BlackRock, the world's largest money manager, has emerged as a substantial shareholder in embattled mining services company Forge Group, explaining a mysterious spike in the company's share price over the past fortnight.

Shares in Forge Group rose for six consecutive trading days from December 20, adding a total of 127.3 per cent, including a dramatic 54.6 per cent rise in a single day.

Forge Group was required to respond to price queries from the stock exchange on December 27, and again the following Monday. In both instances, it said it knew of no reason - other than those already announced to the market - to explain the spike in the volume of trading and the value of its shares.

Before the market opened on Friday, Forge Group released BlackRock's new substantial shareholder disclosure statement.

Forge Group's head of operation services Mark Rankmore last week denied takeover rumours, saying people inside the company were ''trying to figure out who is mopping up the stock'', while chief executive David Simpson suggested the rally could be a sign some investors were beginning to appreciate his ''threefold diversification strategy''. The disclosure statement lodged with the ASX said BlackRock started accumulating Forge stock on September 3, with the directors voting in favour of becoming a substantial shareholder on November 22.

The volume and pace of buying accelerated in late December; between the 17th and 31st the fund traded 2.77 million Forge Group shares. The total number of Forge shares owned by four BlackRock funds based in Australia, Britain and the US is now 4.586 million. Bloomberg data shows BlackRock is now the 15th-largest shareholder, holding about 5.3 per cent.

The late-December rally followed a dramatic share-price crash in November. Forge Group shares were valued at $4.18 when the company entered a trading halt on November 1. They crashed to as low as 29¢ after it emerged from a three-week halt on November 28 to reveal $127 million worth of write-downs on two power-plant projects and forecast a loss of $85 million to $90 million for 2014. The company lost more than 80 per cent of its market value in one day.

On December 17, it announced it had been awarded $40 million worth of contracts in North America. On December 30, it confirmed Samsung C&T had provided formal notification to proceed with phase three of a joint-venture contract at the Roy Hill iron ore mining project in Western Australia.

That contract is worth $830 million to Forge. Forge shares were down 6.6 per cent at $1.42.