- published: 22 Apr 2013
- views: 32
- author: HistoryForEDU
Wheatstone Wave Machine, c. 1875, Physics Dept., Union College, NY. maker: Rudolph Koenig
In the late 1840s Charles Wheatstone developed a moving mechanical model for demonstrating...
published: 16 Nov 2011
author: David Pantalony
Wheatstone Wave Machine, c. 1875, Physics Dept., Union College, NY. maker: Rudolph Koenig
Wheatstone Wave Machine, c. 1875, Physics Dept., Union College, NY. maker: Rudolph Koenig
In the late 1840s Charles Wheatstone developed a moving mechanical model for demonstrating wave properties of light and sound. It displayed both vertical and...- published: 16 Nov 2011
- views: 942
- author: David Pantalony
Real Facts Charles Wheatstone
Facts Charles Wheatstone Sir Charles Wheatstone FRS was an English scientist and invento...
published: 04 Dec 2013
Real Facts Charles Wheatstone
Real Facts Charles Wheatstone
Facts Charles Wheatstone Sir Charles Wheatstone FRS was an English scientist and inventor of many scientific breakthroughs of the Victorian era including the English concertina the stereoscope and the Playfair cipherHowever W Charles Wheatstone Source Wikipedia- published: 04 Dec 2013
- views: 1
Wheatstone's Synchronous Motor
Синхронный электродвигатель Уитстона Одним из ранних типов электрической машины был предло...
published: 15 Jun 2012
author: ChipDipvideo
Wheatstone's Synchronous Motor
Wheatstone's Synchronous Motor
Синхронный электродвигатель Уитстона Одним из ранних типов электрической машины был предложенный в 1841 г. Ч. Уитстоном построившим синхронный электродвигате...- published: 15 Jun 2012
- views: 1513
- author: ChipDipvideo
Resistivity and Wheatstone's bridge - Part 2 of 5 - By Atheer Dawood Mahir
A Wheatstone bridge is a measuring instrument invented by Samuel Hunter Christie in 1833 a...
published: 29 Jun 2010
author: admslc
Resistivity and Wheatstone's bridge - Part 2 of 5 - By Atheer Dawood Mahir
Resistivity and Wheatstone's bridge - Part 2 of 5 - By Atheer Dawood Mahir
A Wheatstone bridge is a measuring instrument invented by Samuel Hunter Christie in 1833 and improved and popularized by Sir Charles Wheatstone in 1843 [1]. ...- published: 29 Jun 2010
- views: 2046
- author: admslc
Wheatstone Bridge
Check us out at http://physics.tutorvista.com Wheatstone Bridge Wheatstone bridge is an el...
published: 06 May 2010
author: TutorVista
Wheatstone Bridge
Wheatstone Bridge
Check us out at http://physics.tutorvista.com Wheatstone Bridge Wheatstone bridge is an electric circuit and as the name suggests, it is in a shape of a brid...- published: 06 May 2010
- views: 29801
- author: TutorVista
Resistivity and Wheatstone's bridge - Part 1 of 5 - By Atheer Dawood Mahir
A Wheatstone bridge is a measuring instrument invented by Samuel Hunter Christie in 1833 a...
published: 29 Jun 2010
author: admslc
Resistivity and Wheatstone's bridge - Part 1 of 5 - By Atheer Dawood Mahir
Resistivity and Wheatstone's bridge - Part 1 of 5 - By Atheer Dawood Mahir
A Wheatstone bridge is a measuring instrument invented by Samuel Hunter Christie in 1833 and improved and popularized by Sir Charles Wheatstone in 1843 [1]. ...- published: 29 Jun 2010
- views: 10434
- author: admslc
Resistivity and Wheatstone's bridge - Part 5 of 5- By Atheer Dawood Mahir
A Wheatstone bridge is a measuring instrument invented by Samuel Hunter Christie in 1833 a...
published: 30 Jun 2010
author: admslc
Resistivity and Wheatstone's bridge - Part 5 of 5- By Atheer Dawood Mahir
Resistivity and Wheatstone's bridge - Part 5 of 5- By Atheer Dawood Mahir
A Wheatstone bridge is a measuring instrument invented by Samuel Hunter Christie in 1833 and improved and popularized by Sir Charles Wheatstone in 1843 [1]. ...- published: 30 Jun 2010
- views: 472
- author: admslc
Resistivity and Wheatstone's bridge - Part 3 of 5 - By Atheer Dawood Mahir
A Wheatstone bridge is a measuring instrument invented by Samuel Hunter Christie in 1833 a...
published: 29 Jun 2010
author: admslc
Resistivity and Wheatstone's bridge - Part 3 of 5 - By Atheer Dawood Mahir
Resistivity and Wheatstone's bridge - Part 3 of 5 - By Atheer Dawood Mahir
A Wheatstone bridge is a measuring instrument invented by Samuel Hunter Christie in 1833 and improved and popularized by Sir Charles Wheatstone in 1843 [1]. ...- published: 29 Jun 2010
- views: 2138
- author: admslc
Stereogram HD View 3D
A stereogram is any image that, through one of several techniques, is able to convey the e...
published: 03 Dec 2013
Stereogram HD View 3D
Stereogram HD View 3D
A stereogram is any image that, through one of several techniques, is able to convey the experience of depth perception to the viewer by means of stereopsis for binocular vision. Originally, stereogram referred to a pair of stereo images which could be viewed using a stereoscope. Nowadays, there are many other methods to display stereoscopic images. The stereogram was discovered by Charles Wheatstone in 1838. He found an explanation of binocular vision which led him to construct a stereoscope based on a combination of prisms and mirrors to allow a person to see 3D images from two 2D pictures. Between 1849 and 1850, David Brewster, a Scottish scientist, improved the Wheatstone stereoscope by using lenses instead of mirrors, thus reducing the size of the device. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. invented an improved form of stereoscope in 1861, which had no mirrors and was inexpensive to produce. These stereoscopes were immensely popular for decades. Salvador Dalí created some impressive stereograms in his exploration in a variety of optical illusions. In the early 1900s, devices like the View-Master were developed, gaining moderate popularity. Stereograms were re-popularized by the creation of autostereograms on computers, wherein a 3D image is hidden in a single 2D image, until the viewer focuses the eyes correctly. The Magic Eye series is a popular example of this. Magic Eye books refer to autostereograms as stereograms, leading most people to believe that the word stereogram is synonymous with autostereogram. Stereogram je optická iluze prostorového vidění plochého dvourozměrného obrazu. Původně šlo o pár obrázků, kdy každý byl pořízen z trochu jiného úhlu a které se prohlížely zvláštním zařízením -- stereoskopem. Tyto stereobrázky lze prohlížet i bez pomůcek pomoci jistého šilhání. Buď se levé oko dívá na pravý obrázek a pravé na levý, nebo se oči sice dívají rovnoběžně jako při pohledu do nekonečna, ale zaostřené nablízko. Oba způsoby se však musejí natrénovat. Mezi další stereoobrázky patří anaglyfy, kdy jsou dva obrázky zakódovány do jednoho pomocí dvou různých barev a prohlížejí se pomocí brýlí, kdy na každém oku je jiný barevný filtr. Stereogrammer er billeder der ved at snyde øjnene med periodiske gentagelser fremstår som tredimensionelle for en beskuer der har lært teknikken til at se motivet. Til gengæld vil billedet for en ikke-trænet ofte være umuligt at se. Stereogram-effekten kan nås på meget simple måder; det drejer sig om at et motiv skal gentage sig selv således at gentagelserne overlapper hinanden når beskueren bevidst fejlfokuserer på billedet. El estereograma és una il·lusió òptica basada en la capacitat que tenen els ulls de captar imatges des de diferents punts de vista. Aquestes perspectives diferents són captades de tal forma pel cervell, que sembla ser una imatge tridimensional. Els estereogramas s'han fet durant anys, sobreposant dos fotografias preses des angle lleugerament diferents. Actualment, però, s'han popularitzat, gràcies als RDS (estereograma de punts aleatoris) creats amb programes d'ordinador. Per veure un estereograma, el més important és entendre el resultat esperat. La idea és desenfocar la vista de la imatge, de tal manera que siguin captades ambdues perspectives. Alguns recomanen mirar a l'infinit, és a dir, fixar la vista en un objecte distant i sense desenfocar, tractar de mirar la imatge. Altres prefereixen fixar la vista en un dit mentre s'acosta lentament cap a la imatge, o tractar d'observar el reflex de la imatge en un vidre, depèn de cadascú i de la seva condició visual. O estereograma é unha ilusión óptica baseada na capacidade que teñen os ollos de captar imaxes desde distintos puntos de vista. Esas perspectivas diferentes son captadas de tal forma polo cerebro, que parece ser unha imaxe tridimensional. Os estereogramas fixéronse durante anos, sobrepondo dúas fotografías tomadas desde ángulos lixeiramente distintos. Con todo, popularizáronse grazas aos RDS (Estereograma de puntos aleatorios) creados con programas de computadora. Lo stereogramma, immagine stereoscopica o fotografia stereoscopica, è un'immagine piana bidimensionale atta a fornire una illusione di profondità. In origine il termine definiva una immagine stereoscopica parallela che poteva essere vista attraverso uno stereoscopio o la libera visione stereoscopica. Altri tipi di stereogrammi includono gli anaglifi e gli autostereogrammi. Frederico Custodio Ribeiro 12/3/13- published: 03 Dec 2013
- views: 77
Needle Telegraph
The growth of the railways from 1825 onwards brought with it a need for a new form of comm...
published: 28 Feb 2008
author: salfordphones
Needle Telegraph
Needle Telegraph
The growth of the railways from 1825 onwards brought with it a need for a new form of communications that could work over large distances and in any weather....- published: 28 Feb 2008
- views: 7571
- author: salfordphones
A stereogram is any image that, through one of several techniques, is able to convey the e...
published: 18 Dec 2012
author: Frederico Custodio
A stereogram is any image that, through one of several techniques, is able to convey the experience of depth perception to the viewer by means of stereopsis ...- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 903
- author: Frederico Custodio
How to watch 3D movies without expensive hardware: Reflecting Stereoscope
3D for All: Reflecting Stereoscope. This simple device is based on an old idea described b...
published: 12 Oct 2011
author: AsteroFX
How to watch 3D movies without expensive hardware: Reflecting Stereoscope
How to watch 3D movies without expensive hardware: Reflecting Stereoscope
3D for All: Reflecting Stereoscope. This simple device is based on an old idea described by professor Sir Charles Wheatstone at 1838. Would you like to watch...- published: 12 Oct 2011
- views: 24560
- author: AsteroFX
3D Images WITHOUT 3D Glasses. Includes 3D Instructional Training!
3D Images WITHOUT 3D Glasses. Includes 3D Instructional Training! First invented by Sir Ch...
published: 27 Apr 2011
author: OmniLazy
3D Images WITHOUT 3D Glasses. Includes 3D Instructional Training!
3D Images WITHOUT 3D Glasses. Includes 3D Instructional Training!
3D Images WITHOUT 3D Glasses. Includes 3D Instructional Training! First invented by Sir Charles Wheatstone in 1838, Stereoscopy (also called stereoscopic or ...- published: 27 Apr 2011
- views: 887
- author: OmniLazy
Vimeo results:
16 years after the invention of photography Sir Char...
published: 06 Feb 2013
author: Adam John Green
16 years after the invention of photography Sir Charles Wheatstone proposed the idea for a stereoscope.
Using the founding principles of that discovery, this video is a brief experimental piece exploring and re-discovering how simple and clean ideas can provide interesting outcomes.
Stereoscopic worlds
This video documents four new works created with support from the Australia Council Visual...
published: 08 Jun 2010
author: Chris Henschke
Stereoscopic worlds
This video documents four new works created with support from the Australia Council Visual Arts Board:
‘Stereoscope’– an antique stereoscopic cabinet containing a sequence of thirteen stereoscopic images on cards, which can be selected using the original mechanical rotation dials on the side of the box. The images are collaged from 50+ antique stereoscopic prints, collectively becoming a journey through a subterranean imaginary historical space.
‘Verascope’ – a rebuilt antique stereoscopic viewer on a small stand housing an embedded digital screen and media player. It plays a stereoscopic animated version of the collages in the stereoscope, a looping flythrough that moves endlessly into the depths of the space.
‘Wheatstone Chamber’ – an antique stereoscopic viewing cabinet that has been modified to contain a digital display and also an illuminated diorama with a magic lantern viewing lens. Both the stereoscope and the diorama display a chamber containing the seminal five needle telegraphic communicators of Charles Wheastone, who was a musician, scientist, and inventor of the stereoscope. The room is based upon the inside of Wheastone’s octagonal concertina music box, and the wall designs are based upon the pattern on his favourite tea set, which inspired the design of his famous ‘Wheatstone Bridge’ circuit. There is also a sound composition inspired by Wheatstone’s musical inventions and telegraph system.
‘Kaiser Accelerator’ - an antique stereoscopic viewing cabinet that has been modified to contain a digital display and also an illuminated diorama with a small viewing lens. The stereoscope and the diorama display a chamber containing a model Kaiserpanorama, a large stereoscopic viewing system that allows many people to view a sequence of backlit stereoscopic images. The eyepieces have been replaced by an array of magnets used in a particle accelerator. The accompanying sound composition is based on sounds I recorded in particle accelerators.
¿Qué Micrófono Auricular comprar? - APP informatica
Todas las novedades sobre Micrófono Auricular y las mejores ofertas en
published: 30 May 2013
author: Tiendas APP Informatica
¿Qué Micrófono Auricular comprar? - APP informatica
Todas las novedades sobre Micrófono Auricular y las mejores ofertas en
¿Qué Micrófono Auricular comprar?
¿Sueles hablar por skype con familiares y amigos? ¿Haces deporte y te gusta escuchar música?
¡Necesitas un Micrófono Auricular!
¿Qué es un micrófono?
Es un transductor que se encarga de transformar las vibraciones debidas a la presión acústica ejercida
por las ondas sonoras en energía eléctrica. Esto permite que podamos grabar sonidos y procesarlos.
¿Qué es un auricular?
Es un transductor que recibe una señal eléctrica originada desde una fuente electrónica, como puede ser
una radio, y genera ondas sonoras audibles. Gracias a que podemos acoplarlos a los oídos, obtenemos
una mejor recepción del sonido.
Cual elegir?
Hay una amplia variedad de micrófonos auriculares...
- Con micrófono: Si lo necesitas para hablar por skype o grabar audios, un auricular con micrófono te
resultará cómodo y muy práctico.
- Solo auricular: Si lo que quieres es tán solo escuchar música u otras grabaciones, elige solo auricular,
sin micro. Los encontrarás de diversas formas y modelos. Por ejemplo...
- De tapón: Este auricular tapona el oído, de manera que impide que se filtre cualquier ruído del exterior,
solo escuchas lo que emite el auricular.
- De botón: Son pequeños y se enganchan al oído adaptándose a su forma. Su uso está muy extendido
para la escucha de reproductores portátiles.
- De orejera: Son auriculares tipo casco que garantizan comodidad y conford. Los encontrarás con
diadema ajustable y control de volumen integrado en el cable.
- Inalámbrico: Con este auricular te olvidas de los cables. Podrás usarlos via bluetooth en cualquier
lugar que necesites.
- Gaming: Perfectos para disfrutar de los videojuegos. Ofrecen un sonido envolvente de muy buena
calidad y máxima comodidad para largas sesiones de juego.
Sabías que...?
El primer “micrófono” fué creado por Charles Wheatstone en 1827. Formaba parte del fonógrafo, donde
precisamente comenzó la historia del micrófono y las grabaciones de audio.
Fue en 1876 cuando Thomas Edison inventó el micrófono de carbón, el primero comercialmente práctico.
Youtube results:
Morse Code Radio Operator Training "Technique of Hand Sending" 1944 US Navy 10min
more at http://showbiz.quickfound.net/world_band_radio.html See also: an even better Morse...
published: 19 Feb 2012
author: Jeff Quitney
Morse Code Radio Operator Training "Technique of Hand Sending" 1944 US Navy 10min
Morse Code Radio Operator Training "Technique of Hand Sending" 1944 US Navy 10min
more at http://showbiz.quickfound.net/world_band_radio.html See also: an even better Morse Code hand sending training film, produced by the US Army in 1966: ...- published: 19 Feb 2012
- views: 22351
- author: Jeff Quitney
Arctic Explorer Lord Franklin - a song about his expedition to find the North-West Passage
Sung by Ian Page. I accompany myself on an English concertina by Wheatstone & Co. This son...
published: 24 Oct 2009
author: Ian Page
Arctic Explorer Lord Franklin - a song about his expedition to find the North-West Passage
Arctic Explorer Lord Franklin - a song about his expedition to find the North-West Passage
Sung by Ian Page. I accompany myself on an English concertina by Wheatstone & Co. This song is variously known as: "The Death of Lord Franklin", or "Lady Fra...- published: 24 Oct 2009
- views: 826
- author: Ian Page
Pioneers of the Network
Stories of pioneers of the telecom network, including the transatlantic cable in 1858. Fin...
published: 16 Nov 2011
author: Cisco
Pioneers of the Network
Pioneers of the Network
Stories of pioneers of the telecom network, including the transatlantic cable in 1858. Find out more: http://blogs.cisco.com/cle/pioneeers-of-the-network/ Tr...- published: 16 Nov 2011
- views: 2313
- author: Cisco
the lark in the morning on wheatstone....
published: 17 Mar 2013
author: swinginbunny
the lark in the morning on wheatstone.- published: 17 Mar 2013
- views: 1
- author: swinginbunny