Support artists while you listen to them!

Ever made a deep sigh when it comes to the possibility, or lack there of, of supporting the artists you want to listen to? Some are making it a lot easier for you, while others still try to lock their material behind as many paywalls as possible.

In the past year it has been possible for you to flattr music as you listen to it on Grooveshark. Unfortunately most of the popular artists don’t know that they have money waiting for them and have not signed up to get their share of the cake.

Luckily for us there are actually a number of artists who do. It is important that we support artists that recognise that there’s a shift coming on monetizing their content. We want to make it easier for to you support them, so we created this little playlist. The artists are identified through MusicBrainz.

All the songs in the play just were found through a search on Flattr. Among the the artists listed are Amanda Palmer, Message to Venus, Moto Boy, Binärpilot, Professor Kliq, Dubmood and more.

Sign up to Grooveshark and connect your Flattr account! Then go over and subscribe to this playlist. Listen through it and see what you like.

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Bootstrapping the Podcast Economy with Flattr

Over on the Evil Genius Chronicles podcast Dave Slusher wrote the following about how Podcasters and listeners can work together to kick start the use of Flattr on Podcasts, as a mutually beneficial arrangement.

by derrickkwa @ FlickrBootstrapping a Podcast Economy with Flattr
Very short version: I think Flattr has the possibility of enabling a reasonable podcast economy. If enough people use it, podcasters will be able to generate an income with minimal overhead. If I pointed you here from an email, it is because I want to give you money.

Slightly longer background:
If you are unfamiliar with Flattr, it is a very low friction microdonation system. The brilliant thing they did was to separate out the cash decision from the payment decision. Unlike most where you have to decide whether to pay $0.03 vs $0.05, that decision has a mental transaction cost. With Flattr, you allocate a pool of money to pay each month then you “Flattr” which is basically the same thing as a Digg, a Facebook like or a +1. The things you like in a month, that pool of money is spread equally across all of those. Brilliant.

I have had Flattr on my blog/podcast for a few years. It has been an interesting experiment and worth doing, but not a huge revenue producer for me. To this date, the using of Flattr was a niche, early adopter thing. My hope – and the reason for my push for advocacy – is that this spreads out into a more widely adopted platform.

In a world where this was as common as, say, Digg was at its height then there would be a reasonable amount of money flowing in a roughly meritocratic manner. The more listeners you have, in general the more money that should flow towards you. The money that comes into podcasting now is distributed quite bi-modally. The top 5% makes livable money from and Legal Zoom et al, the bottom 95% makes little or nothing. I’ve been lucky enough to sell t-shirts and make a little from sponsorships via the very kind folks at Backbeat Media. Over the course of this podcast, I am probably close to break even on hosting, equipment and various expenses. That probably puts me in the top 20 percentile of podcasters because most people pay expenses and earn nothing.

My pledge is that I will flattr every episode of every podcast in my subscription list that has it enabled. If you run off of WordPress, you can install the Flattr plugin and go to town. Make sure you check the option to put payment information in your RSS/Atom feed and you are good to go. I’m still looking for auto-flattring solutions, but for now I’m manually clicking the button on the site of every pocaster that has it on their site. The trickle has begun, I hope to see a wider adoption over time. If the amount climbs enough, I will increase the amount of money I give.
My appeal is two-fold. If you are a podcast listener and a fan, sign up for an account. The site is in Euros, that is no impediment to Americans. The money will auto-convert from your credit card. All of the podcasters that you listen to, flattr their episodes either automatically via a podcatcher or manually.

If you are a podcaster, create a Flattr account and let people give you money. If you run WordPress it is super easy, others might be slightly more work but nothing is hard to do. If you have technical questions, I volunteer to be your tech support. Be patient, don’t expect anything huge at first but I can guarantee nothing about this will suck money away from you. At worst, you wasted a few minutes. At best, you might find yourself paying your hosting or more with the money that flows in.

Because this is a “boil the ocean” situation, the early going has been and is tough. It makes little sense to sign up as a listener when there is nothing to flattr. As a creator, it makes little sense to invest in a platform with few users. Let’s cut through that, and push on both fronts simultaneously with a mutual leap of faith. Neither group has much to lose, so let’s all just do it. I’m doing both ends myself, so I’m as invested as I can be. Dan Benjamin of does it for all their shows, the biggest network adopter I know of at this point. As Rage Against the Machine sings: “It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime. What better place than here? What better time than now?”
This is already long, in a future post I’ll talk about auto-flattr solutions for podcast listeners.

For now, I urge everyone to give this a try. You click like, +1 and similar things all day every day. You understand the paradigm, let’s do it in a system where your money matches your attention.

If you liked this post you can flattr the original post here:

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German IT news site Golem gives you Flattr, one of the biggest (and best) German news site for the IT industry with a monthly user base of 1.8 million and over 12 million visits each month adds Flattr support for all their articles.

In our last blog post we talked about the fact that many people don’t like ads. knows this too. When they asked their readership to turn off ad-blockers it sparked a discussion about revenue options available, in this Flattr was suggested.

Because Golem’s readership asked for Flattr integration you can now flattr all their articles.

Golem also changed the integration of their social buttons to transmit less information to third party sites they also added Flattr for each article. Normally social buttons will send information to the other sites with each page load. The new integration will share the necessary information only when someone wants to share an item. Something their users also requested.

We welcome Golem to Flattr. Now go to their Flattr profile and give them a warm welcome!

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We do not want Ads – What to do instead

We have come to an interesting shift as a lot of content creators online would rely on ads as their main source of revenue. Now more and more ads are being blocked on the web. The people are speaking out with action saying that they do not want ads.

♡ 2013 Mimi and Eunice. Copying is an act of love. Please copy and share.It is upsetting the equilibrium of the internet. Yet the internet has always been a source interrupting the equilibrium of the world. Destructoid reported on the phenomena of close to 50% of their readership blocking their ads.

The people have spoken: We do not want ads.

How can it be a stigma to ask for donations, while asking your readership to unblock ads for your site is not? It is time to try get out of your shell and try something new! Allow your reader-viewer-ship to support you. It is quite evident that they like what you do, or they wouldn’t be coming back eternally.

You will lose money on it being adblocked no matter what, so what do you really have to lose by trying out a different means of revenue already? OK Cupid offered it’s visitors to go Ad-Free forever for $5 when ads were blocked. Similar examples have been around with Flattr, they are few and far between since most of our users don’t want ads on their sites either.

Want to learn more? Let me direct you to some useful links:
How Flattr works
How to use Flattr as a creator

We’re not telling you to stop using ads, but give those of us who want to adblock the option to support you in other ways – win/win.

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Adding Bitcoin support

Apparently the great community around Bitcoins wants us to add Bitcoin funding, the nagging has sometimes been skilled like that of an old lady.

As you asked for it. You got it! We are happy to tell you that you can now fund your account with Bitcoins. Just pick Bitcoin on the “Add funds” page.

The Bitcoin payments are handled by awesome Danish Startup BIPS, located in Copenhagen, just 30 minutes from Malmö, where we are.

Want to be able to withdraw in bitcoins? Tell us!

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Introducing Fleddit – Flattr, Reddit mashup!

Before I start this post I would just like to officially say that Flattr has a really outstanding community of developers that we are so happy to work with.  This list includes the awesome folks behind the Flattr IOS Manager App, Superfav, Flattrstar, Youtify, Fundd, and many more.  As if it couldn’t get anymore awesome here comes Fleddit, a Flattr, Reddit mashup built by the ever industrious Flattr user @SkaveRat.

Fleddit allows any Flattr user to tip posts and comments that they enjoy across Reddit simply by typing +flattr in the comment thread.  Currently, this list of subreddits is supported and there is now a special subreddit just for Fleddit enthusiasts call /r/Tippit.

Tippit is a community to discover Flattr worthy content on Reddit.  It was created by the brothers @DavidDiGiovanni and @PauliDiGi of the Group SRC podcast who have been big boosters of Flattr in the United States.  They also created this handy graphic below that explains how to connect accounts and start using Fleddit today.

Big thank you from the Flattr team to both of them!

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Adding support for YouTube

Creators are uploading 72 hours of video to YouTube every minute of the day. much of it is what make the internet valuable for us all to use. Now you can easily show real appreciation to all creators on YouTube.

YouTubeJust like on Soundcloud, Vimeo, Instagram etc you just like creators on YouTube to send a microdonation to them.

We think this is a big thing. Most of the creators on YouTube never sees any money for the content they produce.

How to flattr on YouTube
1. Go to your settings page
2. Connect with YouTube (make sure your YouTube account is connected with your Google account)
3. Like videos. We love Anita Sarkeesian and her video series Feminist Frequency
4. Tell the world you’re supporting creators on YouTube. Or, if you’re a creator, that your fans can support your work.

Voilà! You are making the internet a better place for creators.

More to come
We are hard at work to enable you to flattr creators on more services. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or here to hear about it first.


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Twitter is forcing us to drop users ability to flattr creators by favoriting their tweets

We think that we’ve created a beautiful way to support creators by checking what you favorited on Twitter and letting you send a flattr to the writer of a tweet. Twitter did not.

So we are extremely sad to announce that from today (16th of April 2013) at noon CET we will remove the possibility to flattr tweets via the use of favorites, as per instructions from Twitter.

What we do
To enable support for flattring tweets we use two sources of data our users have created. The data about what a user favorited on Twitter, and the data about the tweet that was created. To do this we need a Twitter API key.

What Twitter said
Recently Twitter contacted us and told us that we are violating their API terms citing the second part of a clause (IV. Commercial Use, 2C. Advertising Around Twitter Content) saying “Your advertisements cannot resemble or reasonably be confused by users as a Tweet. For example, ads cannot have Tweet actions like follow, retweet, favorite, and reply. And you cannot sell or receive compensation for Tweet actions or the placement of Tweet actions on your Service.”

Twitter steampunkThis is a quite logical clause as it would stop companies to sell e.g. retweets and followers. It’s an understandable rule to keep the Twitter network clean but in this case the rule is strangely stomping out innovation on their platform.

However, the term Twitter call to is a term about advertisment that states that we can not be compensated. One can argue that we can not get money based on this clause. Even though we think that is not obvious.

So we suggested to forgo our 10%, to not be compensated as a service. This would mean that the flattr donation go from supporter to creator in it’s entirety. That did not help.

Twitter said: “Our API Terms of Service state that you cannot sell or receive compensation for Tweet actions or the placement of Tweet actions on your Service. This includes compensation attached to a Tweet Action sent to either a service or through a service to another user.”

The idea of not letting people use their favorites in the way they want is in no way is mentioned in the API terms. We feel that Twitter is reading things into their terms that is not there.

With Flattr you can not of course pay people to retweet, follow or favorite you. Flattr is the opposite, a way to voluntary reward someone for something that they have created. It’s not possible to use Flattr to pay creators to get a certain result.

Well, the reality is that this was not how Twitter read it. After mailing with Twitter’s “Platform Operations” about this Twitter replied to us that, “If your service compensates content creators … in a manner that is not attached to Tweet Actions, this would be in compliance with our API Terms of Service.” To favorite somebody is considered a Tweet Action.

We have tried to suggest different solutions asking for an exception to the terms, even forgoing our cut, etc, without any result. But, this does not mean that we will give up negotiating with them over this on behalf our users and also their users.

Twitter users create the favorite and just like they own their tweets they should own the result of their action. If you favorite something we argue that you should be able to decide what you want to do with the data you create. If you want to use it to give Flattr donations to other Twitter users you should be the one to make that decision.

What is happening now?
From noon today (the 16th of April 2013) at noon CET we are forced to remove the ability to support creators by favoriting their tweets. This to comply with their API terms of service.

We are working on other ways to support creators on Twitter, and will keep the discussions going with Twitter towards a more acceptable resolution.

Remember, you can still use our browser extension to flattr tweets.
And, there are still eight great services, a lot of blogs, and other awesome content you can flattr.

Adding YouTube!
Starting today we have enabled supporters to send microdonations to creators on YouTube! Just like on Soundcloud, Vimeo, Instagram etc you just like videos on YouTube to flattr them.

We are on a mission to help creators get paid for their work. It’s their work that makes the internet so valuable to us all.

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Flattr as a payment(wall) on news sites

It’s a well known fact that news organizations over the world are discussing when and how they should start using a paywall, if they already haven’t.

Certainly inevitable if you look at the trends in newspaper industry, where revenue from readers is starting to be higher than the from ads. But there are lot’s of different ways to go, from a rigid wall to an open approach where all material is available with the possibility for readers to pay for what they like.

A global payment solution
It’s becoming quite a hassle to read news online. All news sites are implementing their own walls and subscription plans. The problem is of course that we don’t consume content in silos. Never had, never will.

If your news company isn’t The New York Times it’s highly unlikly that readers outside your absolute proximity sign up to read the one article they were referred to by a friend or that is the talk of the web.

Here’s how Flattr can be utilized on news sites

The button
There are a lot of ways in which Flattr can be used by news sites. The obvious way is to embed the Flattr button next to the articles, as is doing.

The fly out
To increase clicks, the button can be featured in a fly out that appears when the reader scrolls down towards the end of the article:
“Hey, it seems that you like what you read. Show the writer your appreciation with a micro payment!”

The auto flattr
Why not build a solution that much like Grooveshark’s Flattr integration where you just “Listen to Flattr“? News sites can enable readers to automatically flattr articles they’ve finished reading, by measuring how long they’ve scrolled the page.

The freemium
A soft way to lock content is to allow readers to read a part of text and flattr it to read the whole thing, or Flattr to read exclusive material, insights from the author etc.

The “nag screen”
For sites that want to force people to pay but believe that it’s better to be a part of a payment system that works all over the web, Flattr can be used for that as well. By using Flattr in a nag screen you can find a the perfect balance between completely open and completely closed by asking your readers to flattr after reading one or many articles to forcing them to flattr before reading an article .

The wall
A full paywall, forcing people to flattr to read, isn’t something we recommend, we believe that it’s smarter to make let the payment be voluntary and have good arguments to why people should support the work they’ve consumed. But, if you really want a wall, you can absolutely use Flattr as the gate opener.

Tell readers why they can read your articles and why they should voluntarily pay
The more articulate you are with why you need your readers money, how much better quality your journalistic work will have etc, the bigger the motivation for readers to pay you will be.

This is a big part to the success of crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter. The first thing you see is a video and text describing why the creator wants you money and what he or she will use them for. We all need good reasons to buy. Good quality needs to be proven, the best way to let it show is of course to let readers read first and pay second.

The big German news outlet is a good example of this. In the sidebar they give readers a prompt to pay. If you read further they say:

“With a few clicks you can support the journalistic independence of the taz and the free access of – regularly.”

And they’ve made a nice video

Our intention
Our mission is to get people to value all the amazing content we get on the internet every day. Think about it! We are giving creators a way to say yes to money and supporters a way show appreciation directly to the creators.

The idea that everyone have to pay doesn’t apply to a digital environment. Rather it’s its best advantage to the physical world. A copy doesn’t cost anything and you can increase reach and monetize at the same time. The idea of freemium is very common on the web. “Some pay, the rest get it free”. It’s a proven concept to increase the number of paying consumers. The real quest is to create a solution that makes the most people possible pay. It’s a case of changing the way we pay to be in line with our online behavior. Consume first, pay after.

It’s not about getting everybody to pay for everything, it’s about enabling all that finds specific pieces of content valuable for them to pay.

We believe in an open internet, where as much awesome content as possible remains open. To make that happen, think outside of plans for single site paywalls and get the readers to pay you voluntarily for the content that is valuable to them.


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FiveYearItch gives new clients $200 to flattr is a platform for developers seeking a new job. They matches what it would take to make you leave your job with employers who can promise to meet your requirements. Brilliant. And they just come up with another really good idea.

FiveYearItch will credit $200 to the Flattr account of each professional who gets a new job through the Rather than cash or trinkets, they decided to give an experience, an opportunity to do some good for the world. This way, the software developer, the employer, FiveYearIch, and Flattr all cooperate to “pay it forward” to worthy causes, and in particular to the open source developers who help us get our jobs done.

Half the barrier to donating to worthy causes is the hassle. Flattr pioneered a new, easier, style of donation. This initiative takes it one step further, by getting people and organizations the chace to give together. Collaborating with others to do good is the best social glue, and can encourage everyone involved to donate further.

This is definitely a great way of using flattr. We look forward to help companies give their employees money on their Flattr account as Christmas gifts etc.

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