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A Note to our Listeners, Supporters, and the Greater Pittsburgh community

After years of grassroots reporting including over 300 episodes, coverage of major events like the 2009 G-20 summit in Pittsburgh, presentations to national audiences at the annual Allied Media Conference and more, Rustbelt Radio and the Pittsburgh IMC are facing a gap in volunteer capacity that is preventing the show from airing new episodes for the first time in nine years.

Pittsburgh's Independent Media Center (IMC) was created in 2003, during a time when many communities were excited about a new model of independent media publishing and the possibilities of amplifying our own stories without reliance on the corporate media. In May of 2004, Rustbelt Radio was initiated as a new project of the Pittsburgh IMC. Inspired by programs such as Democracy Now! and Free Speech Radio News, Rustbelt Radio was created as a one hour bi-weekly show of "news from the grassroots, news overlooked by the corporate media." From its inception, Rustbelt Radio has sought to cover marginalized voices and stories, highlight local struggles while connecting them to larger global justice movements, and serve as an outlet for local activists, projects, and organizers to bring their issues to the airwaves.

Over the past nine years, Rustbelt Radio has operated as a low-budget all-volunteer collective. This has allowed us great flexibility in our organizing model, as we are not obligated to spend exorbitant amounts of time fundraising, nor are we tied down by the constraints of funders or foundations. We have been able to focus on our reporting without any restrictions on the political content of our show. We have built media skills among many community members through our collaborative production process. As with any all-volunteer collective, we face the challenges of maintaining an active core of dedicated volunteers as well as engaging new volunteers with the project to support its growth and vision... Full Statement

Pittsburgh Indymedia's weekly radio program featuring news from the grassroots, news overlooked by the corporate media.

Click below to play a recent show in your web browser.

How to listen:

To receive a weekly announcement email from Pittsburgh IMC including the upcoming week's Rustbelt Radio headlines, enter your email address here: 

If you'd like to get involved in producing news stories or to submit your story, please email We can also use help with copy editing, interviewing, and hosting!

Rustbelt Radio is supported in part by a Sprout Fund seed award.  The Sprout Fund is nonprofit organization supporting innovative ideasand grassroots community projects that are catalyzing change in Pittsburgh.

Each of The Sprout Fund's programs, Seed Award and Public Art, is designed to advance a community initiative from idea through dialogue to implementation, creating a critical mass of activity for positive regional change.  Sprout believes a vital component to building healthy and vibrant communities is civic engagement; serving those who demonstrate the drive and the capacity to think creatively about their communities.

With ongoing local support and continued appreciation by the communities it serves, The Sprout Fund will continue to provide an entry point for Pittsburghers to become involved and active in their communities and support projects that have the collective power to shape a new culture and vision for the region.

We also rely on listener support.  We appreciate equipment donations and funds - thanks to all of our supporters for supporting us this year!  100% of donations go towards production expenses and equipment for our volunteers.  You can donate instantly online at the paypal link below.

Rustbelt Radio for May 20, 2013
Pittsburgh's Ride of Silence memorializes bicyclists injured on the roads; Cindy Sheehan interviews Margaret Kimberly of Black Agenda Report about the Obama administration's renewed pursuit of Assata Shakur; and the growth of bike sharing programs - Radio Ecoshock looks at the worldwide picture, and we bring you an update on Pittsburgh's new program.[Stream: Flash   | Ogg Vorbis | MP3 Format ]
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[ Transcript and Audio ]
Rustbelt Radio for May 06, 2013
On today’s show, in honor of May Day and Cinco de Mayo, we bring you updates from May day activities in Pittsburgh, an interview with representatives from the Coalition for Immokalee Workers and Student-Farmworker Alliance, and a talk by Gloria Munoz Ramirez on indigenous struggles in Mexico.[Stream: Flash   | Ogg Vorbis | MP3 Format ]
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Rustbelt Radio for April 22, 2013
Today in celebration of earth day, we bring you a report from statewide grassroots protests demanding that the Pennsylvania DEP put environmental safety above corporate interests, and we bring you a special feature on corporate land-grabbing in Africa, and its implications for food security and environmental health.

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Rustbelt Radio for April 08, 2013
On today's show: sportswriter Dave Zirin addresses the intersections of politics and sports, and Susan Crawford on internet access as a public right; a feature by Chicago Indymedia's From the Trenches radio.[Stream: Flash   | Ogg Vorbis | MP3 Format ]
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Rustbelt Radio for March 25, 2013
  * A verdict is reached in the Steubenville Rape trial;   * Local employee hour cutting in anticipation for the Affordable Care Act;    * On the 10th anniversary of the Iraq war, Iraq Veterans Against the War and Iraqi groups come together to launch the Right to Heal campaign.[Stream: Flash   | Ogg Vorbis | MP3 Format ]
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Rustbelt Radio for March 11, 2013
On today's show:
   * Anonymous holds a rally in West Virginia
   * Stop The Frack Attack in Dallas, Texas
   * McDonald's Must Pay - foreign students exploited by McDonalds demand justice.[Stream: Flash   | Ogg Vorbis | MP3 Format ]
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[ Transcript and Audio ]
Rustbelt Radio for February 25, 2013

On today's show...

  • Pittsburghers for Public Transit take their message to Harrisburg
  • Allegheny County Council Approves Fracking at the Pittsburgh International Airport
  • One Billion Rising for an end to domestic violence
  • The Pennsylvania Prison Report
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[ Transcript and Audio ]
Rustbelt Radio for February 11, 2013
  • Occupy Pittsburgh now celebrates one year in publication
  • Ujamaa collective hosts a discussion on the new book "We Have Not Been Moved", essays on race and political struggle in America.
  • Lockdown at a shell fracking pad near Maggie's farm
  • Continue Coverage of the Steubenville Case
  • And more in our local and global headlines
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Rustbelt Radio for January 28, 2013

On today's show...

  • One Pittsburgh holds rally calling for UPMC to treat it's employees fairly
  • Two vigils were held in honor of intimate Partner and Gun violence victim Ka'Sandra Wade
  • Civil rights activist and scholar Angela Davis speaks as part of MLK day commemorations
  • Rally against hate crimes based on queer and trans identity in the South Side
  • After twelve years in solitary confinement Paul Rogers may be released to general population
  • And more in our local and global headlines...
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[ Transcript and Audio ]
Rustbelt Radio for January 13, 2013

On today's show...

  • SEIU holds a Jobs Not Cuts Rally In Washington, DC
  • Anonymous jumps into a Steubenville Rape Case
  • And more in our local and global headlines

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Rustbelt Radio for December 31, 2012
On today's show... A look back at some of our stories from 2012

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Rustbelt Radio for December 17, 2012

On today's show...

  • A look at the formation of the USW's Fight Back Pittsburgh
  • We catch up with Action United and learn about their work in Pittsburgh and elsewhere in Pennsylvania
  • A report on the Pittsburgh Citizen Police Review Boards's look into the use of undercover officers and 99 cars in Pittsburgh
  • and we take a look back at the first Jordan Miles Civil Trial
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Rustbelt Radio for December 3, 2012

On today's show...

  • Team Rustbelt attends a Pittsburgh Rally for Gaza
  • Another look at the Shalefield Justice Action Camp
  • Members of Decarcerate PA protest new prison construction
  • And more in our local and global headlines

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Rustbelt Radio for November 19, 2012

On today's show...

  • A recently passed law opens up state university campuses to mineral extraction
  • A Local Farm Up Against the Fracking Industry Receives Widespread Support
  • coverage of a film screening and panel discussion on birthing freedom as a human right
  • And more in our local and global headlines

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Rustbelt Radio for November 5, 2012

On today's show...

  • An international delegate reports back from the presidential election of Venezuela
  • We bring you a report on the impacts of Hurricane Sandy in the Northeast, and how communities are coming together to respond.
  • And more in our local and global headlines

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Rustbelt Radio for October 22nd, 2012

On today's show...

  • Rustbelt Takes An In Depth Look at Occupy Pittsburgh As They Celebrate Their One Year Anniversary
  • A special full-length feature takes an in-depth look at FBI entrapment of activists in the case of the Cleveland Four.

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Rustbelt Radio for October 5, 2012

On today's show...

  • Political analyst Laura Carlsen describes the US's war on drugs in Mexico, and its devastating consequences
  • A Look at a Controversy Rising Between East End Developers, and the Shadow Lounge.
  • The Pennsylvania Prison Report and an update on Juvenile Lifers Without Parole in the state.
  • And more in our local and global headlines
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Rustbelt Radio for September 24, 2012

On today's show...

  • Pittsburgh Police Chief Nate Harper Meets with Concerned Citizens in Homewood
  • The Tour De Frack Brings their Message to Washington DC
  • A look into Pennsylvania's voter ID law
  • Reporting from the Pennsylvania Hearing on Solitary Confinement
  • And more in our local and global headlines

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Rustbelt Radio for September 10, 2012

On today's show...

  • A report on the re-trial of Terrell Johnson
  • we investigate the potential of renewable energy in our region
  • the Black Agenda Report on Obama and the minimum wage
  • Former Mexican president Zedillo is granted immunity for his role in the Acteal massacre
  • And more in our local and global headlines

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Rustbelt Radio for August 27, 2012

On today's show...

  • An update from the Justice for Terrell Johnson Campaign
  • Mumia Abu-Jamal's challenge of his life without parole sentence
  • A feature on gun control bill, HB 2331
  • An immigrant rights bus tour plans to deliver a message to candidates at the 2012 Democratic National Convention
  • We hear from independent journalists covering the 2012 Republican National Convention
  • And more in our local and global headlines

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Rustbelt Radio for August 13, 2012

On today's show...

  • Pittsburgh artists and activists gather to commemorate the bombing of Hiroshima
  • Rusbelt's second feature following a partial verdict in Jordan Miles' trial of the three policemen that beat him
  • This week in Palestine
  • And more in our local and global headlines

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Rustbelt Radio for July 30, 2012

On today's show...

  • The Tour de Frack rallies through Pittsburgh!
  • Regional protests of Hospitality Staffing Solutions
  • Coverage of the Jordan Miles trial
  • And more in our local and global headlines

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Rustbelt Radio for July 16, 2012

On today's show we continue to look back at the past 8 years of Rustbelt Radio while covering current news such as....

  • A vigil is held in Pittsburgh for a couple shot in Texas
  • An update on the PNC foreclosure of the Cruz Family home in Minnesota
  • A look back at our coverage of Juvenile Life Without Parole in light of a recent Supreme Court ruling
  • A commencement ceremony is held in November for the Initiative for Transgender Leadership
  • And more in our local and global headlines

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Rustbelt Radio for July 2, 2012
On today's show we look back over our last 8 years and also remain focused on the present while we touch on issues of health care, the prison system, transit, the Fourth of July and more.

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Rustbelt Radio for June 18th, 2012
On today's show:
  • Is PNC really your friendly neighborhood bank if a computer glitch can take your home?
  • Allegheny County public transit faces devastating cuts in funding;
  • Coverage of Pittsburgh's 6th annual Dyke-Trans March, and;
  • Pennsylvanians are fighting back against the impacts of shale gas drilling---a mobile home community in Lycoming County fights eviction, and people in Butler speak out against Act 13.

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    [ Transcript and Audio ]
  • Rustbelt Radio for June 4th, 2012

    On today's show...

    • A member of Chicago Indymedia talks about the role of Indymedia in activism
    • As the war on drugs in Mexico continues to increase the country's death toll, we speak with one woman working to build peace through activism and embroidery
    • An update on the death of John Carter
    • Rustbelt continues its coverage of the so-called "Bloomfield Bridge Riot"

    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for May 7, 2012

    On today's show...

    • Police attack a Mayday music show under the Bloomfield Bridge
    • Never Alone Tour comes through Pittsburgh to raise awareness about the FBIs ongoing campaign of repression against anarchists
    • A whistle blower's story on the death of one of the last jaguars in the United States
    • A prisoner at SCI Rockview is killed during a cell extraction
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for Apr. 23, 2012

    On today's show...

    • We bring you several features in honor of earth day, including an interview with filmmaker Craig Rosebraugh on the oil industry
    • Activist, scholar and writer Dr. Leanne Betasamosake Simpson of the First Nation Anishinabek people answers the question: "Can Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge Survive in the Modern World?"
    • Black Agenda Radio talks about preparing communities to apply for a low power FM radio license
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for Apr. 9, 2012

    On today's show...

    • A report from Black Agenda reporter, Glen Ford, on the Supreme Courts decision to allow strip searches without reasonable suspician.
    • A hacker space in Pittsburgh provides tools and teach-ins to encourage folks to build robots and much more
    • Updates of prisoner abuse and resistance from inside the prison industrial complex.
    • A follow up to the last show's feature on Juvenile Life Without Parole at the recent Supreme Court hearings.
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for Mar. 26, 2012

    On today's show...

    • We examine the issue of juvenile life without parole.
    • An exclusive interview with a member of the Anonymous hacking group about recent arrests
    • We examine the impact of the Marcellus drilling industry on forest ecology.
    • Updates of prisoner abuse and resistance from inside the prison industrial complex.
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for Mar. 12, 2012

    On today's show...

    • We hear about the work of prison doulas who support pregnant women behind bars.
    • An update about Japan's recovery one year after Fukushima and the Obama Administration's nuclear plans.
    • We examine air quality impacts of the Marcellus industry, as Allegheny County's first Marcellus compressor station permit is now under review.
    • A feature on Women of Color Herstory month with recap from the Kinks, Locks and Twists Conference and Her Voice events
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for Feb. 27, 2012

    On today's show...

    • Wikileaks releases the first of 5 million e-mails from private intelligence corporation Stratfor
    • The government subpoenas an Occupy Wall Street activist for his Twitter records.
    • We air an interview from Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting about Apple and coverage of Apple with longtime workers' right advocate and researcher Jeff Ballinger.
    • Radio Against Apartheid interviewed CODEPINK's Medea Benjamin about her recent experiences in Bahrain
    • We hear from local activist, Brittany McBryde, on her new documentary, "The Image of Black Women"
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for Feb. 13, 2012

    On today's show...

    • University of Pittsburgh Students hold an event to showcase new Affordable Care Act contraceptive policy
    • Occupy Pittsburgh exits its downtown camp
    • Lessons learned from Iraq, as peace activists work to end the Afghanistan war
    • Occupy Our Heathcare demands universal healthcare at a rally downtown
    • A feature on the importance of radical love
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for January 30, 2012

    On today's show...

    • a report back from the 14th annual Summit Against Racism
    • "Occupy Your Mind" brings together protestors, artists and intellectuals to discuss the Occupy movement
    • violence provoked by a Canadian mining company results in death in Oaxaca, Mexico
    • the Human Rights Coalitions Prison Radio report
    • we investigate the idea of a 20 hour work week
    • And more in our local and global headlines
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    [ Transcript and Audio ]
    Rustbelt Radio for Jan. 16, 2012

    On today's Martin Luther King's Day show...

    • a preview of the upcoming Summit Against Racism
    • Occupy Pittsburgh court coverage
    • Excerpts from the Free Mumia Rally last December and updates on his case and current condition
    • Hundreds protest tenth anniversary of Guantanamo detention center
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    [ Transcript and Audio ]
    Rustbelt Radio for Jan. 1, 2012
    On today's show we bring you a special year-in-review episode, highlighting our best stories from 2011.

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    Rustbelt Radio for Dec. 19, 2011

    On today's show...

    • We bring you "Calls From Home" a special holiday program which brings the voices of family members of prisoners to the airwaves as they send greetings to those incarcerated in the US prison system.

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    Rustbelt Radio for Dec. 05, 2011

    On today's show...

    • Protestors from the Pittsburgh occupation rally against a Pennsylvania company that supplies Egyptian police with tear gas
    • A new program in Uptown teaches African-American youth about the environment and entrepreneurship.
    • Updates from occupations across the U.S. and around the world.
    • Interviews with famed sports journalist, Dave Zirin.
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    [ Transcript and Audio ]
    Rustbelt Radio for Nov. 21, 2011

    On today's show...

    • We hear reports back from the Developing for Unconventional Gas summit protest in Pittsburgh PA
    • inspiring actions and words from the Initiative for Transgender Leadership's commencement ceremony
    • Vandana Shiva speaks to Carnegie Mellon on how to change the culture of science
    • Pittsburghers occupy the Greenfield Bridge to demand more jobs and investment in infrastructure
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for Nov. 07, 2011

    On today's show...

    • OccupyOakland holds a general strike, while OccupyPittsburgh marches in solidarity
    • The Thomas Merton Center honors Dr. Vandana Shiva, a hero in the fight against corporate piracy
    • October 22nd Day to Protest Police Brutality rallies in Market Square
    • Community group, Decarcerate Pa, organizes against new prison expansion in PA
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for Oct. 24, 2011

    On today's show...

    • Advocates rally at Harrisburg to say "We've had enough!" to new abortion service regulations
    • The University of Pittsburgh holds a panel discussion to present the pros and cons of Nuclear energy
    • The occupation of Mellon Green Park in Downtown Pittsburgh enters its second week
    • PA Immigration legislation at Building Changes Convergence in Pittsburgh
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for Oct. 10, 2011

    On today's show...

    • Changes for Garfield's future are presented by the Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation
    • Occupy Pittsburgh holds its second general assembly meeting
    • The EPA holds a public hearing on new regulations that would affect air pollution from gas drilling
    • Community members in Butler County protest fracking at a local dairy farm
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for Sept. 26, 2011

    On today's show...

    • A preview of the Building Change conference soon to take place in Pittsburgh
    • a controversial shale-gas well site is sabotaged in Indiana County
    • Prison activist Robert King on the Angola Three and prison justice issues.
    • Environmental scientist and activist Sandra Steingraber offers strategies for the movement against shale gas drilling.
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for Sept. 12, 2011

    On today's show...

    • Welcome to Our Revolution, excerpts from a performance inspired by a U.S. artist's visit to Cairo
    • Journalist Jordan Flaherty on New Orleans six years after Katrina
    • The experience of a nuclear meltdown by a university student in Japan
    • Fifteen hundred gather in Philly to protest shale gas drilling, even as flooding threatens to spread contamination from drilling sites.
    • Reflections on the 10 year anniversary of September 11th
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    [ Transcript and Audio ]
    Rustbelt Radio for August 29, 2011

    On today's show...

    • Foreign workers strike at a Hershey's Chocolate factory
    • An Afghanistan war veteran speaks in Pittsburgh as part of a nation-wide tour
    • A report back on the demonstration held last week in response to homophobic violence in Bloomfield
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    [ Transcript and Audio ]
    Rustbelt Radio for Aug. 15, 2011

    On today's show...

    • Hacker activist group Anonymous targets the Bay Area Rapid Transit system
    • Journalist, Glen Ford, points out the similarities between the treatment of blacks in London and the U.S.
    • We hear about the inadequacies in the coverage of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
    • And more in our local and global headlines.

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    Rustbelt Radio for Aug. 01, 2011

    On today's show...

    • Pittsburgh City Council decides whether to put a fracking ban on this November's referendum
    • A tree sit against Mountain Top Removal enters its thirteenth day
    • an in-depth look into the recent police involvement in the death of San Francisco teenager Kenneth Harding
    • the effects of the atomic bomb in Japan and the nuclear crisis of the world today
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for July 18, 2011

    On today's show...

    • Computer hackers target military contractor, Booz Allen Hamilton
    • The Third Circuit Court of Appeals holds up limits on Media Consolidation.
    • Report back from the Allied Media Conference on Gang Injunctions in California
    • A look into woman's role in the Egyptian uprising and beyond
    • Pittsburgh-based unions offer support to Mexican workers amid so-called labor reform south of the border
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for July 4, 2011

    On today's show...

    • We hear from the head of Mexico's independent mineworkers union -- in exile in Canada
    • Updates from the Joseph Hall case
    • Reel Grrls speak to their funding battle with Comcast
    • A report from the March on Blair Mountain, against mountaintop removal.
    • And more in our local and global headlines
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    [ Transcript and Audio ]
    Rustbelt Radio for June 20, 2011

    On today's show...

    • We go to a West Virginia rally against mountaintop removal, where Josh Fox and Mari-Lynn Evans draw connections to the anti-fracking movement.
    • an update of the Our Library, Our Future voter initiative
    • a lead up to the Pelican Bay State Prison hunger strike
    • the latest on a controversial new abortion bill being debated in the state legislature
    • City officials forget to bring their homework to police accountability bill discussion
    • And more in our local and global headlines.

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    [ Transcript and Audio ]
    Rustbelt Radio for June 6, 2011

    On today's show...

    • Activists keep the pressure on city officials to bring justice to the case of Jordan Miles' police beating
    • Pittsburghers plan to protest Target's annual shareholder meeting due to their funding of anti-gay politicians
    • Hip-hop artists Jasiri X and Paradise Gray ask, Is Pittsburgh Really America's Most Livable City?
    • Rustbelt Radio follows Pittsburgh's rainy spring downriver to learn about flood control efforts on the Mississippi
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    [ Transcript and Audio ]
    Rustbelt Radio for May 23, 2011

    On today's show...

    • The Marcellus Citizen Stewardship Project trains volunteers to monitor the gas drilling industry
    • An FCC Commissioner lands a job with NBC just four months after voting for the Comcast-NBC merger
    • A coalition of social services has formed against Governor Tom Corbett's proposed budget
    • Reports from the frontlines of the campaign for Justice for Jordan Miles
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    [ Transcript and Audio ]
    Rustbelt Radio for May 9, 2011

    On today's show, we'll hear ...

    • several responses to the killing of Osama Bin Laden
    • coverage of a counter NRA rally in Pittsburgh
    • reactions to the Justice Department refusing to prosecute the cops in the Jordan Miles' case
    • excerpts from a talk given by Diana Block on her book "Arm the Spirit"
    • And more in our local and global headlines
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    Rustbelt Radio for Apr. 25, 2011

    On today's show...

    • Bread and Puppet Circus bring the De-capitalization Cabaret through Pittsburgh
    • Activists plan to remember victims of gun violence during this weekend's NRA convention in Pittsburgh
    • Young filmmakers draw attention to the dangers of incarcerating youthful offenders in adult prisons
    • We hear from CMU historian, Roger Rouse, on rebel piracy & corporate revisionism
    • Activists gather for a Bradley Manning solidarity bike ride, taking a local look at the military industrial complex
    • And more in our local and global headlines.

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    Rustbelt Radio for April 11, 2011
    On today's show...

    • A look into local activist Nate Smith's legacy in black labor rights
    • Legislation introduced in Harrisburg will severely curtail women's health care rights
    • Commentary of a political cartoonist on our feeble democracy
    • And more in our local and global headlines
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    Rustbelt Radio for Mar. 28, 2011

    On today's show...

    • Coverage of the Pennsylvania liquor store privatization
    • An update on the Bradley Manning case
    • Councilman Burgess proposes reforms to Community Block Development Grant distribution
    • Marcellus Shale drilling threatens Pennsylvania State Forests
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for Mar. 14, 2011

    On today's show...

    • The Fraternal Order of Police again uses the St. Patrick's Day Parade to defend officers in the Jordan Miles case
    • Shalefields Grassroots Media investigates the impact of Marcellus drilling on sustainable farming in Pennsylvania.
    • Members of the queer community respond to a homophobic bar with a kiss-in
    • We bring you an on-the-ground report from the ongoing protests in Wisconsin.
    • Pittsburghers organize for the upcoming Make Jobs, Not War Rally
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for Feb. 28, 2011

    On today's show...

    • A look into the complexities and horrors of teenage incarceration in America
    • A report on the assault on reproductive health services provided by Title X (pronounce: ten) clinics
    • Voices on how immigration from Mexico is playing out in southwestern Pennsylvania
    • An update on conditions inside Pennsylvania's prison system
    • The Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture's annual conference addresses Marcellus shale drilling
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for February 14, 2011

    On today's show...

    • We hear dispatches from the Egyptian revolution, as well as reaction here at home
    • A report about a local activist who is challenging trans-phobia in the mainstream media
    • News from Pittsburghers who support street artists serving time in prison
    • A feature about the ongoing health risks of drilling in the Marcellus Shale natural gas fields
    • And more in our local and global headlines
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    Rustbelt Radio for Jan. 31, 2011

    On today's show...

    • We'll bring you news of Pittsburgh-area support for democracy in Egypt
    • We hear coverage of the Black and White Reunion's 13th Annual Summit Against Racism
    • We'll have news of the Steelworkers' ongoing fight to hold corporate interests accountable for economic misdeeds
    • We hear from the ACLU of Pennsylvania on upcoming anti-immigrant legislation
    • FedUp brings us the latest P-A prisons radio report
    • Local lawyers weigh in on police pursuit of the Jordan Miles faux press release
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    [ Transcript and Audio ]
    Rustbelt Radio for Jan. 17, 2011

    On today's show...

    • Pranksters release a fake F.O.P. press release claiming an about-face regarding the Jordan Miles investigation
    • The Pittsburgh chapter of the Human Rights Coalition offers a report from Pennsylvania's prisons
    • We hear coverage of Philadelphia's People's Tribunal Against Police Brutality and Misconduct
    • Special coverage in honor of the one-year anniversary of the Haiti earthquake including a commemoration of the tragedy by a local rapper, information on a local company who plans to tap energy resources in the country and also a report from Independent journalist Jordan Flaherty on corporate profiteering at Haiti's expense
    • And more in our local and global headlines

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    Rustbelt Radio for Jan. 03, 2011
    On today's show we bring you a special holiday broadcast from Thousand Kites, a national dialogue project addressing the criminal justice system.

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