Hey friends, go read the new web site.

Posted in Administrative/housekeeping on July 17, 2013 by recompositionblog

Comments on this site are now closed because we’ve moved to a new site, recomposition.info. We don’t want to have discussions happening on both sites, and we’ve been getting tons of spam comments here. We moved all the posts and comments to our new site, so if you want to comment on something, do it there.

Look at our new web site – recomposition.info

Posted in Administrative/housekeeping on February 17, 2012 by recompositionblog

We’re moving to a new site: http://recomposition.info/

All the previous content and comments on this site have moved to the new site. If you have further comments please make them at the new site.

Thank you to the friends who put it together for us, we really appreciate your hard work and are happy with how the new site looks.

Understanding events in Wisconsin

Posted in Our writings with tags , on February 6, 2012 by recompositionblog

madison protests

Juan Conatz spent a long time in Madison at the height of the protests there in 2011. In light of events since, in Wisconsin and across North America, these events take on even greater importance. Below are two articles Juan wrote about these events. Read more »

The Committee in Action

Posted in life on the job, Our writings with tags , on January 31, 2012 by recompositionblog

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Annotated IWW Preamble

Posted in For discussion with tags on January 23, 2012 by recompositionblog

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Anti-SOPA blackout

Posted in Administrative/housekeeping on January 18, 2012 by recompositionblog

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Credit crunched – working in financial services during the 2008-2009 crash

Posted in For discussion, life on the job on January 16, 2012 by recompositionblog

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