Popular shows and episodes

  • What's Really In Our Food



    Season 4, Episode 8 (22:39)   Rating: 35 out of 5 stars

    More: What's Really In Our Food | Genre: Food, Series

    Can salad prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease and even improve our eyesight? Or does the risk from pesticides and toxins mean we shouldn’t be eating it at all?

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  • I Helped My Daughter Die

    I Helped My Daughter Die

    (27:29)   Rating: 35 out of 5 stars

    Genre: Health, Documentary

    What drives a mother to help her child die? For a year, cameras followed Kay Gilderdale - a British woman at the centre of an assisted suicide trial - as she faced a possible life sentence over her part in the death of her daughter Lynn. She talks exclusively and explores whether the law should be changed.

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  • The Terrorist

    The Terrorist

    (1:38:00)   Rating: 40 out of 5 stars

    Genre: Movies

    Two anti-terrorist agents are sent to find the dangerous leader of a radical organization. Underlining America's paranoia with the Islamic world post 9/11, The Terrorist, asks the question of whether innocence or guilt even matters to people who lust for vengeance.

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  • Arctic Dilemma

    The Greening of Iceland

    The Greening of Iceland

    Season 1, Episode 2 (48:27)   Rating: 45 out of 5 stars

    More: Arctic Dilemma | Genre: Nature, Science, Documentary, Environment, Series

    Iceland is caught between forces, the ice of its glaciers and the fire of its volcanos. But it is also caught between the warmer and the cooler currents that create climate and weather. How will climate change affect the future of this island and its people?

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  • Arctic Dilemma

    Greenland Connection

    Greenland Connection

    Season 1, Episode 1 (48:50)   Rating: 35 out of 5 stars

    More: Arctic Dilemma | Genre: Nature, Science, Documentary, Environment, Series

    Greenland and the arctic are being severely affected by climate change. But as its ice sheets melt how will the changes to Greenland affect other countries far away?

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  • What Males will Do

    What Males will Do

    (51:32)   Rating: 30 out of 5 stars

    Genre: Nature, Science, Documentary

    Apparently, there is nothing a male will not do for the right to mate with a female - dance, sing, fight, change body colors, illuminate, even agree to be eaten alive

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  • Clone

    First Clone

    First Clone

    Season 1, Episode 1 (29:29)   Rating: 35 out of 5 stars

    More: Clone | Genre: Comedy, Series

    A brilliant government scientist unveils the first human clone, intended to be a prototype super soldier, but the experiment goes horribly wrong.

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  • Fight Science

    Human Weapons

    Human Weapons

    Season 3, Episode 4 (50:24)   Rating: 35 out of 5 stars

    More: Fight Science | Genre: Military, Science, Documentary, Series

    Four out of five people will be the victim of at least one violent crime in their lifetime. One of the main problems is that we don't have the knowledge or physical skill-set to turn the situation in our favour. Self-defence specialists have determined there are two techniques that drastically alter those odds.

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  • Australia: Land Beyond Time

    Australia: Land Beyond Time

    (42:13)   Rating: 35 out of 5 stars

    Genre: Nature, Documentary

    From the miles of red, weathered sand dunes that characterize the continent's famed Outback, to the cascading waterfalls and lush wildlife of its scattered rainforest, Australia is a land of extremes. The film explores this landscape and its inhabitants, who represent nature's burning desire to adapt, overcome and even flourish in the most threatening and tumultuous conditions.

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  • Blood Into Wine

    Blood Into Wine

    (1:36:23)   Rating: 45 out of 5 stars

    Genre: Music, Food, Documentary

    Enigmatic Tool front man Maynard James Keenan took a leave of absence for a sleepy Arizona ghost town and teamed up with formidable winemaking partner Eric Glomski to pioneer a sustainable wine industry in the harsh climates of the Arizona desert.

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  • Misfits

    Community Payback

    Community Payback

    Season 1, Episode 1 (45:48)   Rating: 45 out of 5 stars

    More: Misfits | Genre: Sci-Fi, Drama, Series

    Nathan, Kelly, Curtis, Alisha and Simon are a group of misfits. But when this group of teenagers get caught in a freak storm while on community service their lives are changed forever.

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  • Ten Things You Need to Know ...

    Ten Things You Need to Know About Losing Weight

    (59:19)   Rating: 35 out of 5 stars

    Genre: Food, Science, Health, Documentary

    Every year millions try to lose weight and most fail. We are constantly bombarded with advice about dieting and the latest slimming fads. But what really works?Medical journalist Michael Mosley investigates the latest scientific breakthroughs in slimming, uncovering 10 of the simplest ways you can shed those kilos.

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