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ABC lights up social media with NYE fizzer

With national coverage, a host of guest stars and spectacular fireworks, the ABC's coverage of Australia's New Year's Eve celebrations should have been a sparkler, so what went wrong?

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ABC TV's director of television Richard Finlayson has played a straight bat to criticism over the corporation's New Year's Eve broadcast, insisting Lawrence Mooney and Stephanie Brantz “did a terrific job”.

The four-hour live broadcast has sparked a lively debate on social media and beyond with detractors insisting it was amateurish and at times offensive.

“Four hours of live TV is a huge undertaking,” said Mr Finlayson. “While there's always things to review and improve, we think our team did a terrific job in celebrating an iconic Australian event.

“Social media is full of a range of opinions, positive and negative. All feedback is useful and our ratings numbers are saying that Australians voted with their remotes in favour of the ABC coverage.”

He said he was “thrilled” the broadcast reached a national audience of 3.8million people and won more viewers than Channel Nine's coverage last year.

“Our approach was to create a national event, using a breadth of ABC talent, over four hours, rather than just cover the firework displays as has been the previous practice,” he said.

An ABC spokesman said the broadcaster has received some 140 complaints about the New Year special "which is not extraordinary for program with an audience of this size".

Meanwhile, Mooney said he had a “great time” and felt he and Brantz did a “good job”.

Earlier, Mooney had expressed his thoughts more fully on Twitter in response to a supportive comment from fellow comedian Greg Fleet:  “NYE coverage was a moist babe with sound problems happily stomped to death by folks sharpening knives on holiday. No biggy xx,” he wrote.