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Tag Archives: conspiracy cells case

#262 | PASOK headquarters in Chania, Crete occupied in solidarity with the six anarchists

A few days ago, the headquarters of the ruling PASOK party in Chania, Crete were occupied in solidarity with the six anarchists arrested in relation to the revolutionary struggle case. A translation of the communique of the occupiers follows: Occupation of PASOK Headquarters at Chania, by those in solidarity to the persecuted Today, Tuesday 20th [...]

#230 | Reading between the lines: a poster on the “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” case

Patission 61 & Skaramaga squat recently billposted the following poster about the series of arrests and warrants issued supposedly in relation to the “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” case. One after the other these arrests have proved to be baseless, and it is clear that the state is experimenting on a new formula of incriminating [...]

#224 | Yet another arrest for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire; Public Power Corporation in Athens attacked

On Thursday (25.03) night, yet another youth was arrested in the city of Volos in relation to the conspiracy of cells of fire case. He will appear before the prosecutor this morning in Athens, where a solidarity gathering has already been called. The police have published his photograph (even, of course, if there hasn’t yet [...]

#179 | Yet another youth in pre-trial detention for the “conspiracy of cells of fire” case; Athens gears up for anti-fascist gathering

A few hours ago, the 21-year old youth accused for participation to the conspiracy of the cells of fire, the sole evidence being “his fingerprints having been found in a plastic bag in a flat the police raided months ago” (!) has been ordered in pre-trial detention, meaning he will spending the time until his [...]

#168 | Attack at the greek parliament claimed by the Conspiracy…

The Guerrilla Group of Terrorists – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (Nuclei of Fire Conspiracy) claimed the responsibility for the attack at the greek parliament, through a communique published on A translation or summary will come, if possible…

#163 | One more person arrested, charged with participation to the “conspiracy of the cells of fire”

On Tuesday evening, a 26-year old student was arrested for his alleged participation to the “conspiracy of the cells of fire”, marking the 16th arrest for this case. The student had appeared at his local police station in Zografou, Athens, to fulfill his bail conditions, having being arrested at the demonstrations during the European Social [...]

# 127 | Excerpts from the most recent “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” communiqué

Two brief excerpts from the most recent Conspiracy of Cells of Fire communiqué, published after a bomb was set off outside the house of Mimis Androulakis, a turncoat communist – current government MP. The first excerpt explains why Androulakis was targeted, whilst the second one refers to their relationship with (and contains their critique of) [...]

#124 | A spectre is haunting the city: December!

Tomorrow, November 17th, marks the 36th anniversary of the anti-dictatorial student uprising of November 1973. Adding to what would already be an explosive situation, the anniversary is only days away from December 6th, marking a year from the assassination of Alexis, and less than a month from December 15th, when his killer cops Korkoneas and [...]