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Tag Archives: school kids

#22, 14:42 High school students brutally attacked by the cops; another four arrestees ordered in pre-trial detention

17.36 A musician’s protest at the Propylea was encircled and tear-gassed by riot police (!) The musicians were performing a track when attacked. There are rumours that this is the first time police use tear gas from their new stock; apparently this is some sort of paralytical tear gas… 14.52 Another four of last week’s [...]

#21, 11:47: High school students gather outside police headquarters; solidarity meeting outside the courts; fascist attacks Chalandri occupation with gun

In the next few minutes, high school students will be gathering outside the police headquarters on Alexandras Ave – an unprecedented move even for leftie/ anarchist groups. But the students have already overcome nearly all conventional forms of political action, so far. A solidarity meeting is called for today outside the main courthouse in Athens, [...]

#18, 18:40: 13-year old girl brutally arrested; murderer’s lawyer’s office attacked; high school students keep up the struggle and get targeted

Just about when the demonstration today was reaching its end, riot cops attacked at Korai Str in Athens, arresting at least four students. One of the arrestees was a 13 year old girl; nearby journalists who reacted to her brutal arrest were also beaten up heavily. Earlier, the office of Alexis Kougias (the murderer’s lawyer) [...]

#16, 14.13 Student Demonstration at Parliament

14.13 the student demonstration in Athens is large, at least 5-6,000.  The high school kids block is an amazing spectacle to watch. They chant “shoot us too!”. We are approaching the parliament now. 14.30 we charge at the cops.  They respond with a fuckload of tear gas.  People hold.  “MURDERERS!” More and more people arrive.  There [...]

#10, 14:18: 25 police stations besieged by students. The murderer cop was member of a nazi group (?)

Mainstream media report that 25 police stations are besieged across Athens, with heavy clashes at some. They also report that more than 4500 tear gas cannisters have been thrown by the police these days; their supplies are running out (!) and more are being ordered from abroad. Fresh demonstrations have been called for Athens, Thessaloniki, [...]

#9, 7.58: It is all up to the school students now

Undercover police arrest student demonstrator; Athens, 9.12 UPDATE, 13:22 The police station of Korydallos in Athens was attacked with molotov cocktails and stones. 700 students remain near a road leading to the local prison; there were clashes outside at least another six police stations in the capital. Mainstream media report that at this point 10 [...]