- published: 23 Dec 2013
- views: 271784

Kim Jong Un vs. Christmas
Kim Jong Un faces his most dangerous enemy yet: holiday cheer. Can Most Glorious Leader st...
published: 23 Dec 2013
Kim Jong Un vs. Christmas
Kim Jong Un vs. Christmas
Kim Jong Un faces his most dangerous enemy yet: holiday cheer. Can Most Glorious Leader stop Christmas from coming before it's too late? See more http://www.collegehumor.com LIKE us on: http://www.facebook.com/collegehumor FOLLOW us on: http://www.twitter.com/collegehumor FOLLOW us on: http://www.collegehumor.tumblr.com- published: 23 Dec 2013
- views: 271784

Don't Drink And Execute Like Kim Jong Un
"North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un was "very drunk" when he ordered the execution of two ai...
published: 25 Dec 2013
Don't Drink And Execute Like Kim Jong Un
Don't Drink And Execute Like Kim Jong Un
"North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un was "very drunk" when he ordered the execution of two aides close to his purged uncle, according to Japanese newspaper reports. The young leader ordered the execution of two aides after they reportedly failed to respond immediately to a request to hand over a profitable business to the military. The two aides were close to Jang Song-thaek, Kim's uncle, who only weeks later was dramatically stripped of his powerful posts and executed in an effort by the leader to consolidate his grip on power."* Cenk Uygur, Ben Mankiewicz, John Iadarola, and Jimmy Dore break it down on The Young Turks. *Read more here from Danielle Demetriou / Telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/10535033/Kim-Jong-un-very-drunk-when-he-ordered-execution-of-uncles-two-aides.html- published: 25 Dec 2013
- views: 301

KCTV HD (Kim Jong Un Visits Kumsusan Palace of Sun)
Korean Central Television (조선중앙방송)
Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of ...
published: 18 Dec 2013
KCTV HD (Kim Jong Un Visits Kumsusan Palace of Sun)
KCTV HD (Kim Jong Un Visits Kumsusan Palace of Sun)
Korean Central Television (조선중앙방송) Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, first chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, together with Ri Sol Ju, visited the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun on Tuesday, the 2nd anniversary of demise of leader Kim Jong Il. He was accompanied by Kim Yong Nam, Pak Pong Ju, Choe Ryong Hae, Ri Yong Gil, Jang Jong Nam, Kim Ki Nam, Choe Thae Bok, Pak To Chun, Kim Yong Chun, Yang Hyong Sop, Kang Sok Ju, Kim Won Hong and other members of the leadership organ of the Central Committee of the WPK in Pyongyang City, officials of the Central Committee of the WPK, leading officers of armed forces organs and officials of ministries and national institutions. Kim Jong Un entered the hall where statues of President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il are standing. Seen standing beside the statues were flags of the WPK and the DPRK and army colors. The guard of honor of the Ground, Naval, Air and Anti-air Forces of the KPA and the Worker-Peasant Red Guards lined up beside them. The chief of the guard of honor made a salute to the statues. A floral basket in the name of Kim Jong Un was placed before the statues. Also laid before the statues was a floral basket in the joint name of the Central Committee of the WPK, the Central Military Commission of the WPK, the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK and its Cabinet. Kim Jong Un, together with other visitors, paid high tribute to the statues. Kim Jong Un entered the hall where Kim Jong Il lies in state. He, together with other visitors, paid homage to Kim Jong Il in the humblest reverence for him. He looked round the hall where the orders Kim Jong Il received are on display, the mourning hall and the halls which house a car, electric car, boat and train coach used by Kim Jong Il.- published: 18 Dec 2013
- views: 112

Report: Kim Jong Un's uncle executed
An uncle of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has been executed, the Korean Central News Age...
published: 12 Dec 2013
Report: Kim Jong Un's uncle executed
Report: Kim Jong Un's uncle executed
An uncle of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has been executed, the Korean Central News Agency reported.- published: 12 Dec 2013
- views: 253

Kim Jong Un's deadly power play stokes fear abroad
The execution of a high-ranking relative of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has perplexed ...
published: 20 Dec 2013
Kim Jong Un's deadly power play stokes fear abroad
Kim Jong Un's deadly power play stokes fear abroad
The execution of a high-ranking relative of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has perplexed and disturbed foreign governments and longtime observers. Chief foreign correspondent Margaret Warner examines unsettling trends of Kim's leadership and reports of infighting and dissent behind the scenes of his regime.- published: 20 Dec 2013
- views: 1644

Rodman: Kim Jong-un is my friend
Dennis Rodman is the highest-profile American to visit North Korea. Brian Todd reports, a...
published: 22 Dec 2013
Rodman: Kim Jong-un is my friend
Rodman: Kim Jong-un is my friend
Dennis Rodman is the highest-profile American to visit North Korea. Brian Todd reports, and Marc Lamont Hill explains.- published: 22 Dec 2013
- views: 5998

Kim Jong-un ordena a las Fuerzas Armadas estar listas para la guerra
El líder de Corea del Norte, Kim Jong-un, ha ordenado a sus militares reforzar la preparac...
published: 25 Dec 2013
Kim Jong-un ordena a las Fuerzas Armadas estar listas para la guerra
Kim Jong-un ordena a las Fuerzas Armadas estar listas para la guerra
El líder de Corea del Norte, Kim Jong-un, ha ordenado a sus militares reforzar la preparación para el combate, "siempre teniendo en cuenta que una guerra estalla sin previo aviso". Kim Jong-un visitó una unidad del Ejército cerca de la ciudad portuaria occidental de Nampo en la víspera de la Navidad, el día que Kim Jong-il, su difunto padre, fue nombrado comandante supremo del Ejército Popular. Dirigiéndose a los militares, Kim Jong-un les dio instrucciones de "poner el máximo esfuerzo para reforzar su preparación para el combate", "siempre teniendo en cuenta que una guerra estalla sin previo aviso", informa la agencia surcoreana Yonhap citando a la agencia norcoreana KCNA. Después de reunirse con los comandantes de la unidad, Kim Jong-un subrayó que las Fuerzas Armadas de su país deben recordar el día de la declaración de Kim Jong-il como "gran líder", porque él convirtió a Corea del Norte en una "potencia militar mundial". El 19 de diciembre Pyongyang amenazó con atacar a Corea del Sur "sin previo aviso", en respuesta a las protestas antinorcoreanas que organizaron en Corea del Sur grupos activistas, entre ellos refugiados norcoreanos. Las protestas se produjeron mientras Corea del Norte conmemoraba el aniversario de la muerte de Kim Jong-il, que se produjo el 17 de diciembre de 2011. LEER MÁS: http://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/view/115246-kim-jong-corea-norte-guerra ¡Suscríbete a "ActualidadRT"! https://twitter.com/ActualidadRT https://www.facebook.com/ActualidadRT https://plus.google.com/+RTenEspanol/posts http://www.youtube.com/user/ActualidadRT RT en vivo: http://actualidad.rt.com/mas/envivo/ RT EN ESPAÑOL: DESDE RUSIA CON INFORMACIÓN- published: 25 Dec 2013
- views: 268

Inside North Korea: Channel 4 News questions Kim Jong-un
Inside the most secretive society on earth - Asia Correspondent John Sparks reports from N...
published: 27 Jul 2013
author: Channel4News
Inside North Korea: Channel 4 News questions Kim Jong-un
Inside North Korea: Channel 4 News questions Kim Jong-un
Inside the most secretive society on earth - Asia Correspondent John Sparks reports from North Korea as Channel 4 News becomes the first news organisation to...- published: 27 Jul 2013
- views: 5335
- author: Channel4News

Vợ chồng Kim Jong un tới viếng cha
Nhà lãnh đạo Triều Tiên hôm qua (17/12/2013) cùng phu nhân Ri Sol-ju tham dự lễ tưởng niệm...
published: 18 Dec 2013
Vợ chồng Kim Jong un tới viếng cha
Vợ chồng Kim Jong un tới viếng cha
Nhà lãnh đạo Triều Tiên hôm qua (17/12/2013) cùng phu nhân Ri Sol-ju tham dự lễ tưởng niệm hai năm ngày mất của cố lãnh đạo Kim Jong-il tại Cung tưởng niệm Kumsusan, nơi đặt thi hài và nhiều kỷ vật của ông. Truyền thông nhà nước Triều Tiên hôm qua phát đi hình ảnh nhà lãnh đạo Kim Jong-un cùng phu nhân tới viếng thi hài ông Kim Jong-il và Kim Nhật Thành nhân ngày giỗ ông Kim Jong-il. Những người đi cùng gồm có ông Kim Yong-nam, chủ tịch Ủy ban Thường vụ Hội nghị Nhân dân Tối cao Triều Tiên; Choe Ryong-hae, chủ nhiệm Tổng cục Chính trị quân đội và các quan chức khác của đảng và quân đội. Sau đó, nhà lãnh đạo cũng đi một vòng quanh Cung tưởng niệm, nơi trưng bày các kỷ vật bao gồm ôtô, xe điện, toa tàu mà ông Kim Jong-il từng sử dụng. Trong buổi lễ này cũng như lễ mít tinh tại hội trường ở Bình Nhưỡng, bà Kim Kyong-hui, em gái của cố lãnh đạo Kim Jong-il và là vợ của ông Jang Soang-theak, người vừa bị xử tử, không có mặt. Hôm 13/2, truyền hình trung ương Triều Tiên chiếu bộ phim tài liệu từ năm 2012, bà Ri Sol-ju cũng tháp tùng chồng tới Cung tưởng niệm Kumsusan. Sự xuất hiện của bà Ri được cho là nhằm mục đích dẹp bỏ tin đồn bà Ri Sol-ju bị liên lụy trong vụ án Jang Song-thaek. Ông Kim Jong-il qua đời vào ngày 17/12/2011 vì một cơn đau tim. Con trai ông, Kim Jong-un sau đó lên nắm quyền lãnh đạo đất nước. Vụ tử hình ông Jang Song-thaek, một người trong chính gia đình ông Kim, là biến cố chính trị lớn nhất Triều Tiên kể từ sau khi ông Kim Jong-il từ trần. theo vnexpress- published: 18 Dec 2013
- views: 183

Kim Jong Un Executed His Uncle - Why?
"A stooped figure in handcuffs, condemned by a military tribunal, then taken for immediate...
published: 14 Dec 2013
Kim Jong Un Executed His Uncle - Why?
Kim Jong Un Executed His Uncle - Why?
"A stooped figure in handcuffs, condemned by a military tribunal, then taken for immediate execution Thursday, Jang Song Thaek is now vilified as "traitor" and "human scum" in North Korea, where until recently he counted as its second-most-powerful figure. The dramatic downfall of Jang, the uncle and apparent mentor of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, surprised even veteran observers of the brutal regime founded by Kim's grandfather. Many analysts agree Kim Jong Un, 30, is trying to consolidate his rule, but the wider implications for this tightly sealed state remain as tough to fathom as ever, they said...".* Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Desi Doyen (Green News Report) and Lee Camp (Moment Of Clarity) break it down on The Young Turks. *Read more here from Calum Macleod / USA Today: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/12/13/nkorea-what-next/4008157/ Download audio and video of the full two hour show on-demand + the members-only post game show by becoming a member at http://www.tytnetwork.com/member-options/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Join The Young Turks Network mailing list http://www.tytnetwork.com/member-options/register-subscriber/ or Support The Young Turks by Subscribing http://www.youtube.com/user/theyoungturks Like Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks Follow Us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks Support TYT for FREE by doing your Amazon shopping through this link (bookmark it!) http://www.amazon.com/?tag=theyoungturks-20 Buy TYT Merch: http://theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com/- published: 14 Dec 2013
- views: 119673

DRAW MY LIFE - Kim Jong-un
Kim Jong-un's highly requested Draw My Life, as a SONG! :) Don't forget to share and like!...
published: 22 Apr 2013
author: AVbyte
DRAW MY LIFE - Kim Jong-un
DRAW MY LIFE - Kim Jong-un
Kim Jong-un's highly requested Draw My Life, as a SONG! :) Don't forget to share and like! :) Subscribe for more: http://bit.ly/SubscribeAVbyte Download the ...- published: 22 Apr 2013
- views: 2338398
- author: AVbyte

The Adventures of Kim Jong Un
HALO 4 WITH CONAN OBRIEN http://bit.ly/I6JHHI LIKE us on: http://www.facebook.com/collegeh...
published: 09 May 2012
author: collegehumor
The Adventures of Kim Jong Un
The Adventures of Kim Jong Un
HALO 4 WITH CONAN OBRIEN http://bit.ly/I6JHHI LIKE us on: http://www.facebook.com/collegehumor A leaked North Korean cartoon presenting the totally true triu...- published: 09 May 2012
- views: 2387006
- author: collegehumor

North Korea executes uncle of leader Kim Jong Un
Subscribe to ITN News: http://bit.ly/itnytsub
North Korea says it has executed Kim Jong-un...
published: 13 Dec 2013
North Korea executes uncle of leader Kim Jong Un
North Korea executes uncle of leader Kim Jong Un
Subscribe to ITN News: http://bit.ly/itnytsub North Korea says it has executed Kim Jong-un's uncle, calling the leader's former mentor a traitor. The official news agency KCNA said Jang Song Thaek tried to seize power and overthrow the state. The announcement came days after Jang- long considered the country's second in command - was removed from all his posts because of a long list of allegations, including corruption, drug use, gambling and womanising. Report by Ashley Fudge. Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itn Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/itn Add us on Google+: http://bit.ly/17z0Dpd More stories from ITN: Nelson Mandela memorial signer gives radio interview: http://bit.ly/18nWPtk Anchorman's Steve Carell interrupts Daybreak weather update: http://bit.ly/1fmPUjD 40-year-old foetus found inside elderly woman: http://bit.ly/19jOx4c Mandela memorial sign language interpreter branded a "fake": http://bit.ly/18CSGQa Ancient lake on Mars evidence of life? http://bit.ly/1goJnrQ RARE HANDSHAKE- President Obama shakes hands with Cuba's Raul Castro: http://bit.ly/J4LzGt South African president booed before Mandela memorial speech: http://bit.ly/1bU7NaC Violent fight breaks out at Brazilian football match: http://bit.ly/1iPJoae Lenin statue torn down and smashed with hammers in Ukraine: http://bit.ly/1gStKGx A gingerbread house you can actually live in? Check it out: http://bit.ly/1f3PDlN Nelson Mandela dies at 95: A tribute to the South African leader- http://bit.ly/1jt1iNB Nelson Mandela's very first television interview: http://bit.ly/18noRD4 Inspiring moment a man is rescued three days after his boat sank: http://bit.ly/1hAj81P CCTV captures the moment Paul Walker's car burst into flames: http://bit.ly/INfDHe Nigella Lawson admits taking cocaine: http://bit.ly/1gGsd6f Check out Truthloader, the new home of citizen journalism on YouTube. Subscribe now at http://bit.ly/tldrsub See 2013's Most Watched Videos: http://bit.ly/14iM9r5 See our Biggest Videos of All Time: http://bit.ly/11GI36D See 2012's Most Watched Videos: http://bit.ly/18R1boW- published: 13 Dec 2013
- views: 50638

Kim Jong Un Executes His Uncle A Top North Korean Military Leader
December 12, 2013 BBC News
published: 13 Dec 2013
Kim Jong Un Executes His Uncle A Top North Korean Military Leader
Kim Jong Un Executes His Uncle A Top North Korean Military Leader
December 12, 2013 BBC News http://MOXNews.com- published: 13 Dec 2013
- views: 2205
Youtube results:

Dennis Rodman 'This Week' Interview: NBA Basketball Star Discusses Kim Jong Un, North Korea Visit
George Stephanopoulos goes one-on-one with the former NBA star on his visit to North Korea...
published: 03 Mar 2013
author: ABCNews
Dennis Rodman 'This Week' Interview: NBA Basketball Star Discusses Kim Jong Un, North Korea Visit
Dennis Rodman 'This Week' Interview: NBA Basketball Star Discusses Kim Jong Un, North Korea Visit
George Stephanopoulos goes one-on-one with the former NBA star on his visit to North Korea.- published: 03 Mar 2013
- views: 393726
- author: ABCNews

Pyongyang Pressure Cooker - Inside Kim Jong Un's North Korea
What do the people of North Korea really think? Does the West give them a bad press? This ...
published: 16 Sep 2013
Pyongyang Pressure Cooker - Inside Kim Jong Un's North Korea
Pyongyang Pressure Cooker - Inside Kim Jong Un's North Korea
What do the people of North Korea really think? Does the West give them a bad press? This report tries to find out. North Korea has always created a carefully choreographed image of itself, but have the Western media also created a false picture of life there? With rare access, this report tries to answer that question. For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/?lid=65838&bid;=2 "They want to be more open. But they have been let down too many times by overseas journalists", says Ray Ferguson, of the Australia-North Korea Friendship Association. He claims that the regime is making real efforts to reach out. But heavy restrictions are still placed on journalists filming there. And a quick interview with a member of the public shows the pressure to tow the official line. "The U.S. imperialist invaders, we must drive them out!" Asking the guide whether people are "pretending" provokes the anxious response: "Don't use that word!" But Ray remains hopeful of change: "At least if you're engaging it creates a groundwork for better relations..". SBS- published: 16 Sep 2013
- views: 198

World's First Kim Jong-un Impersonator Wows Onlookers In Hong Kong
World's First Kim Jong-un Impersonator Wows Onlookers In Hong Kong
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit....
published: 13 Nov 2013
World's First Kim Jong-un Impersonator Wows Onlookers In Hong Kong
World's First Kim Jong-un Impersonator Wows Onlookers In Hong Kong
World's First Kim Jong-un Impersonator Wows Onlookers In Hong Kong SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/Oc61Hj A MILD-mannered musician has become the world's first professional Kim Jong-un lookalike. Howard, from Hong Kong, has endured endless jokes about his dictator double ever since Kim rose to power in 2011. Now the 34-year-old is perfecting his wave and stern smile to bag work moonlighting as the ruthless general's impersonator. Howard - who refuses to give his surname for fear of reprisals form the secretive state - says he fell into the role almost by accident when a picture of himself posing as the Dear Leader went viral on Facebook last April. Videographer / Director: James G.Y. Producer: James Tegerdine Editor: Ben Churcher / Joshua Douglas For more amazing footage of the amazing side of life, visit the Barcroft Media website: http://bit.ly/19OYwp Like Barcroft Media on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/RJlaj6 Follow Barcroft Media on Twitter: http://bit.ly/10vFLY9- published: 13 Nov 2013
- views: 2088

10 Things You Didn't Know About Kim Jong-un
10 Things You Didn't Know About Kim Jong-un We don't know if he's going to start World War...
published: 11 Apr 2013
author: Alltime10s
10 Things You Didn't Know About Kim Jong-un
10 Things You Didn't Know About Kim Jong-un
10 Things You Didn't Know About Kim Jong-un We don't know if he's going to start World War Three, but you can find out more about this crazy dictator by watc...- published: 11 Apr 2013
- views: 1047639
- author: Alltime10s