- published: 28 Oct 2009
- views: 132208
- author: Hansestadt Hamburg

Sightseeing Hamburg
A sightseeing tour through Hamburg - the German city that is called "gate to the world."...
published: 28 Oct 2009
author: Hansestadt Hamburg
Sightseeing Hamburg
Sightseeing Hamburg
A sightseeing tour through Hamburg - the German city that is called "gate to the world."- published: 28 Oct 2009
- views: 132208
- author: Hansestadt Hamburg

Easy German Episode 29 - City Edition: Hamburg
Episode 28: Miri and Yasi ask people in Hamburg about Hamburg. Easy German/ Easy Languages...
published: 14 Dec 2012
author: magauchsein
Easy German Episode 29 - City Edition: Hamburg
Easy German Episode 29 - City Edition: Hamburg
Episode 28: Miri and Yasi ask people in Hamburg about Hamburg. Easy German/ Easy Languages is a non-profit video project aiming at supporting people worldwid...- published: 14 Dec 2012
- views: 33351
- author: magauchsein

Hamburg - One of the most beautiful cities in the world
Amazing ! Hamburg is the second-largest city in Germany (after Berlin) and the eighth-larg...
published: 09 Feb 2010
author: eintitan2
Hamburg - One of the most beautiful cities in the world
Hamburg - One of the most beautiful cities in the world
Amazing ! Hamburg is the second-largest city in Germany (after Berlin) and the eighth-largest city in the European Union. The city is home to approximately 1...- published: 09 Feb 2010
- views: 357070
- author: eintitan2

Hamburg St. Pauli - Da wo Kontraste aufeinander prallen 1
Hamburg St. Pauli Seht den zweiten Teil http://youtu.be/vBIKL7I3XPQ....
published: 31 Jul 2012
author: Tobi Mahony
Hamburg St. Pauli - Da wo Kontraste aufeinander prallen 1
Hamburg St. Pauli - Da wo Kontraste aufeinander prallen 1
Hamburg St. Pauli Seht den zweiten Teil http://youtu.be/vBIKL7I3XPQ.- published: 31 Jul 2012
- views: 18747
- author: Tobi Mahony

Reportage Flughafen Hamburg DOKU Teil 1
Zwischen 0.00 Uhr und 6.00 Uhr früh herrscht in Hamburg Nachtflugverbot. Und trotzdem "sch...
published: 07 Apr 2013
author: AustrianPlaneSpotter
Reportage Flughafen Hamburg DOKU Teil 1
Reportage Flughafen Hamburg DOKU Teil 1
Zwischen 0.00 Uhr und 6.00 Uhr früh herrscht in Hamburg Nachtflugverbot. Und trotzdem "schläft" der Hamburger Flughafen nie. Er entwickelt ein Eigenleben ......- published: 07 Apr 2013
- views: 7377
- author: AustrianPlaneSpotter

A day out in Hamburg
Germany's second largest city and biggest port is a strange mix of the traditional and the...
published: 21 Aug 2009
author: rewboss
A day out in Hamburg
A day out in Hamburg
Germany's second largest city and biggest port is a strange mix of the traditional and the uncompromisingly modern. Music is by Kevin MacLeod http://incompet...- published: 21 Aug 2009
- views: 82586
- author: rewboss

SpiegelTV Bahnpolizei Hauptbahnhof Hamburg (1/2)
Ein ältere Dokumentation von 2000 über die Bahnpolizei des Bundesgrenzschutzes (heute Bund...
published: 14 Oct 2011
author: Crazyfogfighter
SpiegelTV Bahnpolizei Hauptbahnhof Hamburg (1/2)
SpiegelTV Bahnpolizei Hauptbahnhof Hamburg (1/2)
Ein ältere Dokumentation von 2000 über die Bahnpolizei des Bundesgrenzschutzes (heute Bundespolizei) am Hamburger Hauptbahnhof. Die Doku begleitet eine Wachs...- published: 14 Oct 2011
- views: 29349
- author: Crazyfogfighter

Thessas Geburtstagsfeier: Unkontrollierbare Facebook-Party in Hamburg - SPIEGEL TV Magazin
Abonnieren Sie unseren Kanal: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=spiegelt...
published: 08 Jun 2011
author: spiegeltv
Thessas Geburtstagsfeier: Unkontrollierbare Facebook-Party in Hamburg - SPIEGEL TV Magazin
Thessas Geburtstagsfeier: Unkontrollierbare Facebook-Party in Hamburg - SPIEGEL TV Magazin
Abonnieren Sie unseren Kanal: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=spiegeltv Wenn die Presse die vierte Gewalt ist, dann ist Facebook die fünf...- published: 08 Jun 2011
- views: 143446
- author: spiegeltv

Hamburg Alsterwasser (Timelapse)
Zeitraffer-Kamerafahrten mit Bildern aus Hamburg. Musik: Remix von Georg Friedrich Händels...
published: 05 Dec 2012
author: moxface
Hamburg Alsterwasser (Timelapse)
Hamburg Alsterwasser (Timelapse)
Zeitraffer-Kamerafahrten mit Bildern aus Hamburg. Musik: Remix von Georg Friedrich Händels Wassermusik https://soundcloud.com/alsterwasser https://soundcloud...- published: 05 Dec 2012
- views: 28969
- author: moxface

Operation Gomorrha - Hamburg im Feuersturm 1943 Doku
Abonnieren: http://bit.ly/16GkGSO Zweiter Kana Abonnieren: http://bit.ly/16ccBjN Operation...
published: 17 Mar 2012
author: dokusftw
Operation Gomorrha - Hamburg im Feuersturm 1943 Doku
Operation Gomorrha - Hamburg im Feuersturm 1943 Doku
Abonnieren: http://bit.ly/16GkGSO Zweiter Kana Abonnieren: http://bit.ly/16ccBjN Operation Gomorrha - Hamburg im Feuersturm 1943 Doku.- published: 17 Mar 2012
- views: 50507
- author: dokusftw

Hamburg, City Tour, Day1 - Germany HD Travel Channel
English see below [dt.] Unser Stadtrundgang Hamburg beginnt am Hauptbahnhof. Von dort erre...
published: 03 Dec 2012
author: myVideoMedia GmbH
Hamburg, City Tour, Day1 - Germany HD Travel Channel
Hamburg, City Tour, Day1 - Germany HD Travel Channel
English see below [dt.] Unser Stadtrundgang Hamburg beginnt am Hauptbahnhof. Von dort erreichen wir die Mönckebergstraße, eine der wichtigsten Einkaufsmeilen...- published: 03 Dec 2012
- views: 1633
- author: myVideoMedia GmbH

Filmaufnahmen über und aus Hamburg 1946
Filmaufnahmen über und aus Hamburg 1946 Hungerszeit nach Kriegsende Schwarzmarkthandel mit...
published: 20 Jan 2013
author: fritz51265
Filmaufnahmen über und aus Hamburg 1946
Filmaufnahmen über und aus Hamburg 1946
Filmaufnahmen über und aus Hamburg 1946 Hungerszeit nach Kriegsende Schwarzmarkthandel mit Zigaretten Erscheinung erster deutscher Zeitungen Maifeiertag Schu...- published: 20 Jan 2013
- views: 794
- author: fritz51265

Doku - Tatort Hamburg: Unterwegs mit der Mordkommission
Wer glaubt sie nicht zu kennen, die Arbeit eines Kriminalkommissars oder einer Kriminalkom...
published: 12 Feb 2012
author: doku247
Doku - Tatort Hamburg: Unterwegs mit der Mordkommission
Doku - Tatort Hamburg: Unterwegs mit der Mordkommission
Wer glaubt sie nicht zu kennen, die Arbeit eines Kriminalkommissars oder einer Kriminalkommissarin, die im Auftrag des Gesetzes Morde aufklären und Verbreche...- published: 12 Feb 2012
- views: 136281
- author: doku247

Prügel und Wasserwerfereinsatz bei revolutionärer 1. Mai-Demo Hamburg, 01.05.2013 utopieTV
Hamburg 01.05.2013 Prügel und Wasserwerfereinsatz bei revolutionärer 1. Mai-Demo Hamburg (...
published: 02 May 2013
author: utopietv
Prügel und Wasserwerfereinsatz bei revolutionärer 1. Mai-Demo Hamburg, 01.05.2013 utopieTV
Prügel und Wasserwerfereinsatz bei revolutionärer 1. Mai-Demo Hamburg, 01.05.2013 utopieTV
Hamburg 01.05.2013 Prügel und Wasserwerfereinsatz bei revolutionärer 1. Mai-Demo Hamburg (utopieTV-doku-video) 20.40 Uhr: Wasserwerfer und Schlagstöcke Hambu...- published: 02 May 2013
- views: 24895
- author: utopietv
Vimeo results:

S Bahn
Ein Film von Markus Neidel...
published: 12 Jul 2011
author: Zeitbezogene Medien HAW Hamburg
S Bahn
Ein Film von Markus Neidel

Hamburger Eyes
This is a short documentary I made about the photographers that put together the black and...
published: 30 Aug 2008
author: Nick Fogarty
Hamburger Eyes
This is a short documentary I made about the photographers that put together the black and white photo zine Hamburger Eyes.
Shot on 16mm.

HAMBURGER : The Dark Comedy Film
Concept :
1. The Hamburger symbolizes obstacles and drea...
published: 15 Oct 2011
HAMBURGER : The Dark Comedy Film
Concept :
1. The Hamburger symbolizes obstacles and dreams.
2. Love makes people dare to do whatever they have in mind, Even right or wrong.
Treatment :
It's a story of Moo, an ordinary man who is afraid of everything, and his strange dream with a hamburger and a sexy beautiful girl who he falls in love with. But when he wakes up, he finds his dream has become reality as he comes across the girl in his dream, being harassed by bullies. The only chance to win her heart is to rescue her. Leaving fear behind, he fights the bullies. He finally defeats them and win her love. But Moo is soon shocked to find her turn into a hamburger. This shocking incidence wakes Moo up from his dream only to find that he has been knocked out by the bullies. As fate is knocking on the door, Moo tips over on his way home. A piece of paper drops in front of him, containing statements and a thank-you note from the girl. He calls her right away without noticing there is a hamburger on the dining table...
This film was shot with Nikon D7000 and Post-Production was done in Adobe After Effects CS5, Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, Soundbooth CS5, Adobe Audition CS5.5 and Boujou 5.0
Director/Story/Editor/Cinematography/VFX/SFX : Sipakorn Kungsapichart
Assistant Director1/Screenplay : Lallalit Kisorawong
Assistant Director2/Boom Operator2 : Nuttapon Sornchumsiang
Assistant Cameraman1 : Panuwat Tangsathienpan
Assistant Cameraman2 : Mattanavee Reslee
Boom Operator1 : Satirapat Kungsapichart
Boom Operator3 : Chaiwat Sriwilard
Camera Gear1 : Panuwat Tangsathienpan & Nuttapon Kungsapichart
Lighting Gear : Kornida Vichayapai
Lighting : Salaithorn Srisuchart & Mattanavee Reslee
VFX Coordinators : Phakphum Ngammisri, Manita Kaewsomnuk and Chaiwat Sriwilard
Slate Supervisors : Wisarut Triamlumlert, Chaipat Banditwattanawong, Jiramate Likitthammasarn and Peranuch Lorphensri
Make up Artists : Manita Kaewsomnuk & Lallalit Kisorawong
3D Artist : Nuttapon Sornchumsiang
SFX Technicians : Nopporn Kungsapichart & Nuttapon Kungsapichart
Stylist Supervisor: Sipakorn Kungsapichart
Costume Supervisor : Lallalit Kisorawong
Costume Designer : Nuttapon Sornchumsiang
Photographer : Panuwat Tangsathienpan
Location Manager : Phakphum Ngammisri
Executive Producer : Thanatorn Jiarakun
Co-Executive Producer : Cholrit Luangjinda
Pakawat Winyukul as Moo
Mutitha Ruangjun as Dear
Chayapat Promvi-intr as Pae
Phakphum Ngammisri as Go
Wisarut Triamlumlert as Terrorist1
Salaithorn Srisuchart as Terrorist2
Chaipat Banditwattanawong as Terrorist3
Chaiwat Sriwilard as Henchman1
Mattanavee Reslee as Henchman2
Kaewklau Sethapun as Pae's girlfriend1
Arpamart Vongsomboon as Pae's girlfriend2
Chudaporn Pakkul as Pae's girlfriend3
Neeranuch Utapothirak
Thongchai Ngammisri
Sirinuth Wattanakoshin
Col. Amarit Kisorawong
Col. Mongkolrudee Kisorawong WRTA
Thanadej Tragulpirom
Chayapat Promvi-intr

Underworld - Hamburg Hotel
Title: Hamburg Hotel
Client: Underworld
Commissioned by: Tomato
Directed by: Dylan Kendle ...
published: 15 Feb 2013
author: Joost Korngold
Underworld - Hamburg Hotel
Title: Hamburg Hotel
Client: Underworld
Commissioned by: Tomato
Directed by: Dylan Kendle & Joost Korngold
Misc: Music video created for Underworld's latest album BARKING.
Presented here is the white version which can be found by switching the camera angle on your DVD player. A sound reactive mix between analog and digital imagery.
Credits: Music by Underworld, hair footage shot by Dylan Kendle at Tomato.
Youtube results:

Feuer in einer Gewerbehalle, FEU6 in Hamburg am 02.01.2012
Am Mittag des 02.01.2012 brannte in Hamburg Harburg eine 100x30m lange Gewerbehalle nieder...
published: 02 Jan 2012
Feuer in einer Gewerbehalle, FEU6 in Hamburg am 02.01.2012
Feuer in einer Gewerbehalle, FEU6 in Hamburg am 02.01.2012
Am Mittag des 02.01.2012 brannte in Hamburg Harburg eine 100x30m lange Gewerbehalle nieder. In der Halle soll vor allem Kautschuk, also Naturgummi, lagern. A...- published: 02 Jan 2012
- views: 207596
- author: PEDYNATOR

Hamburg: Green City of the Future?
All eyes are on Germany as the country prepares to abandon nuclear power by 2020. Hamburg,...
published: 03 Apr 2012
author: Link TV
Hamburg: Green City of the Future?
Hamburg: Green City of the Future?
All eyes are on Germany as the country prepares to abandon nuclear power by 2020. Hamburg, an industrial port on Germany's northern shore, may seem like an u...- published: 03 Apr 2012
- views: 17048
- author: Link TV

Supercar Sounds in Hamburg 7 - Carrera GT, McLaren, 599
This is part 7 of the best supercarsounds in Hamburg. In this video you can see the best s...
published: 06 Oct 2013
Supercar Sounds in Hamburg 7 - Carrera GT, McLaren, 599
Supercar Sounds in Hamburg 7 - Carrera GT, McLaren, 599
This is part 7 of the best supercarsounds in Hamburg. In this video you can see the best sounds from Hamburg 2013. Please rate, comment and subscribe for more supercar videos in Hamburg, thanks! FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/LuxCars4You-ExoticsofGermany/1978830 Enjoy! Tags: Lamborghini Gallardo Lp 570-4 Superleggera Sound Aston Martin Acceleration Sound Mercedes E55 Burnout & Drift Mercedes CLK 63 AMG Black Series REV and Drift ExoticsOnRoadEurope Mercedes SLS Acceleration Sound Porsche GT2 RS drive by Porsche GT2 RS drive by Ferrari F430 Spyder Acceleration Ferrari f430 Scuderia Acceleration Sound Mercedes Sl65 AMG Start Up And REV sound in hamburg Artega Gt Acceleration Sound vMercedes Sl 65 AMG Acceleration Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder Acceleration SoundMercedes CLS 63 AMG REV & Acceleration sound Porsche GT3 RS Drive by Mclaren MP4-12C Acceleration sound supercarkingshamburg shmee150 arab cars in london mercedes sls gullstream Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder acceleration Audi R8 Spyder Acceleration Mercedes C63 brabus acceleration Mercedes SLS drive off Mercedes SLS Drive Off infinity g 37 s accelartion Ferrari F430 Acceleration LOUD Aston Martin V8 Vantage Start Up Nissan Skyline GTR Accelaration & Audi R8 V10 Maseratti Grand Cabrio Acceleration Aston Martin V 12 Vantage Mercedes SL 55 AMG Drit & ALMOST CRASH Mercedes SL65 AMG Full Thorottel Rev REV Battle Vs BMW M3 With coustom Exhaust (ride) Nissan Skyline GT-R & Audi R8 Acceleration Lamborghini Gallardo Acceleration Audi R8 Spyder REV Lamborghini Gallardo and Ferrari 360 Modena Acceleration and drive by Fod Gt Geiger Cars Start Up Ferrari F430 Start Mercedes S63 Fab Design Acceleration Ferrari 360 modena drive by Audi S5 ABT REV LOUD Camero SS VS Ferrari 458 Italia REV Battel Gumball 3000 2011 Istanbul Finish line Mercedes SLS Rev and Acceleration Porsche Gt 3 RS Drive off Ferrari Carlifonia drive off Lamborhini Gallardo acceleration New Mercedes C63 AMG Rev Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 Walkaround Ferrari F430 Scuderia 16m Walkaround Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 walkaround Mercedes Sl63 Amg Acceleration in hamburg Ferrari F430, 360 Stradale, 458 Italia Etc parking in a garage Mercedes CLK 63 Black Series HARD Rev Wheelspin Acceleration Lamborghini Diablo Vt Walkaround Bentley Continental Gt accelaration Mercedes CLK 63 Amg Black Series Rev+-Downshift Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 accerlation tim wosnitza Lamborghini Murcielago Lp640 Start up Acceleration lamborghini Murcielago lp640 drive by his owner Tim Wosnitza Audi R8 Spyder Take Off LOUD hamburgcars2 Matte White Aurdi R8 Walkaround Mercedes Benz SLS Open doors in Hamburg Ferrari 612 scalietti novitec rosso, Masserati GT , Nissan 350Z bitturbo loud cars Nitrous, Need for speed, gran turismo, jay z, eminem, rihanna, trance, drum and bass, Armin van buuren, , London supercars, supercars, cars in London, hypercars, sportscars, Ferrari, Ferrari enzo, scuderia, 16m , maranello, superamerica, 599 GTO, FXX Evolutione, Challenge Stradale , Modena, Spyder, Lamborghini, Valentino Balboni, LP560-4, LP570-4 Superleggera, LP640 roadster, LP670-4 SV, Lamborghini Reventon Roadster, Diablo SV, Bugatti Veyron EB 16.4, Bugatti Veyron V Mclaren F1, Top Gear, Bugatti Veyron Sang Noir, Sang D'argent, Sang Bleu, Grand Sport, Acceleration , Exhaust Note, Decat Tubi Revs, Revving cars , Mercedes Mclaren F1 SLR, SLS AMG, SL65 AMG Black series, S Class, BMW M5 M3, Maserati Gran turismo s, Maserati MC12, MC Victory, Mansory Cyrus, Mansory Tuning, Kahn, Koenigsegg CCX R , CCX , Aggera, Travita, Pagani Zonda, Zonda R, C9, C12 s, Horacio pagani, Ferrari 458 Italia, Michael Schumacher, Jenson Button, matte black supercars, chrome, rims, Fast , F1, valentine rossi, murcielago, Gallardo superleggera, audi r8 v10 spyder, Aston martin dbs volante, Aston martin 0ne 77, , ultimate aero ssc, brabus Mercedes, fifth gear, evo magazine, fastest cars in the world, Bentley mulsanne, supersports, gt speed, e gear, 50 cent cars, gemballa avalanche, Porsche carrera gt, 911 turbo acceleration, concept Porsche, alfa romeo 8c competizione spyder, dodge viper, corvette zr1, tesla, ascari, novitec rosso, gullwing, stirling moss edtn slr, goodwood festival of speed, MPH, car meets, top marques Monaco, arab supercars, dubai supercars, rich, middle east, arab money, oil money, rich middle east, ariel, artega, ascari, b engineering, baur, caterham, de tomaso, farbio, fisker, gumpert apollo s, Nissan gtr, ktm xbow, lexus, lotus evora, maybach, morgan, mosler, noble, rolls-royce ghost, coupe, drophead, spyker c8 laviolette, spyker aileron, ssc, reventon roadster, veritas, venturi, wiesmann, best exhaust sounds best acceleration sounds- published: 06 Oct 2013
- views: 184

Großer Feuerwehr Hamburg Zusammenschnitt (knapp 16 Min.!!!)
Dieses Video zeigt einen großen Zusammenschnitt von knapp 16 Minuten Einsatzfahrt von vers...
published: 08 Apr 2013
author: HDBlaulichtfilmer112
Großer Feuerwehr Hamburg Zusammenschnitt (knapp 16 Min.!!!)
Großer Feuerwehr Hamburg Zusammenschnitt (knapp 16 Min.!!!)
Dieses Video zeigt einen großen Zusammenschnitt von knapp 16 Minuten Einsatzfahrt von verschiedenen Fahrzeugen der Berufs- und Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Hamburg...- published: 08 Apr 2013
- views: 14086
- author: HDBlaulichtfilmer112