Texas Immigrant Rights Caravan Ends with Die-In at Senator Cornyn's Office

From reformimmigrationfortexas.org:

Six more people were arrested today in Austin, Texas protesting the border militarization provisions in immigration reform.

Their arrests come two days after three were arrested at the Democratic Party headquarters in Dallas, where they were also protesting militarization.

About 300 people people flooded 6th Street in Austin just before rush hour. They shut down traffic, blocking cars with giant cardboard fences — representing the border wall. Protestors demonstrated in front of the fence and handed out leaflets with information on the humanitarian crisis of migrant deaths at the border. Militarization forces migrants into the hands of criminals who promise to get them to the U.S., but who often abuse, exploit or abandon them. Those making the journey alone are pushed into the most dangerous, most remote areas. Falfurrias, Texas is one such area where the number of bodies is overwhelming the small police force there.

The protest was a die-in. Think sit-in.

Anti-Choice Texas SB5 Defeated, New Special Session Called by Perry

Texas SB5 was defeated on the morning of June 26, 2013. A 13 hour filibuster by State Senator Wendy Davis (D-Fort Worth) prevented a vote on the bill. Hundreds of opponents of the bill gathered at the Capitol to show their support of reproductive rights. Governor Rick Perry announced a new special session will begin on July 1.

Photo by Ann Harkness

Father's Day Vigil at Polk County Immigrant Detention Center

Grassroots Leadership, Texans United for Families, Liberating Immigrant Families Together, la TUYA, Living Hope Wheelchair Association, Houstons United for the Prevention of Border Deaths and allies led a second vigil and protest outside of the IAH Polk Secure Adult Detention Center calling for its immediate closure. After conducting a visit during the summer of 2012 and speaking with numerous men detained at the facility, members of TUFF, Grassroots Leadership & allies identified the Polk County Detention Center as one of the top ten worst immigrant prisons in the U.S., guilty of committing acute and chronic human rights violations.



Stop Monsanto - Occupy Austin Overpass Light Brigade


The Occupy Austin group and other activists came together to show support for food without Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). These activists stand for the labeling of products containing GMOs and aim to educate the public about what Monsanto has done to our food system.

Austin in Solidarity with Occupy Gezi and the Protest Movement in Turkey


Austinites Rallied in Solidarity with the protesters in Turkey rising against their government.

As peaceful protestors occupying public land were brutally beaten down by police with teargas and water cannons, we heard the calls for international solidarity. We show our support for the Turkish people to shine a light on the crimes against humanity committed by the state and police of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Thousands have rallied worldwide in solidarity with protesters in Istanbul and Ankara, and thousands more will rally still. The whole world is watching.

An Austin Indymedia Production.
Produced/Edited by Jeff Zavala.
Filmed by Grace Alfar

Robert Jensen on "Arguing for Our Lives"

UT professor Robert Jensen discusses and reads from his new book, Arguing for Our Lives: A User's Guide to Constructive Dialog, published by City Lights.  http://www.citylights.com/book/?GCOI=...
With the quality of political engagement at an all-time low—and threats to social justice and ecological sustainability at an all-time high—it has never been more important for citizens to be able to argue constructively. In this lively primer on critical thinking that draws on more than two decades of classroom experience and community organizing, Jensen offers practical advice on challenging the conventional wisdom and confronting the crises of our time.

Honk! TX Marching Band Festival 2013

An outgrowth of the Honk Festival established in Somerville, Massachusetts in 2006, Honk!TX brings together a nationwide community of activist marching bands and community-rooted union of art, activism, and music for a three day event in several different venues located in East and Central Austin. Austin's own Minor Mishap Marching Band organized the first HONK!TX along with other local arts and culture groups for it's debut in 2011 and continues to be the driving force behind this annual event. Community street bands range in size from 4 to 40 members usually performing in public spaces without amplification or stages wearing band colors and home made uniforms and playing original, traditional, and borrowed music on a wide variety of instruments while encouraging lively audience participation. The repertoire and inspiration for community marching band music comes from a diverse set of folk music traditions, including New Orleans second line brass bands, European klezmer, Balkan and Romani music, and Brazilian Afro Bloc and Frevo traditions, as well as the passion and spirit of Mardi Gras and Carnaval.


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