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Vodafone Australia appoints new CEO

Vodafone Australia appoints new CEO

Updated | Vodafone Hutchison Australia has brought in Vodafone Romania’s chief executive, Iñaki Berroeta, to be its new chief executive officer, replacing Bill Morrow who will leave to lead NBN Co.

Apple may play catch-up with bigger-display iPhones

Apple may play catch-up with bigger-display iPhones

Updated | Rumours have re-emerged overnight in the US that Apple is set to break the iPhone mould and go bigger – but it could be too late.

Samsung Q4 profit down as one-off bonus take a slice

Samsung Electronics posted its first decline in quarterly profit in two years, hit by one-off special bonus as well as slowing smartphone sales as it braces for a year of tougher competition with rival Apple.

No word on new CEO as Microsoft announces profit rise

No word on new CEO as Microsoft announces profit rise

Microsoft’s second-quarter profit rose 3 per cent as strong sales of its Office software to businesses offset another weak quarter for its flagship Windows system, which is suffering as consumers opt for tablets over PCs.

Icahn takes another $US500m bite out of Apple

Icahn takes another $US500m bite out of Apple

Activist investor Carl Icahn picked up another $US500 million of Apple shares to take his investment in the iPhone maker to $3.6 billion, while ratcheting up his campaign to pry open the company's cash hoard.

Nokia hands Microsoft some bad numbers

Nokia hands Microsoft some bad numbers

Microsoft’s push into smartphones may not have the best start after Nokia, which is selling its handset division to the US giant, said sales fell 29 per cent.

Pope calls internet ‘a gift from God’

Pope calls internet ‘a gift from God’

It may sometimes be a breeding ground for pornographers, bullies and extremists, but Pope Francis has called the web a “gift from God”.

Microsoft to allow offshore data storage

Microsoft will allow overseas customers to have their personal data stored outside the US, a response to concerns about allegations of US government spying, Microsoft general counsel, Brad Smith, said.

Retailers challenged as technology gets personal

As technology rapidly increases the amount of personal data that is readily available, companies are trying to strike a balance between better tailoring their message to consumers and protecting an individuals privacy, said Doug McMillon, the incoming chief executive of Wal-Mart Stores said on Thursday.

Argentina moves to limit online shopping

Even as it seeks to regain access to international capital markets, Argentina imposed new restrictions on online shopping in its latest attempt to curb capital flight and prevent a balance of payments crisis.


Once-bitten Telstra dips toe back in Asia


Telstra chief David Thodey is good at talking the talk when it comes to what he wants to do in Asia, but as anyone who has done business in the region knows, it takes time to walk the walk.

Apple iPad coming to a TV near you

Apple iPad coming to a TV near you

Apple is readying a new version of its Apple TV set-top box that will be based on the iOS software that powers its popular iPad and iPhone devices, according to reports.

Nikon nails retro chic with ‘Df’ SLR

Nikon nails retro chic with ‘Df’ SLR

Nikon has tried to evoke old-school cool with its new Df camera, a very modern digital SLR wrapped in a retro body.

Is this the face of Samsung’s Galaxy S5?

Is this the face of Samsung’s Galaxy S5?

With every passing day, just about, one thing is becoming clear about Samsung’s Galaxy S5: you won’t be able to mistake it for its predecessor.

Will Apple’s iWatch get under our skin?

Will Apple’s iWatch get under our skin?

Apple’s hypothetical smartwatch, the iWatch, could come with a needle-less patch on its back that samples your blood and performs health tests on you.

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AFR Technology is on Twitter

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Entrepreneur offers Aussie developers their Silicon Valley big break

Entrepreneur offers Aussie developers their Silicon Valley big break

A co-founder of successful online graphic design marketplace 99designs is attempting to lure local developers and engineers to Silicon Valley, with the prospect of working at a major technology start-up.


Vodafone Australia appoints new CEO

Vodafone Australia appoints new CEO

Updated | Vodafone Hutchison Australia has brought in Vodafone Romania’s chief executive, Iñaki Berroeta, to be its new chief executive officer, replacing Bill Morrow who will leave to lead NBN Co.

Nokia sets sights on reviving wireless network sales

Nokia sets sights on reviving wireless network sales

Nokia has reported a steep fall in sales at its network equipment division, raising concerns about the outlook for what will be its primary operation after selling its phone business to Microsoft.

Consumer electronics

Digital life

Apple iPad coming to a TV screen near you

Apple is readying a new version of its Apple TV set-top box that will be based on the iOS software that powers its popular iPad and iPhone devices, according to reports.

No word on new CEO as Microsoft announces profit rise

No word on new CEO as Microsoft announces profit rise

Microsoft’s second-quarter profit rose 3 per cent as strong sales of its Office software to businesses offset another weak quarter for its flagship Windows system, which is suffering as consumers opt for tablets over PCs.