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  • The Unclear Truth - documentary Iran War Bahrain Palestine Israel Syria News...42:22
  • Rare Video: Mandela Speaking on Palestine [Extracts]...12:27
  • Raw: Battles Intensify for Control of Fallujah...1:31
  • 'Terrorists from 83 countries fighting in Syria' - FM to UN Assembly 2013 (FULL SPEECH)...20:51
  • Michel Djotodia and his short-lived rule in the CAR...3:51
  • Abbott says Australia wants to work with Indonesia to stop asylum seeker boats...0:42
  • News Wrap: Iraq strikes back against al-Qaida militants...4:06
  • South Sudanese demand end to conflict...1:41
  • Syrian Civil War 2013 - Battlefield Syria: Heavy Fighting Clashes And Firefights |Syria War...50:20
  • Panama Canal expansion contractors in strike threat over pay dispute...0:46
  • Robert Gates critiques Obama, Congress in new war memoir...6:12
  • Weather grounds Morsi's helicopter, delays trial again...0:38
  • President Obama's Bilateral Meeting with Prime Minister Maliki of Iraq...17:56
  • Scandal Egyptian Muslim army Central Security hits Christians...1:53
add video playlist "Essential viewing, a true tour de force. Such dense content covered and done so masterfully: chronologically, visually, musically. From start to finish a stirring, enlightening and enriching experience, one which should be savoured by many. Should be on the school syllabus nationwide!" Giti Sorayyapour, PhD Political Science The Unclear Truth - The youth specially in the West seem to be alien to the international events that are taking place around the world. This film brings the issues of the Middle East closer to home and examines the history and links between the many problems that citizens in that region of the world face and how it effects the citizens on this side of the world This documentary examines the issues of the Iranian nuclear program as perceived by the West, the biased approach to Syria, Libya and Bahrain, and the long Israeli and Palestinian conflicting. Respectable figures from British politics, American academia and youth activists examine the issue in detail and provide answers to some very difficult questions. Presented and Produced by Hussain Makke Directed by Reza John Vedadi Interviewees; Kareem Dennis -- Musician and Activist Jody McIntyre -- Journalist and Activist George Galloway -- Member of Parliament Jeremy Corbyn -- Member of Parliament Lidnsey German -- Convener Stop the War Coalition Maryam Alkhawaja -- Vice President of the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights Tony Benn -- Former MP and Cabinet Minister Roger Lloyd Pack -- Actor and activist Dr Kate Hudson -- General Secretary Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Prof. Norman Finkelstein -- Political Scientist and Activist

The Un­clear Truth - doc­u­men­tary Iran War Bahrain Pales­tine Is­rael Syria News


PLO: The Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) was created in 1964 with the purpose of advancing the struggle for Palestinian self determination. The PLO is recognised as the \
Rare Video: Man­dela Speak­ing on Pales­tine [Ex­tracts]
Gunfire and explosions could be seen across Fallujah. Al-Qaida militants and Iraqi government troops battle for control of Fallujah and Ramadi, both strongholds of Sunni insurgents during the US war in Iraq. 

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Raw: Bat­tles In­ten­si­fy for Con­trol of Fal­lu­jah
The Syrian government is fighting against \
'Ter­ror­ists from 83 coun­tries fight­ing in Syria' - FM to UN As­sem­bly 2013 (FULL SPEECH)
J. Peter Pham, Africa Center director of the Atlantic Council discusses Michel Djotodia\'s fall from power.
Michel Djo­to­dia and his short-lived rule in the CAR
Tony Abbott says Australia wants to work with Indonesia to stop asylum seeker boat journeys. . video,daily news,latest news,
Ab­bott says Aus­tralia wants to work with In­done­sia to stop asy­lum seek­er boats
In our news wrap Tuesday, the Iraqi government attacked al-Qaida militants who have been holding the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah for days. Also, a first round of chemical weapons have left Syria. The UN announced that poison gas materials were put to sea to later be destroyed on a U.S. Navy ship.
News Wrap: Iraq strikes back against al-Qai­da mil­i­tants
Hundreds of people have been marching for peace in South Sudan\'s capital, Juba. They want to see an end to fighting between the army and forces loyal to deposed Vice President Riek Machar.

Up to 1,000 people have been killed in three weeks of violence in the country, and talks in neighbouring Ethiopia have stalled.

Al Jazeera\'s Haru Mutasa reports from Juba.
South Su­danese de­mand end to con­flict
Syria Civil War 2013 - Battlefield Syria: Heavy Fighting Clashes And Firefights. Heavy Fighting, Heavy Clashes and Intense Firefights. This pictures do we get if we look up the internet for Syria Videos. No war ever before was so well documented  by alternatet sources like the Syrian Civil War. In 2013 there was such an high amount and flood of informations, pictures and videos about this conflict that it is impossible to cover them all up in just one video. This compilation brings back some famous scenes of the conflict that apeared on the net in 2013. It shows footage of the Syrian Army and also of the Syrian Rebells in HD. It dont seems like this storm of raw information will end in 2014 as there is still no end of the conflict in sign.

Description and Timeline of the Happenings:
00:11-1:15 T72 oboard GoPro films Syrian Army Bmp driving on an IED during SAA Assault on Rebel held positions in Damascus. 

1:15-2:44 T72 onboard GoPro films Rebel ambush on firendly T72 Tank wich results in the lost of one Tank. The View also switches to the rebel perspective and shows their view on the Tank Unit.

2:44-6:26 Al-Nusra Front in heavy intense urban fighting firefight action against government forces in Deir-eZ Zor. The Al-Nusra Front is a radical islamists group fighting to establish a religious state under the sharia law in Syria. 

6:26-8:27 Members of the Islamic Front in heavy fighting against government forces in Eastern Ghouta during the rebel Ghouta Offensive. The Islamic Front is a merger of seven rebel groups involved in the Syrian civil war who joined their forces together in November 2013.

8:28-9:15 A Syrian chopper flying high above Damascus dodges a multitude of heat-seeking missiles. 

9:15-10:20 Free Syrian Army technical who tries to supress Syrian Army Sniper with heavy machine gun fire has an intense fierce close call with incoming government shell on the frontline in Aleppo. 

10:20-11:13 Syrian Army T72 Tanks onboard turretcameras capture failed RPG attack  conducted by Rebel forces hiding in a shool. One of the Tanks repells with a heavy round.

11:13-12:44 Sunni Syrian Arab Army defectors who joined the ranks of the FSA in extreme heavy firefight during rebel assault on the Menagh Airport in Aleppo. The Airport was taken by militants of the Al-Nusra Front in August 2013. It was much 
discussed if the fighter seen in the Video are regular FSA rebels or radical militants from outside but according to their group behaviour,comunication and movement during the whole combat situation it is very likely that they are sunni ex-army members who defected to the Free Syrian Army. Also you can see a kuran lying in the dirt next to him. Radical islamists wouldnt do this because for them the kuran is to holy to let him lying on the ground. Also their accents where clearly identyfied to be strong Syrian Aleppo Accents wich means they are Syrians.

12:44-13:28 Syrian helicopter explodes in mid-air after beeing shot by rebel anti air missle in Idlib.

13:29-14:14 Syrian rebel T55 gets heavy hit during intense street fighting.

14:14-15:23 Rebels captured their assault on an army held checkpoint in Idlib with an Guncam attached to one of their fighters AKs.

15:23-16:52 Members of the Al-Nusra Front trying to storm the Kindi Hospital in Aleppo. 

16:52-20:55 Syrian Army T72 onboard GoPro cams filming their attack on an rebel held neighbourhood of Damascus. 

20:55-24:49  Syrian army in heavy firefight during heavy intense combat action in Darayya. 

24:49-26:41 Al-Nusra militants in heavy clashes with the Syrian Army  in the outskirts of the Al-Hawiqa District/Ahoigah neighborhood near the Jura bridge in Deir ez-Zor. 

26:41-32:55 Syrian tanks attacking rebel controlled area together with infantry units in Al-Kabun. 

32:55-34:56 Insurgents in clashes with government forces outside Idlib. 

34:56-37:00 Free Syrian Army in heavy street fights with government forces in Idlib. 

37:00-41:50 Heavy firefight and clashes between Al-Qaeda and Syrian rebels in Aleppo. 

41:50-42:48 Syrian Insurgent uses Austrian Steyr AUG in streetfight action against regime forces. This fight took place around the Yarmouk district in Damascus.

42:48-48:32 A group of Syrian tanks engage with FSA forces in the city of Jobar. 

48:32-50:19 Heavy dawntime tracer firefight at the Aleppo central prision.

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This footage is part of an war archvie of the war in Syria and should be viewed as educational. This footage is also to be taken as a raw documentary on the events of the conflict in Syria. This footage is not meant to glorify war or violence.
Syr­i­an Civil War 2013 - Bat­tle­field Syria: Heavy Fight­ing Clash­es And Fire­fights |Syria War
The Spanish-led consortium working on a giant project to expand the Panama Canal is threatening to...

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The Spanish-led consortium working on a giant project to expand the Panama Canal is threatening to suspend the operation if its demands for payment are not met.

It has warned the Panama Canal Authority that work will stop in three weeks\' time in a row over who is responsible for cost overruns. Led by Spain\'s Sacyr Vallehermoso, the consortium - which also includes Impregilo of Italy, Belgian firm Jan De Nul and Panama\'s Constructora Urbana - is claiming $1.6 billion (1.16 billion euros).

The project - to build new locks to accommodate larger ships of up to 12,000 containers instead of the current 5,000 - is nine months behind schedule and is now due for completion in June 2015.

Shortly after work began in 2009, there was a four-month delay as the authority considered the cement the consortium was using to be of poor quality.

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Pana­ma Canal ex­pan­sion con­trac­tors in strike threat over pay dis­pute
As former defense secretary for both the Bush and Obama administrations, Robert Gates oversaw wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, testified before Congress and grieved the deaths of his troops. Judy Woodruff talks to Greg Jaffe of The Washington Post for a preview of Gates\' new book, \
Robert Gates cri­tiques Obama, Congress in new war mem­oir
Heavy security surrounded Cairo\'s National Police Academy complex Wednesday, where the incitement trial for ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi was set to take place. Morsi failed to attend due to bad weather halting his transfer to Cairo from Alexandria, resulting in the trial being postponed until February 1.

Morsi, alongside 14 Muslim Brotherhood figures, is accused of inciting violence which resulted in the death of protesters outside the presidential palace during clashes in December 2012.

A helicopter reportedly carrying some of the defendants arrived at the National Police Academy complex in Cairo on Wednesday morning. According to state media, Morsi was set to be airlifted also but his flight was delayed owing to bad weather conditions. He is currently in a jail near Alexandria.

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Weath­er grounds Morsi's he­li­copter, de­lays trial again
President Obama and Prime Minister Maliki speak to the press after a bilateral meeting in the Oval Office.
Pres­i­dent Obama's Bi­lat­er­al Meet­ing with Prime Min­is­ter Ma­li­ki of Iraq
[the Saudi dynasty?]] they have not had any qualms about tearing the Palestinians to realize the ambition of their imperialism! While the Catholic Church from the money at all? They give money only to Muslims! and give the money to lure the rich girls in India: their game? is a very dirty game against all peoples and all cultures! The monstrosity of their accursed Prophet of 1400 years ago? them do still do today! nicopopoify SAID Salafists work for the Zionists. Hamas wants to get rid of them. -ANSWER-  All this does not make sense! Because your eyes are so weak and you do not know see: the true nature of each problem? King Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz. and Crown Prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz: Creed to be smarter than the enlightened Jews: their project? is to subjugate the world to Islam: sure: they operate covertly: their business is going very well, but do not know they came in the jaws of the crocodile! since they can not comprehend the extent to which: American Jews Satanists: they want to destroy all the world
@ukfreestuffme - Perhaps it is normal for you that 300 Christians are killed: by Muslims, every day, just because Sharia does not recognize freedom of religion? 160000christianmartyrs.blogspo­ (but, she not answer)
@Muslims -- China, India and Russia? they have no interest in raising: the Sharia criminal! If: they do not launch like jackals on the prey with others? will look without even lifting a finger! You\'ll end up being torn apart! You are a destabilizing organization intenazionale! Very soon will be your hour!-  if the Zionists and Americans Satanists: 666 Rothschild and 322 Bush, they want to do an invasion of Egypt? what I have published: it is more than enough! because you deserve to be exterminated! You remove the Sharia: or Allah my God will remove you.URGENT:Marshal Tantawi orders the Egyptian army to runs over Christians in Maspero demonstrators with tanks and killed 39 Christian Copts-Martyred. Cairo-Egypt.9/10/2011Bodies of Christian martyrs cut to pieces in the streets and on bridges in pools of blood.\
Scan­dal Egyp­tian Mus­lim army Cen­tral Se­cu­ri­ty hits Chris­tians
Thai­land Protest 2013 - Ex­plained

updated 21 Jan 2013; published 21 Jan 2013
The Un­clear Truth - doc­u­men­tary Iran War Bahrain Pales­tine Is­rael Syria News
The Guardian 09 Jan 2014, News that high-level contacts between Palestinian party and Tehran have resumed is likely to dismay Israel and US Khaled Meshaal, the head of Hamas’s political bureau, based in Qatar, met representatives from Tehran in Ankara and Doha in recent months, and may visit Tehran in the coming months. Photograph: Mohammed Saber/EPA A rapprochement between...
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updated 16 Dec 2013; published 16 Dec 2013
Rare Video: Man­dela Speak­ing on Pales­tine [Ex­tracts]
Al Jazeera 09 Jan 2014, if Palestine is to become a genuine nation state, Palestinians and their supporters must replace the politics of compliance and compromise with a politics of unity and assertiveness. This was the conclusion drawn from discussions with academics and politicians from Arab countries including significant Palestinian leaders from Hamas and Fatah, plus...
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updated 04 Jan 2014; published 04 Jan 2014
Raw: Bat­tles In­ten­si­fy for Con­trol of Fal­lu­jah
Times Union 09 Jan 2014, BEIRUT (AP) — Al-Qaida is positioning itself as a vanguard defending the Sunni community against what it sees as persecution by Shiite-dominated governments across Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. As a result, a Syrian rebellion whose aim was the removal of President Bashar Assad is evolving into something both bigger and more ambiguous: a fight...
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updated 30 Sep 2013; published 30 Sep 2013
'Ter­ror­ists from 83 coun­tries fight­ing in Syria' - FM to UN As­sem­bly 2013 (FULL SPEECH)
BBC News 09 Jan 2014, Russia has blocked a UN Security Council statement condemning the Syrian government's use of air strikes against civilians in the city of Aleppo. Attacks using barrel bombs and Scud missiles by President...
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updated 08 Jan 2014; published 08 Jan 2014
Michel Djo­to­dia and his short-lived rule in the CAR
Sydney Morning Herald 09 Jan 2014, N'Djamena, Chad: Central African Republic's interim President Michel Djotodia will face pressure to step down at a summit of regional...
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updated 08 Jan 2014; published 08 Jan 2014
Ab­bott says Aus­tralia wants to work with In­done­sia to stop asy­lum seek­er boats
Jakarta Globe 09 Jan 2014, By Agence France-Presse on 9:14 am January 9, 2014. Category Featured, International, World Tags: asylum seekers, Australia Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Indonesia-Australia relations Sydney. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott defended the government’s secrecy over its border protection policy Thursday after reports that boats had been...
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updated 08 Jan 2014; published 08 Jan 2014
News Wrap: Iraq strikes back against al-Qai­da mil­i­tants
Huffington Post 08 Jan 2014, BAGHDAD, Jan 8 (Reuters) - Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki vowed to eradicate al Qaeda in Iraq and predicted victory as his army prepared to launch a major assault against the Sunni Islamist militants who have taken over parts of the city of Falluja. Fighters from the al Qaeda affiliated Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which is also...
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updated 09 Jan 2014; published 09 Jan 2014
DR. Mustafa Ali in­ter­view on South Sudan peace talks
Jakarta Globe 08 Jan 2014, By Aaron Maasho & Carl Odera on 9:55 am January 8, 2014. Category International, World Tags: Ethiopia, South Sudan Displaced people carry water containers on their heads at Tomping camp, where some 15,000 displaced people who fled their homes are sheltered by the United Nations, near South Sudan’s capital Juba January 7, 2014. (Reuters Photo)...
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updated 31 Dec 2013; published 31 Dec 2013
Syr­i­an Civil War 2013 - Bat­tle­field Syria: Heavy Fight­ing Clash­es And Fire­fights |Syria War
BBC News 08 Jan 2014, A hardline Islamist rebel group in Syria has called on its supporters to attack rival opposition factions that do not support its cause. The call by the al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) follows days of rebel infighting that has left scores dead. It came hours after another rebel group called on ISIS to observe a...
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updated 02 Jan 2014; published 02 Jan 2014
Pana­ma Canal ex­pan­sion con­trac­tors in strike threat over pay dis­pute
Lexington Herald-Leader 08 Jan 2014, PANAMA CITYThe Panama Canal Authority said Tuesday that it wants to end a standoff over the expansion of the canal by splitting construction costs with an international consortium that has threatened to halt work unless the authority comes up with $1.6 billion in extra funding. The authority said Tuesday that it would pay $183 million and...
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updated 09 Jan 2014; published 09 Jan 2014
Robert Gates cri­tiques Obama, Congress in new war mem­oir
BBC News 08 Jan 2014, Former US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has strongly criticised President Barack Obama's handling of the war in Afghanistan, US media have reported. In Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary of War, Mr Gates says that the president was sceptical that his administration's Afghan strategy would succeed. "I never doubted [his] support for the...
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updated 08 Jan 2014; published 08 Jan 2014
Weath­er grounds Morsi's he­li­copter, de­lays trial again
Voa News 07 Jan 2014, Henry Ridgwell LONDON — The trial is scheduled to resume Wednesday Egypt's democratically-elected President Mohamed Morsi, who was ousted in a military coup last July. Morsi is accused of inciting the killing of anti-government protesters in 2012, as well as other alleged crimes. But supporters from his Muslim Brotherhood movement insist Morsi...
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updated 02 Nov 2013; published 02 Nov 2013
Pres­i­dent Obama's Bi­lat­er­al Meet­ing with Prime Min­is­ter Ma­li­ki of Iraq
CNN 07 Jan 2014, January 7, 2014 -- Updated 1331 GMT (2131 HKT) Editor's note: Charles Lister is a Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Doha Center in Doha, Qatar. His work focuses primarily on issues of terrorism and insurgency across the Middle East. Follow him on Twitter: @Charles_Lister. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely his. (CNN) -- Fallujah...
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updated 13 Oct 2011; published 13 Oct 2011
Scan­dal Egyp­tian Mus­lim army Cen­tral Se­cu­ri­ty hits Chris­tians
Lexington Herald-Leader 07 Jan 2014, CAIRO — Millions of Egyptian Christians thronged churches across this mainly Muslim nation for Christmas Mass, held Monday amid unusually tight security but with congregations filled with hope ahead of a key vote on a new constitution that enshrines equality and criminalizes discrimination. The stepped up security was in response to fears...
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Hamas and Iran rebuild ties three years after falling out over Syria
Full Article The Guardian
09 Jan 2014

News that high-level contacts between Palestinian party and Tehran have resumed is likely to dismay Israel and US Khaled Meshaal, the head of Hamas’s political bureau, based in Qatar, met representatives from Tehran in Ankara and Doha in recent months, and may visit Tehran in the coming months. Photograph: Mohammed Saber/EPA A rapprochement between... Peace War
File - Hamas leader in exile Khaled Meshaal greets members of the Palestinian family of Kamal al-Nayrab, the killed leader of the Popular Resistance Committees in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip on December 10, 2012.
photo: WN / Ahmed Deeb

Palestinian nationhood: End the politics of compromise now
Full Article Al Jazeera
09 Jan 2014

if Palestine is to become a genuine nation state, Palestinians and their supporters must replace the politics of compliance and compromise with a politics of unity and assertiveness. This was the conclusion drawn from discussions with academics and politicians from Arab countries including significant Palestinian leaders from Hamas and Fatah, plus... Rights Palestine Conflict
File - Palestinians Carrying flags, during a rally marking the 13 th anniversary of the Al-Aqsa uprising or 'Second Intifada', in the refugee camp of Nusairat, central Gaza Strip, 27 September 2013.
photo: WN / Ahmed Deeb

Al-Qaida-linked group ramps up regional violence
Full Article Times Union
09 Jan 2014

BEIRUT (AP) — Al-Qaida is positioning itself as a vanguard defending the Sunni community against what it sees as persecution by Shiite-dominated governments across Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. As a result, a Syrian rebellion whose aim was the removal of President Bashar Assad is evolving into something both bigger and more ambiguous: a fight... Qaida Violence War
In this Sunday, Jan. 5, 2014, file photo, gunmen patrol during clashes with Iraqi security forces in Fallujah, Iraq.
photo: AP

Syria crisis: Russia blocks UN statement on Aleppo attacks
Full Article BBC News
09 Jan 2014

Russia has blocked a UN Security Council statement condemning the Syrian government's use of air strikes against civilians in the city of Aleppo. Attacks using barrel bombs and Scud missiles by President... Rights War Nations
File - In this Monday, Dec. 23, 2013 citizen journalism image provided by Aleppo Media Center AMC, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, Syrians inspect damages buildings following a Syrian government airstrike in Aleppo, Syria.
photo: AP / Aleppo Media Center AMC

Central African Republic President Michel Djotodia, left, shakes hands with assembled dignitaries as he departs for Chad, at Mpoko Airport in Bangui, Central African Republic, Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014.
photo: AP / Rebecca Blackwell

Australian PM Defends Secrecy Over Border Protection
Full Article Jakarta Globe
09 Jan 2014

By Agence France-Presse on 9:14 am January 9, 2014. Category Featured, International, World Tags: asylum seekers, Australia Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Indonesia-Australia relations Sydney. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott defended the government’s secrecy over its border protection policy Thursday after reports that boats had been... Policy - Australia In Australia - Australia Relations
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott gestures as he speaks to the press after laying a wreath at the memorial of the 2002 Bali bombing that killed 202 people during his visit at the site in Kuta, Bali, Indonesia, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013. Australia suffered more deaths in the attacks than any other country, with 88 of its citizens dead.
photo: AP / Firdia Lisnawati

Humanitarian Situation In Fallujah Critical As Clashes Between Army And Militants Continue: UN
Full Article Huffington Post
08 Jan 2014

BAGHDAD, Jan 8 (Reuters) - Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki vowed to eradicate al Qaeda in Iraq and predicted victory as his army prepared to launch a major assault against the Sunni Islamist militants who have taken over parts of the city of Falluja. Fighters from the al Qaeda affiliated Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which is also... Qaeda War Nations
Gunmen gather in a street as they chant slogans against Iraq's Shiite-led government and demanding that the Iraqi army not try to enter the city in Fallujah, 40 miles (65 kilometers) west of Baghdad, Iraq, Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2014.
photo: AP

South Sudan Rejects Call to Free Rebels to Help End Fighting
Full Article Jakarta Globe
08 Jan 2014

By Aaron Maasho & Carl Odera on 9:55 am January 8, 2014. Category International, World Tags: Ethiopia, South Sudan Displaced people carry water containers on their heads at Tomping camp, where some 15,000 displaced people who fled their homes are sheltered by the United Nations, near South Sudan’s capital Juba January 7, 2014. (Reuters Photo)... Rights Sudan Nations
Refugees who fled the recent violence in South Sudan and crossed the border into Uganda carry their belongings as they await transportation from a transit center in the town of Koboko to a nearby settlement in Arua District, in northern Uganda Monday, Jan. 6, 2014.
photo: AP / Rebecca Vassie

Syria crisis: Islamist rebels urge attacks on opposition rivals
Full Article BBC News
08 Jan 2014

A hardline Islamist rebel group in Syria has called on its supporters to attack rival opposition factions that do not support its cause. The call by the al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) follows days of rebel infighting that has left scores dead. It came hours after another rebel group called on ISIS to observe a... Qaida Rights War
In this Friday, Nov. 22, 2013 file photo, a Shiite fighter clashes with members of the Sunni-dominated Free Syrian Army rebel in the town of Hatita, in the countryside of Damascus, Syria.
photo: AP / Jaber al-Helo

Panama Canal authority proposes end to dispute
Full Article Lexington Herald-Leader
08 Jan 2014

PANAMA CITYThe Panama Canal Authority said Tuesday that it wants to end a standoff over the expansion of the canal by splitting construction costs with an international consortium that has threatened to halt work unless the authority comes up with $1.6 billion in extra funding. The authority said Tuesday that it would pay $183 million and... Canal Canal Authority Canal Expansion Project
The Panama Canal. A ship canal is a canal especially constructed to carry ocean-going ships, as opposed to barges. Ship canals can be enlarged barge canals, canalized or channelized rivers, or canals especially constructed from the start to accommodate ships.
photo: Creative Commons / Stan Shebs.

Pentagon ex-head Gates criticises Obama's Afghan tactics
Full Article BBC News
08 Jan 2014

Former US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has strongly criticised President Barack Obama's handling of the war in Afghanistan, US media have reported. In Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary of War, Mr Gates says that the president was sceptical that his administration's Afghan strategy would succeed. "I never doubted [his] support for the... War Obama Withdrawal - Afghan
US Defense Secretary Robert Gates pauses during a joint press conference with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, not seen, at the presidential palace in Kabul, Afghanistan on Tuesday Jan. 16, 2007.
photo: AP / Musadeq Sadeq

Morsi Trial to Resume as Egypt Protests Grow
Full Article Voa News
07 Jan 2014

Henry Ridgwell LONDON — The trial is scheduled to resume Wednesday Egypt's democratically-elected President Mohamed Morsi, who was ousted in a military coup last July. Morsi is accused of inciting the killing of anti-government protesters in 2012, as well as other alleged crimes. But supporters from his Muslim Brotherhood movement insist Morsi... Crisis Morsi Brotherhood
A supporter of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi holds an old presidential campaign poster of him with Arabic that reads, "Mohammed Morsi, president for Egypt, 2012, resurrection is the will of the people," during a protest a day before the trial of the former president taking place at a police academy in an eastern Cairo district, in Egypt, Sunday, Nov. 3, 2013.
photo: AP / Eman Helal

One move too far: How Iraq's Nouri al-Maliki overreached in Anbar
Full Article CNN
07 Jan 2014

January 7, 2014 -- Updated 1331 GMT (2131 HKT) Editor's note: Charles Lister is a Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Doha Center in Doha, Qatar. His work focuses primarily on issues of terrorism and insurgency across the Middle East. Follow him on Twitter: @Charles_Lister. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely his. (CNN) -- Fallujah... Qaida War Peace
A man looks at a burned police vehicle in the main street of Fallujah after clashes between Iraqi security forces and al-Qaeda fighters in Fallujah, 40 miles (65 kilometers) west of Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, Jan. 5, 2014.
photo: AP

Security tight as Egypt Christians mark Christmas
Full Article Lexington Herald-Leader
07 Jan 2014

CAIRO — Millions of Egyptian Christians thronged churches across this mainly Muslim nation for Christmas Mass, held Monday amid unusually tight security but with congregations filled with hope ahead of a key vote on a new constitution that enshrines equality and criminalizes discrimination. The stepped up security was in response to fears... Persecution In Egypt Christians Copts
Worshippers attend Christmas Eve Mass
photo: AP / Ravy Shaker, El Shorouk Newspaper

Liverpool's Daniel Agger denies exit rumours
Full Article Goal
09 Jan 2014

The Denmark international has started just nine Premier League games under Brendan Rodgers this season and has been linked with a switch to Napoli £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = VER Draw NAP £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = VER Draw NAP £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = VER Draw NAP £5 £10...
Manchester City's Maicon, left, fights for the ball against Liverpool's Daniel Agger during their English Premier League soccer match at The Etihad Stadium, Manchester, England, Sunday Feb. 3, 2013.
photo: AP / Jon Super

Football transfer rumours: Mirko Vucinic to Tottenham Hotspur?
Full Article The Guardian
09 Jan 2014

Today's fluff is fluffy Is Mirko Vucinic on his way to White Hart Lane? Photograph: Giuseppe Cacace/AFP/Getty Images FC Toronto are seeking a striker, and to that end, have somehow come up with the name of Jermain Defoe – or Daniel, as he is known in the dressing room – scorer of a princely zero league goals so far this season. For the privilege of...
Bayern's Mario Mandzukic of Croatia, right celebrates his side's opening goal with his teammate Daniel van Byten, left, during the German first division Bundesliga soccer match between VfL Wolfsburg and FC Bayern Munich in Wolfsburg, Germany, Friday, Feb. 15, 2013. In the center is Wolfsburg's Alexander Madlung.
photo: AP / Michael Sohn

Roberto Martinez coy on McGeady links to Everton
Full Article Goal
09 Jan 2014

The Spartak Moscow winger's contract is set to expire at the end of the season but the Spaniard is coy when asked to comment on reports that he is due for a Toffees medical £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = EVE Draw NOR £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = EVE Draw NOR £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = EVE Draw...
Everton's manager Roberto Martinez arrives at the dugout before the start of their English League Cup third round soccer match against Fulham at Craven Cottage, London, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2013.
photo: AP / Sang Tan

Mazzarri: Crisis talk wide of mark January 9, 2014
Full Article ESPN
09 Jan 2014

Inter Milan coach Walter Mazzarri says talk of a crisis could not be further from the truth. GettyImagesWalter Mazzarri is unhappy about recent comparisons between Inter and AC Milan. • A to Lazio on Monday saw the Nerazzurri drop out of the top five, but the former Napoli boss says people have been too quick to forget where...
Inter Milan new coach Walter Mazzarri smiles during the official presentation at the Inter Milan training center in Appiano Gentile, near Milan, Italy, Thursday, June 6, 2013.
photo: AP / Antonio Calanni

Puyol undecided on Barcelona future
Full Article Goal
09 Jan 2014

The centre-back dismisses suggestions that he intends to retire from professional football this summer but will wait until the end of the season before considering his next step £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = ATM Draw FCB £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = ATM Draw FCB £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = ATM...
FC Barcelona's Carles Puyol gestures against Valencia during a semi-final, second leg, Copa del Rey soccer match at the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2012.
photo: AP / Manu Fernandez

Negredo enjoying Manchester City partnership with Dzeko
Full Article Goal
09 Jan 2014

The Spaniard scored his second hat-trick of the season, while the Bosnian netted twice, in Wednesday's 6-0 hammering of West Ham in the first leg of the Capital One Cup semi-final £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = NEW Draw MNC £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = NEW Draw MNC £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = NEW...
Manchester City's Alvaro Negredo celebrates after he scores the fifth goal of the game for his side during their Champions League Group D soccer match against CSKA Moscow at the Etihad Stadium in Manchester, England, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2013.
photo: AP / Clint Hughes

Real's Alonso agrees contract extension
Full Article Yahoo Daily News
09 Jan 2014

MADRID (Reuters) - Spain midfielder Xabi Alonso has agreed a two-year contract extension with Real Madrid which will keep the 32-year-old at the club until 2016, he announced on his Twitter account on Wednesday....
Dortmund's Neven Subotic, from Serbia, left, and Real Madrid's Xabi Alonso eye the ball during the Champions League semifinal first leg soccer match between Borussia Dortmund and Real Madrid in Dortmund, Germany, Wednesday, April 24 2013.
photo: AP / Frank Augstein

Neuer the best in the world, insists Dante
Full Article Goal
09 Jan 2014

The Brazil international hails his Bayern Munich team-mate for providing a solid base between the posts and instilling a confidence in the defenders in front of him Bayern Munich defender Dante believes that Manuel Neuer is the best goalkeeper in the world following his fine performances in the first half of the 2013-14 campaign. The Germany...
Bayern goalkeeper Manuel Neuer gestures during the German Soccer Cup (DFB Pokal) semi final match between FC Bayern Munich and VfL Wolfsburg, in Munich, southern Germany, Tuesday, April 16, 2013.
photo: AP / Matthias Schrader

Cyrus, Bieber in Forbes' list of 30 Under 30
Full Article Newstrack India
07 Jan 2014

Tweet Los Angeles, Jan 7 (IANS) Pop stars Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber feature in Forbes 30 Under 30 2014 list, a compilation of the brightest stars under the age of 30 who are...
Justin Bieber performs during the 'Believe Tour' at the Amway Center Orlando, Florida - January 25, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Bruce Springsteen's album 'High Hopes' streams for free
Full Article The Siasat Daily
06 Jan 2014

Washington, January 06: Bruce Springsteen latest album 'High Hopes' is finally available to listen to for free, after it was leaked online. The full album has been made available ten days before its official release, via the CBS website, Contactmusic reported. The album was...
Bruce Springsteen performs during the 54th annual Grammy Awards pre-show on Sunday, Feb. 12, 2012 in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles)
photo: AP / Matt Sayles

Katy Perry demands 'vegetables, fruits' during Vegas concert
Full Article Newstrack India
06 Jan 2014

Tweet Washington, January 6 (ANI): Katy Perry had made a list of backstage demands for her New Year's Eve concert in Las Vegas, which includes a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. The 'Roar' hitmaker asked the...
Katy Perry @ MuchMusic Video Awards 2010 Soundcheck 05 wikis
photo: Creative Commons / Tm

Ellie Goulding embarrassed being told off by staff on birthday
Full Article Newstrack India
06 Jan 2014

Tweet Washington, January 6 (ANI): Ellie Goulding was left embarrassed when she was out celebrating her birthday and was told off by the staff of a private members' club. The 'Burn'...
Ellie Goulding performing live at the Fillmore Miami Beach at the Jackie Gleason Theater Miami Beach, Florida - January 16, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

American singer and UN Messenger of Peace Stevie Wonder gives an interview for the UN News and Media Division's news outlets.
photo: UN / Mark Garten

Justin Timberlake's 'The 20/20 Experience' tops best-selling album list of 2013
Full Article Newstrack India
05 Jan 2014

Tweet Washington, Jan 5 (ANI): Justin Timberlake's album 'The 20/20 Experience' has topped the list of album sales in 2013. According to Billboard, the album which was released on March 15th, 2013 sold 2.43 million...
Justin Timberlake concert 2
photo: Creative Commons / Nikkiboom

Cowell 'offers Scherzinger $5M'
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
05 Jan 2014

Nicole Scherzinger has reportedly been offered a lucrative contract to return for another season of X Factor UK. The former Pussycat Dolls frontwoman has served as a judge on the series since 2011. According to UK's Sunday People, X Factor boss Simon Cowell is so determined to get her back for another season, he's offering her double her salary for...
Nicole Scherzinger na "World Domination Tour
photo: Creative Commons / compulsiveprep

Beyoncé 'ready for another baby'
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
05 Jan 2014

Beyoncé Knowles and Jay Z are rumoured to be planning for their second baby. The husband-and-wife power couple of have big plans for 2014, and a baby is rumoured to be one of them. They are already parents to Blue Ivy, who turns two on January 7. Sources say the shock release of 32-year-old Beyoncé’s self-titled new album, which hit the shelves...
Beyonce Knowles appears onstage during MTV's "Total Request Live" at the MTV Times Square Studios Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2006 in New York. Beyonce's latest album "B'Day" hit stores Tuesday, Sept. 5.
photo: AP / Jason DeCrow

Jennifer Lawrence to star in Shekhar Kapur's magnum opus 'Paani'?
Full Article DNA India
08 Jan 2014

Tired of hearing about Bollywood actresses making a debut in Hollywood? Now there’s a twist in the tale. If all goes well, Hollywood actress Jennifer Lawrence might star in a Bollywood film. The Oscar winning actress has been approached to be part of Shekhar Kapur’s Paani. The project is being produced by Yashraj Films and is based on a...
Director Shekhar Kapur                   (bb2)
photo: AP / Daniel Ochoa de Olza

Less collecting, more reading: Soha's mantra (Movie Snippets)
Full Article Newstrack India
07 Jan 2014

Tweet Mumbai, Jan 7 (IANS) Following the release of her Bollywood film "Mr Joe B. Carvalho", actress Soha Ali Khan has her eyes set on collecting less books and reading more of them. "Plan: less book collecting, more actual reading - starting with Ramachandra Guha's 'India After Gandhi'. The best analysis of post-independence India," Soha, an avid...
Bollywood actor Soha Ali Khan smiles as she arrives for the inauguration of a shopping mall in Calcutta, India, Monday, Oct. 29, 2007.
photo: AP /

Emma Roberts Engaged To Evan Peters (REPORT)
Full Article Huffington Post
07 Jan 2014

Frazer Harrison via Getty Images Emma Roberts is reportedly engaged to marry Evan Peters. Here, they attend the Premiere Of FX's 'American Horror Story: Coven' after party at Fig & Olive Melrose Place on Oct. 5 in West Hollywood. (Frazer Harrison/Getty Images) Actress Emma Roberts is engaged to marry boyfriend and "American Horror...
Emma Roberts arrives at the Teen Vogue Young Hollywood Party in Los Angeles on Thursday, Sept. 20, 2007.
photo: AP / Matt Sayles

Will Smith pays tribute to Bel-Air co-star James Avery
Full Article BBC News
07 Jan 2014

Will Smith has paid tribute to his former Fresh Prince of Bel-Air co-star James Avery, who died last week. Smith, who played Avery's nephew in the 1990s sitcom, posted a photo of him with Avery and other cast members on his Facebook page. He wrote that the picture was taken the last time they were together. "Some of my greatest lessons in...
Actor Will Smith gives the victory sign to reporters upon his arrival at Ciampino airport in Rome, Friday, Nov. 17, 2006. Smith is in Rome to attend the expected wedding of actors Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, likely to take place at a medieval lakeside town Bracciano, outside Rome, on Saturday.
photo: AP / Alessandra Tarantino

Abhishek upset over 'Dhoom 3' edit
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
07 Jan 2014

A birdie tells us that Abhishek Bachchan is not too happy with the way his role has shaped up in Dhoom 3. The film we hear, was originally supposed to have a leading lady opposite...
Bollywood Actress Abhishek Bachchan during the inaguration of Omega Boutiqueat Kolkata on Friday 27 September 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Versatile Nawazuddin now wants fee hike
Full Article Newstrack India
07 Jan 2014

Tweet Mumbai, Jan 7 (IANS) Actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui, known for roles in films "Kahaani", "Talaash" and "Gangs of Wasseypur, says he wants his fee to be increased now. "I want to hike my price because that should happen with each actor. It's just a wish which is...
Bollywood Actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui along with Bipasha Basu  interact the media at Park Plaza Hotel in Kolkata on Monday 11 March 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Republic Day release for Akshay Kumar's next
Full Article The Times of India
07 Jan 2014

This Republic Day it'll be Salman Khan saying 'Jai Ho'. And next year it could well be Akshay Kumar saying 'Jai Hind!' Neeraj Pandey, of 'Special Chabbis' fame, has teamed up with Vikram Malhotra to co-produce and direct an action thriller featuring the...
 Salman Khan, Bollywood Actor, India, Star, Bolly (mk1)
photo: MGS/WN

Warner Bros. Heiress Sells Hollywood Home
Full Article The Hollywood Reporter
06 Jan 2014

1 0 0 0 0 Email Print Comments Chad King; Courtesy of Fox Warner Howard's views included the Capitol Records tower. (Inset: Nick Weidenfeld) The 2,600-square-foot house of Jack Warner's daughter Barbara Warner Howard is now the property of Nick Weidenfeld, head of Fox's Animation Domination High-Def, with “dead-on views of downtown to the ocean,”...
Warner Bros
photo: Creative Commons / ?LiAnG?

IBM's Watson gets its own business
Full Article Houston Chronicle
09 Jan 2014

NEW YORK (AP) — One of the most famous "Jeopardy!" champs of all time is moving to Manhattan. No, it's not Ken Jennings. IBM announced Thursday that it's investing over $1 billion to give its Watson cloud computing system its own business division and a new home in the heart of New York City. The Armonk, N.Y.-based computing company said the new... Technology
Watson, an IBM artificial intelligence computer, is capable of "learning" as it operates.
photo: Creative Commons / Clockready

Annual auto sales witness first decline in 11 years
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
09 Jan 2014

New Delhi: Annual car sales in India declined for the first time in 11 years in 2013, posting a 9.59 per cent dip, as the auto industry reeled under a prolonged demand slump due to the economic slowdown. According to the Society of Indian Automobile Industry (SIAM), domestic car sales last year fell to 18,07,011 units from 19,98,703 units in the...
Maruti Suzuki's A-Star car at an auto expo-automobile.
photo: WN / Sayali Santosh Kadam

Rubio wants states to lead second wave against poverty
Full Article STL Today
09 Jan 2014

WASHINGTON • Sen. Marco Rubio proposed on Wednesday an overhaul of the nation’s anti-poverty programs, arguing that for decades Washington has been too fixed on dealing with poverty’s consequences rather than its causes. Rubio, R-Fla.,suggested giving federal funds to states so they could devise ways to combat poverty. “Five decades and trillions... Rubio
Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., a Cuban-American, speaks about the “American dream” on the 50th anniversary of President Lyndon Johnson’s first State of the Union address in 1964, where LBJ committed the government to a war on poverty, Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014, on Capitol Hill in Washington. Rubio’s speech was hosted by the conservative American Enterprise Institute.
photo: AP / J. Scott Applewhite

Authorities in NY sue Novartis in kickback scheme
Full Article WPXI
09 Jan 2014

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. paid kickbacks to a specialty pharmacy in exchange for recommending refills of a blood transfusion drug it produces, according to an amended complaint filed Wednesday in a civil case brought by state and federal prosecutors in New York. The East Hanover, N.J.-based company boosted its sales of the iron-reduction drug...
 The headquarters of Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis in Basel, Switzerland, are seen in this file picture taken Aug. 12, 2006. Novartis AG said Thursday Oct. 18, 2007 that its third-quarter earnings more than tripled due to large divestments, but th
photo: AP/Keystone, Steffen Schmidt

Facebook to buy Android app monitoring tool maker
Full Article Sun Sentinel
08 Jan 2014

(Reuters) - Facebook Inc is buying India-based Little Eye Labs, a startup that builds performance analysis and monitoring tools for mobile Android apps, to help boost its technology as it focuses on growing revenue... Apps Eye Labs
Android - Google
photo: WN / Yolanda Leyba

Luxury car sales to dip
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
08 Jan 2014

The super car market is expected to see a slowdown in India as high duty structure, lack of proper infrastructure and maintenance facilities are forcing super car enthusiasts to shelve their purchase plans. “Unfortunately, the super car market is...
Audi - Cars - Luxury Cars - Germany
photo: WN / Farida Azzawi

US stocks rally, breaking a three-day slump
Full Article Kansas City Star
07 Jan 2014

NEW YORK — Stocks rallied Tuesday, ending a slump that had ushered in the New Year. Mark Lennihan, File | AP Photo FILE - In this Thursday, Jan. 2, 2014, file photo, Donald Civitanova, a floor official with Knight Capital, works at the New York Stock Exchange, in New York. Stocks are opening higher on Wall Street, Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2014, after... York Stock Exchange Stocks
Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2010.
photo: AP / Richard Drew

JPMorgan To Pay Over $2bn In Madoff Scheme
Full Article Orange News
07 Jan 2014

7 January 2014, 22:08 JPMorgan To Pay Over $2bn In Madoff Scheme Tweet JPMorgan Chase has agreed to pay more than $2bn (£1.2bn) to settle claims related to Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme. The bank will pay $1.7bn to settle criminal charges and a $350m civil penalty for what the Treasury Department called "critical and widespread deficiencies" in its... Chase Scheme
This July 28, 2012, file photo, shows JPMorgan Chase office in London.
photo: AP / Timur Emek

The Unclear Truth - documentary Iran War Bahrain Palestine Israel Syria News
The Unclear Truth - documentary Iran War Bahrain Palestine Israel Syria News
  • Order:
  • Duration: 42:22
  • Updated: 21 Jan 2013 "Essential viewing, a true tour de force. Such dense content covered and done so masterfully: chronologically, visually, musically. From start to finish a stirring, enlightening and enriching experience, one which should be savoured by many. Should be on the school syllabus nationwide!" Giti Sorayyapour, PhD Political Science The Unclear Truth - The youth specially in the West seem to be alien to the international events that are taking place around the world. This film brings the issues of the Middle East closer to home and examines the history and links between the many problems that citizens in that region of the world face and how it effects the citizens on this side of the world This documentary examines the issues of the Iranian nuclear program as perceived by the West, the biased approach to Syria, Libya and Bahrain, and the long Israeli and Palestinian conflicting. Respectable figures from British politics, American academia and youth activists examine the issue in detail and provide answers to some very difficult questions. Presented and Produced by Hussain Makke Directed by Reza John Vedadi Interviewees; Kareem Dennis -- Musician and Activist Jody McIntyre -- Journalist and Activist George Galloway -- Member of Parliament Jeremy Corbyn -- Member of Parliament Lidnsey German -- Convener Stop the War Coalition Maryam Alkhawaja -- Vice President of the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights Tony Benn -- Former MP and Cabinet Minister Roger Lloyd Pack -- Actor and activist Dr Kate Hudson -- General Secretary Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Prof. Norman Finkelstein -- Political Scientist and Activist
  • published: 21 Jan 2013
  • views: 43667

Rare Video: Mandela Speaking on Palestine [Extracts]
Rare Video: Mandela Speaking on Palestine [Extracts]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:27
  • Updated: 16 Dec 2013
FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO: ---------- REFERENCES MADE BY NELSON MANDELA PLO: The Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) was created in 1964 with the purpose of advancing the struggle for Palestinian self determination. The PLO is recognised as the "sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people" by over 100 countries with which it holds diplomatic relations. Like South Africa's (now ruling ANC) the PLO was considered by the United States and Israel to be a terrorist organisation until 1991. In 1993 Israel officially recognised the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people. YASSER ARAFAT: Late leader of the Palestinian people as well as chairman of the PLO. ------------------------------ ABOUT THE VIDEO - 1990 Town Hall Meeting with Nelson Mandela on Palestine, Cuba and other issues The above video is from a 1990 town hall meeting, held in New York City and chaired by Ted Koppel of ABC Networks (click here to watch the video on YouTube). The meeting formed part Nelson Mandela's first visit to the USA immediately following his release from prison. A significant part of the town hall meeting focused on Nelson Mandela's advocating (on behalf of the African National Congress and the larger South African liberation struggle) for sanctions to be applied against Apartheid South Africa, his and the ANC's support for the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) as well as his close friendship with Yasser Arafat (of Palestine) and Fidel Castro (of Cuba). The town hall meeting took place in 1990, long before the world had embraced Nelson Mandela as a "giant of justice". However, even then, when it may have been unfashionable and unpopular to support the Palestinians against, what Mandela termed, Israeli "colonialism", Mandela stood firm and resolute on his principles and the policies of the ANC - Mandela was, after all, conveying the long-standing positions held by the ANC and the larger South African liberation movement. Nelson Mandela supported the Palestinian struggle when it was unfashionable and unpopular, he was a true leader. Hamba Kahle Tata... ------------------------------ FULL VERSION:
  • published: 16 Dec 2013
  • views: 32494 Extracts

Raw: Battles Intensify for Control of Fallujah
Raw: Battles Intensify for Control of Fallujah
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:31
  • Updated: 04 Jan 2014 Gunfire and explosions could be seen across Fallujah. Al-Qaida militants and Iraqi government troops battle for control of Fallujah and Ramadi, both strongholds of Sunni insurgents during the US war in Iraq. The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. AP's commitment to independent, comprehensive journalism has deep roots. Founded in 1846, AP has covered all the major news events of the past 165 years, providing high-quality, informed reporting of everything from wars and elections to championship games and royal weddings. AP is the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information. Today, AP employs the latest technology to collect and distribute content - we have daily uploads covering the latest and breaking news in the world of politics, sport and entertainment. Join us in a conversation about world events, the newsgathering process or whatever aspect of the news universe you find interesting or important. Subscribe:
  • published: 04 Jan 2014
  • views: 11390

'Terrorists from 83 countries fighting in Syria' - FM to UN Assembly 2013 (FULL SPEECH)
'Terrorists from 83 countries fighting in Syria' - FM to UN Assembly 2013 (FULL SPEECH)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 20:51
  • Updated: 30 Sep 2013
The Syrian government is fighting against "terrorist groups from 83 countries" as part of its "constitutional right" to protect the country's people, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem told the UN General Assembly in New York. READ MORE: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 30 Sep 2013
  • views: 14841'Terrorists_from_83_countries_fighting_in_Syria'__FM_to_UN_Assembly_2013_FULL_SPEECH

Michel Djotodia and his short-lived rule in the CAR
Michel Djotodia and his short-lived rule in the CAR
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:51
  • Updated: 08 Jan 2014
J. Peter Pham, Africa Center director of the Atlantic Council discusses Michel Djotodia's fall from power.
  • published: 08 Jan 2014
  • views: 674

Abbott says Australia wants to work with Indonesia to stop asylum seeker boats
Abbott says Australia wants to work with Indonesia to stop asylum seeker boats
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:42
  • Updated: 08 Jan 2014
Tony Abbott says Australia wants to work with Indonesia to stop asylum seeker boat journeys. . video,daily news,latest news,
  • published: 08 Jan 2014
  • views: 13

News Wrap: Iraq strikes back against al-Qaida militants
News Wrap: Iraq strikes back against al-Qaida militants
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:06
  • Updated: 08 Jan 2014
In our news wrap Tuesday, the Iraqi government attacked al-Qaida militants who have been holding the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah for days. Also, a first round of chemical weapons have left Syria. The UN announced that poison gas materials were put to sea to later be destroyed on a U.S. Navy ship.
  • published: 08 Jan 2014
  • views: 841

DR. Mustafa Ali interview on South Sudan peace talks
DR. Mustafa Ali interview on South Sudan peace talks
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:51
  • Updated: 09 Jan 2014
Dr Mustafa Ali, a Peace & Conflict Resolution Expert now joins Africa Live to give more insights on South Sudan peace talks.
  • published: 09 Jan 2014
  • views: 19

Syrian Civil War 2013 - Battlefield Syria: Heavy Fighting Clashes And Firefights |Syria War
Syrian Civil War 2013 - Battlefield Syria: Heavy Fighting Clashes And Firefights |Syria War
  • Order:
  • Duration: 50:20
  • Updated: 31 Dec 2013
Syria Civil War 2013 - Battlefield Syria: Heavy Fighting Clashes And Firefights. Heavy Fighting, Heavy Clashes and Intense Firefights. This pictures do we get if we look up the internet for Syria Videos. No war ever before was so well documented by alternatet sources like the Syrian Civil War. In 2013 there was such an high amount and flood of informations, pictures and videos about this conflict that it is impossible to cover them all up in just one video. This compilation brings back some famous scenes of the conflict that apeared on the net in 2013. It shows footage of the Syrian Army and also of the Syrian Rebells in HD. It dont seems like this storm of raw information will end in 2014 as there is still no end of the conflict in sign. Description and Timeline of the Happenings: 00:11-1:15 T72 oboard GoPro films Syrian Army Bmp driving on an IED during SAA Assault on Rebel held positions in Damascus. 1:15-2:44 T72 onboard GoPro films Rebel ambush on firendly T72 Tank wich results in the lost of one Tank. The View also switches to the rebel perspective and shows their view on the Tank Unit. 2:44-6:26 Al-Nusra Front in heavy intense urban fighting firefight action against government forces in Deir-eZ Zor. The Al-Nusra Front is a radical islamists group fighting to establish a religious state under the sharia law in Syria. 6:26-8:27 Members of the Islamic Front in heavy fighting against government forces in Eastern Ghouta during the rebel Ghouta Offensive. The Islamic Front is a merger of seven rebel groups involved in the Syrian civil war who joined their forces together in November 2013. 8:28-9:15 A Syrian chopper flying high above Damascus dodges a multitude of heat-seeking missiles. 9:15-10:20 Free Syrian Army technical who tries to supress Syrian Army Sniper with heavy machine gun fire has an intense fierce close call with incoming government shell on the frontline in Aleppo. 10:20-11:13 Syrian Army T72 Tanks onboard turretcameras capture failed RPG attack conducted by Rebel forces hiding in a shool. One of the Tanks repells with a heavy round. 11:13-12:44 Sunni Syrian Arab Army defectors who joined the ranks of the FSA in extreme heavy firefight during rebel assault on the Menagh Airport in Aleppo. The Airport was taken by militants of the Al-Nusra Front in August 2013. It was much discussed if the fighter seen in the Video are regular FSA rebels or radical militants from outside but according to their group behaviour,comunication and movement during the whole combat situation it is very likely that they are sunni ex-army members who defected to the Free Syrian Army. Also you can see a kuran lying in the dirt next to him. Radical islamists wouldnt do this because for them the kuran is to holy to let him lying on the ground. Also their accents where clearly identyfied to be strong Syrian Aleppo Accents wich means they are Syrians. 12:44-13:28 Syrian helicopter explodes in mid-air after beeing shot by rebel anti air missle in Idlib. 13:29-14:14 Syrian rebel T55 gets heavy hit during intense street fighting. 14:14-15:23 Rebels captured their assault on an army held checkpoint in Idlib with an Guncam attached to one of their fighters AKs. 15:23-16:52 Members of the Al-Nusra Front trying to storm the Kindi Hospital in Aleppo. 16:52-20:55 Syrian Army T72 onboard GoPro cams filming their attack on an rebel held neighbourhood of Damascus. 20:55-24:49 Syrian army in heavy firefight during heavy intense combat action in Darayya. 24:49-26:41 Al-Nusra militants in heavy clashes with the Syrian Army in the outskirts of the Al-Hawiqa District/Ahoigah neighborhood near the Jura bridge in Deir ez-Zor. 26:41-32:55 Syrian tanks attacking rebel controlled area together with infantry units in Al-Kabun. 32:55-34:56 Insurgents in clashes with government forces outside Idlib. 34:56-37:00 Free Syrian Army in heavy street fights with government forces in Idlib. 37:00-41:50 Heavy firefight and clashes between Al-Qaeda and Syrian rebels in Aleppo. 41:50-42:48 Syrian Insurgent uses Austrian Steyr AUG in streetfight action against regime forces. This fight took place around the Yarmouk district in Damascus. 42:48-48:32 A group of Syrian tanks engage with FSA forces in the city of Jobar. 48:32-50:19 Heavy dawntime tracer firefight at the Aleppo central prision. Subscribe for more: aDRI12345 On Facebook: *DISCLAIMER* This footage is part of an war archvie of the war in Syria and should be viewed as educational. This footage is also to be taken as a raw documentary on the events of the conflict in Syria. This footage is not meant to glorify war or violence.
  • published: 31 Dec 2013
  • views: 59644|Syria_War

Panama Canal expansion contractors in strike threat over pay dispute
Panama Canal expansion contractors in strike threat over pay dispute
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:46
  • Updated: 02 Jan 2014
The Spanish-led consortium working on a giant project to expand the Panama Canal is threatening to... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: The Spanish-led consortium working on a giant project to expand the Panama Canal is threatening to suspend the operation if its demands for payment are not met. It has warned the Panama Canal Authority that work will stop in three weeks' time in a row over who is responsible for cost overruns. Led by Spain's Sacyr Vallehermoso, the consortium - which also includes Impregilo of Italy, Belgian firm Jan De Nul and Panama's Constructora Urbana - is claiming $1.6 billion (1.16 billion euros). The project - to build new locks to accommodate larger ships of up to 12,000 containers instead of the current 5,000 - is nine months behind schedule and is now due for completion in June 2015. Shortly after work began in 2009, there was a four-month delay as the authority considered the cement the consortium was using to be of poor quality. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 02 Jan 2014
  • views: 569

Robert Gates critiques Obama, Congress in new war memoir
Robert Gates critiques Obama, Congress in new war memoir
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:12
  • Updated: 09 Jan 2014
As former defense secretary for both the Bush and Obama administrations, Robert Gates oversaw wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, testified before Congress and grieved the deaths of his troops. Judy Woodruff talks to Greg Jaffe of The Washington Post for a preview of Gates' new book, "Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War."
  • published: 09 Jan 2014
  • views: 872,_Congress_in_new_war_memoir

Weather grounds Morsi's helicopter, delays trial again
Weather grounds Morsi's helicopter, delays trial again
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:38
  • Updated: 08 Jan 2014
Heavy security surrounded Cairo's National Police Academy complex Wednesday, where the incitement trial for ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi was set to take place. Morsi failed to attend due to bad weather halting his transfer to Cairo from Alexandria, resulting in the trial being postponed until February 1. Morsi, alongside 14 Muslim Brotherhood figures, is accused of inciting violence which resulted in the death of protesters outside the presidential palace during clashes in December 2012. A helicopter reportedly carrying some of the defendants arrived at the National Police Academy complex in Cairo on Wednesday morning. According to state media, Morsi was set to be airlifted also but his flight was delayed owing to bad weather conditions. He is currently in a jail near Alexandria. Facebook: Twitter: LiveLeak: Google Plus: Video on Demand:
  • published: 08 Jan 2014
  • views: 140's_helicopter,_delays_trial_again

President Obama's Bilateral Meeting with Prime Minister Maliki of Iraq
President Obama's Bilateral Meeting with Prime Minister Maliki of Iraq
  • Order:
  • Duration: 17:56
  • Updated: 02 Nov 2013
President Obama and Prime Minister Maliki speak to the press after a bilateral meeting in the Oval Office.
  • published: 02 Nov 2013
  • views: 82's_Bilateral_Meeting_with_Prime_Minister_Maliki_of_Iraq

Scandal Egyptian Muslim army Central Security hits Christians
Scandal Egyptian Muslim army Central Security hits Christians
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:53
  • Updated: 13 Oct 2011
[the Saudi dynasty?]] they have not had any qualms about tearing the Palestinians to realize the ambition of their imperialism! While the Catholic Church from the money at all? They give money only to Muslims! and give the money to lure the rich girls in India: their game? is a very dirty game against all peoples and all cultures! The monstrosity of their accursed Prophet of 1400 years ago? them do still do today! nicopopoify SAID Salafists work for the Zionists. Hamas wants to get rid of them. -ANSWER- All this does not make sense! Because your eyes are so weak and you do not know see: the true nature of each problem? King Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz. and Crown Prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz: Creed to be smarter than the enlightened Jews: their project? is to subjugate the world to Islam: sure: they operate covertly: their business is going very well, but do not know they came in the jaws of the crocodile! since they can not comprehend the extent to which: American Jews Satanists: they want to destroy all the world @ukfreestuffme - Perhaps it is normal for you that 300 Christians are killed: by Muslims, every day, just because Sharia does not recognize freedom of religion? 160000christianmartyrs.blogspo­ (but, she not answer) @Muslims -- China, India and Russia? they have no interest in raising: the Sharia criminal! If: they do not launch like jackals on the prey with others? will look without even lifting a finger! You'll end up being torn apart! You are a destabilizing organization intenazionale! Very soon will be your hour!- if the Zionists and Americans Satanists: 666 Rothschild and 322 Bush, they want to do an invasion of Egypt? what I have published: it is more than enough! because you deserve to be exterminated! You remove the Sharia: or Allah my God will remove you.URGENT:Marshal Tantawi orders the Egyptian army to runs over Christians in Maspero demonstrators with tanks and killed 39 Christian Copts-Martyred. Cairo-Egypt.9/10/2011Bodies of Christian martyrs cut to pieces in the streets and on bridges in pools of blood."Mass murder and genocide of Christians in Egypt (genocide)"The Native Egyptians Copts Christians under the Arabian Islamic Siege in Egypt.....till When?!!!- Islamic terrible persecution in the right of the Coptic Christians original Native population of Egypt ...-Wonder that there are about 20 million Coptic Christians in Egypt even with the murder and of genocide over the 1400 years!!! @chingchombuela - You need time, because, YOU MUST READ MY COMMENTS!but hate the Jews as a people? is the biggest mistake that can be done: because all nations are only: victims: of bankers enlightened: Because, are they, that rule the world by the French Revolution! then, they are the real instigators, of every holocaust of Jewish: ie, against my people.. @YourtubeTerminated- I do not need to be very, holy, intelligent, learned, because METAPHYSICS (rationality of natural law: "do good and avoid evil") said to me: "there: only two breeds of men: the criminals and victims of criminals".. because my heart is simple and pure as a diamond? I am truly a man invincible! that's why all men are forced to fall under my opinion! So, I as God, have mercy of my allies, but will destroy all my enemies, because, I have Unius REI.I understood this: "I will see you die like flies, until arises: another generation that is worthy of me".[@thecopticmartyrs]] Coptic Egyptian Christian people required international protection in a hurry.. FLASH: Coptic girls abducted for the purpose of Islamicization arrest will be sent by the Islamist Salafis to Saudi Arabia and sold to Saudi men and for the purpose of sexual exploitation ..... . documents will be published critically by Father Rev.Utah very soon ....!!! Lord have mercy.. +Copts' bitter enemy is Saudi Arabia. Wake up Copts, PLZ. In 1955, representatives of 38 Muslim governments met at Jeddah in Saudi Arabia to decide about "cleansing" the Middle East of its Christian minorities. committed Egypt to a policy of persecuting the country's Christian Copt population. He declared that in 40 years the Copts "will emigrate or be transformed to shoe polishers...or converted to Islam". About 15% of this embattled minority left Egypt in subsequent years. Wahhabi petro-dollars penetrated the Egyptian media, brainwashing the country through religious radio broadcasts, on television, and in the press. Shari`a (Islamic law), rather than secularism, captured the moral high-ground in Egypt, while blocking the Copts from military, civil service, professional, and academic positions, or advancement. It was forbidden to repair churches and build new ones. Preaching disdain and hatred of Christians (and Jews) became the staple Islamic Wahhabi ideological and cultural diet in Egypt, as it was in Saudi Arabia. -Read this & see the Photos plez... Snaps of the Virgin Mary Orthodox Church damaged at Embaba,Giza in Egypt.
  • published: 13 Oct 2011
  • views: 1927

Thailand Protest 2013 - Explained
Thailand Protest 2013 - Explained
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:53
  • Updated: 03 Jan 2014
"WHAT IS THE DEMOCRACY?" Thailand political crisis 2013 is another example of Dictatorial Democracy countries in this world. This Dictatorship is run by Thaksin Regime and his sister's government, Yingluck Shinawatra Administration. Although they claimed that they came from election and people should have no rights to overthrow them, millions of massive Thai people disagreed and were out on the streets risking their lives as they could not stand them to corrupt the country anymore. Whether the peaceful protests of millions of people can overthrow a shameless government is remained to be seen. We fully support the bravery Thai people and hope Thailand can reset and reform before the next election. January 3, 2014.
  • published: 03 Jan 2014
  • views: 269031

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