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Indymedia Events:

Usually held on 3rd Saturday of every month at 5pm - (email PIMC to verify)
General Meeting
@ Red & Black Cafe
400 SE 12th ave & oak
Wednesday's Events (1/8/2014)
imperialism & war | media criticism 04-Jan-2014 11:05

The Shortwave Report 01/03/14 Listen Globally!

shortwaveradioreportpic From the open publishing newswire:

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming.

The latest Shortwave Report (January 3) is up at the website http://www.outfarpress.com/shortwave.shtml in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom (If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB} http://www.audioport.org/index.php?op=producer-info&uid;=904&nav;=&)

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed: http://www.outfarpress.com/podcast.xm (128kb Highest Quality)

This week's show features stories from NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Radio Deutsche-Welle, the Voice of Russia, and Spanish National Radio.
From JAPAN- Nuclear officials in Japan say that no nuclear power plants are likely to be restarted in the near future. The Japanese government plans to revise its policy for the burial of nuclear waste due to public distrust. The US government wants to accelerate stalled negotiations on the Trans Pacific Partnership free trade agreement.
From CUBA- Despite widespread cutbacks in US government spending for vital services and workers benefits, the funding for the military-industrial complex will remain untouched in the new year. A US political commentator says that CIA assassination drone strikes are a violation of international law and are war crimes. There are new clashes in Egypt between students and government security forces.
From GERMANY- In Egypt a natural gas pipeline was attacked, and more Muslim Brotherhood leaders and some al-Jazeera journalists were arrested. Saudi Arabia will give Lebanon $3billion to strengthen its armed forces. France has a new law that makes companies pay 75% tax on annual salaries over a million dollars. The UN warned of possible famine in the Central african Republic. In Ukraine protests continue against President Yanukovych. The Russian city of Volgograd was hit by two suicide bombers, though no one has claimed responsibility.
From RUSSIA- Excerpts from an interview with British MP George Galloway about the expansion of NATO and 20 years of US invasions of sovereign nations, beginning with Iraq and ending with Libya.
From SPAIN- More details on the bombings in Volgograd, formerly Stalingrad, near the site for the upcoming Winter Olympics. Jailed members of the Basque revolutionary group ETA said that they will recognize Spain's criminal justice system and acknowledge the pain their activities have caused in the past 4 decades. A press review on the Spanish government's activities to prevent the region of Catalonia from separateing from the federal government.

education | human & civil rights 04-Jan-2014 10:50


From the open publishing newswire: Support Portland teachers and students in their efforts towards quality and equity in education by rallying at the Portland School Board meeting on Monday, January 13.

Rally in support of Portland teachers and students
Coordinated by Portland Student Union and Portland Teachers Solidarity Campaign

Monday, January 13
School Administration Building, 501 N. Dixon, Portland
Rally at 5:30 p.m.
March into School Board meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Please also contact the School Board at  schoolboard@pps.net demanding:
1. Smaller class sizes and workloads;
2. Wrap-around support services;
3. Rich curriculum in every school;
4. No school closures;
5. Less standardized testing; and
6. More academic freedom.



human & civil rights | police / legal 01-Jan-2014 11:08

MOMS: A Mother's 40 Day Hunger Strike!

From the open publishing newswire: A Mother's 40 Day Hunger Strike! Culminating on Christmas Day!
by Cindi Fisher

Day 1of my Hunger Strike was and is dedicated to Seattle's Dominique Jamerson, age 23!
His court hearing is Tuesday, December 31, 2013. Please call today and leave a message. The contact info is below. It will take a Village Effort to Save Dominique Jamerson, age 23...Please Join Me!

Recent developments in Dominique's case, my son SIddharta Fisher's case, Hector ilias's case and other cases were key in catalyzing me to begin a Hunger Strike! It was a positive way to empower myself while channeling my outrage and also hopefully inspiring you to actively participate in being apart of the VIllage. Today's focus is on Dominique! It will take a Village Effort to Save Dominique Jamerson, age 23...Please Join Me!

Today, please call
1. Seattle's Chief Pros. Attorney, Daniel Satterberg 206-296-9000 and tell him to FREE DOMINIQUE JAMERSON!
2. Washington State Senator Patty Murray 206-553-0891 and leave a message: Tell her to Free Dominique Jamerson and investigate Washington State's Competency Restoration Process

You can read more on my website at:  http://www.mentalhealthrightsyes.org/


actions & protests 14-Dec-2013 14:18

Individuals For Justice Report for week ending 12/14/2013

reminds of me From the open publishing newswire: WEDNESDAY: December 11, 0930-CITY HALL

I thought the City Council meeting would be boring; wrong. I decided to pull two items off the Consent Agenda because they both were really hidden items that should be discussed but the 4+1 s---s wanted to move alone, nothing to see here. The first item was listed as 1167 and of course, "It was an emergency. " http://www.portlandonline.com/auditor/index.cfm?c=50265&a=472882

Acting City Attorney was asking for ten thousand more to be given Black Helterline LLP for outside legal counsel. This caught my eye because we have about *30-35 lawyers in the City Attorney's office and I could not figure out why we are not using them in place of an outside contractor? So I asked. I was taken back when the Mayor told me that we have no attorneys who have experience in Immigration law and the reason was we have no immigration problems in the city of Portland. I laughed but don't think the mayor got it. Immigration is one of the biggest issues on the west coast and here in Portland we have people being picked up by ICE and the police department. There was just a protest about the Sheriff arresting people and turning them over to ICE for deportation.[...]

The rubber stamp council voted for this extra money, well hell not their money it is yours.
The second item was 1169, which create a new represented classification of information Security Architect and establish an interim compensation rate for this classification. "It was an Emergency."
I argued against this because we are laying-off **firefighters and creating new classification at the same time, seem psychotic to me. The fact that we have firefighters pissed because they are concerned that they can't do their job and answer calls with all due dispatch is freighting to this old veteran. Do one or the other, cut and try to save money or keep our firefighters and get rid of this nonsense of reclassifying position and paying people more. [...]

Thursday was a full day; it started out with meeting Lightning at the County Board Meeting and ended with a vigil for Fred Bryant and Keaton Otis. In the afternoon I spent some time with the people who were arrested over two years ago and have been battling for justice. [...]

Updated Report Backs from 12/21/13 | 12/30/13


alternative media | environment 14-Dec-2013 14:12

Video: Discussion Regarding Portland Water Public Utility District

From the open publishing newswire: Public Access program, " A Growing Concern," featuring an interview with Travis Williams, Executive Director of Willamette Riverkeeper regarding an Initiative attempt to take the Portland Water Bureau and Bureau of Environmental Services away from the City Council and put it in the hands of a Public Utility District.

Discussion Regarding Portland Water Public Utility District

Program features an interview with Travis Williams, Executive Director of Willamette Riverkeeper regarding an Initiative attempt to take the Portland Water Bureau and Bureau of Environmental Services away from the City Council and put it in the hands of a Public Utility District.
Signatures are currently being gathered for a May 2014 election.

Willamette Riverkeeper, as well as many local environmental organizations, vehemently oppose this effort.


actions & protests | police / legal 13-Dec-2013 07:56

Video: Solidarity Protest at Portland Mexican Consulate for Nestora Salgado 12 10 13

From the open publishing newswire: Solidarity Protest at Portland Mexican Consulate for Nestora Salgado on 12 10 13
Nestora Salgado is being punished for being a strong female leader in her hometown, where the local authorities have become oppressors of her people and social justice fighters.
Salgado was arrested by federal police on August 21, 2013, on bogus kid- napping charges. Demonstration protests were held at numerous consulates

Video 34 min:  http://youtu.be/XVKrmvw_Wn8


updated 12.27.13 05-Dec-2013 17:38

The Shortwave Report 12/06/13 Listen Globally!

shortwaveradioreportpic From the open publishing newswire:
UPDATES: NEW BROADCASTS POSTED TO PIMC ON: 12/13/13 | 12/20/13 | 12/27/13

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, the Voice of Russia, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.

This week's show features stories from NHK World Radio Japan, the Voice of Russia, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.
From JAPAN- Japan is enacting a state secret protection bill, which has been met with outrage from many citizens and civic groups- here is a story about protests then an Insight into the bill. US VP Biden went to China and was said to tell them that the new air defense identification zone in the East China Sea was unacceptable. Greenpeace issued a study on air pollution in China and said the government is not doing enough to rectify the problem.
From RUSSIA- British PM Cameron made a business oriented visit to China and avoided any criticism of the country's human rights policy, leading to statements that he kowtowed to China.
From CUBA- Venezuelan President Madura accused opposition forces of creating power blackouts that have been occurring recently. Latin America has made more progress in reducing hunger than any other region in the world. The US government is continuing assassinations by drone in several areas of Afghanistan. Pakistani protests against the drone was have halted US military routes into Afghanistan. An editor at the Guardian UK was called before Parliament to answer questions about publishing NSA secrets from Edward Snowden.
From SPAIN- The Spanish government has approved a controversial new law imposing heavy fines against street protestors. Meanwhile in Thailand protests against the Prime Minister flared for a week but calmed for the king's birthday. Protests and a general strike in Ukraine continue in an attempt to oust the President. Hundreds of Palestinian youth activists have sailed off to protest Israeli restrictions on fishing off the seas of Palestine.

The latest Shortwave Report (December 6) is up at the website http://www.outfarpress.com/shortwave.shtml in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom [...]

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed: http://www.outfarpress.com/podcast.xml (128kb Highest Quality)


community building | social services 02-Dec-2013 12:55


From the open publishing newswire:


Between the cuts to Housing Assistance and SNAP (food stamp) benefits, many, many families are struggling right now just to make ends meet and the holidays will be financially-stressful and bleak for their children. Sisters of the Road will be hosting a Family Community/Kids' Day on Wednesday, December 18. They would appreciate help in providing toys and children's outerwear at this event.

Items Sought: UNWRAPPED NEW toys and stocking stuffers; GENTLY-USED OR NEW children's outerwear donations (ages 2 - 12) -- gloves, hats, scarves, jackets, wool socks, etc. Ages: Suitable for ages 2 - 12

Time Period for Acceptance of Donations: Tuesday, December 3, through the afternoon of Tuesday, December 17

Drop-Off Locations:
Between 9:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. at Sisters of the Road Cafe, 133 N.W. Sixth Avenue (corner of N.W. Sixth and Davis).
Ask for Catherine. If Catherine is unavailable, other staff can assist
Between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. -- Sisters of the Road Administrative Office, 518 N.W. Davis (between Davis and Broadway)

The donations are being collected for distribution at a Family Community/Kids' Day Party to be held at Sisters of the Road Cafe on Wednesday, December 18, between 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.



BLACK FRIDAY PROTEST 11:00AM 24-Nov-2013 13:07

Black Friday Walmart Protest. 11:00am - respect your workers, stop paying poverty wages

From the open publishing newswire: On Black Friday in Portland Oregon, JwJ and UFCW555 are working with the "Making Change at Wal-Mart" national campaign to support wal-Mart workers in their dealings with Wal-Mart over labor rights and standards and their efforts to have Wal-Mart publicly commit to adhering to labor rights and standards. Meet at 11AM @ 4200 SE 82nd Ave., Portland, OR.

Meet in solidarity at 11AM @ 4200 SE 82nd Ave., Portland, OR.?

On Black Friday we will bring a strong message to WAL-MART "respect your workers, stop paying poverty wages!"

Portland Jobs with Justice is committed to supporting workers taking bold risks to demand better jobs and working conditions. That's why we bring together labor, community, faith, and student activists to support the courageous workers on strike at Wal-Mart

Walmart jobs don't allow workers to live better. Walmart pays its associates an average of just $8.81 an hour, so an employee who works Walmart's definition of full-time - 34 hours per week - makes just $15,500 per year, placing them squarely below the poverty line. And those full-time positions aren't the norm. To avoid having to pay employees benefits, the company increasingly hires part-time positions - subjecting associates to erratic schedules, limited job security, and even less opportunity to make ends meet. [...]

[Facebook] Event Link:  https://www.facebook.com/events/236112673214899/

Previous PIMC Post on recent Wal-Mart Protest for Fair Wages in June 2013:
[includes 33 minute video]


PROTEST CANCELLED - update 11.27.13 24-Nov-2013 12:43

Fubonn Protest on Black Friday, 29 November 2013, 13:30 - 14:30

From the open publishing newswire: Fubonn has been accused of forcing workers to work off the clock, work under dangerous condition, and refused proper breast feeding breaks. Two workers at Fubonn are owed thousands of dollars, and we demand that they be paid what is owed and that they start complying with all labor and safety regulations. A call out to protest the managements treatment will be at 1:30 to 2:30 on 11.29.13

Continuing our wage theft campaign at Fubonn, we are re-initiating the campaign with a Black Friday picket in front of the grocery store! On Black Friday we are coming out to show them that we will not back down, and that the campaign is going forward despite their attempts to silence us. We will not stand by while workers are abused and not paid fair compensation. Join us in this community picket, and stay tuned as we move forward!

You can learn more about this particular campaign below: link to wagingnonviolence.org

Location: Fubonn Supermarket and Shopping Center 2850 SE 82nd Ave, Ste #1, Portland, Oregon

Previous PIMC post from protest on September 9th:
portland.indymedia.org/en/2013/09/425138 [video]


24-Nov-2013 12:40

Join or Lead a Tree Care Team in 2014 with Portland Fruit Tree Project

From the open publishing newswire: Join a Tree Care Team and receive instruction in organic methods of fruit tree care throughout the seasons, while caring for urban fruit trees that provide fruit for the community.

Each team will care for a cluster of PFTP-registered fruit trees, visiting each tree once per season to complete the full spectrum of care. Each team is instructed & guided by two 'Team Leaders' with experience and skills in organic fruit tree care. This is a unique opportunity to develop strong skills in organic fruit tree care, meet new people, and care for trees providing food to your community!

Members and Leaders will participate in ten 3-hour work-parties over an 11-month period (January-November, 2014). Topics/tasks will include: Winter & Summer Pruning, Young Tree Training & Care, Pest & Disease Management, Fruit Thinning, and more. At the end of the program you will receive a certificate of completion.

Click below for program overviews & position descriptions:
Tree Care Team Member -  http://www.portlandfruit.org/2014-tree-care-team-member-position-description
Tree Care Team Leader -  http://www.portlandfruit.org/2014-tree-care-team-leader-position-description


APPLY & MORE INFO: homepage:  http://portlandfruit.org


actions & protests | imperialism & war 16-Nov-2013 12:32


this is sam threw me out From the open publishing newswire: Is it possible to cry and laugh at the same time?

When I am speaking to the Portland City Council I am in crisis mode and as I smile at them tears are flooding my body. These local politicians are the worst of the worst; they operate in a parallel universe. [...] I sat down feeling good, happy and there was nothing on the agenda that perked much interest, it looked boring; I was very wrong. Commissioner Fish started the action after my passionate plea about how they were going to use money to help the homeless. After my 3 minutes he used my name and speaking in a very condescending voice about their intention of spending 1.7 million dollars and not one cent of that for the people who are on our streets. They are going to once again waste money by giving it to the same people who have failed us for so long. [...]

I like Thursdays because I go to the County Board and the people there may be problematic but I always have the feeling they care, all five of them. This visit was going to be hard for me because I was hurt during last Thursday's, (11/07/2013) meeting and I wanted to take them on but did not want to alienate them; it was hard but Patty said I did not come across hostile, just hurt. What happened was last Thursday the board wanted to celebrate Veterans Day and the way they decide to do it caused me a lot of pain and I needed to tell them why. They had ROTC from PSU march in with the American flag and the flag from Oregon in formation. They were in uniform and marched in military style, all stood and then proceeded to the front of the auditorium and did another military maneuver. They stood at attention while the national anthem was played. Everyone in the room stood and had their hand over their hearts except me. Since I was sitting alone it was very hard to not get up, but I was not going to celebrate Veterans Day, once known as Armistice Day, by an exercise in super patriotic nonsense [...]

homepage: www.IndividualsForJustice.com

Updates: Report Back: Nov 24 2013 Nov 24 2013 | Dec 1 2013


imperialism & war 08-Nov-2013 12:48

ARMISTICE DAY - Monday, November 11

From the open publishing newswire: ARMISTICE DAY
Monday, November 11
"A day dedicated to the cause of world peace"
11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Ringing of bells at 11:11 on 11/11.
Pioneer Courthouse Square

Sponsored by Veterans for Peace, Chapter 72, and Women's International League for Peace and Justice - Portland.

Gather between 10:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. at Pioneer Courthouse Square.
Ceremony starts at 11:00 a.m.
Ringing of bells at 11:11 a.m.

Bring a bell, poem, song or photo of a fallen veteran dear to you

*VIDEO FROM THIS EVENT: "Power To The Peaceful"

 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6gRg0MYzKM [35 min video]

[related] video post:  http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2013/11/425716.shtml#424697


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