Pop stars Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber feature in Forbes 30 Under 30 2014 list, a compilation of the brightest stars under the age of 30 who are...
Justin Bieber performs during the 'Believe Tour' at the Amway Center Orlando, Florida - January 25, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Bruce Springsteen's album 'High Hopes' streams for free
Full Article The Siasat Daily
06 Jan 2014

Washington, January 06: Bruce Springsteen latest album 'High Hopes' is finally available to listen to for free, after it was leaked online. The full album has been made available ten days before its official release, via the CBS website, Contactmusic reported. The album was...
Bruce Springsteen performs during the 54th annual Grammy Awards pre-show on Sunday, Feb. 12, 2012 in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles)
photo: AP / Matt Sayles

Katy Perry demands 'vegetables, fruits' during Vegas concert
Full Article Newstrack India
06 Jan 2014

Tweet Washington, January 6 (ANI): Katy Perry had made a list of backstage demands for her New Year's Eve concert in Las Vegas, which includes a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. The 'Roar' hitmaker asked the...
Katy Perry @ MuchMusic Video Awards 2010 Soundcheck 05 wikis
photo: Creative Commons / Tm

Ellie Goulding embarrassed being told off by staff on birthday
Full Article Newstrack India
06 Jan 2014

Tweet Washington, January 6 (ANI): Ellie Goulding was left embarrassed when she was out celebrating her birthday and was told off by the staff of a private members' club. The 'Burn'...
Ellie Goulding performing live at the Fillmore Miami Beach at the Jackie Gleason Theater Miami Beach, Florida - January 16, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

American singer and UN Messenger of Peace Stevie Wonder gives an interview for the UN News and Media Division's news outlets.
photo: UN / Mark Garten

Justin Timberlake's 'The 20/20 Experience' tops best-selling album list of 2013
Full Article Newstrack India
05 Jan 2014

Tweet Washington, Jan 5 (ANI): Justin Timberlake's album 'The 20/20 Experience' has topped the list of album sales in 2013. According to Billboard, the album which was released on March 15th, 2013 sold 2.43 million...
Justin Timberlake concert 2
photo: Creative Commons / Nikkiboom

Cowell 'offers Scherzinger $5M'
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
05 Jan 2014

Nicole Scherzinger has reportedly been offered a lucrative contract to return for another season of X Factor UK. The former Pussycat Dolls frontwoman has served as a judge on the series since 2011. According to UK's Sunday People, X Factor boss Simon Cowell is so determined to get her back for another season, he's offering her double her salary for...
Nicole Scherzinger na "World Domination Tour
photo: Creative Commons / compulsiveprep

Jennifer Lawrence to star in Shekhar Kapur's magnum opus 'Paani'?
Full Article DNA India
08 Jan 2014

Tired of hearing about Bollywood actresses making a debut in Hollywood? Now there’s a twist in the tale. If all goes well, Hollywood actress Jennifer Lawrence might star in a Bollywood film. The Oscar winning actress has been approached to be part of Shekhar Kapur’s Paani. The project is being produced by Yashraj Films and is based on a...
Director Shekhar Kapur                   (bb2)
photo: AP / Daniel Ochoa de Olza

Less collecting, more reading: Soha's mantra (Movie Snippets)
Full Article Newstrack India
07 Jan 2014

Tweet Mumbai, Jan 7 (IANS) Following the release of her Bollywood film "Mr Joe B. Carvalho", actress Soha Ali Khan has her eyes set on collecting less books and reading more of them. "Plan: less book collecting, more actual reading - starting with Ramachandra Guha's 'India After Gandhi'. The best analysis of post-independence India," Soha, an avid...
Bollywood actor Soha Ali Khan smiles as she arrives for the inauguration of a shopping mall in Calcutta, India, Monday, Oct. 29, 2007.
photo: AP /

Emma Roberts Engaged To Evan Peters (REPORT)
Full Article Huffington Post
07 Jan 2014

Frazer Harrison via Getty Images Emma Roberts is reportedly engaged to marry Evan Peters. Here, they attend the Premiere Of FX's 'American Horror Story: Coven' after party at Fig & Olive Melrose Place on Oct. 5 in West Hollywood. (Frazer Harrison/Getty Images) Actress Emma Roberts is engaged to marry boyfriend and "American Horror...
Emma Roberts arrives at the Teen Vogue Young Hollywood Party in Los Angeles on Thursday, Sept. 20, 2007.
photo: AP / Matt Sayles

Will Smith pays tribute to Bel-Air co-star James Avery
Full Article BBC News
07 Jan 2014

Will Smith has paid tribute to his former Fresh Prince of Bel-Air co-star James Avery, who died last week. Smith, who played Avery's nephew in the 1990s sitcom, posted a photo of him with Avery and other cast members on his Facebook page. He wrote that the picture was taken the last time they were together. "Some of my greatest lessons in...
Actor Will Smith gives the victory sign to reporters upon his arrival at Ciampino airport in Rome, Friday, Nov. 17, 2006. Smith is in Rome to attend the expected wedding of actors Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, likely to take place at a medieval lakeside town Bracciano, outside Rome, on Saturday.
photo: AP / Alessandra Tarantino

Abhishek upset over 'Dhoom 3' edit
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
07 Jan 2014

A birdie tells us that Abhishek Bachchan is not too happy with the way his role has shaped up in Dhoom 3. The film we hear, was originally supposed to have a leading lady opposite...
Bollywood Actress Abhishek Bachchan during the inaguration of Omega Boutiqueat Kolkata on Friday 27 September 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Versatile Nawazuddin now wants fee hike
Full Article Newstrack India
07 Jan 2014

Tweet Mumbai, Jan 7 (IANS) Actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui, known for roles in films "Kahaani", "Talaash" and "Gangs of Wasseypur, says he wants his fee to be increased now. "I want to hike my price because that should happen with each actor. It's just a wish which is...
Bollywood Actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui along with Bipasha Basu  interact the media at Park Plaza Hotel in Kolkata on Monday 11 March 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Republic Day release for Akshay Kumar's next
Full Article The Times of India
07 Jan 2014

This Republic Day it'll be Salman Khan saying 'Jai Ho'. And next year it could well be Akshay Kumar saying 'Jai Hind!' Neeraj Pandey, of 'Special Chabbis' fame, has teamed up with Vikram Malhotra to co-produce and direct an action thriller featuring the...
 Salman Khan, Bollywood Actor, India, Star, Bolly (mk1)
photo: MGS/WN

Warner Bros. Heiress Sells Hollywood Home
Full Article The Hollywood Reporter
06 Jan 2014

1 0 0 0 0 Email Print Comments Chad King; Courtesy of Fox Warner Howard's views included the Capitol Records tower. (Inset: Nick Weidenfeld) The 2,600-square-foot house of Jack Warner's daughter Barbara Warner Howard is now the property of Nick Weidenfeld, head of Fox's Animation Domination High-Def, with “dead-on views of downtown to the ocean,”...
Warner Bros
photo: Creative Commons / ?LiAnG?

President Obama Announces First Five "Promise Zones" To Battle Poverty
Full Article The Examiner
10 Jan 2014

Yesterday President Obama announced the first five of 20 "Promise Zones" to battle poverty that the administration plans to announce over the next three years. The five zones are San Antonio, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Southeastern Kentucky, and the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. The “Promise Zone” initiative was announced at last year’s State of the...
Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, addresses the general debate of the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly.
photo: UN / Rick Bajornas

Strangers on Google+ Can Now Email You on Gmail Without Needing Your Address
Full Article Gizmodo
10 Jan 2014

Gerald Lynch - …Unless you update your privacy settings. In Google’s latest push to get everyone and their dog using Google+, the update will let strangers send you messages regardless of whether they are even in your Google+ “Circles” or “Extended Circles” unless a user digs into their privacy options. The...
Google doodles for Indian Independence Day
photo: WN / Aruna Mirasdar

Novartis in the dock in Japan for misleading ads
Full Article The Times of India
10 Jan 2014

NEW DELHI: Japanese health ministry has filed a criminal complaint against the pharmaceutical company Novartis for misleading advertisements about its blood pressure drug Diovan. Novartis hit the headlines in September last year in India when it threatened to pull out R&D; investment from India when... Drug
Novartis headquarters in Basel
photo: Creative Commons

Asian markets mixed on China trade data
Full Article The News & Observer
10 Jan 2014

MUMBAI, IndiaAsian stock markets were lackluster Friday after a slowdown in China's exports dimmed sentiment ahead of a key U.S. jobs report. Japan's Nikkei, the regional heavyweight, edged down 0.1 percent to 15,863.86 while Hong Kong's Hang Seng rose by 0.3 percent to 22,859.37. South Korea's Kospi dropped... Markets
A woman adjusts her hair as she walks by an electronic stock board of a securities firm in Tokyo Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012.
photo: AP / Koji Sasahara

Japan's Nikkei suffers worst weekly loss since Oct
Full Article Reuters
10 Jan 2014

TOKYO, Jan 10 (Reuters) - Japan's Nikkei benchmark eked out a slight gain on Friday, though it still suffered its worst weekly loss since October, while Uniqlo clothing chain operator Fast... Stocks
Currency traders work under a screen indicating the exchange rate, above, of the U.S. dollar against Japanese yen and the Nikkei 225 index, at a foreign exchange firm in Tokyo, Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2012.
photo: AP / Shizuo Kambayashi

Aluminium firm Alcoa to pay $384m after guilty plea over Bahrain bribes
Full Article The Guardian
10 Jan 2014

A subsidiary of Alcoa, the multinational aluminium group, has pleaded guilty in the US to a bribery offence relating to the payment of kickbacks to Bahraini officials through an unnamed London-based middleman with close ties to Bahrain's royal family. The Alcoa admission comes less than six weeks after the surprise collapse of the UK trial of... Fraud Office
** FILE **Alcoa Warrick Operations employee of 36 years Fred Westbrook, 59, of Evansville, Ind. inspects the finished rolls of aluminum as they comes off the last stage of the production line in this April 7, 2006, file photo at the Alcoa Warrick Operations in Newburgh, Ind. Two Australian mining companies are independently considering making bids of about $40 billion for the U.S. aluminum producer Alcoa Inc., a British newspaper reported Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2007. (AP Photo/ Daniel R. Patmore, Fil
photo: AP Photo / Daniel R. Patmore, File

IBM's Watson gets its own business
Full Article Houston Chronicle
09 Jan 2014

NEW YORK (AP) — One of the most famous "Jeopardy!" champs of all time is moving to Manhattan. No, it's not Ken Jennings. IBM announced Thursday that it's investing over $1 billion to give its Watson cloud computing system its own business division and a new home in the heart of New York City. The Armonk, N.Y.-based computing company said the new... Technology
Watson, an IBM artificial intelligence computer, is capable of "learning" as it operates.
photo: Creative Commons / Clockready

Annual auto sales witness first decline in 11 years
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
09 Jan 2014

New Delhi: Annual car sales in India declined for the first time in 11 years in 2013, posting a 9.59 per cent dip, as the auto industry reeled under a prolonged demand slump due to the economic slowdown. According to the Society of Indian Automobile Industry (SIAM), domestic car sales last year fell to 18,07,011 units from 19,98,703 units in the...
Maruti Suzuki's A-Star car at an auto expo-automobile.
photo: WN / Sayali Santosh Kadam

India News: India takes on US over Devyani case, strips its diplomats of privileges
India News: India takes on US over Devyani case, strips its diplomats of privileges
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:12
  • Updated: 18 Dec 2013
As the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government and the political class hardened its stand over the arrest, strip-search and ill-treatment meted o...
  • published: 18 Dec 2013
  • views: 8,_strips_its_diplomats_of_privileges

France's Hollande considers legal action over affair allegations
France's Hollande considers legal action over affair allegations
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:51
  • Updated: 10 Jan 2014
Francois Hollande has threatened to take legal action against a French magazine which claims he is... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: Francois Hollande has threatened to take legal action against a French magazine which claims he is having an affair with an actress. A source in the French president's office says he feels his privacy has been breached and he's studying what action to take. ??Closer??, the weekly tabloid magazine in question, claims Hollande regularly rides pillion on a scooter driven by his bodyguard to visit a Paris apartment block to see actress Julie Gayet. It has printed extensive details of their alleged comings and goings. There has been no comment from Gayet's lawyers. She filed a complaint for breach of privacy last March after rumours of an affair became public. Hollande, who came to power in 2012, is in a long-time relationship with ex-journalist Valerie Trierweiler, who has assumed the functions of France's first lady. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 10 Jan 2014
  • views: 177's_Hollande_considers_legal_action_over_affair_allegations

British Nationals Fight with al Qaeda in Syria
British Nationals Fight with al Qaeda in Syria
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:49
  • Updated: 08 Nov 2013
VICE NEWS exclusive footage and interviews with British nationals fighting with al Qaeda in Syria. Yesterday, MI5 Director-General Andrew Parker announced that hundreds of British Muslims have travelled to Syria to take part in "terrorist tourism". Today, we present exclusive video footage and interviews with British nationals fighting with al Qaeda in Syria. In the film, two young men with British accents echo the sentiments expressed by Lee Rigby's killer Michael Adebolajo and declare jihad against the UK and United States. "I say to the United States that your time will come," says one of the men, who gives his age as 26, "and we will bleed you to death and, Inshallah, shall raise a flag in the White House." The second jihadist calls on the British public to rise up against the government: "Like the guy in Woolwich, he explained that David Cameron would never walk on the street, and he'll never get shot in the face, whereas you guys who are soldiers, or just normal folk, will take the blame for the crimes that are committed worldwide, by Britain itself, so we have to fight." The film also shines a light on the communication difficulties that arise when radicalised extremists from Britain, France, Chechnya, Bosnia, Kosovo and Turkey, among other countries, get together to fight on the front line. Click here to subscribe for more: Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: Like VICE on Facebook: Follow VICE on Twitter: Read our tumblr:
  • published: 08 Nov 2013
  • views: 522211

[Part 1] Newsnight - 12/01/2010 Guantanamo Guard & Former Detainees Meet
[Part 1] Newsnight - 12/01/2010 Guantanamo Guard & Former Detainees Meet
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:15
  • Updated: 13 Jan 2010
Gavin Lee reports on the reunion between former Guantanamo prison guard, Brandon Neely, and two of his former prisoners from Britain, Shafiq Rasul and Ruhal Ahmed. Note to BBC Newsnight:- I have a TV license, I think this story should be seen internationally so I have taken the liberty of putting this online for a global audience, I hope you take a more enlightened view of copyright on this than the standard corporate line due to its overwhelming public interest value.
  • published: 13 Jan 2010
  • views: 17826 Part_1 _Newsnight__12/01/2010_Guantanamo_Guard_Former_Detainees_Meet

U.S. Senators press Afghan president over security deal, prisoner release
U.S. Senators press Afghan president over security deal, prisoner release
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:32
  • Updated: 02 Jan 2014
More Breaking News: Subscribe: U.S. Senators visit the Afghan president to try to push for talks aimed at signing a crucial security deal and halt the release of prisoners the U.S. considers a threat. Gavino Garay reports. Reuters tells the world's stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained its reputation for speed, accuracy, and impact while providing exclusives, incisive commentary and forward-looking analysis.
  • published: 02 Jan 2014
  • views: 717,_prisoner_release

China rejects US criticism over Hainan's new rules
China rejects US criticism over Hainan's new rules
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:34
  • Updated: 10 Jan 2014
China has expressed discontent over US criticism regarding new Chinese regulations for foreign fishing operations in the South China Sea. The new rules introduced by China's Hainan provincial government took effect this month. They require foreign ships and nationals to obtain approval from China's government and obey its laws to fish or survey in waters under the province's jurisdiction. At a news conference on Friday, China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said Hainan's new regulations are in accord with laws enacted in 1986. She said the problem does not lie in the Chinese law but in the minds of people who interpret it. She added that if the United States truly hopes for peace and stability in the regional waters, it should act discreetly and respect and support efforts made by the parties concerned. She said the nation needs to play a constructive role and not send wrong signals. Earlier on Thursday, US State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki had criticized the rules, saying they were 'provocative and potentially dangerous.' The affected waters include the Spratly and Paracel Islands, claimed by Asian countries including Vietnam and the Philippines.
  • published: 10 Jan 2014
  • views: 0's_new_rules

Build up to WW3 - PUTIN Warns U.S. Against SYRIA ATTACK. Wants EVIDENCE on POISON GAS
Build up to WW3 - PUTIN Warns U.S. Against SYRIA ATTACK. Wants EVIDENCE on POISON GAS
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:59
  • Updated: 10 Jan 2014
WE REPORT AND YOU DECIDE WHAT TO DO WITH THE INFO AND VISIT NEWS CHANNEL 428 HOME PAGE AND CHECK THE ABOUT BUTTON and Subscribe .. BUT FIRST PLEASE TAKE NOTICE AND READ. IF We do Air. Build up to WW3 - PUTIN Warns U.S. Against SYRIA ATTACK. Wants EVIDENCE on POISON GAS President Vladimir Putin warned the West against taking one-sided actio. Volgograd blasts Putin vows to 'Annihilate Terrorists' For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines SUBSCRIBE to Rus. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday vowed to annihilate terrorists following two deadly bomb attacks in less than 24 hours in the southern city of . In the past 13 years, around 50 female suicide bombers are said to have struck in Russia. A female fanatic was behind October's bus bombing in Volgograd, cla. Russian President Vladimir Putin has described the recent suicide attacks in Volgograd as indefensible, during a visit to the city. No matter how the crim. An explosion at a train station in the southern Russian city of Volgograd has killed at least 14 people, reports say. A female suicide bomber was thought to . Dizi ve Dizi fragmanları takip etmek için kanalımıza abone olun lütfen. Vladimir Putin vows to destroy terrorists, and go all out to keep Sochi Olympics safe. Moscow Russian forces went on combat alert in Sochi and tightened restrictions on access to the Black Sea resort on Tuesday as part of measures by President . Russia rounds up dozens as suicide blasts heighten fears ahead of Olympics Police detained dozens of people on Tuesday in sweeps through the Russian city of . Vladimir Putin has paid tribute to victims of the Volgograd bombings and vowed to 'annihilate' terrorism in Russia. He made the comments in his new year addr. How To Go To Heaven: Militants . Barack Obama delivered one gaffe after another in his August 6, 2013 interview with Jay Leno, but the networks that usually mock every mistake or slip of the. MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has put security forces on combat alert in the southern Stavropol region after the discovery of five bodies with gunshot wounds and. Chechen Islamist militant leader Doku Umarov has urged his followers to prevent the 2014 Winter. euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscrib. Russia security swoop after bodies found in Stavropol Russia security swoop after bodies found in Stavropol For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines SUBSC. Fail Wins Funniest Weird Stuff Compilation March Newest Latest Best Epic 2013Fail Wins Funniest Weird Stuff Compilation March Newest Latest Best Epic 2013Fai. I didn't believe it until I saw it myself. I got access to more resale rights products than I ever dreamed of, and I was abl. Subscribe to Spinnin' TV : Spotify: G+ : Facebook: .
  • published: 10 Jan 2014
  • views: 1

The Unclear Truth - documentary Iran War Bahrain Palestine Israel Syria News
The Unclear Truth - documentary Iran War Bahrain Palestine Israel Syria News
  • Order:
  • Duration: 42:22
  • Updated: 21 Jan 2013 "Essential viewing, a true tour de force. Such dense content covered and done so masterfully: chronologically, visually, musically. From start to finish a stirring, enlightening and enriching experience, one which should be savoured by many. Should be on the school syllabus nationwide!" Giti Sorayyapour, PhD Political Science The Unclear Truth - The youth specially in the West seem to be alien to the international events that are taking place around the world. This film brings the issues of the Middle East closer to home and examines the history and links between the many problems that citizens in that region of the world face and how it effects the citizens on this side of the world This documentary examines the issues of the Iranian nuclear program as perceived by the West, the biased approach to Syria, Libya and Bahrain, and the long Israeli and Palestinian conflicting. Respectable figures from British politics, American academia and youth activists examine the issue in detail and provide answers to some very difficult questions. Presented and Produced by Hussain Makke Directed by Reza John Vedadi Interviewees; Kareem Dennis -- Musician and Activist Jody McIntyre -- Journalist and Activist George Galloway -- Member of Parliament Jeremy Corbyn -- Member of Parliament Lidnsey German -- Convener Stop the War Coalition Maryam Alkhawaja -- Vice President of the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights Tony Benn -- Former MP and Cabinet Minister Roger Lloyd Pack -- Actor and activist Dr Kate Hudson -- General Secretary Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Prof. Norman Finkelstein -- Political Scientist and Activist
  • published: 21 Jan 2013
  • views: 43714

Rare Video: Mandela Speaking on Palestine [Extracts]
Rare Video: Mandela Speaking on Palestine [Extracts]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:27
  • Updated: 16 Dec 2013
FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO: ---------- REFERENCES MADE BY NELSON MANDELA PLO: The Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) was created in 1964 with the purpose of advancing the struggle for Palestinian self determination. The PLO is recognised as the "sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people" by over 100 countries with which it holds diplomatic relations. Like South Africa's (now ruling ANC) the PLO was considered by the United States and Israel to be a terrorist organisation until 1991. In 1993 Israel officially recognised the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people. YASSER ARAFAT: Late leader of the Palestinian people as well as chairman of the PLO. ------------------------------ ABOUT THE VIDEO - 1990 Town Hall Meeting with Nelson Mandela on Palestine, Cuba and other issues The above video is from a 1990 town hall meeting, held in New York City and chaired by Ted Koppel of ABC Networks (click here to watch the video on YouTube). The meeting formed part Nelson Mandela's first visit to the USA immediately following his release from prison. A significant part of the town hall meeting focused on Nelson Mandela's advocating (on behalf of the African National Congress and the larger South African liberation struggle) for sanctions to be applied against Apartheid South Africa, his and the ANC's support for the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) as well as his close friendship with Yasser Arafat (of Palestine) and Fidel Castro (of Cuba). The town hall meeting took place in 1990, long before the world had embraced Nelson Mandela as a "giant of justice". However, even then, when it may have been unfashionable and unpopular to support the Palestinians against, what Mandela termed, Israeli "colonialism", Mandela stood firm and resolute on his principles and the policies of the ANC - Mandela was, after all, conveying the long-standing positions held by the ANC and the larger South African liberation movement. Nelson Mandela supported the Palestinian struggle when it was unfashionable and unpopular, he was a true leader. Hamba Kahle Tata... ------------------------------ FULL VERSION:
  • published: 16 Dec 2013
  • views: 32758 Extracts

Raw: Battles Intensify for Control of Fallujah
Raw: Battles Intensify for Control of Fallujah
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:31
  • Updated: 04 Jan 2014 Gunfire and explosions could be seen across Fallujah. Al-Qaida militants and Iraqi government troops battle for control of Fallujah and Ramadi, both strongholds of Sunni insurgents during the US war in Iraq. The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. AP's commitment to independent, comprehensive journalism has deep roots. Founded in 1846, AP has covered all the major news events of the past 165 years, providing high-quality, informed reporting of everything from wars and elections to championship games and royal weddings. AP is the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information. Today, AP employs the latest technology to collect and distribute content - we have daily uploads covering the latest and breaking news in the world of politics, sport and entertainment. Join us in a conversation about world events, the newsgathering process or whatever aspect of the news universe you find interesting or important. Subscribe:
  • published: 04 Jan 2014
  • views: 11575

'Terrorists from 83 countries fighting in Syria' - FM to UN Assembly 2013 (FULL SPEECH)
'Terrorists from 83 countries fighting in Syria' - FM to UN Assembly 2013 (FULL SPEECH)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 20:51
  • Updated: 30 Sep 2013
The Syrian government is fighting against "terrorist groups from 83 countries" as part of its "constitutional right" to protect the country's people, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem told the UN General Assembly in New York. READ MORE: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 30 Sep 2013
  • views: 14844'Terrorists_from_83_countries_fighting_in_Syria'__FM_to_UN_Assembly_2013_FULL_SPEECH

CAR's Djotodia under pressure to step down at regional meeting in Chad
CAR's Djotodia under pressure to step down at regional meeting in Chad
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:21
  • Updated: 10 Jan 2014
Early reports from Chad indicate that the regional African leaders would discuss the future of the Central African Republic's President, Michel Djotodia, in a bid to end the sectarian violence that's ripping the country apart. Djotodia is thought to be facing pressure to step down amid frustration at his failure to end the religious violence. However, his government has rejected suggestions of Djotodia's departure. CCTV's Carol Oyola, takes up the story.
  • published: 10 Jan 2014
  • views: 21's_Djotodia_under_pressure_to_step_down_at_regional_meeting_in_Chad

Tony Abbott talks about asylum seekers on Wake Up show
Tony Abbott talks about asylum seekers on Wake Up show
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:46
  • Updated: 10 Jan 2014
Tony Abbott talks about asylum seekers on Wake Up show Australian prime minister Tony Abbott discusses the issue of asylum seekers on Channel Ten's Wake Up show. He defends the Coalition's secrecy on the subject, saying he will not reveal information that might be useful to people smugglers just to satisfy the public's 'idol curiosity'.
  • published: 10 Jan 2014
  • views: 3

Is latest sectarian fighting in Iraq a misstep for al-Qaida?
Is latest sectarian fighting in Iraq a misstep for al-Qaida?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:32
  • Updated: 04 Jan 2014
In Iraq's Anbar province, Sunni militants linked to al-Qaida have escalated a fight against Shiite-led government troops, blowing up official buildings. Judy Woodruff talks to author Bing West and Ryan Crocker, former U.S. ambassador to Iraq, about the latest sectarian violence and how tribes from Anbar have joined in the fight.
  • published: 04 Jan 2014
  • views: 2370

South Sudan peace talks marred by violence
South Sudan peace talks marred by violence
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:01
  • Updated: 06 Jan 2014
Gunfire has broken out in South Sudan's capital Juba, as peace talks between the government and rebels were delayed yet again. In the latest diplomatic effort to try to end weeks of violence, Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir was expected to meet his counterpart from the South later on Monday. Al Jazeera's Gerald Tan reports.
  • published: 06 Jan 2014
  • views: 1532

Nazareth. US Secretary of State John Kerry spent last week testing the waters with Israelis and Palestinians over his so-called framework agreement – designed to close the gaps...
The Inquisitr
As previously reported by The Inquisitr, global warming has been getting the blame for the polar vortex, and this disagreement has America divided. As we’ve come to find out,...
The Siasat Daily
London, January 09: The United Nations has warned that the Central African Republic (CAR) is heading towards a humanitarian disaster because of overcrowded camps leading to poor...

Samsung Galaxy S4
If you're holding out for the next Android superphone, you may only have a few months to wait. Samsung has spoken out about its upcoming devices in a long interview with Bloomberg, and it plans to have the S5 out by April. Speaking...
photo: Creative Commons / Javierito92
This picture released by Cubadebate on its website early Monday Oct. 22, 2012 shows Cuban leader Fidel Castro in Habana, Cuba, Sunday Oct. 21, 2012.
Fidel Castro, the former president of Cuba, made his first public appearance in nine months on Wednesday night at the opening of a nonprofit art studio in the Romerillo neighborhood of Havana. The former president showed up for the opening of the...
photo: AP / Alex Castro, Cubadebate
Niagara Falls in Winter in Canada.
A frozen Niagara Falls has turned into a sculpture of grand proportions, changing the scenery of the famous tourist spot into something else altogether. According to The Inquisitr on Jan. 9, the artist of this breathtaking sculpture is a visitor from...
photo: Public Domain / Quozl
File - A group of youths walk past a sign where Mark Duggan, a 29-year-old father of four, was gunned down by police in disputed circumstances a week ago, Thursday, Aug. 11, 2011 in Tottenham, north London.
London: Police were acting lawfully when they shot dead an unarmed Mark Duggan, the 29-year-old father of six whose killing led to the London riots of August 2011, an inquest jury has found. There was uproar in the courtroom after the jury...
photo: AP / Karel Prinsloo
 The headquarters of Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis in Basel, Switzerland, are seen in this file picture taken Aug. 12, 2006. Novartis AG said Thursday Oct. 18, 2007 that its third-quarter earnings more than tripled due to large divestments, but th
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. paid kickbacks to a specialty pharmacy in exchange for recommending refills of a blood transfusion drug it produces, according to an amended complaint filed Wednesday in a civil case brought by state and federal...
photo: AP/Keystone, Steffen Schmidt
The Detroit River flows beneath the bridge. bridge, over the Detroit River, had the longest suspended central span in the world when it was completed in 1929—564 m (1850 feet), a title it would hold until the opening of the George Washington Bridge in 1931.
A political retaliation scandal that erupted around Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on Wednesday may be about to get worse. In September, according to a report from the Bergen Record, paramedics trying to reach an unconscious 91-year-old...
photo: Creative Commons / Mikerussell
New Jersey Governor says he was misled by staff over bridge scandal
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on Wednesday said he was misled by his staff after fresh revelations that a top aide played a key role in closing some lanes leading to one of the world’s busiest bridges in what critics say was a political...
photo: AP / Rich Schultz